Jersey Royal Charters and Orders in Council - View


Specific to Jersey; begins as straightforward inspeximus of 1627 charter of Charles I, but adds clauses [12]-[14]; from the enrolment as presented in Prison Board, and Jersey Archive D/AP/Z/8, an original charter version, which I have tended to prefer here.

View Images of original Charter document - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


[1] Carolus Secundus Dei Gratia Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor &c Omnibus ad quos presentes Littere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus quasdam literas Patentes Domini Caroli nuper Regis Anglie primi Patris Nostri precharissimi beate memorie factas in hec verba. Carolus Dei gratia Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor &c Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salute Cum dilecti et fideles Ligei et Subditi nostri Ballivus et Jurati Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteri Incole et Habitantes ipsius Insule infra Ducatum nostrum Normanie et Predecessores eorum a tempore cuius contrarii memoria hominum non existit per seperales Cartas Concessiones Confirmationes et amplissima diplomata illustrium Progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum tam Regum et Reginarum Anglie quam Ducum Normanie et aliorum quamplurium Jura Jurisdicciones Privilegia Immunitates Libertates et Franchesias libere quiete et inviolabiliter vsi freti et gavisi fuerunt tam infra Regnum nostrum Anglie quam alibi infra Dominia et loca ditioni nostre Subiecta vltra citraque mare Quorum [370] ope et beneficio predicte Insule et loca maritima predicta in fide obediencia et servicio tam nostri quam eorundem Progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum constanter fideliter et inculpate perstiterunt ac perseverarunt liberaque Commercia cum Mercatoribus ac aliis Indigenis et Alienigenis tam pacis quam belli temporibus habuerunt et exercuerunt Judicia etiam et cognitiones omnium et omnimodo Causarum et querelarum actionum placitorum tam civilium quam criminalium et Capitalium et Judicialem potestatem ea omnia tractandi decidendi discutiendi audiendi et terminandi atque in eisdem procedendi et in acta redigendi secundum Leges et Consuetudines Insule et locorum predictorum ex antiquo receptas et approbatas preterquam in certis Casubus cognitioni nostre Regie reservatis de tempore in tempus exercuerunt executi sunt et peregerunt.

[2] Que omnia et singula cuius et quanti momenti sunt et fuerunt ad tutelam et conservacionem Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum in fide et obediencia Corone nostre Anglie Nos vt equum est perpendentes neque non immemores quam fortiter et fideliter Insulani predicti ac ceteri Incole et Habitatores ibidem Nobis et Progenitoribus nostris inservierunt Quantaque detrimenta dampna et pericula tam pro assidua tuitione et defensione Castri nostri de Montorgueil infra predictam Insulam nostram de Jersey sustinuerunt indiesque sustinent non solum ut nostra Regia benevolentia favor et affectus erga prefatos Insulanos illustri aliquo nostre beneficencie testimonio ac certis Indiciis comprobetur. Verum etiam ut ipsi et eorum Posteri deinceps inperpetuum prout antea solitam et debitam obedientiam erga nos heredes et Successores nostros teneant et inviolabiliter observent has literas nostras Patentes magno Sigillo Anglie roboratas in forma qua sequitur illis concedere dignati sumus.

[3] Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris Dedimus et Concessimus ac pro Nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris per presentes Damus et Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicte et ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus dicte Insule quod ipsi et eorum quilibet licet in presentibus non recitati seu cogniti per seperalia nomina sint et erunt semper in futuro ita liberi quieti et immunes in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis Emptoriis & Nundiniis Mercatis Villis Mercatoriis et aliis locis et Portubus infra Regnum nostrum Anglie ac infra omnes Provincias Dominia Territoria et loca ditioni nostra Subiecta tam citra quam ultra mare de et ab omnibus Vectigalibus Theoloniis Custumiis Subsidiis Hidagiis Tallagiis Pontagiis Pannagiis Muragiis Fossagiis operibus Expedicionibus Bellicis nisi in casu ubi Corpus nostrum heredum et Successorum (quod absit) in Prisona detineatur et de et ab omnibus aliis Contribucionibus Oneribus et Exaccionibus quibuscunque Nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quovismodo debitis reddendis seu solvendis prout prefata Insula virtute aliquarum Chartarum Concessionum Confirmacionum sive diplomatum per predictos Progenitores sive Antecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie sive alios seu virtute aut vigore alicuius racionabilis et legalis usus prescripcionis seu consuetudinis unquam aliquando fuerunt aut esse debuerunt vel potuerunt debuit vel quouismodo potuit.

[4] Cumque alia nonulla Privilegia Jurisdicciones Immunitates libertates et Franchesias per predictos Progenitores et Predecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie ac aliis prefate Insule indulta donata concessa et confirmata fuere ac a tempore cuius contrarium memoria hominum non existit infra Insulam et loca Maritima prenominata inviolabiliter usitata et observata fuere de quibus unum est quod tempore Belli omnium Nationum Mercatores et alii tam Alienigeni quam Indigeni tam hostes quam Amici libere licite et impune queant et possint dictam Insulam et loca Maritima cum Navibus mercibus et bonis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis licitis suis negotiis inibi peragendis adire accedere commeare et frequentare ac Iibera Commercia negotiacionis et Rem Mercatoriam ibidem exercere ac tuto et secure commorari indeque commeare et redire toties quoties absque dampno Molestia seu hostilitate quacunque in rebus Mercibus bonis aut Corporibus suis, idque non solum infra Insulam et loca Maritima predicta aut Precinctum eorundem,verum etiam infra spatia undique ab eisdem distantia usque ad visum hominis id est quatenus visus oculi possit assequi Nos eandem Immunitates Impunitates libertatem et privilegia ac cetera omnia premissa ultima recitata rata grataque habentes, Ea pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quantum in Nobis est prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis Habitatoribus Mercatoribus et aliis tam hostibus quam Amicis et eorum cuilibet per presentes indulgemus et elargimur authoritateque nostra Regia renovamus reiteramus et Confirmamus in tam amplis modo et forma prout Incoli et Habitatores Insule predicte ac predicti Indigeni Alienigeni Mercatores et alii preantea usi vel gavisi fuerunt vel uti aut gaudere debuerunt. uniuersis igitur et singulis Magistratoribis Ministris et Subditis nostris per uniuersum Regnum nostrum Anglie ac cetera Dominia et loca ditioni nostre Subiecta ubilibet constitutis per presentes denunciamus et firmiter iniungendo precipimus ne hanc nostram Donacionem Concessionem et Confirmacionem seu aliquid in eisdem expressum aut contentum temerarie aut aliter infringere seu quovismodo inviolare presumant Et si quis ausu temerario contra fecerit seu attemptaverit Volumus et decernimus quantum in nobis est quod restituat non solum ablata aut erepta sed quod etiam pro dampno interesse et Expensis ad plenarium recompensam et satisfaccionem compellatur per quecunque iuris nostri Remedia severeque puniatur ut regie nostre potestatis ac Legum nostrarum Contemptor temerarius

[5] Preterea ex uberiori gratia nostra pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris per presentes Ratificamus approbamus stabilimus et Confirmamus omnes et singulas Leges et consuetudines infra Insulam et loca Maritima predicta rite et legitime usitata et ex antiquo recepta et approbata Dantes et tribuentes prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac omnibus aliis Magistratibus Ministris et ceteris quibuscunque ibidem in Officio et Functione aliqua constitutis plenam integram et absolutam authoritatem potestatem et facultatem cognoscendi jurisdicendi et judicandi de se et super omnibus et omnimodis placitis processibus litibus Accionibus querelis et Causis quibuscunque infra Insulam et loca predicta emergentibus tam personalibus realibus et mixtis quam criminalibus et Capitalibus. Eaque omnia et singula ibidem et non alibi placitandi et peragendi prosequendi et defendendi atque in eisdem procedendi vel supersedendi examinandi audiendi terminandi absolvendi condemnandi decidendi atque Execucioni Mandandi secundum Leges et Consuetudines Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum [372] preantea vsitatas et approbatas absque provocacione seu appellacione quacunque preterquam in Casubus qui Cognitioni nostre Regali ex antiqua consuetudine Insule et locorum predictorum reservantur vel de Jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur Quamquidem authoritatem potestatem et facultatem preterquam in eisdem Casubus reservatas Nos pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris prefatis Ballivo et Juratis et aliis Damus Comittimus Concedimus et Confirmamus per presentes adeo plene libere et integre prout prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac alii vel eorum aliquis unquam antehac eisdem rite et legitime usi functi aut gavisi vel uti fungi aut gaudere debuerunt aut licite potuerunt debuit aut potuit.

[6] Volumus preterea ac pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris per presentes Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis Incolis et Habitatoribus infra Insulam et loca maritima predicta quod nullus eorum de cetero per aliqua Brevia seu processus ex aliquibus Curiis nostris seu alibi infra Regnum nostrum Anglie emergencia sive eorum aliqui citetur apprehendetur evocetur in placita trahatur sive quovismodo aliter comparare aut respondere cogatur extra Insulam et loca maritima predicta coram quibuscunque Judicibus Justiciariis Magistratibus aut Officiariis nostris aut aliis de aut super aliqua re lite materia seu Causa quacunque infra Insulam predictam emanente seu quod Insulani predicti et eorum quilibet huiusmodi Citationibus apprehensionibus Brevibus et processibus non obstantibus licite et impune valeant aut possint infra Insulam et loca predicta residere commorari quiescere et Justiciam ibidem expectare absque aliqua pena corporali seu pecuniario fine redempcione aut Mulcta proinde incurrenda forisfacienda Necnon absque aliqua Offensione vel causa contemptus Seu contumacie per nos heredes et Successores nostros illis seu eorum alicui aut aliquibus pro inde infligenda irroganda vel aliter adiudicanda (exceptis tantumodo huiusmodi Casubus qui per leges Insule et locorum predictorum Regali nostre Cognitioni atque examini reserventur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur.

[7] Et ulterius de ampliori gratia nostra ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris Dedimus Concessimus et Confirmamus Ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est Damus Concedimus et Confirmamus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Incolisque et Habitatoribus Insule et locorum Maritimorum predictorum Necnon Mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus tot tanta talia huiusmodi et consimilia Jura Jurisdicciones impunitates indempnitates exempciones libertates Franchesias et privilegia quecunque quot quanta qualia et que prefati Ballivus Jurati ac ceteri Incole et Habitatores Mercatores et alii aut eorum aliquis antehac legitime et rite usi freti seu gavisi fuerunt usus fretus seu gavisus fuit Ac omnia et singula quecunque alia in aliquibus Cartis Ordinationibus aut Literis Patentibus nostrum seu Progenitorum seu Antecessorum nostrorum quondam Regum et Reginarum Angli seu Ducum Normanie aut aliorum eis seu eorum Predecessoribus antehac data concessa seu confirmata et non revocata seu abolita quocunque nomine aut quibuscunque nominibus iidem Ballivus Jurati et ceteri Incole et Habitatores eiusdem Insule et locorum Maritimorum predictorum aut eorum Predecessores seu eorum aliqui vel aliquis in eisdem Literis Patentibus seu eorum aliquibus censeantur nuncupentur [373] aut vocitentur seu censeri nuncupari aut vocitari debuere aut soliti fuere ac omnia et singula licet in presentibus minime expressa prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus Insule et locorum Maritimorum predictorum Necnon Mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus Indigenis et Alienigenis per presentes Confirmamus consolidamus et de integro Ratificamus adeo plene libere et integre prout ea omnia et singula in eisdem Literis Patentibus contenta modo perticulariter verbatim expresse in presentibus Literis nostris Patentibus recitata et declarata fuissent.

[8] Salua semper atque illabefacta suprema Regia potestate Dominatione atque Imperio Corone nostre Anglie tam quoad Ligeam subieccionem et obedienciam Insule predicte ac aliorum quorumcunque [sic] infra Insulam et loca predicta commorancium Siue degencium quam quoad Regalitatem Privilegia Res Redditus Vectigalia ac cetera Iura proficua Commoditates et Emolumenta quecunque infra Insulas et loca predicta nobis et heredibus et Successoribus nostris per prerogativam Corone nostre Anglie sive Ducatus Normannie seu aliter ex antiquo debita et Consueta. Salvis etiam appellacionibus et provocacionibus quibuscunque Insulanorum predictorum ac aliorum ibidem comorancium sive degencium in omnibus eiusmodi Casibus et non aliis que legibus et consuetudinibus Insule et locorum predictorum Regali nostre cognitioni atque Examini reservantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur. Aliqua sententia Clausula re aut materia quacunque superius in presentibus expressa sive specificata in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstantibus.

[9] Proviso semper quod aliqua Clausula Articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus Literis nostris Patentibus expresum et specificatum non exponantur interpretentur nec se extendant ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit Nobis heredibus vel Successoribus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua Terras Tenementa redditus Regalitates vel hereditamenta nostra infra Insulam predictam & loca maritima predicta aut eorum aliqua

[10] Et insuper cum datum est nobis intelligi quod quedam Exactio nuper levata fuerit de Inhabitantibus et Gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta et Mercatoribus et illis illic confluentibus contra antiquam Extentam et consuetudinem ibidem usitatam (vizt) pro quolibet quarterio frumenti vel alterius grani extra Insulam illam exportato tres solidos et sex denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam ubi illa Extenta antehac ad tantam summam se non extendebat ut accipimus Et cum dicti Inhabitantes et Gentes Insule de Jersey predicta soliti fuere similiter solvere ad usum Progenitorum sive Antecessorum nostrorum pro quibuslibet Centum & quinquaginta libris Lane extra Insulam illam exportatæ juxta Extentam ibidem usitatam quatuor denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam Nos volumus Ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris Concedimus prefatis prefatis Inhabitantibus et Gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta quod ipsi et omnes alii Mercatores illuc confluentes non plus nec maiorem summam exnunc deinceps inperpetuum solvere teneantur ad usum nostrum quam duodecim denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam de Jersey pro quolibet quarterio frumenti sive alterius generis grani extra eandem Insulam posthec exportandi. Ita semper et sub conditione quod iidem Inhabitantes et Gens Insule de Jersey predicta ac omnes alii Mercatores et extranei illuc confluentes solvere debeant et teneantur posthac inperpetuum [374] ad usum nostrum pro quibuslibet Centum et Quinquaginta Libris Lane extra Insulam illam exportandis tres solidos et dimidium monete currentis infra eandem Insulam & loca maritima predicta seu eorum aliqua

[11] Volumus etiam Ac per presentes Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Insulanis et Habitatoribus Insule et locorum Maritimorum predictorum quod habeant et habebunt has literas nostras Patentes sub magno Sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et Sigillatas absque fine seu feodo magno vel parvo nobis in Hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad vsum nostrum proinde quoquomodo reddendis solvendis vel faciendis Eo quod expressa mencio de vero valore annuo aut de certitudine premissorum aut eorum alicuius aut de aliis donis sive Concessionibus per nos seu per aliquem Progenitorum sive Predecessorum nostrorum prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta ante hec tempora factis in presentibus minime factis existit aut aliquo Statuto Actu Ordinacione provisione Proclamacione sive restriccione antehac habitis factis editis Ordinatis sive provisis aut aliqua alia re Causa vel materia quacunque in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstante In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes Teste me ipso apud Canbury sexto die Julii Anno Regni nostri Anglie &c Tertio.

[12] Nos autem literas Patentes predictas ac omnia & singula Concessiones Jura Jurisdicciones privilegia Immunitates libertates et franchesias ac cetera omnia et singula in eisdem literis Patentibus contenta et specificata rata habentes et grata. Ea omnia et singula pro nobis heredibus Successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus Ac dilectis Subditis nostris Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta ac ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus infra Insulam illam tenore presentium ratificamus et Confirmamus prout eedem Litere Patentes in se rationabiliter testantur Et ulterius in tesseram favoris nostri prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta ac ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus infra Insulam illam pro summa et constanti fidelitate et Ligeantia suis Nobis et Predecessoribus nostris nuper Regibus et Reginis Anglie ex quacunque Causa manisfestata De gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris Dedimus et Concessimus Ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris Damus et Concedimus eisdem Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus infra Insulam illam plenam potestatem et authoritatem Eo quod de cetero imperpetuum liceat et licebit eis habere vti et portare seu portari causare coram Ballivo ejusdem Insule nostre de Jersey pro tempore existente unam Claveam Auream vel Argenteam communiter vocatam a Mace Insigniis Armorum nostrorum heredum et Successorum nostrorum super inde insculptam et ornatam in et per totam illam Insulam nostram de Jersey libertates et Precincta eiusdem ad libitum huiusmodi Ballivi Insule illius pro tempore existente quando et quoties occasio requiret

[13] Et ulterius volumus et per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta et ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus infra Insulam illam quod he litere nostre Patentes in omnibus et per omnia secundum veram intencionem earundem bone firme valide et effectuales in Lege sint et erunt Non obstante non nominacione vel falsa nominacione vel recitacione [375] in eisdem contentis aut aliquot Statuto Ordinacione Provisione Proclamacione vel restriccione antehac habitis seu factis modo quolibetcunque non obstante.

