Dispositions - OinC 1941 to 1955

Table of Laws and Orders in Council showing their disposition in revised edition - 1941 to 1955


Year and Number

Name of Law, Order In Council



Loi (1941) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique

Repealed by Law 1 of 1946


Currency Notes (Jersey) Law 1941

Repealed by Law 17 of 1959


Motor Vehicle Tax (Refunds) (Jersey) Law 1941

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi (1941) Amendement) sur l’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique

Repealed by Law 18 of 1960


Loi prolongeant pour le terme d’une année la gestion des Députés aux Etats

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Special Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1941

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Parish Rate (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1941

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Acte renouvelant la Loi (1941) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique pour une année

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi prolongeant pour un troisième terme d’une année la gestion des Députés aux Etats

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Interest and Periodical Payments (Adjustment) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1942

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Parish of Saint Hélier (General Purposes Loan) (Jersey) Law 1942

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôt sur certaines huiles et essences : renouvelement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Annual Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1943

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôt sur le tabac et la bière : renouvelement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Acte renouvelant la Loi (1941) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique pour une seconde période d’une année

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Droits d’entrée : renouvelement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôts sur les marchandises importées dans l’Ile : renouvelement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Taxe sur les divertissements : renouvelement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Social Assurance (Compensation for Accidents to Workers) (Additional Benefits) (Jersey) Law 1943



Loi (1943) (Amendement) touchant la falsification des denrées

Repealed by Law 9 of 1966


Loi (1943) sur les Testaments d’Immeubles (Dispositions Spéciales)

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi (1943) concernant les Cours Inférieures (Dispositions Spéciales)



Parish Rate (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1943

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi prolongeant pour un quatrième terme d’une année la gestion des Députés aux Etats

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôt sur le tabac : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1943

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Acte renouvelant la Loi (1941) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique pour une troisième période d’une année

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi (1944) concernant la prescription

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Currency Notes (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1944

Repealed by Law 17 of 1959


Parish of Saint Hélier (General Purposes Loan) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1944

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Parish Rate (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi prolongeant pour un cinquième terme d’une année la gestion des Députés aux Etats

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Acte renouvelant la Loi (1941) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique pour une quatrième période d’un année

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 1 of 1945

Confirmation of Laws (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Victoria College Scholarships (St. Mannelier and St. Anastase) (Temporary Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Franchise (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 22 of 1950


Public Elections (Temporary Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


National Registration (Jersey) Law 1945



Vente et consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950


Impôt sur certaines huiles et essences : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôt sur le tabac : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôt sur la bière : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Parish Rate (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Impôts sur les vins et spiritueux: Amendement No. 2

Repealed by Law 10 of 1973


Compensation pour accidents aux ouvriers: Amendement

Repealed by Law 18 of 1950


Expiring Fiscal Laws (Continuance) (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


War Profits Levy (Jersey) Law 1945

Repealed by Law 10 of 1962


Loi (No. 2) (1945) modifiant la Loi (1864) concernant la charge de Juge d’Instruction

Incorporated in Chapter 07.525


Cour pour le Recouvrement de Menues Dettes: Modification

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Compensation pour accidents aux ouvriers Amendement

Repealed by Law 18 of 1950


Committees of the States (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 2 of 1966


Asile des Aliénés : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Département des Officiers de la Couronne Amendement

Repealed by Law 22 of 1965


Naval and Military War Pensions Act 1915 : Loi pour abroger la Loi rendant applicable à cette Ile certaines prescriptions de l’Acte de Parlement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 1 of 1946

Loi (1946) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Publique

Repealed by Law 27 of 1999

Law 2 of 1946

Import and Export (Control) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999


Loi (1946) (Amendement No. 2) sur la compagnie du gaz

Repealed by Law 18 of 1989


War Profits Levy (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 10 of 1962


Expiring Fiscal Laws (continuance) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Entry Duties (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 28 of 1961


Tea (Import Duty) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 17 of 1948


Tea (Import Duty) (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 17 of 1948


