Final Accounts

At some point during the Curatorship you will have to file final accounts as referred to in Article 43(20)(b) of the Mental Health (Jersey) Law, 1969.  These accounts will cover the period from the end of the last full set of accounts to the date that:-

Please ensure that:-
  • The name of the Interdict appears on the accounts.
  • That the accounts start from the correct date.
  • There is a clear indication of the period the accounts cover, for example, the 11.10.2010 to 08.05.2011.
  • That you take the opening balance for the final accounts from the closing balance on the last full set of accounts filed.
  • That all figures including pence are recorded accurately and add up.
    (Please do not round figures up or down).

Once you have completed the final accounts you must present the document to a competent witness (an Advocate or Solicitor, Jurat of the Royal Court or Notary Public) in order to swear the content as true under Oath.  Both you and the witness must sign the document and date it.  The accounts must then be filed at the Judicial Greffe.

The Law provides for a 30 day period in which to file the final accounts from the date the Curatorship ceases.

If the final accounts do not meet the required standard they will be returned to you for revision.

If you fail to file final accounts within the statutory time limit the case may be referred to Her Majesty’s Solicitor General.