[14] Volumus etiam Ac per presentes Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta quod habeant et habebunt has Literas nostras Patentes sub magno Sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et sigillatas absque ffine seu feodo magno vel parvo Nobis in Hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad vsum nostrum proinde quoquomodo reddendis solvendis vel faciendis. Eo quod expressa mencio de vero valore annuo aut de certitudine premissorum aut eorum alicujus aut de aliis donis sive Concessionibus per nos seu per aliquem Progenitorum sive Predecessorum nostrorum prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicta ante hec tempora factis in presentibus minime factis existit aut aliquo Statuto Actu Ordinacione Provisione Proclamacione sive restriccione antehac habitis factis editis Ordinatis sive provisis aut aliqua alia re causa vel materia quacunque in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstante In cuius rei testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium Decimo die Octobris Anno Regni nostri Decimo quarto


Per Breve de privato Sigillo


[1] Charles the Second, by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c. To all to whom these present letters come, greeting. We have inspected certain letters patent of the Lord Charles formerly king of England our most dearly beloved father, of blessed memory, made in these words. Charles, by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c. To all to whom the present letters come, greeting. Whereas our beloved and faithful lieges and subjects, the bailiff and the jurats of our Island of Jersey, and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of the same island within our duchy of Normandy, and their predecessors, have from time beyond what the memory of men can reach, by virtue of several charters, grants, confirmations, and most ample writs, of our illustrious progenitors and ancestors, both kingsand queens of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, used, enjoyed, and been in possession of very many rights, jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises, freely and quietly, and without any infringement of the same, both within the kingdom of England, and elsewhere within our dominions, and other places under our subjection on this side of, or beyond, the seas; by the aid and benefit of which grants, the aforenamed island and maritime places have stood out and continued constantly, faithfully, and unblameably in our faith, obedience, and service, and that of our progenitors and predecessors, and have enjoyed and gone on in their commerce and trade with merchants, both natives and aliens, as well in time of peace, as in time of war, and exercised and executed their duties in giving their decrees, and taking cognisance of all and every cause, quarrel, action, both civil and criminal, and capital and judicial pleas; and the right of jurisdiction they were vested with, to take into their consideration, decide, discuss, hear, and determine, and to proceed in the premises, and keep records of their proceedings according to the laws and customs practised of old, and approved in the said island and other places aforesaid; except in certain cases reserved from time to time to our royal cognisance:

[2] And we considering of how great advantage and moment all and singular the premises are, and have been, toward the safe-keeping and conservation of the aforesaid island and maritime places in their fidelity and allegiance to our crown of England; and being always mindful, as is just, how courageously and loyally the said islanders and inhabitants have behaved themselves in our own and in our progenitors’ service, and considering what great detriments, losses and dangers they have sustained and do daily sustain, both for the constant safeguarding and defence of our Castle of Mont Orgueil, in our aforesaid island of Jersey; to the end, not only to show some distinguished testimony and certain marks of our favour, affection, and royal beneficence towards the inhabitants aforesaid, but also to encourage them, and their posterity for ever, to persevere and continue inviolably in their accustomed and due obedience towards us, and our heirs and successors; we have thought proper to grant to them these our royal letters patent, confirmed under our great seal of England, in form following.

[3] Know ye, that we, of our special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given and granted, and for ourselves, our heirs and successors, we do by these present letters give and grant, to the said bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and to the other sojourners and inhabitants of the same island; that they themselves and every one of them (though not herein stated or declared by their particular names) were and shall, for the time to come, be for ever free, exempted, and acquitted, in all our cities, boroughs, markets, and trading towns, fairs, mart-towns, and other places and ports, within our kingdom of England, and within all our provinces, dominions, territories, and other places under our subjection, this side of, or beyond, the seas, from and of all tributes, tolls, customs, subsidies, hidage, taylage, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, works, and warlike expeditions (except in case our body, or that of heirs and successors, should be held in prison (which God avert)), and of and from all other contributions, duties, and exactions whatsoever, that may be due from, to be rendered by, or be payable by, and claimed from, the said islanders, to us, our heirs and successors, ever in any manner, by virtue of any charters, grants, confirmations, and writs of our said progenitors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, or others, or by virtue or reason of any reasonable and legal usage, prescription, or custom.

[4] And whereas some other privileges, jurisdictions, immunities, liberties, and franchises have been graciously given, granted, and confirmed by our progenitors and predecessors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, to the aforesaid islanders, and have been used and observed constantly in the said island and other maritime places, from the time whereof the memory of men reaches not to the contrary; one of which is, that in time of war merchants of all nations and others, both aliens and native, both enemies and friends, could and might freely, lawfully, without danger or punishment, come to, resort to, go to and fro, and frequent the said island, and other maritime places, with their ships and goods; both to avoid storms, and to conduct their other lawful business there, and to exercise there free commerce, business and trade, and securely, and without danger, remain there, and depart from thence, and return to the same, as often as they think fit, without any harm, molestation, or hostility whatsoever, in their goods, merchandise, or persons; and this not only within the said island and maritime places, and all around the same, but likewise at such spaces and distances from the island as the sight of man goes to, that is as far as the eye of man can reach: We, by virtue of our royal authority, do, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, indulge and enlarge, and renew, reiterate, and confirm, by these present letters, as far as in us lies, the same immunities, impunities, liberty, and privileges, and all the other premisses last mentioned, finding them to be reasonable and seasonable, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other sojourners, inhabitants and merchants, and others, whether enemies or friends, and to each of them, in as ample form and manner as heretofore they have used or enjoyed the same, or should have used or enjoyed the same. In order therefore to prevent any violation or infraction, reckless or otherwise, of this our grant, concession, and confirmation, or any thing therein contained, in any manner whatsoever, we declare and give this warning by these present letters to all our magistrates, officers and subjects in all parts of our kingdom of England, and throughout all our lordships and places under our obedience, wheresoever they lie, or are situated. And if any one of our said officers and subjects shall be so rash as to presume or attempt to transgress these our strict orders and commands, we order and decree (as far as in us lies), that he shall not only restore what has been taken or seized, but shall also be compelled to make a fuller restitution and satisfaction of all costs, interests, and damages, by whatever legal remedy, and he shall be severely punished for his audacious contempt of our royal power, or of our laws.

[5] Further, we, of our more gracious favour, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, do, by these present letters, ratify, approve, establish, and confirm, all and every one of the laws and customs which have been duly and legally used and from ancient times received and approved within the aforesaid island and maritime places; giving and granting to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and all other magistrates and officers of justice, and others who are appointed for performing the functions and executing the duties of any office, full and absolute authority, power, and faculty to have the cognisance, jurisdiction, and judgment concerning and touching all and all sorts of pleas, processes, law-suits, actions, quarrels, and causes arising within the island and maritime places aforesaid; both those actions which are personal, real, and mixed, and those which are criminal and capital, and to proceed in the said island, and not elsewhere, in hearing the parties in their pleadings, in prosecutions of their processes, and in their defence; and to supersede, examine, and hear the same, determining, absolving, condemning, making decrees, and putting their sentences in execution, according to the laws and customs previously practised and approved in the island and maritime places aforesaid; without admitting any challenge or appeal, except in such cases as are reserved to our royal cognisance by the ancient custom of the island and places aforesaid, or by our royal right and privilege ought so to be reserved. Which authority, power, and faculty, except in the cases reserved to us, we give, commit, grant, and confirm, for ourselves and our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the said bailiffs and jurats, and to the others, by these present letters, as freely, fully, and entirely, as the said bailiff and jurats, or others or any of them, heretofore have rightfully and lawfully used, practised, and enjoyed, or might legally have used and enjoyed.

[6] Moreover, our will and pleasure is, and we grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and successors by these present letters, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other inhabitants and sojourners in the island and maritime places aforesaid, that for the time to come, none of them be cited, arrested, or summoned, or drawn into any lawsuit, or forced in any manner by any writs or process, issued from any of our courts or others of the kingdom of England, to appear and answer before any of our judges, justices, magistrates, or officers, or others, out of the island and maritime places aforesaid, touching or concerning any thing, dispute, causes, or matters in controversy whatsoever, arising in the aforesaid island, but that the aforesaid islanders, and each of them, may lawfully and without restraint, notwithstanding the said summons, warrants, writs and processes, remain, reside quietly, and abide in the aforesaid island and places, waiting for justice there; without incurring any punishment, corporal or pecuniary, by way of fine, mulct, ransom, or forfeiture, by reason of any offence, contempt, or contumacy, committed towards us, our heirs and successors, for which they might be sued, arraigned, or condemned (except only in the cases, which by the laws of the island and places aforesaid are reserved to our royal cognisance and determination, or by our royal right and privilege ought to be so reserved.

[7] And moreover, of our more gracious favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have given, granted, and confirmed, and by our present letters, for ourselves, our heirs and successors as far as in us lies, we do give, grant, and confirm to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, and inhabitants of, the aforesaid island and maritime places; as also to merchants and others meeting there, the like, and as great, and as ample rights, jurisdictions, impunities, indemnities, exemptions, liberties, franchises, and privileges whatsoever, as the aforesaid bailiff, jurats, and other sojourners and inhabitants, and merchants and others, or any of them, have heretofore rightfully and legally used, practised, and enjoyed; and all and singular other things whatsoever that has been heretofore given, granted, and confirmed to them or to their predecessors, in any charters, orders, or letters patent, of us or our progenitors or predecessors, formerly kings and queens of England, or dukes of Normandy, or others, and not revoked or abolished, by whatsoever name or names the same bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, or inhabitants of, the same island and maritime places aforesaid, or their predecessors, or any of them, may be supposed to have been comprised, called, or named, or ought to have been called or named, in the said letters patent, and all and singular which things, though not herein expressly mentioned, we do by these present letters confirm, consolidate, and ratify anew to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners, and inhabitants, of the island and maritime places aforesaid, and also merchants and others coming together there, those born there, and those born elsewhere, as fully, freely, and entirely, as if all and singular the things particularly mentioned and declared in the same letters patent were particularly in words expressly recited and declared in these our present letters patent.

[8] Saving always entire and without detriment the regal and sovereign power, dominion, and empire of our crown of England, as to what may concern the allegiance, subjection, and obedience of the aforesaid islanders, and others, whoever they may be, dwelling for a shorter or longer time in the same island; and also as to what may concern the regality, privileges, incomes, revenues, tributes, and other rights, profits, commodities, and emoluments whatsoever, anciently due and accustomed to be paid to us, our heirs and successors, according to our royal prerogative as kings of England, or the prerogative of the duchy of Normandy, in the island and places aforesaid; saving also to the aforesaid islanders, and others dwelling or being in the said island, a right to appeal in all cases reserved to our cognisance and consideration by the laws and customs of the said island, or which by our royal right or privilege ought to be so reserved. Notwithstanding any sentence, clause, thing, or matter whatsoever expressed above, or specially contained to the contrary in these present letters.

[9] Provided always that any clause, article, or any other thing expressed and specified in our present letters patent are not construed, interpreted nor extended to any thing that might be prejudicial to us, our heirs, or successors with regards to any of our lands, tenements, rents, regalities, or inheritances within the aforesaid island and maritime places or any of them.

[10] And in addition, since we are given to understand that an exaction has recently been levied upon the inhabitants and peoples of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and on merchants and others gathering there against the ancient extent and custom there used, that is to say for each quarter of corn or other grain exported from the island three shillings and six pence in money current within the island, when that extent previously did not, as we understand, extend to so large a sum. And since the said inhabitants and people of the aforesaid isle of Jersey were accustomed in the same way to pay to the use of our progenitors or ancestors for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from the island according to the extent there used four pence in the money current within the same island, we will, and by these present letters for us, our heirs, and successors do grant to the aforesaid inhabitants and peoples of our aforesaid island of Jersey, that they themselves, and all the other merchants gathering there from now henceforth for ever shall be bound to pay for our use a sum no more or greater than twelve pence in the money current within the same island of Jersey for each quarter of wheat or other type of grain hereafter exported from the same island. Thus, always, and on condition that the same inhabitants and peoples of the aforesaid island of Jersey and all other merchants and foreigners gathering there, owe and are bound to pay forever hereafter to our use for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from that island, three and a half shillings in the money current within the same island and aforesaid maritime places, or any of them.

[11] Furthermore, we wish and by these present letters we grant, that the said bailiff and jurats and other islanders and inhabitants of the aforesaid island and maritime places should and will have these our letters patent made in the proper way and sealed under our great seal of England without fine or fee, great or small, rendered, made or paid to us in our Hanaper or elsewhere to our use for the same. The fact that express mention of the true annual value, or of the certainty of the premises, or of any one or of other gifts or grants made by us or by any of our progenitors or predecessors, to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats of our aforesaid island of Jersey before these times is not made in these present letters, or in any statute, act, ordinance, proviso, proclamation, or restriction to the contrary thereof heretofore had, made, published, setting there in order, or provided to, or in any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever in any way notwithstanding; in witness whereof we caused these our letters to be made patent; witness myself, at Canbury the sixth day of July in the year of our reign in England etc. the third.

[12] We moreover finding the aforesaid Letters Patent and all and singular concessions, rights, jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises, and all and singular other things contained and specified in the same Letters Patent to be reasonable and acceptable, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, as far as in us lies, accept and approve, and to our beloved subjects the bailiff and jurats of our aforesaid island of Jersey and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of that island, for their great and constant faith and allegiance shown to us and our predecessors formerly kings and queens of England, for whatever cause, of our special favour and certain knowledge, and mere motion we have given and granted and by these present letters for ourself, our heirs and successors we give and grant to the same bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey and other sojourners in and inhabitants of that island full power and authority that finally in perpetuity it is and will be permitted to them to have, use, and carry, or cause to be carried in the presence of the bailiff of our same island of Jersey for the time being what is commonly called a ‘Mace’ of gold or silver sculpted and garnished with the our arms and the arms of our heirs and successors upon it, in and through the whole of that island of Jersey, its liberties and precincts at the will of bailiff of that island for the time being, when and as often as the occasion requires.

[13] And further we wish and by these present letters for ourselves, our heirs and successors, we grant to the said bailiff and jurats of our aforesaid island of Jersey, and the other soujourners and inhabitants within that island, that these our letters patent, in and through all matters, will be good, firm, valid and effectual in law according to the true intention of the same. Notwithstanding failure to identify, or the false identification or recitation contained in the same or notwithstanding any statute, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restriction of whatsoever kind heretofore had or made.

[14] Furthermore, we wish and by these present letters we grant, that the said bailiff and jurats and other islanders and inhabitants of the aforesaid island and maritime places should and will have these our letters patent made in the proper way and sealed under our great seal of England without fine or fee, great or small, rendered, made, or paid to us in our Hanaper or elsewhere to our use for the same. And that although express mention of the true annual value, or of the certainty of the premises, or any one or of other gifts or grants made by us or by any of our progenitors or predecessors, to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats of our aforesaid island of Jersey before these times is not made in these present letters, or in any statute, act, ordinance, proviso, proclamation, or restriction to the contrary thereof observed, made, published, ordained, or provided, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever in any way notwithstanding. In testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness myself, at Westminster on the tenth day of October in the fourth year of our reign


By writ of privy seal

Edward III 1341

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text A expanded from B enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] [AEdwardus Dei Gracia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem:][BRex omnibus ad quos etc. salutem.] Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri homines Insularum nostrarum de Jereseye Gernereye Serk et Aureneye in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro saluacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conseruacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos favore prosequi gracioso concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successors sui omnia privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones et consuetundines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias legitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum vel ministrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et utantur prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt racionabiliter et gavisi que jam eis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout justum fuerit specialiter confirmare. IN CUJUS [rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecims Patentes.][etc.] [ATESTE ME ipse apud Turrim London decimo die Julii anno Regni nostri Anglie quinto decimo Regni vero nostri Francie secundo.][BTeste Rege apud Turrim Londonii. x die Julij.] Per peticionem de concilio in parliament.


[1] AEdward, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. [BThe King to all to whom, etc., greeting.] Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. AIn testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second. [BIn relation, etc.; the King as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July] By petition of the Council in Parliament.