Income Tax (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Act authorizing the raising of a loan to be designated the States of Jersey £1,970,000 Stg., Occupation 2% Loan 1955/60 in Inscribed Stock

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 3 of 1946

Loans Act 1946


Law 4 of 1946

Dwelling-Houses (Rent Control) (Jersey) Law 1946

Chapter 18.270


Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 5 of 1946

Parish Rate (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by L.18/2003


Amendement au Règlement (1931) déterminant le mode de perception des honoraires appartenant aux Revenus Généraux des Etats en vertu des Lois y spécifiées

Repealed by R&O.3771


Règlement modifiant la Loi (1932) sur la vente et la consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses dans cette Ile

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950

Law 6 of 1946

Loi (1946) concernant l’expulsion des locataires réfractaires

Chapter 07.350


Loi (1946) (Amendement No. 2) sur le Tourisme

Repealed by Law 2 of 1948


Loi pour abroger la Loi intitulée “Agricultural Rents (Jersey) Law 1940”

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi amendant la Loi (1935) ayant rapport à la Compensation pour Accidents aux Ouvriers (No. 5)

Repealed by Law 18 of 1950


Loi pour abroger la Loi (1943) concernant les Cours Inférieures (Dispositions Spéciales)

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 1 of 1947

Motor Vehicle Races (Jersey) Law 1946

Chapter 25.300


Act to authorise Eugène Augustin Camille Drècourt, a Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the Academy of Paris, to practise medicine and surgery in the Island

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Voirie: Modification

Incorporated in Chapter 25.950


Children and Young Persons Act 1933: Modification

Repealed by Law 16 of 1969


Import Duties (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1946

Repealed by Law 9 of 1960


Règlement permanent fait sous l’empire de la Loi (1937) sur le Tourisme

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Vente et consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses : Modification

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950


Vente et consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses : Règlement pour rectifier le Règlement modifiant la Loi (1932) sur la

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950


Vente et consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses : Amendement

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950


Income Tax (Annual Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Expiring Fiscal Laws (Continuance) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 2 of 1947

Agricultural Returns (Jersey) Law 1947

Chapter 01.240


Civil Aviation Act (Extension to the Channel Islands) Order 1947

Repealed, see Laws 1951 pp.519, 588

Law 3 of 1947

Animals (Anaesthetics) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 27 of 2004

Law 4 of 1947

Wild Life (Protection) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 6 of 2000

Law 5 of 1947

Borrowing (Control) (Jersey) Law 1947

Chapter 24.150


Admission des pensionnaires dans l’Asile des Aliénés : Amendement

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Exercice de la Dentisterie : Modification

Repealed by Law 19 of 1961


Income Tax (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961

Order in Council 6 of 1947

Summer Time Act 1947



Instruction Primaire et Instruction Publique : Modifications

Repealed by Law 27 of 1999

Law 17 of 1947

Harbour And Light Dues (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 9 of 2015


Rémission des Sentences: Amendement

Repealed by Laws 1957-1960 p.27


Adoption of Children (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 39 of 1961

Order in Council 8 of 1947

Exchange Control (Channel Islands) Order 1947

Not included in revised edition


Declarations of Illegitimacy (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 3 of 1973


Entry Duties (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 28 of 1961


Loi (1947) (Amendement) réglant la procédure criminelle

Incorporated in Chapter 08.740


Act authorising the issue of bronze coinage of a denominational value not exceeding three thousand pounds

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Income Tax (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 1947

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Règlement Permanent (1947) (Amendement) sur les Bateliers

Repealed by R&O.4360

Law 1 of 1948

Home for Infirm and Aged Women (Incorporation) (Jersey) Law 1948



Jersey Mutual Fire Insurance Society: Incorporation



Impôt sur le tabac: Amendement

Repealed, see Laws 1957-1960 p.414


Vente et consommation de liqueurs spiritueuses : Modification

Repealed by Law 13 of 1950


Airports (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 17 of 1952

Law 2 of 1948

Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948

Chapter 05.850


Income Tax (Annual Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Accidents mortels : Amendement