Richard II 1378

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from A charter in Jersey archive, D/AP/Z/1 – some damage towards end - and B enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] [ARichardus Dei Gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem.][BRex omnibus ad quos etc. salutem.] Inspeximus literas patentes quas dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie avus noster fieri fecit in hec verba

[2] Edwardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem. Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri homines Insularum nostrarum de Gernereye Jereseye Serk et Aureneye in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro salvacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conseruacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos favore prosequi gracioso concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successores sui omnia privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones consuetudines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias legitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum vel Minstrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et utantur prout ipsi et antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi que jam illis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus Volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout justum fuerit specialiter confirmare In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Turrim Londonii decimo die Julii Anno regni nostri Anglie quintodecimo regni vero nostri Francie secondo

[3] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea predictis hominibus Insularum habemus heredibus et successoribus suis concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte plenius testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi [AIn cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Gloucestr’ decimo die Nouembris anno Regni nostri secundo.][BIn cujus etc. Teste Rege apud Gloucest’r x die Novembris.] [AMiddelton]


[1] ARichard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all those to whom these present letters shall come, greeting [BThe King to all those to whom, etc., greeting] We have inspected the Letters Patent which the Lord Edward lately king of England our grandfather caused to be made in these words.

[2] Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. In testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second.

[3] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. AIn witness whereof we have had these our Letters made Patent. Myself as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November in the second year of our reign. [BIn relation to which, etc. The King as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November] AMiddelton

Richard II 1394

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from A charter in Guernsey Greffe and B enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] [ARichardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint Salutem:][BRex omnibus ad quos etc. salutem.] Sciatis quod [ADD nos] considerantes bonum gestum et magnam fidelitatem quam in ligeis et fidelibus nostris gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum nostrarum de Gerneseye Jereseye Serk et Aureneye indies invenimus de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus quod ipse ac heredes et successores sui imperpetuum sint liberi et quieti in omnibus civitatibus villis mercatoriis et portubus infra regnum nostrum Anglie de omnimodis theoloniis exaccionibus et custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei nostri in regno nostro predicto existunt. Ita tamen quod dicte gentes et Communitates nostre ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gerant erga nos et dictos heredes nostros imperpetuum. [AIn cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo octavo Julii anno regni nostri decimo octavo.
Hertilpole][BIn cuius etc. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium xxviij die Julii.]
Per breve de priuato sigillo.


[1] ARichard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting [BThe King to all to whom, etc., greeting]: Know ye that we in consideration of the good behaviour and the great loyalty which we have ever found in our liege and faithful peoples and communities of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, have of our special grace granted for ourselves and our heirs, as far as in us lies, to the said peoples and communities, that they, their heirs and successors shall for ever be free and quit from all tolls, duties, and customs of whatsoever kind in all our cities, market towns, and ports within our kingdom of England, in the same manner as our faithful liege people in our aforesaid kingdom are. Provided always, however, that our said peoples and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid shall well and faithfully conduct themselves towards us and our heirs aforesaid for ever. AIn witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of our reign.
[BIn relation to which, etc. Witness the King at Westminster the twenty-eighth day of July]
By warrant of the Privy Seal

Henry IV 1400

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] Rex Omnibus ad quos &c., salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum de confirmacione factas in hec verba.

[2] Ricardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes quas dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie avus noster fieri fecit in hec verba

[3] Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri homines Insularum nostrarum de Jereseye Gerneseye Serk et Aureneye in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro salvacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conservacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos favore prosequi gracioso concesssimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successores sui omnia privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones consuetudines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias legitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum vel Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et utantur prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi que jam eis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus Volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout justum fuerit confirmare. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Turrim London' decimo die Julij anno regni nostri Anglie quinto decimo regni vero nostri Francie secundo.

[4] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea prædictis hominibus Insularum hujusmodi heredibus et successoribus suis concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte plenius testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Gloucestriam decimo die Novembris anno regni nostri secundo.

[5] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis de gratia nostra speciali concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cujus &c Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium viij die Maii.
Per breve de privato sigillo et pro sex marcis solutis in Hanaperio.


[1] The King to all to whom, etc., greeting [Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting]: We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Richard lately king of England the second after the conquest in confirmation made in these words:

[2] Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent which the Lord Edward lately king of England our grandfather caused to be made in these words.

[3] Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. In testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second.

[4] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have had these our Letters made Patent. Myself as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November in the second year of our reign.

[5] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof, &c.. Witness the King at Westminster the eighth day of May [In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the eighth day of May in the first year of our reign.]
By writ of Privy Seal and for six marks paid into the Hanaper.

Henry V 1414

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] [Henricus dei gracia Rex Anglie & ffrancie & Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint Salutem.][Rex omnibus ad quos &c., salutem.] Inspeximus literas patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie patris nostri factas in hec verba

[2] Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum de confirmacione factas in hec verba

[3] Ricardus dei gratia Rex Angelie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes quas dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie avus noster fieri fecit in hec verba.

[4] Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri homines Insularum nostrarum de Jeresey Gernesey Serk et Aureney in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro salvacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conservacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos favore prosequi gracioso concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successores sui omnia privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones consuetudines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias ligitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum aut Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et utantur prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi que iam eis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus Volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout justum fuerit confimare. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Turrim London' decimo die Julii anno regni nostri Anglie quintodecimo regni vero nostri Francie secundo.

[5] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea predictis hominibus Insularum hujusmodi heredibus et successoribus suis concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte plenius testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Gloucestriam decimo die Novembris anno regni nostri secundo.

[6] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis de gratia nostra speciali concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium octavo die Maii anno regni nostri primo.

[7] Nos autem concessiones confirmaciones privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis de gratia nostra speciali concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores Insularum predictarum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. [In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quartodecimo die ffebruarii Anno regni nostri primo][In cujus &c. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium xiiij die Februarii.]
pro decem marcis solutis in Hanaperio.
[Ex p Ricu Gabriell Johem Clerk clericos.]


[1] Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting [The King to all to whom etc., greeting.] We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Henry lately king of England, our father, made in these words.

[2] Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Richard lately king of England the second after the conquest in confirmation made in these words:

[3] Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent which the Lord Edward lately king of England our grandfather, caused to be made in these words:

[4] Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. In testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second.

[5] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have had these our Letters made Patent. Myself as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November in the second year of our reign.

[6] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the eighth day of May in the first year of our reign.

[7] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made Patent. Witness myself at Westminster the fourteenth day of February in the first year of our Reign. [In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Westminster the fourteenth day of February]
For ten marks paid into the Hanaper
[On behalf of Richard Gabriel and John Clark clerks]


Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from A charter in Guernsey Greffe and B enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] [AHenricus dei gracia Rex Anglie & ffrancie & Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem.][BRex omnibus ad quos &c. salute.] Inspeximus literas patentes domini Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum factas in hec verba.

[2] Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod nos considerantes bonum gestum et magnam fidelitatem quam in ligeis et fidelibus nostris gentibus et communitatibus Insularum nostrarum de Gerneseye Jereseye Serk et Aureneye indies invenimus de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est eisdem gentibus et communitatibus quod ipsi [Aipse - sic] ac heredes et successores sui imperpetuum sint liberi et quieti in omnibus civitatibus villis mercatoriis et portubus infra regnum nostrum Anglie de omnimodis theoloniis exaccionibus et custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei nostri in regno nostro predicto existunt. Ita tamen quod dicte gentes et communitates nostre ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gerant erga nos et dictos heredes nostros imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo octauo die Julii anno regni nostri decimo octauo.

[3] Inspeximus eciam literas patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie patris nostri defuncti de confirmacione factas in hec verba.

[4] Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie patris nostri defuncti de confirmacione factas in hec verba

[5] Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum de confirmacione factas in hec verba.

[6] Ricardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie. Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes quas Dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie avus noster fieri fecit in hec verba

[7] Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri Homines Insularum nostrarum de Jereseye Gerneseye Serk et Aureneye in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro saluacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conseruacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos favore prosequi gracioso concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successores sui omnia privilegia libertates immunitates exempciones consuetudines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias legitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum aut ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et utantur prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi que jam eis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout justum fuerit confirmare In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Turrim London' decimo die Julii anno regni nostri Anglie quinto decimo regni vero nostri Francie Secundo.

[8] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea predictis hominibus Insularum hujusmodi heredibus et successoribus suis concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte plenius testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Gloucestriam decimo die Novembris Anno regni nostri secundo.

[9] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis de gratia nostra speciali concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi in cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium octavo die Maii anno regni nostri primo.

[10] Nos autem concessiones confirmaciones privilegia libertates immunitates et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis de gratia nostra speciali concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores Insularum predictarum eis usi sunt rationabiliter et gavisi. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quarto decimo die Februarii anno regni nostri primo.

[11] Nos autem literas predictas de hujusmodi quietanciis privilegiis libertatibus immunitatibus exempcionibus et consuetudinibus minime revocatis de assensu dominorum spiritualium et temporalium in Parliamento nostro apud Westmonasterium. Anno regni nostri primo tento existencium acceptamus approbamus & dilectis nobis nunc hominibus Insularum predictarum ratificamus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur et prout predicti nunc homines Insularum predictarum et antecessores sui habitatores earundem quietanciis privilegiis libertatibus immunitatibus exempcionibus et consuetudinibus predictis a tempore confeccionis literarum predictarum semper hactenus rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt. [AIn cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium decimo die ffebruarii Anno regni nostri vicesimo.][BIn cujus &c. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium X die Februarii.]
[AEx p Johem Bate Thomas Shipton clericos]


[1] AHenry by the grace of God, king of England and France and lord of Ireland. To all those to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. [BThe King to all to whom etc., greeting] We have seen the Letters Patent of the Lord Richard late king of England the second after the Conquest made in these words.

[2] Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. Know ye that we in consideration of the good behaviour and the great loyalty which we have ever found in our liege and faithful peoples and communities of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, have of our special grace granted for ourselves and our heirs, as far as in us lies, to the said peoples and communities, that they, their heirs and successors shall for ever be free and quit from all tolls, duties, and customs of whatsoever kind in all our cities, market towns, and ports within our kingdom of England, in the same manner as our faithful liege people in our aforesaid kingdom are. Provided always, however, that our said peoples and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid shall well and faithfully conduct themselves towards us and our heirs aforesaid for ever. In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of our reign.

[3] We have seen also the Letters Patent of Confirmation of the Lord Henry late king of England our deceased father, made in these words.

[4] Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Henry lately king of England, our father, made in these words.

[5] Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Richard lately king of England the second after the conquest in confirmation made in these words:

[6] Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent which the Lord Edward lately king of England our grandfather, caused to be made in these words:

[7] Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. In testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second.

[8] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have had these our Letters made Patent. Myself as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November in the second year of our reign.

[9] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the eighth day of May in the first year of our reign.

[10] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors as the aforesaid Letters more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said Islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made Patent. Witness myself at Westminster the fourteenth day of February in the first year of our Reign.

[11] We, moreover, accept and approve the aforesaid letters, concerning acquittances, , privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs (in no ways revoked), with the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in our parliament held at Westminster in the first year of our reign, and ratify and confirm the same now to our aforesaid beloved men of the said islands, as the aforesaid letter rationally testify, and as the inhabitants of the aforesaid islands and their ancestors, inhabitants of the same, have possessed and enjoyed, those acquittances, privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs from the time that the aforesaid Letters Patent were granted them. AIn witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the tenth day of February the twentieth year of our reign. [BIn witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Westminster the tenth day of February]
[AExamined by John Bate and Thomas Shipton clerks]

Edward IV 1469

Specific to Jersey; text taken from enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] Rex Omnibus ad quos etc salutem. Cum nobilissimus progenitor noster inclitæ memoriæ Ricardus quondam Rex Angliæ et Franciæ et Dominus Hiberniæ post conquestum secundus per literas suas patentes datas apud Westmonasterium octavo die Julii anno regni sui decimo octavo in consideratione boni gestus et magnæ fidelitatis quos in ligeis et fidelibus suis gentibus et communitatibus Insularum suarum de Jeresey Guernesey Serk et Aureney indies invenit de gratia sua speciali concessit pro se et hæredibus suis quantum in eo fuit eisdem gentibus et communitatibus suis quod ipsi et successores sui imperpetuum forent liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus villis mercatoribus et portubus infra regnum nostrum Angliæ de omnimodis theoloniis exaccionibus et custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei sui in regno suo prædicto extiterunt Ita tamen quod dictæ gentes et Communitates suæ ac hæredes et successores sui prædicti bene et fideliter se gererent erga ipsum progenitorem nostrum et hæredes suos imperpetuum prout in literis illis plenius continetur. Nos continuam fidelitatem gentis et communitatis dictæ Insulæ de Jeresey plenius intendentes literas prædictas et omnia et singula in eis contenta quo ad gentem et communitatem ejusdem Insulæ de Jeresey acceptamus approbamus et eisdem genti et Communitati hæredibus et successoribus suis per presentes ratificamus et confirmamus.

[2] Et ulterius nos memoriæ reducentes quam valide viriliter et constanter dicte gens et Communitas ejusdem Insulæ de Jeresey nobis et progenitoribus nobis perstiterunt et quanta pericula et perdita pro salvacione ejusdem Insulæ et reductione Castri nostri de Mount Orgill sustinuerunt de uberiori gratia nostra concessimus eisdem genti et Communitati quod ipsæ hæredes et successores sui sint ita liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis villis mercatoriis et aliis villis portubus et locis infra regnum nostrum Angliæ et infra omnes terras et Insulas nostras citra vel ultra mare sitas vel situatas de omnimodis theoloniis custumis subsidiis pontagiis pavagiis muragiis cariagiis fossagiis et aliis denariis nobis et hæredibus nostris in dicto regno nostro Angliæ quoquo modo solvendis seu faciendis sicut eædem gens et communitas dictæ Insulæ de Jeresey seu prædecessores aut antecessores sui ejusdem Insulæ sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Angliæ existentes umquam fuerunt.

[3] Et eciam quod dictæ gens et Communitas ejusdem Insulæ de Jeresey hæredes et successores sui habeant et gaudeant omnia jura libertates et franchesias sua infra eandem Insulam adeo libere et tam amplis modo et forma sicut eædem gens et Communitas sive prædecessores aut antecessores sui ejusdem Insulæ sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Angliæ existentes umquam habuerunt seu gavisi fuerunt absque fine seu feodo pro præmissis aut aliquo præmissorum nobis in hanaperio solvendis seu faciendis Eo quod expressa mencio de certitudine seu valore annuo aut aliquo alio valore præmissorum sive eorum alicujus aut de aliis donis seu concessionibus per nos aut progenitores nostros eisdem genti et communitati ante hæc tempora factis in præsentibus minime facta existit aut aliquo Statuto actu sive ordinacione in contrarium edito non obstante. In cujus &c. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium xxviii die Januarii

Per breve de privato sigillo et de data predicta &c.


[1] Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland: to all to whom these presents may come, greeting. Whereas our most noble progenitor of glorious memory Richard the Second after the Conquest, lately king of England and France and lord of Ireland, by his Letters Patent given at Westminster on the eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of his reign in consideration of the good behaviour and great loyalty which he always found among his liege and faithful peoples and communities of the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Sark and Alderney, of his special grace granted on behalf of himself and his heirs, as far as in him lay, to these his same peoples and communities that they themselves and their successors should be for ever in all cities, market towns, and ports within the kingdom of England free and quit of all tolls, duties and customs of whatsoever kind in such wise and in such manner as his own faithful lieges have continued in his own aforesaid kingdom. Provided always that they his said people and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid should conduct themselves well and faithfully towards himself and his heirs for ever as is more fully contained in those Letters. We considering more fully the continuous loyalty of the said island of Jersey, the aforesaid Letters and all and singular contained therein as regards the people and community of the same island of Jersey, do accept approve and by these presents to these same people and community their heirs and successors, do ratify and confirm them.

[2] And, further, calling to mind how valiantly, manfully and steadfastly the said people and community of the said island of Jersey have stood out for us and our progenitors and what great dangers and losses they have sustained for the safety of the said island and for the recapture of our castle of Mont Orgueil, of our more abundant grace have granted to the same people and community that they, their heirs and successors shall likewise be free and quit in all cities, boroughs, market towns and other towns, ports and places within our kingdom of England and within all our lands and islands lying or situated on this side or beyond the sea from all tolls, customs, subsidies, pontages, panages, murages, tallages, fossages, and other dues in whatever way to be discharged or made to us and our heirs in our said kingdom of England just as the same people and community of the said island of Jersey or their predecessors, or ancestors of the same island living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England, have ever been.

[3] And further that the said people and community of the same island of Jersey, their heirs and successors, should enjoy all the rights, liberties and franchises as freely and fully as their predecessors and ancestors living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England have ever had or enjoyed them, without fine or fee in the premises or any of the premises to be paid or made to us in the Hanaper so far as express mention exists of the surety or annual value or any other value in the matter of the premises or of any of them or of other gifts or concessions by us or our progenitors to the same people and community, whether such mention has been made before these times or is expressly set forth in these present letters, or any statute, act or ordinance published to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these out Letters to be made Patent. Witness the king at Westminster the twenty-eighth day of January [in the eighth year of our reign].

By writ of privy seal and of the date aforesaid, etc.

Richard III 1483

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from charter in Guernsey Greffe. A confirmation of Edward IV’s 1465 charter of liberties, which had originally been granted only to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus hibernie omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint Salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anglie quarti post coquestum fratris nostri defuncti de confirmacione factas in hec verba. Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes Litere peruenerint Salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Ricardi nuper Regis Angliae Secundi post conquestum factas in hec verba.

[2] Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes quas Dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Anglie Auus noster fieri fecit in hec verba.

[3] Edwardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salute. Sciatis quod nos grata memoria recensentes quam constanter et magnanimiter dilecti et fideles nostri homines Insularum nostrarum de Gernesey Jereseye Serk et Aureneye in fidelitate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie semper hactenus perstiterunt et quanta pro salvacione dictarum Insularum et nostrorum conseruacione jurium et honoris ibidem sustinuerunt tam pericula corporum quam suarum dispendia facultatum et proinde volentes ipsos fauore prosequi gracioso concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dictis hominibus Insularum predictarum quod ipsi heredes et successores sui omnia priuilegia libertates immunitates exempciones consuetudines in personis rebus monetis et aliis eis virtute concessionum Progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie vel alias legitime competencia habeant et teneant ac eis sine impedimento vel molestacione nostri heredum vel Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque plene gaudeant et vtantur prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis vsi sunt racionabiliter et gauisi que iam eis in forma predicta generaliter confirmamus Volentes ea cum super hiis plene informati fuerimus prout iustum fuerit confirmare. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Turrim London' decimo die Julii anno regni nostri Anglie quintodecimo regni vero nostri ffrancie secundo.

[4] Nos autem concessiones confirmacionem priuilegia libertates immunitates exempciones et consuetudines predicta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et ea predictis hominibus Insularum huiusmodi heredibus et successoribus suis concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte plenius testantur et prout ipsi et eorum antecessores habitatores dictarum Insularum eis vsi sunt racionabiliter et gauisi. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Gloucestre decimo die Novembris Anno regni nostri secundo.

[5] Inspeximus eciam alias literas patentes predicti domini Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum similiter factas in hec verba. Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem. Sciatis quod nos considerantes bonum gestum et magnam fidelitatem quam in ligeis et fidelibus nostris gentibus et communitatibus Insularum nostrarum de Gerneseye Jerseye Serk et Aureneye indies inuenimus de gratia nostra speciali concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus quod ipse ac heredes et successores sui imperpetuum sint liberi et quieti in omnibus Ciuitatibus Villis mercatoriis et portubus infra regnum nostrum Anglie de omnimodis theoloniis exaccionibus et custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei nostri in regno nostro predicto existunt. Ita tamen quod dicte gentes et Communitates nostre ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gerant erga nos et dictos heredes nostros imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo octavo die Julii anno regni nostri decimo octavo.

[6] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eis contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus ac nunc hominibus Gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum de Gernesey Jereseye Serk et Aureneye et successoribus suis ratificamus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso Rege apud Westmonasterium vicesimo nono die Marcii [anno regni nostri quinto].

[7] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eis contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus ac nunc hominibus Gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum de Gernesey Jereseye Serk et Aureneye et successoribus suis ratificamus et confirmamus prout litere predicte rationabiliter testantur. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quinto decimo die Decembris Anno regni nostri primo.

Per ipsum Regem et de data predicta auctoritate Parliamenti et pro viginti solidis solutis in hanaperio.
Examinata per Willielmum Morland Willielmum Kelet Clericos
[Ex p Johem Bate Thomas Shipton clericos]


[1] Richard by the grace of God, king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all those to whom these present letters come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of our Lord Edward lately king of England our brother made in these words: Edward by the grace of God, king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all those to whom these present letters come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of Lord Richard late king of England, the second after the Conquest, made in these words.

[2] Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all those to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent which the Lord Edward lately king of England, our ancestor, caused to be made in these words.

[3] Edward, by the Grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland. To all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we recalling with grateful memory with what constancy and high spirit our beloved and faithful men of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney have always hitherto continued in their faithfulness to us and our progenitors kings of England; and how great dangers to their bodies, as well as costs to their property they have borne for the safety of the said islands, and conservation of our laws and honour therein, and in like manner desiring to follow after them with our gracious favour, we have granted for ourselves and our heirs to the said men of the aforesaid islands, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, may have and hold all privileges, liberties, immunities, exemptions, and customs, in respect of their persons, goods, moneys, and other matters, by virtue of the grant of our progenitors kings of England, or otherwise lawfully by agreement, and, without impediment or molestation from us, our heirs, or our officers whomsoever, may fully enjoy and use them, according as they themselves and their predecessors, the inhabitants of the said islands, have reasonably enjoyed and used them. Which things we do now confirm to them generally in the aforesaid form, being willing after we have enquired into them to confirm them as may be just. In testimony whereof we have had these letters made patent, myself as witness at the Tower of London the tenth day of July, in the year of our reign in England the fifteenth, but of our reign in France the second.

[4] We, moreover, holding the concessions, confirmations, privileges, liberties, immunities, and customs to be reasonable and seasonable, accept, approve, and ratify them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and concede and confirm them to the aforesaid men of the islands in the same manner to their heirs and successors in the same manner as the aforesaid letter more fully testify and as they and their predecessors inhabitants of the said islands have reasonably used and enjoyed them. In witness whereof we have had these our letters made patent. Myself as witness at Gloucester the tenth day of November in the second year of our reign.

[5] We have also inspected other letters patent of our aforesaid Lord Richard formerly king of England, the second after the Conquest, similarly made in these words. Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. Know ye that we in consideration of the good behaviour and the great loyalty which we have ever found in our liege and faithful peoples and communities of our islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, have of our special grace granted for ourselves and our heirs, as far as in us lies, to the said peoples and communities, that they, their heirs and successors shall for ever be free and quit from tolls, duties and customs of whatsoever kind in all our cities, market towns, and ports within our kingdom of England, in the same manner as our faithful liege people in our aforesaid kingdom are. Provided always, however, that our said peoples and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid shall well and faithfully conduct themselves towards us and our heirs aforesaid for ever. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of our reign.

[6] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them same for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify and confirm them to the men, peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, and to the successors as the aforesaid letters more fully testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the twenty-ninth day of March in the fifth year of our reign.

[7] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them same for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify and confirm them to the men, peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, and to the successors as the aforesaid letters more fully testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the fifteenth day of December in the first year of our reign.

By the king himself and according to the aforesaid authority of Parliament and for forty shillings paid into the hanaper.
Examined by William Morland William Kelet clerks

Henry VII 1486

Specific to Jersey; taken from the enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board; this is heavily abbreviated, and so expanded from the similar charter for Guernsey – as indicated.

View Image of original Charter document - 1, 2


[1] Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem. [Omitted in enrolment as edited at no. 79A in Prison Board: Inspeximus literas patentes domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anglie quarti factas in hec verba: Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem.]

[2] Cum nobilissimus progenitor noster inclite memorie Ricardus quondam Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie post conquestum secundus per literas suas patentes datas apud Westmonasterium octavo die Julii Anno regni sui decimo octavo in consideracione boni gestus et magne fidelitatis quos in ligeis et fidelibus suis gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum suarum de Jeresey Guernesey Serk et Aureney indies invenit de gracia sua speciali concessit pro se et heredibus suis quantum in eo fuit eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus suis quod ipsi et successores sui imperpetuum forent liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus villis mercatoriis et portubus infra Regnum Anglie de omnimodo Theoloniis exaccionibus et Custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei sui in Regno suo predicto extiterunt. Ita tamen quod dicte gentes et Communitates sue ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gererent erga ipsum progenitorem nostrum et heredes suos imperpetuum prout in literis illis plenius continetur. Nos continuam fidelitatem gentis et communitatis dicte Insule de Jeresey plenius intendentes literas predictas de omnia et singula in eis contenta quoad gentem et Communitatem ejusdem Insule de Jeresey acceptamus approbamus et eisdem genti et comunitati heredibus et successoribus suis per presentes ratificamus et confirmamus.

[3] Et ulterius Nos memorie Reducentes quam valide viriliter et constanter dicte [gentes et Communitates earundem Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney / gens et Communitas ejusdem Insule de Jeresey] nobis et progenitoribus nostris perstiterunt et quanta pericula et perdita pro salvacione [earundem Insularum / ejusdem Insule] et reductione Castri nostri de Mount Orgill sustinuerunt de uberiori gracia nostra concessimus eisdem [gentibus et Communitatibus / genti et Communitati] quod ipse heredes et successores sui sint liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis Villis Mercatoriis et aliis Villis portubus et locis infra regnum nostrum Anglie et infra omnes terras et insulas nostras citra vel ultra mare sint vel situatum de omnibus Theolonliis Custumis subsidiis pontagiis panagiis muragiis cariagiis fossagiis et aliis deneris nobis et heredibus nostris in dicto regno nostro Anglie quoquomodo solvendo seu faciendo sicut eedem [gentes et Communitates dictarum Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney / gens et Communitas dicte Insule de Jeresey] seu predecessores aut antecessores sui earundem Insularum sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentum umquam fuerunt.

[4] Et eciam quod dicte [gentes et Communitates earundem Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney / gens et Communitas ejusdem Insule de Jeresey] heredes et successores sui habeant et gaudeant omnia jura libertates et franchesias sua infra [easdem Insulas / eandem Insulam] adeo libere et tam amplis modo et forma sicut eedem [gentes et communitates / gens et communitas] sive predecessores aut antecessores sui [earundem Insularum / ejusdem Insule] sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentum unquam habuerunt seu gavisi fuerunt absque fine seu feodo per premissis aut aliquo premissorum nobis in Hanaperio nostro solvendo seu faciendo. Eo quod expressa mencio de certitudine seu valore annuo aut aliquo alio valore premissorum sive eorum alicujus aut de aliquis donis seu concessionibus per nos aut progenitores nostros eisdem [gentibus et Communitatibus / genti et Communitati] ante hec tempora facta in presentibus minime facta existit. Aut aliquo statuto actu sive ordinacione incontrarium editum non obstante. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo octavo die Januarii anno regni nostri octavo.

[5] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus et prefatis [gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney predictarum / genti et Communitati Insule de Jeresey predicte] heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium decimo die Februarii anno regni nostri primo.


[1] Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. [Omitted in enrolment as edited at no. 79A in Prison Board: We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Edward the Fourth, lately king of England, made in these words: Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting.]

[2] Whereas our most noble progenitor of glorious memory Richard the Second after the Conquest, lately king of England and France and lord of Ireland, by his Letters Patent given at Westminster on the eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of his reign in consideration of the good behaviour and great loyalty which he always found in his liege and faithful peoples and communities of the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, of his special grace granted for himself and his heirs, as far as in him lay, to these his same peoples and communities that they themselves and their successors should be for ever in all cities, market towns, and ports within the kingdom of England free and quit of all tolls, duties, and customs of whatsoever kind in such wise and in such manner as his own faithful lieges have continued in his own aforesaid kingdom. Provided always that they his said peoples and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid should conduct themselves well and faithfully towards himself and his heirs for ever as is more fully contained in those Letters. We considering more fully the continuous loyalty of the said island of Jersey, the aforesaid Letters and all and singular contained therein as regards the people and community of the same island of Jersey, do accept, approve, and by these presents to these same people and community, their heirs and successors do ratify and confirm them.

[3] And, further, calling to mind how valiantly, manfully, and steadfastly the said people and community of the said island of Jersey have stood out for us and our progenitors and what great dangers and losses they have sustained for the safety of the said island and for the recapture of our castle of Mont Orgueil, of our more abundant grace we have granted to the same [peoples and communities / people and community] that they, their heirs and successors shall likewise be free and quit in all cities, boroughs, market towns, and other towns, ports, and places within our kingdom of England and within all our lands and islands lying or situated on this side or beyond the sea from all tolls, customs, subsidies, pontages, panages, murages, tallages, fossages, and other dues in whatever way to be discharged or made to us and our heirs in our said kingdom of England just as the same [peoples and communities of the said islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney / people and community of the said island of Jersey] or their predecessors, or ancestors of the same [islands / island], living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England, have ever been.

[4] And further that the said [peoples and communities of the same islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney / people and community of the same island of Jersey], their heirs and successors, should enjoy all the rights, liberties and franchises as freely and fully as their predecessors and ancestors living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England have ever had or enjoyed them, without fine or fee in the premises or any of the premises to be paid or made to us in the Hanaper so far as express mention exists of the surety or annual value or any other value in the matter of the premises or of any of them or of other gifts or concessions by us or our progenitors to the same [peoples and communities / people and community], whether such mention has been made before these times or is expressly set forth in these present letters, or any statute, act or ordinance published to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these out Letters to be made Patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-eighth day of January in the eighth year of our reign.

[5] We, moreover, finding the aforesaid letters and all and singular therein contained to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify and confirm them to the aforesaid [peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney / people and community of the island of Jersey] aforesaid, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the tenth day of February in the first year of our reign.

Henry VIII 1510

The Jersey charter is taken from the enrolled versionA; it was issued slightly earlier than the equivalent Guernsey charter. The latter, which survives in the Greffe in a more extensive formB, provides fuller readings, with assumed amendments.

View Image of original Charter document


[1] BHenricus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem [ARex omnibus as quos etc salutem.] Inspeximus literas patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie [Apatris nostri de confirmacione; Bseptimi] factas in hec verba: Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes domini Edwardi nuper Regis Anglie quarti factas in hec verba: Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem.

[2] Cum nobilissimus progenitor noster inclite memorie Ricardus quondam Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie post conquestum secundus per literas suas patentes datas apud Westmonasterium octavo die Julii Anno regni sui decimo octavo in consideracione boni gestus et magne fidelitatis quos in ligeis et fidelibus suis gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum suarum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney indies invenit de gracia sua speciali concessit pro se et heredibus suis quantum in eo fuit eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus suis quod ipsi et successores sui imperpetuum forent liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus villis mercatoriis et portubus infra Regnum Anglie de omnimodo Theoloniis exaccionibus et Custumis taliter et eodem modo quo fideles ligei sui in Regno suo predicto extiterunt. Ita tamen quod dicte gentes et Communitates sue ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gererent erga ipsum progenitorem nostrum et heredes suos imperpetuum prout in literis illis plenius continetur. Nos continuam fidelitatem gencium et Communitatum dictarum Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney plenius intendentes literas predictas de omnia et singula in eis contenta quo ad gentes et Communitates earundem Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney acceptamus approbamus et eisdem gentibus et Comunitatibus heredibus et successoribus suis per presentes ratificamus et confirmamus.

[3] Et ulterius nos memorie Reducentes quam valide viriliter et constanter dicte gentes et Communitates earundem Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney nobis et progenitoribus nostris perstiterunt et quanta pericula et perdita pro salvacione earundem Insularum et reductione Castri nostri de Mount Orgill sustinuerunt de uberiori gracia nostra concessimus eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus quod ipse heredes et successores sui sint liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis Villis Mercatoriis et aliis Villis portubus et locis infra regnum nostrum Anglie et infra omnes terras et insulas nostras citra vel ultra mare sint vel situatum de omnibus Theolonliis Custumis subsidiis pontagiis panagiis muragiis cariagiis fossagiis et aliis deneris nobis et heredibus nostris in dicto regno nostro Anglie quoquomodo solvendo seu faciendo sicut eedem gentes et Communitates dictarum Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney seu predecessores aut antecessores sui earundem Insularum sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentum umquam fuerunt.

[4] Et eciam quod dicte gentes et Communitates earundem Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney heredes et successores sui habeant et gaudeant omnia jura libertates et franchesias sua infra easdem Insulas adeo libere et tam amplis modo et forma sicut eedem gentes et communitates sive predecessores aut antecessores sui earundem Insularum sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentum unquam habuerunt seu gavisi fuerunt absque fine seu feodo per premissis aut aliquo premissorum nobis in Hanaperio nostro solvendo seu faciendo. Eo quod expressa mencio de certitudine seu valore annuo aut aliquo alio valore premissorum sive eorum alicujus aut de aliquis donis seu concessionibus per nos aut progenitores nostros eisdem gentibus et Communitatibus ante hec tempora facta in presentibus minime facta existit. Aut aliquo statuto actu sive ordinacione incontrarium editum non obstante. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo octavo die Januarii anno regni nostri octavo.