Repealed by Law 20 of 1962

Law 3 of 1948

Customary Law Amendment (Jersey) Law 1948

Chapter 15.160

Law 4 of 1948

Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) (Jersey) Law 1948

Chapter 04.920

Law 5 of 1948

Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Jersey) Law 1948

Chapter 25.250

Law 6 of 1948

Civil Service Administration (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 26 of 2005

Law 7 of 1948

Assembly of the States (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 6 of 2006


Teachers (Superannuation) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 21 of 1979


Teachers Superannuation (War Service) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 21 of 1979


Teachers (Superannuation) (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 21 of 1979


Expiring Fiscal Laws (Continuance) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Loi (1948) (Amendement) sur la régie des impôts

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999


Income Tax (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961


Tea (Import Duty) (Repeal) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973


Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 13 of 1967


Compulsory Purchase of Land (Procedure) (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 22 of 1953


Expulsion des locataires réfractaires: Amendement

Incorporated in Chapter 07.350


Loi (1948) Amendement No. 2) sur la Santé Publique

Incorporated in Chapter 20.875


Gaming Machines (Jersey) Law 1948

Repealed by Law 19 of 1964

Law 8 of 1948

Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948

Chapter 07.770


Compensation pour accidents aux ouvriers : Amendement

Repealed by Law 18 of 1950

Law 1 of 1949

Probate (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 16 of 1998

Law 2 of 1949

Housing (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by L.31/2012

Law 3 of 1949

Loi (1949) (Amendement No. 3) sur la compagnie du gaz

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 4 of 1949

Trustee Savings Banks (Increase of Superannuation Allowances (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 5 of 1949

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 6 of 1949

Loi pour diminuer le taux de la taxe sur les motoculteurs

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 7 of 1949

Police Court (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1949

Chapter 07.595

Law 8 of 1949

Loi (1949) (Amendement) sur la pêche des huîtres

Repealed by Law 9 of 1966

Law 9 of 1949

Finance (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Order in Council 10 of 1949

Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical

Not included in revised edition

Order in Council 11 of 1949

Fisheries (Channel Islands) Order 1949

Not included in revised edition

Order in Council 12 of 1949

Court of Appeal (Channel Islands) Order 1949

Repealed by Law 17 of 1961

Law 13 of 1949

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship) (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 31 of 2001

Law 14 of 1949

Loi (1949) (Amendement No. 4) sur l’enlèvement de pierres, sable et gravier

Repealed by Law 17 of 1963

Order in Council 15 of 1949

Clergy Pensions (Channel Islands) Order 1949

Repealed by Order in Council 8 of 1963

Law 16 of 1949

Tourism (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1949

Incorporated in Chapter 05.850

Law 17 of 1949

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1949

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Law 18 of 1949

Housing (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by L.31/2012

Law 19 of 1949

Loi autorisant le transfert au Public de cette Ile des immeubles appartenant à l’Association dite “Jersey Dispensary and Infirmary”

Repealed by Law 11 of 1989

Law 20 of 1949

Teachers (Superannuation) (Jersey) Law 1949

Repealed by Law 21 of 1979

Law 21 of 1949

Loi (1949) (Amendement) imposant des restrictions sur le transport maritime

Repealed by Law 31 of 1972

Law 22 of 1949

Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949

Chapter 12.650

Law 23 of 1949

Income Tax (Double Tax Relief) (Jersey) Law 1949


Law 1 of 1950

Règlement Permanent (1950) (Amendement) établissant un tarif en rapport avec la viande

Repealed by R&O.3495


Law 2 of 1950

Règlement pour modifier le Règlement sur le débarquement et le chargement d’Essence de Pétrole dans les portes de l’Ile

Repealed by R&O.4338

Law 3 of 1950

Customs Duties (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 31 of 1972

Law 4 of 1950

Finance (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 5 of 1950

Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (Jersey) Law 1950

Chapter 01.800

Law 6 of 1950

Public Health (Vessels and Aircraft) (Jersey) Law 1950

Chapter 20.800

Law 7 of 1950

Income Tax (Double Tax Relief) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1950