[5] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus et prefatis gentibus et Communitatibus Insularum de Guernesey Serk et Aureney predictarum heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium decimo die Februarii anno regni nostri primo.

[6] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus et prefati genti et Communitati Iusule de Jeresey predicta heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur [BIn cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes.][AIn cujus etc..] [BTeste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quinto die Martii anno regni nostri primo.][ATeste Rege apud Westmonasterium xxvj die Februarii]

Per ipsum Regem et de data predicta auctoritate parliamenti et pro quadraginta solidis solutes in Hanaperio.][pro quadraginta solidis solutes in Hanaperio.]
Ex. per William Morland Francis Skipton clericos


[1] BHenry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland: to all to whom these presents may come, greeting[AThe King to all to whom etc., greeting]. We have inspected the Letters Patent [Aof confirmation] of the Lord Henry [Bthe Seventh], lately king of England [A, our father,] made in these words: Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these presents may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Edward the Fourth, lately king of England, made in these words: Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these presents may come, greeting.

[2] Whereas our most noble progenitor of glorious memory Richard the Second after the Conquest, lately king of England and France and lord of Ireland, by his Letters Patent given at Westminster on the eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of his reign in consideration of the good behaviour and great loyalty which he always found among his liege and faithful peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, of his special grace granted for himself and his heirs, as far as in him lay, to these his same peoples and communities that they themselves and their successors should be for ever in all cities, market towns, and ports within the kingdom of England free and quit of all tolls, duties, and customs of whatsoever kind in such wise and in such manner as his own faithful lieges have continued in his own aforesaid kingdom. Provided always that they his said people and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid should conduct themselves well and faithfully towards himself and his heirs for ever as is more fully contained in those Letters. We considering more fully the continuous loyalty of the said islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, the aforesaid Letters and all and singular contained therein as regards the peoples and communities of the same islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, do accept, approve, and by these presents to these same peoples and communities their heirs and successors, do ratify and confirm them.

[3] And, further, we calling to mind how valiantly, manfully, and steadfastly the said peoples and communities of the said islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney have stood out for us and our progenitors and what great dangers and losses they have sustained for the safety of the said islands and for the recapture of our castle of Mont Orgueil, of our more abundant grace have granted to the same peoples and communities that they, their heirs and successors shall likewise be free and quit in all cities, boroughs, market towns, and other towns, ports, and places within our kingdom of England and within all our lands and islands lying or situated on this side or beyond the sea from all theolonies, customs, subsidies, pontages, panages, murages, tallages, fossages, and other dues in whatever way to be discharged or made to us and our heirs in our said kingdom of England just as the same peoples and communities of the said islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, or their predecessors or ancestors of the same islands, living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England have ever been.

[4] And further that the said peoples and communities of the same islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, their heirs and successors, should enjoy all their rights, liberties and franchises as freely and fully as their predecessors and ancestors living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England have ever had or enjoyed them, without fine or fee in the premises or any of the premises to be paid or made to us in the Hanaper so far as express mention exists of the surety or annual value or any other value in the matter of the premises or of any of them or of other gifts or concessions by us or our progenitors to the same peoples and communities, whether such mention has been made before these times or is expressly set forth in these present letters, or any statute, act or ordinance published to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these out Letters to be made Patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-eighth day of January in the eighth year of our reign.

[5] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify and confirm them to the aforesaid peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney aforesaid, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster the tenth day of February in the first year of our reign.

[6] We, moreover, finding the aforesaid letters and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify, grant, and confirm them to our aforesaid people and community of the island of Jersey aforesaid, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. [BIn witness whereof we have caused these out letters to be made patent.][AIn witness whereof, etc..] [BWitness myself at Westminster this fifth day of March in the first year of our reign.][AWitness the King at Westminster this twenty-sixth day of February.]

By the king himself, and the aforesaid authority of parliament and forty shillings paid into the Hanaper.]
[For forty shillings paid into the Hanaper.]
Examined by William Morland and Francis Skipton clerks

Edward VI 1548-9

Common to Guernsey, Sark and Alderney; text taken from enrolment in The National Archives, as presented in Prison Board.

View Image of original Charter document - 1, 2,3,4


[1] Rex Omnibus ad quos &c. Salutem Inspeximus literas patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie octavi patris nostri precharissimi de confirmacione factas in hec verba

[2] Henricus Dei gracia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes Iitere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus Iiteras patentes domini Henrici nuper Regis AngIie patris nostri de confirmacione factas in hec verba

[3] Henricus Dei gracia Rex AngIie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes Iitere pervenerint salutem. Inspeximus Iiteras patentes domini Edwardi nuper Regis AngIie quarti factas in hec verba

[4] Edwardus Dei gracia Rex AngIie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes Iitere pervenerint salutem Cum nobilissimus progenitor noster inclite memorie Ricardus quondam Rex AngIie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie post conquestum secundus per Iiteras suas patentes datas apud Westmonasterium octavo die Julii anno regni sui decimo octavo in consideracione boni gestus et magne fidelitatis quos in ligeis et fidelibus suis gentibus et communitatibus Insularum de Jersey Guernesey Scerke et Aureney indies invenit de gracia sua concessit pro se et heredibus suis quantum in eo fuit eisdem gentibus et communitatibus suis quod ipsi successores sui imperpetuum forent liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus villis mercatoriis et portubus infra Regnum AngIie de omnimodis theoloniis exaccionibus et custumis taliter et in eodem modo quo fideles ligei sui in Regno suo predicto extiterunt Ita semper quod dicti gentes et communitates sue ac heredes et successores sui predicti bene et fideliter se gererent erga ipsum progenitorem nostrum et heredes suos imperpetuum prout in Iiteris illis plenius continetur Nos continuam fidelitatem gentis et communitatis dicte Insule de Jersey plenius intendentes Iiteras predictas ac omnia et singula in eis contenta quoad gentem et communitatem ejusdem Insule de Jersey acceptamus approbamus et eisdem gentibus et communitati heredibus et successoribus suis per presentes ratificamus et confirmamus.

[5] Et ulterius nos memorie reducentes quam valide viriliter et constanter dicta gens et communitas ejusdem Insule de Jersey nobis et progenitoribus nostris perstiterunt et quanta pericula et perdita pro salvacione ejusdem Insule et reduccione Castri nostri de Mount Orgyll sustinuerunt de uberiori gracia nostra concessimus eisdem gentibus et communitati quod ipsi heredes et successores sui sint ita liberi et quieti in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis villis mercatoriis et aliis villis portubus et locis infra Regnum nostrum Anglie et infra omnes terras et Insulas nostras citra vel ultra mare sitas vel situatas de omnibus theoloniis custumis subsidiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis cariagiis fossagiis et aliis deveriis nobis et heredibus nostris in dicto Regno nostro Anglie quoquo modo solvendis seu faciendis sicut eedem gens et communitas dicte Insule de Jersey seu predecessores aut antecessores sui ejusdem Insule sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentes unquam fuerunt

[6] Et eciam quod dicta gens et communitas ejusdem Insule de Jersey heredes et successores sui habeant et gaudeant omnia jura libertates et franchesias sua infra eandem Insulam adeo libere ac in tam amplis modo et forma sicut eedem gens et communitas sive predecessores aut antecessores sui ejusdem Insule sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentium unquam habuerunt seu gavisi fuerunt absque fine seu feodo pro premissis aut aliquo premissorum nobis in hanaperio nostro solvendo seu faciendo Eo quod expressa mencio de certitudine seu valore annuo aut de aliquo alio valore premissorum vel eorum alicujus Aut de aliis donis sive concessionibus pro nos aut progenitores nostros eisdem gentibus et comunitati ante hec tempora factis in presentibus minime factis existit aut aliquo statuto actu sive ordinacione in contrarium edita non obstantibus. In cujus rei testimonium has Iiteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo die Januarii Anno regni nostri octavo.

[7] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus et prefatis gentibus et communitati Insule de Jersey predicte heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur. In cujus rei testimonium has Iiteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium decimo die Februarij Anno regni nostri primo.

[8] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus et prefatis gentibus et communitati Insule de Jersey predicte heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout Iitere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me apud Westmonasterium vicesimo sexto die Februarii Anno regni nostri primo.

[9] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus ac ea tam prefatis gentibus et communitati Insule de Jersey quam prefatis gentibus et communitatibus Insularum de Guernesey Serke et Aureney heredibus et successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus concedimus et confirmamus prout litere predicte in se racionabiliter testantur

[10] Et insuper nos volentes cum gentibus et communitatibus Insularum graciam facere ampliorem ac memorie reducentes quam valide viriliter et constanter dicti gentes et communitates earundem Insularum nobis et progenitoribus nostris perstiterunt et quanta pericula et perdita pro salvacione earundem Insularum et reduccione et defensione Castri nostri de Mount Orgyll sustinuerunt de gracia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris de avisamento et consensu precharissimi Avunculi nostri Edwardi Ducis Somerset persone nostre gubernatoris ac Regnorum Dominiorum et Subditorum nostrorum protectoris ceterorumque Consiliariorum nostrorum concessimus ac per presentes concedimus prefatis gentibus et communitatibus Insularum predictarum et earum cuiuslibet quod ipsi heredes et successores sui ita libere et quiete in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis villis mercetis mercatoriis et aliis villis portubus infra Regnum nostrum AngIie ac infra omnes terras et Insulas nostras citra vel vltra mare sitas vel situatas de omnibus theoloniis custumis subsidiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis cariagiis fossagiis et aliis deueriis nobis et heredibus nostris in dicto Regno nostro Anglie quoquo modo solvendis vel faciendis sicut eedem gentes et communitates dictarum Insularum seu predecessores aut antecessores sui sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorum nostrorum Regum Anglie existentium vnqam fuerunt.

[11] Et eciam quod dicte gentes et communitates earundem Insularum heredes et successores sui habeant et gaudeant omnia jura libertates et franchesias sua infra easdem Insulas et earum quamlibet adeo libere et in tam amplis modo et forma prout eedem gentes et communitates sive predecessores aut antecessores sui sub obediencia aliquorum progenitorem nostrorum Regum Anglie existentem unquam habuerunt et gavisi fuerunt

[12] Ac insuper cum datum est nobis intelligi quod quedam exaccio nuper levato fuerit de inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey et de mercatoribus et aliis illuc confluentibus contra antiquam extentam et consuetudinem ibidem usitatam videlicet per quolibet quarterio frumenti vel alterius grani extra Insulam illam exportato tres solidos et sex denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam ubi illa extenta antehac ad tantam summam se non extendebat ut accepimus Et cum dicti Inhabitantes et gentes Insule de Jersey predicte soliti fuerint similiter solvere ad usum nostrum per quibuslibet Centum et quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportatis juxta extentam ibidem usitatam quatuor denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam Nos de avisamento et consensu predicto volumus ac per presentes concedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris prefatis Inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicte quod ipsi et omnes alii mercatores illuc confluentes non plus nec majorem summam exnunc deinceps imperpetuum solvere teneantur ad usum nostrum quam duodecim denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam de Jersey per quolibet quarterio frumenti sive alterius generis grani extra eandem Insulam posthac exportando Ita semper et sub condicione quod iidem Inhabitantes et gens Insule de Jersey predictas ac omnes alii mercatores et extranei illuc confluentes solvere debeant et teneant posthac imperpetuum ad usum nostrum per quibus libet Centum et quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportandis tres solidos et dimidium monete currentis infra eandem Insulam

[13] Et cum diverse alie libertates in presentibus non expresse a progenitoribus nostris prefatis gentibus et communitatibus Insularum predictarum concesse extiterint e quibus una est quod tempore belli omnium nacionum gentes possint tam libere tute et secure accedere ac frequentare dictas nostras Insulas cum Navibus et mercandisis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis suis licitis negociis inibi peragendis sicut in tempore pacis potuissent absque dampnificacione seu molestacione alicujus subditorum nostrorum vel in corporibus suis vel in bonis tam infra dictas Insulas quam in portubus et haffuris earundem quam concessionem seu prerogativam Nos pro commodo subditorum nostrorum Insularum predictaram ratam gratamque habentes eam pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus ac tam prefatis gentibus et communitatibus earundem Insularum heredibus et successoribus suis imperpetuum concedimus et confirmamus

[14] Et ideo omnibus nostris subditis firmiter injungendo precipimus ne hanc nostram concessionem et prerogativam donacionem infringere vel violare attemptent Et si quis ausu temerario contrafecerit volumus quod restituat non solum ablata sed quod eciam pro dampno interesse et expensis ad plenam compensacionem compellatur severeque puniatur ut nostri mandati contemptor temerarius

[15] Proviso semper quod aliqua clausula articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus literis nostris patentibus expressis et specificatis non exponantur interpretentur nec se extendant ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit nobis vel heredibus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua terras tenementa redditus vel hereditamenta nostra infra Insulas predictas sive earum aliquam.

[16] Et volumus ac per presentes concedimus quod dicte gentes et communitates habeant has Iiteras nostras patentes sub magno sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et sigillatas absque fine seu feodo nobis in hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad usum nostrum per premissis solvendis vel faciendis Eo quod expressa mencio etc In cujus etc T. R. apud Westmonsterium vj die Marcij.
Per breve de privato sigillo &c.


[1] The king, to all to whom these present letters come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Henry the Eighth, lately king of England, our most dearly beloved father, made in these words:

[2] Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all those to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Henry the Seventh, our father, lately king of England, made in these words:

[3] Henry by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all those to whom these present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of the Lord Edward the Fourth, lately king of England, made in these words.

[4] Edward by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland to all to whom these present letters may come, greeting. Whereas our most noble progenitor of glorious memory Richard the Second after the Conquest, lately king of England and France and lord of Ireland, by his Letters Patent given at Westminster on the eighth day of July in the eighteenth year of his reign in consideration of the good behaviour and great loyalty which he always found in his liege and faithful peoples and communities of the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Sark and Alderney, of his special grace granted for himself and his heirs, as far as in him lay, to these his same peoples and communities that they themselves and their successors should be for ever in all cities, market towns, and ports within the kingdom of England free and quit of all tolls, duties, and customs of whatsoever kind in such wise and in such manner as his own faithful lieges have continued in his own aforesaid kingdom. Provided always that they his said people and communities, their heirs and successors aforesaid should conduct themselves well and faithfully towards himself and his heirs for ever as is more fully contained in those Letters. We considering more fully the continuous loyalty of the said island of Jersey, the aforesaid Letters and all and singular contained therein as regards the people and community of the same island of Jersey, do accept, approve, and by these presents to these same people and community, their heirs and successors, do ratify and confirm them.

[5] And, further, calling to mind how valiantly, manfully and steadfastly the said people and community of the said island of Jersey have stood out for us and our progenitors and what great dangers and losses they have sustained for the safety of the said islands and for the recapture of our castle of Mont Orgueil, of our more abundant favour we have granted to the same people and community that they, their heirs and successors shall likewise be free and quit in all cities, boroughs, market towns, and other towns, ports, and places within our kingdom of England and within all our lands and islands lying or situated on this side or beyond the sea from all tolls, customs, subsidies, pontages, panages, murages, tallages, fossages, and other dues in whatever way to be discharged or made to us and our heirs in our said kingdom of England just as the same people and community of the said island of Jersey, or their predecessors or ancestors of the same island, living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England, have ever been.

[6] And further that the said people and community, their heirs and successors, should have and enjoy all their rights, liberties, and franchises within the same island as freely and in as full a manner and form as the same people and community, or their predecessors and ancestors in the same island living under the obedience of any of our progenitors the kings of England have ever had or enjoyed them, without fine or fee in the premises or any of the premises to be paid or made to us in the hanaper; so far as express mention exists of the surety or annual value or any other value in the matter of the premises, or of any of them, or of other gifts or concessions by us or our progenitors to the same people and community, whether such mention has been made before these times or is expressly set forth in these present letters, or any statute, act or ordinance published to the contrary, notwithstanding. In witness whereof we have caused these out Letters to be made Patent. Myself as witness at Westminster this twentieth day of January in the eighth year of our reign.

[7] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify and confirm them to the aforesaid people and community of the island of Jersey, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster this tenth day of February in the first year of our reign.

[8] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and now ratify, grant and confirm them to the aforesaid people and community of the island of Jersey, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster this twenty-sixth day of February in the first year of our reign.

[9] We, moreover, holding the aforesaid letters, and all and singular contained therein, to be reasonable and seasonable, accept and approve them for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and ratify, grant and confirm them both to the aforesaid people and community of the island of Jersey and to the aforesaid peoples and communities of the islands of Guernsey, Sark, and Alderney, and to their heirs and successors, in the tenor of the present letters, as the aforesaid letters in themselves reasonably testify.

[10] And above this, we wishing to show the peoples and communities of the islands our fuller favour, and calling to mind how valiantly, manfully and steadfastly the said peoples and communities of the same islands have stood out for us and our progenitors and what great dangers and losses they have sustained for the salvation of the same islands and the reduction and defence of our castle of Mount Orguyll, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, on the advice and with the agreement of our dearest uncle Edward, duke of Somerset, governor of our person and Protector of our realms, lordships, and subjects, and of our other councillors we have granted and by these present letters we grant to the foresaid peoples and communities of the aforesaid islands, and to each of them, that they themselves, their heirs and successors, be as free and quit, in all the cities, boroughs, fairs, mart-towns, and other towns and ports sited and situate within our kingdom of England and within all our lands and islands on this side of or beyond the sea, from all tolls, customs, subsidies, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, and all other duties to us and our heirs in our said kingdom of England, howsoever to be paid or made, as the same peoples and communities of the said islands or their predecessors or ancestors living under the obedience of any of our predecessors the kings of England ever were.

[11] And, furthermore, that the said peoples and communities of the said islands, their heirs and successors, should have and enjoy all their rights, liberties, and franchises within the same islands and any of them as freely and in as full a manner and form as the same peoples and communities or their predecessors and ancestors living under the obedience of any of our progenitors kings of England ever had and enjoyed them.

[12] And, above this, since it is given to us to understand that a certain exaction has recently been levied of the inhabitants and peoples of our island of Jersey and of merchants and others gathering there, against the ancient extent and custom used there, viz. for each quarter of wheat or other grain exported out of that island three shillings and six pence of money current in the same island, where that extent previously did not extend to such a great sum, as we understand; and since the said inhabitants and peoples of the aforesaid island of Jersey have been accustomed similarly to pay to our use for each 150 pounds of wool exported out of that island, according to the extent used in that place, four pence of money current within the same island; we, by the advice and consent aforesaid will, and by the present letters grant, for us and our heirs, to the aforesaid inhabitants and peoples of our aforesaid island of Jersey that they themselves and all other merchants gathering there should not be held to pay more nor greater sum from now henceforth for ever to our use than twelve pence of money current within the same island of Jersey for each quarter of wheat or of other type of grain henceforth to be exported out of the same island. Thus always and on condition that the same inhabitants and people of the island of Jersey aforesaid and all other merchants and outsiders gathering there ought and hold to pay henceforth for ever to our use for each 150 pounds of wool exported out of the same island three and a half shillings of money current within the same island.

[13] And since various other liberties not expressed in the present letters exist, conceded by our progenitors to the aforesaid peoples and communities of the aforesaid island, of which one is that in time of war people of all nations have been able to visit and frequent our said islands with their ships and merchandise, both to escape storms and to conduct their other their lawful business there, as freely, safely, and securely as they have been able to in time of peace, without condemnation or interference from any of our subjects either in their bodies or in their goods, both within the said islands and in the ports and harbours of the same; finding this concession or prerogative reasonable and acceptable, for the benefit of our subjects of the aforesaid islands, we accept and approve, for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, and we concede and confirm it both to the aforesaid peoples and communities of the same islands, and to their heirs and successors for ever.

[14] And therefore firmly enjoining all our subjects we order that they should not attempt to infringe or violate this our concession and prerogative grant; and if anyone, in their rashness and daring, should contravene it, we wish that he should not only restore that taken away but that he should be compelled to give full compensation for the costs, interest, and damages, and be severely punished for his audacious contempt of our order.

[15] Provided always that any clause, article or anything other expressed and specified in our present letters patent should not be set forth, interpreted or extend itself to anything which should or could be prejudicial to us or our heirs in relation to any our lands, tenements, rents or inheritances within the foresaid islands or of any of them.

[16] And we wish and by these present [letters] we grant that the same peoples and communities should have these our letters patent under our great seal of England in due manner made and sealed, without fine or fee paid or made to us in our hanaper or elsewhere to our use by the premises. So that express mention, &c. In testimony whereof, &c. Witness the king at Westminster, 6 March

Elizabeth I

I have retained the edition and translation as provided in the JGLR version, with some very small exceptions – most importantly amending the translation of civitas from state to city, otherwise e.g. adding a little punctuation and some missing articulation.

View Image of original Charter document - 1, 2


Pro Ballivo et Juratis Insule de Jersey
Regina Omnibus ad quos &c. salutem

[1] Cum dilecti et fideles ligei et Subditi nostri Ballivus et Jurati Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteri incole et habitatores ipsius Insule infra Ducatum nostrum Normannie et predecessores eorum a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit per separales Cartas concessiones confirmaciones et amplissima diplomata illustrium progenitorum ac antecessorum nostrorum tam Regum Anglie quam Ducum Normannie ac aliorum quam pluribus Juribus Jurisdiccionibus Privilegiis annuitatibus libertatibus et franchesiis libere quiete et inviolabiliter usi freti et gavisi fuerunt tam infra Regnum nostrum Anglie quam alibi infra dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ultra citraque mare Quorum opere et beneficio Insule prenominate ac loca maritima predicta in fide obediencia et servicio tam nostre quam eorundem progenitorum nostrorum constanter fideliter et inculpate prestiterunt ac perseveraverunt liberaque commercia cum mercatoribus et aliis indigenis ac alienigenis tam pacis quam belli temporibus habuerunt et exercuerunt Judicia eciam et cogniciones omnium et omnimodorum causarum et querelarum accionum et placitorum tam Civilium quam criminalium et capitalium ac judicialem potestatem ea omnia tractandi decidendi discutiendi audendi et terminandi atque in eisdem procedendi et in acta redigendi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et loci predictorum ex antiquo receptas et approbatas preterquam in certis casubus cognicioni nostri [sic] regie reservatis de tempore in tempus exercuerunt executi sunt et peregerunt

[2] Que omnia et singula cujus et quanti momenti sunt et fuerunt ad tutelam et conservacionem Insule [et] loci maritimorum predictorum in fide et obediencia Corone nostre Anglie Nos ut equum est perpendentes neque non immemores quam fortiter et fideliter Insulani predicti ac ceteri incole et habitatores ibidem nobis et progenitoribus nostris inservierunt quantaque detrimenta damna et pericula tam pro assidua tuicione ejusdem Insule et loci quam pro recuperacione et defensione Castri nostri de Mount Orguill’ infra predictam Insulam nostram de Jersey sustinuerunt indiesque sustinent non solum ut regia nostra benevolencia favor et effectus erga prefatos Insulanos aliquo illustri nostri beneficientie testimonio ac certis inditiis comprobetur verum eciam ut ipsi et eorum posteri deinceps imperpetuum prout antea solitam et debitam obedienciam erga nos heredes et successores nostros teneant ac inviolabiliter observent has literas nostras patentes magno sigillo Anglie roboratas in forma qua sequitur illis concedere dignati sumus.

[3] Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris dedimus et concessimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes damus et concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicte ac ceteris Incolis et Habitatoribus dicte Insule quod ipsi et eorum quilibet licet in presentibus non recitati seu cogniti per seperalia nomina sunt semper in futuro ita liberi quieti et immunes in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis emptoriis nundinis mercatis villis mercatoriis et aliis locis ac portibus infra Regnum nostrum Anglie ac infra omnes provincias dominia territoria et loca ditioni nostre subjecta tam citra quam ultra mare de et ab omnibus vectigalibus theoloneis custumis subsidiis hidagiis tallagiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis fossagiis operibus expedicionibus bellicis nisi in casu ubi corpus nostre prefate Regine heredum vel successorum nostrorum quod absit in prisona detineatur et de et ab omnibus aliis contribucionibus oneribus et exccionibus quibuscumque nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quovismodo debitis reddendis seu solvendis prout prefata Insula virtute aliquarum Cartarum concessionum confirmacionum sive deplomatum per predictos progenitores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normannie sive alios seu virtute aut vigore alicujus rationabilis et legalis usus prescripcionis seu consuetudinis unquam aliquando fuerunt aut esse debuerunt vel potuerunt debuit vel quovismodo potuit.

[4] Cumque nonnula alia Privilegia Jurisdicciones annuitates libertates et franchesie per predictos progenitores ac predecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normannie ac alios prefate Insule indulta donata concessa et confirmata fuerunt ac a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit infra Insulam et locos maritima prenominata inviolabiliter usitata et observata fuerunt de quibus unum est quod tempore belli omnium nacionum mercatores et alii tam alienigeni quam Indigeni tam hostes quam amici libere licite et impune queant et possint dictam Insulam et locos maritima cum navibus mercibus et bonis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis licitis suis negociis inibi peragendis adire accedere commeare et frequentare ac libera commerica negociacionis ac rem mercatoriam ibidem exercere ac tuto et secure commorari indeque commeare ac redire tocies quocies absque damno molestia seu hostilitate quacumque in rebus mercibus bonis aut corporibus suis idque non solum infra Insulam et locos marittima predicta ac procinctum eorundem verum eciam infra spacia undique ab eisdem distancia usque ad usum hominis id est quatenus visus oculi possit assequi Nos eandem annuitatem impunitatem libertates et privilegia ac cetera omnia premissa ultime recitata rata grataque habentes ea pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris incolis habitatoribus mercatoribus et aliis tam hostibus quam amicis et eorum cuilibet per presentes indulgemus ac elargimur auctoritate nostra regia renovamus reiteramus et confirmamus in tam amplis modo et forma prout predicti incole et habitatores Insule predicte ac predicti indigeni et alienigeni mercatores et alii preantea usi vel gavisi fuerunt vel uti aut gaudere debuerunt universis igitur et singulis Magistratibus Ministris et Subditis nostris per universum Regnum nostrum Anglie ac cetera dominia et locos ditioni nostre subjecta ubilibet constitutis per presentes denunciamus ac firmiter injungendo precipimus ne hanc nostram donacionem concessionem et confirmacionem seu aliquid in eisdem expressum aut contentum temerarie infringere seu quovismodo inviolare presumant. Et si quis ausu temerario controfecerit seu attemptaverit volumus et decernimus quantum in nobis est quod restituat non solum oblata aut erepta sed quod eciam pro damno interesse et expensas ad plenariam recompensam et satisfaccionem compellatur per quecumque juris nostri remedia severeque puniatur et regie nostre potestatis ac legum nostrarum contemptor temerarius.

[5] Preterea ex uberiori gratia nostra per presentes ratificamu approbamus stabilimus et confirmamus omnes et singulas leges et consuetudines infra Insulam et locos marittima predicta rite et legittime usitatas et ex antiquo receptas et approbatas Dantes et tribuentes prefatis Ballivo et juratis ac omnibus aliis Magistratibus Ministris et ceteris quibuscumque ibidem in officio aut functione aliqua constitutis plenam integram et absolutam auctoritatem potestatem et facultatem cognoscendi jurisdiscendi et judicandi de se et super omnibus et omnimodis placitis processibus litibus accionibus querelis et causis quibuscumque infra Insulam et locos predictos emergentibus tam realibus personalibus et mixtis quam criminalibus et capitalibus eaque omnia et singula ibidem et non alibi placitandi et peregendi prosequendi et defendendi atque in eisdem vel procedendi vel supersedendi examinandi audiendi terminandi absolvendi condenandi decidendi atque execucioni mandandi secundum leges et consuetutines Insule et loci marittimorum predictorum preantea usitatas et approbatas absque provocacione seu appellacione quacumque preterquam in casibus qui cognicioni nostre regali ex vetusta consuetudine Insule et loci predictorum reservantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur. Quam quidem auctoritatem potestatem et facultatem (preterquam in eisdem casibus reservatas) nos pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis damus committimus concedimus et confirmamus per presentes adeo plene libere et integre prout prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac alii vel eorum aliquis unquam antehac eisdem rite et legittime uti functi aut gavisi sunt velu ti fungi et gaudere debuerunt aut licite potuerunt debuit aut potuit.

[6] Volumus preterea et pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam et locos marittima predicta quod nullus eorum de cetero per aliqua brevia sen processus ex aliquibus Curiis nostris seu aliorum infra Regnum nostrum Anglie emergencia sive eorum aliqua citetur apprehendatur evocetur in placita trahatur sive quovismodo aliter comparere aut respondere cogatur extra Insulam et loca maritima predicta coram quibuscumque Judicibus Justiciariis Magistratibus aut Officiariis nostris aut aliorum de aut super aliqua relite materia seu causa quacumque infra Insulam predictam emanante sed quod Insulam predictam et eorum quilibet hujusmodi citacionibus apprehencionibus brevibus et processibus non obstantibus licete et impune valeant et possint valeat et possit infra Insulam et locos predicta residere commorari quiescere et Justiciam ibidem expectare absque aliqua pena corporali seu pecuniaria fine redempcione aut mulcta proinde incurrenda forisfacienda necnon absque aliqua offencione vel causa contemptus seu contumacis per nos heredes et successores nostros illis seu eorum alicui aut aliquibus proinde infligenda irroganda vel aliter adjudicanda. Exceptis tantummodo hujusmodi casibus qui per leges et consuetudines Insule et loci predictorum regali nostre cognicioni atque examini reserventur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur.

[7] Et ulterius de ampliori gratia nostra ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris dedimus concessimus et confirmavimus ac per has literas nostras patentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est damus concedimus et confirmamus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque incolis et habitatoribus Insule et loci maritimorum predictorum necnon mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus tot tanta talia hujusmodi et consimilia Jura Jurisdicciones annuitates impunitates indemnitates exempciones libertates franchesias et privilegia quecumque quot quanta qualia et que prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac ceteri incole et habitatores mercatores et alii aut eorum aliquis antehac legittime et rite usi freti seu gavisi fuerunt usus fretus seu gavisus fuit ac omnia et singula quecumque alia in quibuscumque Cartis aut literis patentibus nostris seu progenitorum nostrorum quondam Regum Anglie seu Ducum Normannie aut aliorum eis seu eorum predecessoribus antehac data concessa vel confirmata et non revocata seu abolita quocumque nomine seu quibuscumque nominibus iidem Ballivus Jurati ac ceteri incole et habitatores ejusdem Insule et loci marittimorum predictorum aut eorum predecessores seu eorum aliqui vel aliquis in eisdem literis patentibus seu eorum aliquibus censeantur nuncupentur aut vocentur seu censeri nuncupari aut vocitari debuerunt seu soliti fuerunt ac ea omnia et singula licet in presentibus minime expressa prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris incolis et habitatoribus Insule et loci marittimorum predictorum necnon mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus Indigenis et Alienigenis per presentes confirmamus consolidamus et de integre ratificamus adeo plene libere et integre prout ea omnia et singula in eisdem literis patentibus contenta modo particulariter verbatim et ex expressis in presentibus literis nostris patentibus recitatata et declarata fuissent

[8] Salva semper atque illabifacta suprema regia potestate dominacione atque imperio Corone nostre Anglie tam quoad ligeanciam subjeccionem et obedienciam Insule predicte ac aliorum quorumcumque infra Insulam et locos predictos commorancium sive degencium quam quoad regalitates privilegia res redditus vectigalia ac cetera Jura proficua commoditates ac emolumenta quecumque infra Insulam et locum predictos nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per prerogativam Corone nostre Anglie sive Ducatus Normannie seu aliter ex antiquo debita et consueta Salvis eciam appellacionibus et provocacionibus quibuscumque Insule predicte ac aliorum ibidem commorancium sive degencium in omnibus ejusmodi casibus que legibus et consuetudinibus Insule et loci predictorum regali nostre cognicioni atque examini reservantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur aliqua sentencia clausula re aut materia quacumque superius in presentibus expressa et specificata in rontrarium aliquo non obstante Proviso semper quod Aliqua clausa articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus literis nostris patentibus expressis et specificatis non exponantur interpretentur nec se extendant ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit nobis vel heredibus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua terras tenementa redditus regalitates vel hereditamenta nostra infra Insulam predictam.

[9] Postremo volumus ac per presentes concedimus quod dicti Ballivus et Jurati ac ceteri incole et habitatores Insule predicte necnon mercatores et alii illuc commorantes seu confluentes habeant et de tempore in tempus habere possint has literas nostras patentes sub magno Sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et sigillatas absque fine seu feodo magno vel parvo nobis in Hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad usum nostrum pro premissis quoquomodo reddendis solvendis vel faciendis.

[10] Eo quod expressa mencio etc.
In cujus rei etc.