Law 8 of 1950

Civil Service Administration (Supplementary Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 26 of 2005

Law 9 of 1950

Oil in Territorial Waters (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 41 of 2002

Law 10 of 1950

Nursing Homes (Registration) (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 11 of 1950

Loi accordant un Acte d’Incorporation à l’Association dite “The Jersey Youth Movement”


Law 12 of 1950

Birth Certificate (Shortened Form) (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 2 of 1980

Law 13 of 1950

Licensing (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 21 of 1974

Law 14 of 1950

Housing (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by L.31/2012

Law 15 of 1950

An Act to enable the limited liability Company known as Ariowitsch & Jacob Fur Company Limited to apply to the Royal Court of Jersey for re-registration in the Island of Jersey


Order in Council 16 of 1950

Exchange Control (Channel Islands) Order 1950

Not included in revised edition

Law 17 of 1950

Honoraires : Revenues Généraux

Repealed by R&O.3771

Law 18 of 1950

Insular Insurance (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 19 of 1950

Loi (1950) (Amendement No. 2) sur l’Introduction de Betail Etranger, sur la Viande de Boucherie et sur l’Abatage

Repealed by Law 9 of 1966

Law 20 of 1950

Loi modifiant la Loi (1914) sur la Voirie (Article 19A)

Repealed by Law 4 of 1973

Law 21 of 1950

Loi (1950) (Amendement No. 5) sur l’Etat Civil

Repealed by Law 31 of 2001

Law 22 of 1950

Franchise (Jersey) Law 1950

Repealed by Law 12 of 2002

Law 23 of 1950

Building Loans (Jersey) Law 1950

Chapter 24.090

Law 1 of 1951

Judicial and Legislative Functions (Separation) (Jersey) Law 1951

Chapter 16.350

Law 2 of 1951

Royal Court (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Incorporated in Chapter 07.770

Law 3 of 1951

Census (Jersey) Law 1951

Chapter 15.040

Law 4 of 1951

Finance (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 5 of 1951

Loi (1951) concernant la Police Honorifique de St. Sauveur

Repealed by implication by Law 34 of 1998

Law 6 of 1951

Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Law 1951

Chapter 15.560

Law 7 of 1951

An Act authorising the issue of bronze coinage of a denominational value not exceeding three thousand pounds sterling


Law 8 of 1951

Motor Vehicle Races (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Incorporated in Chapter 25.300

Law 9 of 1951

Opticians (Registration) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 23 of 1962

Law 10 of 1951

Inquests and Post-mortem Examinations (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 9 of 1995

Law 11 of 1951

General Purposes Loans 1975/85 (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 6 of 2006

Law 12 of 1951

Interest and Periodical Payments (Limitations of Adjustments) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 13 of 1951

Public Debt (Temporary Provisions) (Repeal) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Order in Council 14 of 1951

Carriage by Air (Jersey) Order 1951

Not included in revised edition

Law 15 of 1951

Paid Police Force (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 24 of 1974

Law 16 of 1951

Customs Duties (Administration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 31 of 1972

Law 17 of 1951

An Act to prescribe the emoluments of the ordinary judges of the Court of Appeal

Repealed by Law 17 of 1961

Law 18 of 1951

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 13 of 1967

Law 19 of 1951

Nursing Homes (Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 20 of 1951

Dwelling-Houses (Rent Control) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1951

Incorporated in Chapter 18.270

Law 21 of 1951

Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1951

Repealed by Law 27 of 1972

Law 1 of 1952

Income Tax (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961

Law 2 of 1952

Insular Insurance (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Order in Council 3 of 1952

Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies (Channel Islands) Order 1952

Not included in revised edition

Order in Council 4 of 1952

Telephone (Channel Islands) Order 1952

Chapter 06.306

Law 5 of 1952

Finance (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 6 of 1952

Inquests and Post-mortem Examinations (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 9 of 1995

Law 7 of 1952

Building Loans (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1952

Incorporated in Chapter 24.090

Law 8 of 1952

Parish of St. Helier (Qualifications for certain Offices) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 11 of 1976

Law 9 of 1952

Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 01.480

Law 10 of 1952

Loi (1952) (Amendement) étendant les droits de la femme mariée

Incorporated in Chapter 12.300

Law 11 of 1952

Loi (1952) (Amendement No. 2) sur les Colporteurs et Marchands non-résidents

Repealed by Law 9 of 1965

Law 12 of 1952

Consular Conventions (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 21.245

Law 13 of 1952

Loi accordant un Acte d’Incorporation à l’Association dite “The Jersey Football Association”

Repealed by Law 27 of 2012

Law 14 of 1952

Amendement au Règlement (1920) touchant l’admission de Pensionnaires dans l’Asile des Aliénés etc.

Repealed by Law 18 of 1969

Law 15 of 1952

Official Secrets (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 16.450

Order in Council 16 of 1952

Official Secrets (Jersey) Order In Council 1952

Not included in revised edition

Law 17 of 1952

Aerodromes (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 03.035

Law 18 of 1952

Loi accordant un Acte d’Incorporation à l’Association dite “The Boy Scouts Association, Jersey”


Law 19 of 1952

Civil Defence (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 23.075

Law 20 of 1952

Preservation of Amenities (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 28 of 1964

Law 21 of 1952

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 22 of 1952

Règlement Permanent (1952) (Amendement No. 2) sur les Bateliers

Repealed by R&O.4338

Law 23 of 1952

Currency Offences (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 24.630

Law 24 of 1952

Income Tax (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 29 of 1961

Law 25 of 1952

Evidence of Matrimonial Matters (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 04.400

Law 26 of 1952

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1952

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 27 of 1952

Jersey Mutual Fire Insurance Society, Incorporated, (Alteration of Name and Rules) Law 1952


Law 28 of 1952

Pharmacy, Poisons and Medicines (Jersey) Law 1952

Chapter 20.775

Law 29 of 1952

F.B. Playing Fields (Transfer to Public) (Jersey) Law 1952


Order in Council 30 of 1952

Wireless Telegraphy (Channel Islands) Order 1952

Not included in revised edition




Order in Council 1 of 1953

Carriage by Air (Non-International Carriage) (Channel Islands) Order 1953

Not included in revised edition

Law 2 of 1953

Import Duty on Oils and Spirits (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999

Law 3 of 1953

Harbour and Light Dues (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 9 of 2015

Law 4 of 1953

Finance (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 5 of 1953

Loi (1953) (Amendement) sur l’Instruction Primaire

Repealed by Law 27 of 1999

Law 6 of 1953

Separation and Maintenance Orders (Jersey) Law 1953

Chapter 12.800

Order in Council 7 of 1953

Civil Aviation Act (Channel Islands) Order 1953

Revoked by Order in Council 17 of 1990

Order in Council 8 of 1953

Air Corporations Act (Channel Islands) Order 1953

Not included in revised edition

Law 9 of 1953

Agricultural Marketing (Jersey) Law 1953

Chapter 01.160

Law 10 of 1953

Cremation (Jersey) Law 1953

Chapter 20.075

Law 11 of 1953

Sewerage (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 3 of 2005

Law 12 of 1953

Seignorial Rights (Commutation) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 13 of 1966

Law 13 of 1953

Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Jersey) Law 1953

Chapter 25.400

Law 14 of 1953

Civil Service Administration (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 26 of 2005

Law 15 of 1953

Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 32 of 2000

Law 16 of 1953

Entertainments Duty (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 3 of 1958

Law 17 of 1953

Règlement (1953) (Amendement) sur l’importation et l’exportation d’animaux

Repealed, see Tome VIII p.229

Law 18 of 1953

Amendement au Règlement (1920) touchant l’admission de pensionnaires dans l’Asile des Aliénés, etc.