For the Bailiff and Jurats of the Island of Jersey
The Queen to all to whom these Presents shall come, greeting

[1] Whereas our beloved and faithful lieges and subjects the Bailiff and Jurats of our Island of Jersey and other inhabitants of and dwellers in that Island within our duchy of Normandy and their predecessors have from time immemorial by special charters, grants, confirmations, and most ample writs of our illustrious progenitors and predecessors as well kings of England as dukes of Normandy and others used, enjoyed and been in possession of very many rights, jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises freely, quietly, and without molestation as well within our realm of England as elsewhere within the dominions and places subject to our government beyond and on this side of the sea, by the help and benefit of which the before mentioned Island and maritime places before named have steadfastly, faithfully, and unblameably continued and persevered in their allegiance, obedience, and service as well to us as to those same ancestors of ours and have enjoyed and gone on in their free trade with merchants and others, natives and foreigners, as well in times of peace as of war, and have moreover exercised and executed and carried through judgment and cognisance of all and every sort of causes, complaints, actions, and pleas, as well civil as criminal and capital and have received the judicial power of taking into consideration, deciding, discussing, hearing, and determining all those things and of proceeding in the same and keeping records of their proceedings according to the laws and customs of the Island and before mentioned places accepted and approved of old except in certain cases from time to time reserved to our royal cognisance.

[2] And we as is just considering of how great advantage and moment all and singular the premises are and have been for the safety and preservation of the Island and maritime places before mentioned in their fidelity and obedience to our crown of England and being not unmindful how bravely and faithfully the aforesaid Islanders and other inhabitants and dwellers in the same place have been devoted to us and our ancestors and how great losses damages and dangers they have sustained and do still sustain as well for the constant defence of the same Island and places as for the recovery and defence of our castle of Mont Orgueil within our aforesaid Island of Jersey. So that not only our royal benevolence, favour, and affection toward the aforesaid Islanders may be shown by some remarkable testimony and evident proof of our beneficence but also that they and their posterity may hereafter for ever as formerly retain and inviolably observe their wonted and due obedience to us our heirs and our successors, we have thought fit to grant to them these our letters patent confirmed under the Great Seal of England in the following form.

[3] Know ye that we of our special grace and certain knowledge and mere motion have given and granted and by these presents we give and grant for us our heirs and successors to the said Bailiff and Jurats of our aforesaid Island of Jersey and the other natives and inhabitants of the said Island that they and any one of them although not mentioned in these presents or specified by their separate names be ever in future as free quit and exempt in all cities [states??], boroughs, markets, trading towns, fairs, mart-towns, and other places and ports within our kingdom of England and within all provinces, dominions, territories, and places subject to our rule as well on this side of as beyond the sea, of and from all tributes, tolls, customs, subsidies, hidage, taylage, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, works and warlike expeditions, except in case our aforesaid royal person or that of our heirs or successors should be detained in prison, which God forbid, and of and from all other contributions burdens and exactions whatsoever, actually due or which are to be paid or given to us our heirs and successors in any manner, as the before mentioned Islanders by virtue of any charters, grants, confirmations, and princely writs of our said progenitors formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy or others or by virtue or force of any reasonable and legal usage prescription or custom have ever been or ought to be or could be or any of them ought to be or in any way could be.

[4] And whereas some other privileges, jurisdictions, immunities, liberties, and franchises were conferred upon given, granted, and confirmed to the aforesaid Island by our before mentioned progenitors and predecessors formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy and others and have from time immemorial been inviolably used and observed within the Island and maritime places before mentioned, one of which is that in time of war the merchants and others of all nations as well foreigners as natives, as well enemies as friends, could and might freely lawfully and without fear of punishment resort to, come to, visit, and frequent the said Island and maritime places with their ships, merchandises, and goods as well to avoid storms as to carry on their other lawful business there, and there to exercise a free commerce, trade and traffic and safely and quietly to remain there and thence to depart and there to return as often as they think fit without any harm molestation or hurt whatsoever to their wares, goods, or persons and that not only within the Island and maritime places aforesaid and the precincts of the same but also farther on all sides at such space and distance from them as the sight of man goes to, that is as far as the sight of the eye can reach. We holding the same immunity, impunity, liberties, and privileges and all other the premises last mentioned as fixed and acceptable do by these presents grant and bestow the same for us our heirs and successors as much as in us lies unto the said Bailiff and Jurats and other natives, inhabitants, merchants, and others as well enemies as friends and to each one of them and by our royal authority do renew reiterate and confirm the same in as ample a manner and form as the said natives and inhabitants of the said Island and the said natives and foreigners merchants and others have in time passed used or enjoyed or ought to have used or enjoyed the same. Therefore by these presents we order and strictly enjoin all and singular our magistrates, officers, and subjects throughout our whole realm of England and other dominions and places subject to our rule wheresoever constituted that they do not presume rashly to infringe or in any way to violate this our grant, concession, and confirmation or anything therein expressed or contained, and if anyone should rashly dare do anything to the contrary or attempt to do we will and decree as much as in our power lies that he restore not only the things he has taken and seized but also that he be compelled by every remedy of our law to make full restitution and satisfaction for the loss interest and expense and that he be severely punished as a rash despiser of our royal authority and of our laws.

[5] Further of our further grace by these presents we ratify approve establish and confirm all and singular the laws and customs duly and lawfully used in the Island and maritime places before mentioned and received and approved of old giving and granting to our aforesaid Bailiff and Jurats and all other magistrates officers of justice and any other persons appointed there in any office or duty full absolute and complete authority power and faculty to have the cognisance, jurisdiction, and judgment concerning and touching all and all sorts of pleas, processes, lawsuits, actions, disputes, and causes of any kind whatsoever arising in the Island and before mentioned places as well real, personal, and mixed as criminal and capital and there and not elsewhere to plead, proceed with, prosecute and defend all these things and every one of them and in the same matters either to proceed or supersede, to examine, hear, end, acquit, condemn, decide, and put their sentences in execution according to the laws and customs of the Island and before mentioned maritime places heretofore used and approved without any challenge or appeal whatsoever except in cases which according to the ancient custom of the Island and before mentioned places are reserved to our royal cognisance or which by our right or royal privilege ought to be reserved, which authority power and faculty except in those cases reserved we for ourselves our heirs and successors give entrust grant and confirm by these presents to our said Bailiff and Jurats and others as fully freely and completely as the said Bailiff and Jurats and others or any of them have ever up to the present rightly and lawfully used practised or enjoyed the same or ought or could legitimately have used performed or enjoyed the same or any one of them ought or could.

[6] Moreover we desire and for us our heirs and successors by these presents we grant to the aforesaid Bailiff and Jurats and others, natives and inhabitants within the Island and other maritime places before mentioned, that none of them for the future should be cited, apprehended or drawn into a lawsuit by any writs or process issued from any of our courts or other courts within our kingdom of England or any of them or in any other way be compelled to appear or reply without the Island and maritime places aforesaid before any judges, courts, magistrates, or officers of justice of ours or of others concerning or touching any thing, suit, matter, or cause whatsoever arising within the aforesaid Island but that the said Islanders and any one of them notwithstanding citations, apprehensions, writs, and processes of the kind mentioned may and might lawfully and with impunity in the Island and aforesaid places reside remain be at rest and there await justice without any corporal punishment or pecuniary fine, ransom, or loss on that account to be incurred or suffered and without any offence or cause of contempt or contumacy as far as concerns our heirs and successors on them or on any one or more of them on that account to be inflicted imposed or otherwise adjudged. Except only such cases as by the laws and customs of the Island and aforesaid places may be reserved to our royal cognisance and examination or by our royal right or privilege ought to be reserved.

[7] And moreover of our fuller grace and certain knowledge and mere motion we have given granted and confirmed and by these our letters patent for ourselves our heirs and successors as much as in us lies we give grant and confirm to the said Bailiff and Jurats and the other natives of and dwellers in the Island and maritime places before mentioned as also to merchants and others resorting thither such great similar or like rights, jurisdictions, immunities, impunities, indemnities, exemptions, liberties, franchises, and privileges whatsoever as the said Bailiff and Jurats and other natives and inhabitants merchants and others or any one of them have heretofore legally and rightfully used practised and enjoyed or any one of them has used practised or enjoyed and all and every other thing that has been given granted and confirmed heretofore to them or their predecessors in whatever charters or letters patent of ours or of our progenitors formerly kings of England or dukes of Normandy or others and not revoked or abolished by whatsoever name or names the said Bailiff, Jurats and other natives and inhabitants of the said Island and maritime places aforesaid or their predecessors or some or any of them may be described, called, or named or ought to be described, called, or named or have been wont to be in the said letters patent or any of them and all and singular which things although not expressly mentioned we do by these presents confirm, consolidate, and ratify anew to the said Bailiff and Jurats and other residents and inhabitants of the said Island and before mentioned maritime places as well as to merchants as others natives and foreigners coming together there as fully freely and entirely as if all and singular the things contained in those letters patent were just now particularly expressly and clearly recited and declared in our present letters patent.

[8] Saving always entire and unimpaired the supreme royal power dominion and empire of our crown of England as much as to what may concern the allegiance and obedience of the aforesaid Island and of others whoever they may be sojourning or living in the Island and above named places as to what may concern the regalities, privileges, interests, revenues, tributes, and other rights, profits, commodities, and emoluments whatever in the Island and said places anciently due and accustomed to be paid to us our heirs and successors by the prerogative of our crown of England or dukedom of Normandy or otherwise; saving also every possible right of appeal of the said Island and of others dwelling or being there in all kinds of cases which by the laws and customs of the Island and aforesaid places are reserved to our royal cognisance and examination or ought by law or our royal prerogative to be reserved; notwithstanding any sentence, clause, thing, or matter whatever expressed above in these presents and set out to the contrary. Provided always that no clause article or any other thing expressed and set out in these our present letters patent should be explained or understood or should enlarge themselves in some way which might be or might possibly become prejudicial to us or our heirs as regards any tenements, lands, revenues, regalities, or inheritances of ours within the aforesaid Island.

[9] Lastly our pleasure is and by these presents we grant that the said Bailiff and Jurats and others, natives and inhabitants of the aforesaid Island, as well merchants as others dwelling or coming together there, should have and from time to time should be able to have these our letters patent made and sealed under our great seal of England in the required manner without yielding, paying, or rendering any fine or fee whether great or small to us in our Hanaper or elsewhere to our use for the same.

[10] And that although express mention [Editor’s note, in the JGLR edition: The translator has completed the text which did not appear in the version printed in the Prison Board case] of the fine annual value or of the certainty of the premises or of any of them or of the other gifts or grants before this time made by us or by some of our progenitors or predecessors to the aforesaid Bailiff and Jurats and other natives and inhabitants of the said Island or to any of them do not appear clearly in these presents or notwithstanding any statute, act, ordinance, proviso, edict, or restriction to the contrary thereof up to the present had, made, decreed, ordained, or provided or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever in any way notwithstanding. In witness whereof We have caused these our Letters to be made patent
At Greenwich the twenty-seventh day of June in the fourth year of our reign.

James I 1604

Specific to Jersey, but consistent with the Guernsey charter of 1604 through to the end of [8]; from the enrolment as presented in Prison Board.

View Images of original Charter document - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


[1] JACOBUS Dei gratia Anglie Scocie Francie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor etc Omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem.

[2] Cum dilecti et fideles ligei et subditi nostri Ballivus et Jurati Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteri Incole et habitatores ipsius Insule infra Ducatum nostrum Normanie et predecessores eorum a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit per seperales cartas concessiones confirmationes et amplissima diplomata illustrium progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum tam Regum et Reginarum Anglie quam Ducum Normanie et aliorum quamplurima Jura jurisdiccionibus privilegiis immunitatibus libertatibus exemptionibus et franchesiis libere quiete et inviolabiliter usi freti et gauisi fuerunt tam infra regnum nostrum Anglie quam alibi infra Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ultra citraque mare Quorum ope et beneficio Insula prenominata ac loca marittima in fide obediencia et servicio tam nostris quam eorundem Progenitorum nostrorum constanter fideliter et inculpate perstiterunt ac perseveraverunt liberaque commercia cum Mercatoribus ac aliis indigenis et alienigenis tam pacis quam belli temporibus habuerunt et exercuerunt Judicia eciam et cogniciones omnium et omnimodo causarum et querelarum accionum placitorum tam civilium quam criminalium et capitalium ac judicialem potestatem ea omnia tractandi decidendi discutiendi audiendi et terminandi atque in eisdem procedendi et in Acta redigendi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et locorum predictorum ex antiquo receptas et approbatas (preterquam in certis casubus cognitioni nostre Regie reservatis de tempore in tempus exercuerunt executi Sunt et peregerunt.

[3] Que omnia et singula cujus et quanti momenti sunt et fuerunt ad tutelam et conservationem Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum in fide et obediencia Corone nostre Anglie Nos (ut equum est) perpendentes neque non immemores quam fortiter et fideliter Insulani predicti ac ceteri Incole et habitatores ibidem nobis et progenitoribus nostris inservierunt quantaque detrimenta dampna et pericula tam pro assidua tuicione ejusdem Insule et locorum quam pro recuperacione et defensione Castri nostri de Mounte Orguill infra predictam Insulam nostram de Jersey sustinuerunt indiesque sustinent non solum ut Regia nostra benevolencia favor et affectus erga prefatos Insulanos illustri aliquo nostre beneficencie testimonio ac certis judiciis [sic – prefer previous reading of Indiciis] comprobetur verum eciam ut ipsi et eorum posteri deinceps imperpetuum prout antea solitam et debitam obedienciam erga nos heredes et successores nostros teneant et inviolabiliter observent has literas nostras patentes magno sigillo nostro Anglie roboratas in forma qua sequitur illis concedere dignati sumus.

[4] Sciatis quod nos de gracia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris Dedimus et concessimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes Damus et concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicte ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus dicte Insule quod ipsi et eorum quilibet licet in presentibus non recitati seu cogniti per seperalia nomina sint et erunt semper infuturum ita liberi quieti et immunes in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis emptoriis et Nundinis mercatis villis mercatoriis et aliis locis ac portubus infra Regnum nostrum Anglie ac infra omnes provincias dominia territoria et loca dicioni nostre subiecta tam citra quam vltra mare de et ab omnibus vectigalibus theoloneis custumiis subsidiis hidagiis tallagiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis fossagiis operibus expeditionibus bellicis nisi in casu ubi corpus nostri heredum vel successorum nostrorum (quod absit) in prisona detineatur et de et ab omnibus aliis contribucionibus oneribus et exaccionibus quibuscunque nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quovismodo debitis reddendis seu solvendis prout prefata Insula virtute aliquarum Cartarum Concessionum Confirmacionum sive diplomatum per predictos progenitores sive Antecessores [278] nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie sive alios seu virtute et vigore alicujus racionabilis et legalis vsus prescripcionis seu consuetudinis unquam aliquando fuerunt aut esse debuerunt vel potuerunt debuit vel quovismodo potuit.

[5] Cumque nonnulla alia privilegia iurisdicciones immunitates libertates et franchesie per predictos progenitores et predecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normannie ac alios prefatis Insulanis indulta donata concessa et confirmata fuerunt ac a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit infra Insulam et loca maritimos prenominatos inviolabiliter usitata et observata fuerunt de quibus unum est quod tempore belli omnium nacionum Mercatores et alii tam alienigene quam indigene tam hostes quam amici libere licite et impune queant et possint dicte Insule et locis maritimis cum navibus mercibus et bonis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis licitis suis negociis inibi peragendis adire accidere commeare et frequentare ac Iibera commercia negociacionis ac rem mercatoriam ibidem exercere ac tuto et secure commorari indeque commeare et redire toties quoties absque damno molestia seu hostilitate quacunque in rebus mercibus bonis aut corporibus suis idque non solum infra Insulam et locos maritimos predictos ac procinctum earum verumeciam infra spacia vndique ab eisdem distantia usque ad visum hominis id est quatenus visus oculi posset assequi Nos eandem immunitatem impunitatem libertatem et privilegia ac cetera omnia premissa ultime recitata rata grataque habentes ea pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris incolis habitatoribus Mercatoribus et aliis tam hostibus quam amicis et eorum cuilibet per presentes indulgemus ac elargimur authoritateque nostra regia renouamus reiteramus et confirmamus in tam amplis modo et forma prout incole et habitatores Insule predicte ac predicti indigene et alienigene Mercatores et alii preantea usi vel gavisi fuerunt vel uti et gaudere debuerunt. Universis igitur et singulis magistratibus Ministris et subditis nostris per universum Regnum nostrum Anglie ac cetera Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ubilibet constitutis per presentes denunciamus et firmiter Iniungendo praecipimus ne hanc nostram donacionem concessionem et confirmacionem seu aliquid in eisdem expressum aut contentum temerarie aut aliter infringere seu quovismodo inviolare presumant Et si quis ausu temerario contra fecerit seu attemptaverit volumus et decernimus quantum in nobis est quod restituat non solum ablata aut erepta sed quod eciam pro damno interesse et expensis ad plenariam recompensacionem et satisfaccionem compellatur per quecunque juris nostri remedia severeque puniatur ut regie nostre potestatis ac legum nostrarum contemptor temerarius.