Repealed by Law 18 of 1969

Law 19 of 1953

Sewerage Loans 1975/90 (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 6 of 2006

Law 20 of 1953

Poor Law (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 21 of 1953

Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulation 1953

Repealed by R&O.3894

Law 22 of 1953

Compulsory Purchase of Land (Procedure) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 40 of 1961

Law 23 of 1953

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 13 of 1967

Law 24 of 1953

An Act authorizing the issue of bronze coinage of a denominational value not exceeding three thousand pounds sterling


Law 25 of 1953

Therapeutic Substances (Prevention of Misuse) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 31 of 1995

Law 26 of 1953

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1953

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 1 of 1954

Loi (1954) (Amendement No. 3) sur les Egouts

Repealed by Law 3 of 2005

Law 2 of 1954

Règlement Permanent (1954) Amendement No. 3 sur les Bateliers

Repealed by R&O.4360

Law 3 of 1954

Loi (1954) (Amendement) sur l’Admission ses Ecrivains

Repealed by Law 17 of 1971

Law 4 of 1954

Loi (1954) (Amendement) sur les élections publiques

Repealed by Law 12 of 2002

Law 5 of 1954

Dangerous Drugs Jersey Law 1954

Repealed by Law 10 of 1978

Order in Council 6 of 1954

Church of England Pensions Board (Powers) (Channel Islands) Order 1954

Not included in revised edition

Law 7 of 1954

Non-Contributory Pensions (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 25 of 2004

Law 8 of 1954

Finance (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 9 of 1954

Entertainments on Public Roads (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 15 of 1985

Law 10 of 1954

Places of Refreshment (Hours of Opening) (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 22 of 1958

Law 11 of 1954

Committees of the States Amendment (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 2 of 1966

Law 12 of 1954

Preservations of Amenities (Amendment) Jersey Law 1954

Repealed by Law 28 of 1964

Law 13 of 1954

Loi (1954) touchant les rentes anciennes

Repealed by Law 6 of 1959

Law 14 of 1954

Printed Papers (Jersey) Law 1954

Chapter 15.520

Law 15 of 1954

Building Loans (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1954

Incorporated in Chapter 24.090

Law 16 of 1954

Architects (Registration) (Jersey) Law 1954

Chapter 05.025

Law 17 of 1954

Interpretation (Jersey) Law 1954

Chapter 15.360

Law 18 of 1954

National Service (Jersey) Law 1954

Chapter 23.275

Law 19 of 1954

Electricity (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1954

Incorporated in Chapter 27.100

Law 20 of 1954

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1954

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 21 of 1954

Loi (1954) (Amendement No. 3) sur les Colporteurs et Marchands non-résidents

Repealed by Law 9 of 1965

Law 1 of 1955

Loi (1955) sur l’Admission au Barreau

Repealed by Law 15 of 1968

Law 2 of 1955

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1955

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Law 3 of 1955

Finance (Jersey) Law 1955

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 4 of 1955

Loi (1955) concernant la Police Honorifique de St. Brelade

Repealed by implication by Law 9 of 1964

Law 5 of 1955

Pharmacy, Poisons and Medicines (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1955

Incorporated in Chapter 20.775

Law 6 of 1955

Loi accordant un Acte d’Incorporation à l’Association dite “Jersey Farmers’ Union”


Law 7 of 1955

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1955

Repealed by Law 23 of 1980

Law 8 of 1955

Loi (1955) (Amendement No 3) sur la Santé Publique

Incorporated in Chapter 20.875

Law 9 of 1955

Loi (1955) (Amendement) sur le Port d’Armes

Repealed by Law 9 of 2000

Order in Council 10 of 1955

Merchant Shipping Act 1954 (Channel Islands) Order 1955

Repealed by Order in Council 10 of 1969

Law 11 of 1955

Civil Aviation (Supplementary Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1955

Chapter 03.630

Law 12 of 1955

Bank Notes (Jersey) Law 1955

Chapter 24.030

Law 13 of 1955

Loi (1955) (Amendement No. 4) sur la compagnie du gaz

Repealed by Law 18 of 1989