[6] Preterea ex uberiori gracia nostra pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes ratificamus approbamus stabilimus et confirmamus omnes et singulas leges et consuetudines infra Insulam et locos maritimos predictos rite et legitime usitatas et ex antiquo receptas et approbatas Dantes et tribuentes prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac omnibus alijs Magistratibus Ministris et ceteris quibuscunque ibidem in Officio et funccione aliquo constitutis plenam integram et absolutam authoritatem potestatem et facultatem ordinandi cognoscendi jurisdicendi et judicandi de se et super omnibus et omnimodis placitis processibus litibus accionibus querelis et causis quibuscunque [279] infra Insulam et loca predicta emergentibus tam personalibus realibus et mixtis quam criminalibus et capitalibus eaque omnia et singula ibidem et non alibi placitandi et peragendi prosequendi et defendendi atque in eisdem vel prosequendi vel supersedendi examinandi audiendi terminandi absolvendi condemnandi decidandi atque execucioni mandandi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum preantea usitatas et approbatas absque provocacione seu appellacione quacunque preterquam in casubus qui cognicioni nostre regali ex antiqua consuetudine Insule et locorum predictorum reseruantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur. Quamquidem authoritatem potestatem et facultatem preterquam in eisdem casibus reseruatis nos pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis Damus comittimus concedimus et confirmamus per presentes adeo plene libere et integre prout prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac alii vel eorum aliquis vnquam antehac eisdem rite et legitime usi functi aut gavisi sunt vel vti fungi et gaudere debuerunt aut licite potuerunt debuit aut potuit.

[7] Volumus preterea ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis Incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam et locos maritimos predicta quod nullus eorum de cetero per aliqua brevia seu processus ex aliquibus Curiis nostris seu aliorum infra Regnum nostrum Anglie emergencia sive earum aliqua citetur apprehendatur evocetur in placita trahatur sive quovismodo aliter comparere aut respondere cogatur extra Insulam et locos maritimos predictos coram quibuscunque Judicibus Justiciariis Magistratibus aut Officiariis nostris aut aliis de aut super aliqua re lite materia seu causa quacunque infra Insulam predictam emanente Sed quod Insulani predicti et eorum quilibet huiusmodi citationibus apprehensionibus breuibus et processubus non obstantibus licite et impune valeant et possint infra Insulam et loca predicta residere commorari quiescere et Justiciam ibidem expectare absque aliqua pena corporali seu pecuniario fine redempcione aut mulcta proinde incurrenda forisfacienda Necnon absque aliqua offensione vel causa contemptus seu contumacie per nos heredes et successores nostros illis seu eorum alicui aut aliquibus proinde infligendi irrogandi vel aliter adjudicandi (exceptis tantummodo huiusmodi casubus qui per leges Insule et locorum predictorum Regali nostre cognicioni atque examini reserventur vel de Jure vel privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur.

[8] Et Ulterius de ampliori gratia nostra ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris Dedimus concessimus et confirmavimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris (quantum in nobis est) Damus concedimus et confirmamus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Incolisque et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum Necnon Mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus tot tanta talia huiusmodi et Consimilia iura iurisdicciones immunitates impunitates indempnitates exempciones libertates franchesias et libertates [sic – repeats] quecunque quot quanta qualia et que prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac ceteri Incole et habitatores Mercatores et alii aut eorum aliquis antehac legitime et rite usi freti seu gavisi fuerunt usus fretus seu gavisus fuit ac omnia et singula quecunque alia in aliquibus cartis ordinacionibus aut literis patentibus nostris seu progenitorum seu Antecessorum nostrorum quondam Regum et Reginarum Anglie seu Ducum Normanie aut aliorum eis seu eorum predecessoribus antehac data concessa vel confirmata et non revocata seu abolita quocunque nomine seu quibuscunque nominibus iidem Ballivus Jurati et ceteri Incole et habitatores ejusdem Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum aut eorum predecessores seu eorum aliqui vel aliquis in eisdem literis patentibus seu eorum aliquibus censeantur nuncupentur aut vocentur seu censeri nuncupari aut vocitari debuerunt seu soliti fuerunt ac ea omnia et singula licet in presentibus minime expressa prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum Necnon Mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus indigenis et alienigenis per presentes confirmamus consolidamus et de integro ratificamus adeo plene libere et integre prout ea omnia et singula in eisdem literis patentibus contenta modo particulariter verbatim et expresse in presentibus literis nostris patentibus recitata et declarata fuissent.

[9] Salua Semper atque illabefacta suprema regia potestate dominacione atque imperio Corone nostre Anglie tam quoad ligeanciam subieccionem et obedienciam Insulanorum predictorum et aliorum quorumcunque [sic] infra Insulam et loca predicta commorancium sive degencium quam quoad Regalitatem privilegia res redditus vectigalia ac cetera jura proficua commoditates ac emolumenta quecunque infra Insulam et loca predicta nobis et heredibus et successoribus nostris per prerogativam Corone nostre Anglie sive Ducatus Normanie seu aliter ex antiquo debita et consueta. Salvis eciam appellacionibus et provocacionibus quibuscunque Insulanorum predictorum ac aliorum ibidem comorancium sive degencium in omnibus ejusmodi casubus que legibus et consuetudinibus Insule et locorum predictorum regali nostre cognitioni atque examini reservantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur Aliqua sentencia clausula re aut materia quacunque superius in presentibus expressa et specificata in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstantibus.

[10] Proviso semper quod aliqua Clausula Articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus Literis nostris Patentibus expresum et specificatum non exponantur interpretentur nec se extendent ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit nobis heredibus vel successoribus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua terras tenementa redditus regalitates vel hereditamenta nostra infra Insulam predictam & loca maritima predicta aut eorum aliqua

[11] Et insuper cum datum est nobis intelligi quod quedam exaccio nuper levata fuerit de Inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta et Mercatoribus et aliis illic confluentibus contra antiquam extentam et consuetudinem ibidem usitatam videlicet pro quolibet quarterio frumenti vel alterius grani extra Insulam illam exportato tres solidos et sex denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam ubi illa Extenta antehac ad tantam summam se non extendebat ut accipimus Et cum dicti Inhabitantes et Gentes Insule de Jersey predicta soliti fuerunt similiter solvere ad usum Progenitorum sive Antecessorum nostrorum pro quibuslibet Centum & quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportatæ juxta extentam ibidem usitatam quatuor denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam Nos volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta quod ipsi et omnes alii Mercatores illuc confluentes non plus nec majorem summam exnunc deinceps imperpetuum solvere teneantur ad usum nostrum quam duodecim denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam de Jersey pro quolibet quarterio frumenti sive alterius generis grani [281] extra eandem Insulam posthec exportandi. Ita semper et sub conditione quod iidem Inhabitantes et gens Insule de Jersey predicta ac omnes alii Mercatores et extranei illuc confluentes solvere debeant et teneantur posthac imperpetuum ad usum nostrum pro quibuslibet Centum et quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportandis tres solidos et dimidium monete currentis infra eandem Insulam et loca maritima predicta seu eorum aliqua

[12] Volumus etiam etc. absque fine in Hanaperio etc. Eo quod expressa mencio etc. In cuius re etc. T R apud Westmonasterium vii die Aprilis
Per breve de privato sigillo etc.


[1] James, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc.

[2] To all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. Whereas our beloved and faithful lieges and subjects, the bailiff and the jurats of our Island of Jersey, and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of the same island within our duchy of Normandy, and their predecessors, have from time beyond what the memory of men can reach, by virtue of several charters, grants, confirmations, and most ample writs, of our illustrious progenitors and ancestors, both kings and queens of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, used, enjoyed, and been in possession of very many rights, jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises, freely, quietly, and without any infringement of the same, both within the kingdom of England, and elsewhere within our dominions, and other places under our subjection on this side of, or beyond, the seas; by the aid and benefit of which grants, the aforesaid island and the maritime places have stood out and continued constantly, faithfully, and unblameably in faith, obedience, and service as well to us as to those same progenitors of ours, and have enjoyed and gone on in their commerce and trade with merchants, both natives and aliens, as well in time of peace, as in time of war, and exercised and executed their duties in giving their decrees, and taking cognisance of all and every cause, quarrel, action, both civil and criminal, and capital pleas; and the right of jurisdiction they were vested with, to take into their consideration, to take order, decide, discuss, hear, and determine, and to proceed in the premises, and keep records of their proceedings according to the laws and customs practised of old, and approved in the said island and other places aforesaid; except in certain cases reserved from time to time to our royal cognisance:

[3] And we considering of how great advantage and moment all and singular the premises are, and have been, toward the safe-keeping and conservation of the aforesaid island and maritime places in their fidelity and allegiance to our crown of England; and being always mindful (as is just) how courageously and loyally the said islanders and inhabitants have behaved themselves in our own and in our progenitors’ service, and considering what great detriments, losses and dangers they have sustained and do daily sustain, both for the constant safeguarding of the said islands and places, and for the recovery and defence of our Castle of Mont Orgueil, in our aforesaid island of Jersey; to the end, not only to show some distinguished testimony and certain marks of our favour, affection, and royal beneficence towards the inhabitants aforesaid, but also to encourage them, and their posterity for ever, to persevere and continue inviolably in their accustomed and due obedience towards us, and our heirs and successors, we have thought proper to grant to them these our royal letters patent, confirmed under our great seal of England, in form following.

[4] Know ye, that we, of our special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given and granted, and for ourselves, our heirs and successors, we do by these present letters give and grant, to the said bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and to the other sojourners and inhabitants of the same island; that they themselves and every one of them (though not herein stated or declared by their particular names) have been and shall be, for the time to come, for ever free, exempted, and acquitted, in all our cities, boroughs, markets, and trading towns, and fairs, mart-towns, and other places and ports, within our kingdom of England, and within all our provinces, dominions, territories, and other places under our subjection, this side of, or beyond, the seas, from and of all tributes, tolls, customs, subsidies, hidage, taylage, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, works, and warlike expeditions (except in case our body, or that of our heirs and successors, should be held in prison (which God avert)), and of and from all other contributions, burdens, and exactions whatsoever, that may be due from, to be rendered by, or be payable by, and claimed from, the said islanders, to us, our heirs and successors, ever in any manner, by virtue of any charters, grants, confirmations, and writs of our said progenitors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, or others, or by virtue or reason of any reasonable and legal usage, prescription, or custom.

[5] And whereas some other privileges, jurisdictions, immunities, liberties, and franchises have been graciously given, granted, and confirmed by our progenitors and predecessors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, to the aforesaid islanders, and have been used and observed constantly in the said islands and other maritime places, from the time whereof the memory of men reaches not to the contrary; one of which is, that in time of war merchants of all nations and others, both aliens and natives, both enemies and friends, could and might freely, lawfully, without danger or punishment, come to, resort to, go to and fro, and frequent the said islands, and other aforesaid maritime places, with their ships, merchandise, and goods; both to avoid storms, and to conduct their other lawful business there, and to exercise there free commerce, business and trade, and securely, and without danger, remain there, and depart from thence, and return to the same, as often as they think fit, without any harm, molestation, or hostility whatsoever, in their goods, merchandise, or persons; and this not only within the said islands and maritime places, and all around the same, but likewise at such spaces and distances from the islands as the sight of man goes to, that is as far as the eye of man can reach: We, by virtue of our royal authority, do, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, indulge and enlarge, and renew, reiterate, and confirm, by these present letters, as far as in us lies, the same immunities, impunities, liberties, and privileges, and all the other premisses last mentioned, finding them to be reasonable and seasonable, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other sojourners, inhabitants and merchants, and others, whether enemies or friends, and to each of them, in as ample form and manner as heretofore they, the said sojournors and inhabitants of the aforesaid island and the aforesaid merchants whether alien or native, have used or enjoyed the same, or ought to have used an enjoyed them. In order therefore to prevent any violation or infraction of this our grant, concession, and confirmation, or any thing therein contained, in any manner whatsoever, we declare and give this warning by these present letters to all our magistrates, officers and subjects in all parts of our kingdom of England, and throughout all our lordships and places under our obedience, wheresoever they lie, or are situated. And if any one of our said officers and subjects shall rashly or otherwise presume or attempt to transgress these our strict orders and commands, we order and decree (as far as in us lies), that he shall not only restore what has been taken or seized, but shall also be compelled to make a fuller restitution and satisfaction of all costs, interests, and damages, by whatever legal remedy, and he shall be severely punished for his audacious contempt of our royal power, and of our laws.

[6] Further, we, of our more gracious favour, do, for ourselves and our heirs and successors, by these present letters, ratify, approve, establish, and confirm, all and every one of the laws and customs which have been duly and legally from ancient times used, received, and approved within the aforesaid islands and maritime places; giving and granting to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and all other magistrates and officers of justice, and others who are appointed for performing the functions and executing the duties of any office, full and absolute authority, power, and faculty to have the cognisance, jurisdiction, and judgment concerning and touching all and all sorts of pleas, processes, law-suits, actions, quarrels, and causes arising within the island and places aforesaid; both those actions which are personal, real, and mixed, and those which are criminal and capital, and to proceed there and not elsewhere, in hearing the parties in their pleadings, and prosecutions of their processes, in their defence; and to hear, examine, and supersede the same, making decrees, determining, absolving, condemning, and putting their sentences in execution, according to the laws and customs previously practised and approved in the island and maritime places aforesaid; without admitting any challenge or appeal, except in such cases as are reserved to our royal cognisance by the ancient customs of the island and places aforesaid, or which by our right or royal privilege ought to be reserved. Which authority, power, and faculty (except in the cases reserved to us), we commit, give, grant, and confirm, for ourselves and our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the said bailiffs and jurats, and to the others, by these present letters, as freely, fully, and entirely, as the said bailiff and jurats, or others or any of them, heretofore have rightfully and lawfully used, practised, and enjoyed, or might legally have used and enjoyed.

[7] Moreover, our will and pleasure is, and we grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and successors by these present letters, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other inhabitants and sojourners in the islands and maritime places aforesaid, that for the time to come, none of them be cited, apprehended, summoned, or drawn into any lawsuit, or forced in any manner by any writs or process, issued from any of our courts, or the courts of others, within our kingdom of England, to appear and answer before any judges, courts, or other officers of justice of ourselves or others, out of the island and maritime places aforesaid, touching or concerning any thing, dispute, causes, or matters in controversy whatsoever, arising in the aforesaid island, but that the aforesaid islanders, and each of them, may lawfully and with impunity, notwithstanding the said citations, warrants, writs and processes, remain, reside quietly, and abide in the aforesaid island and places, waiting for justice there; without incurring any punishment, corporal or pecuniary, by way of fine, mulct, ransom, or forfeiture, by reason of any offence, contempt, or contumacy, committed towards us, our heirs and successors, for which they might be sued, arraigned, or condemned; except only in the cases, which by the laws of the island and places aforesaid are reserved to our royal cognisance and determination, or which by our right or royal privilege ought to be reserved.

[8] And moreover, of our more gracious favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have given, granted, and confirmed, and by our present letters, for ourselves, our heirs and successors (as far as in us lies), we do give, grant, and confirm to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, and inhabitants of, the aforesaid islands and maritime places; as also to merchants and others meeting there, the like, and as great, and as ample rights, jurisdictions, immunities, impunities, indemnities, exemptions, liberties, franchises, and liberties [sic] whatsoever, as the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners and inhabitants, and merchants and others, or any of them, have heretofore rightfully and legally used, practised, and enjoyed; and all and singular other things whatsoever that has been heretofore given, granted, and confirmed to them or to their predecessors, in any charters, ordinances, or letters patent, of us or our progenitors, formerly kings and queens of England, or dukes of Normandy, or others, and not revoked or abolished, by whatsoever name or names the same bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, or inhabitants of, the same islands and maritime places aforesaid, or their predecessors, or any of them, may be supposed to have been comprised, called, or named, or ought to have been called or named, in the said letters patent, and all and singular which things, though not herein expressly mentioned, we do by these present letters confirm, consolidate, and ratify anew to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners, and inhabitants, of the islands and maritime places aforesaid, and also merchants and others coming together there, those born there, and those born elsewhere, as fully, freely, and entirely, as if all and singular the things particularly mentioned and declared in the same letters patent were particularly and expressly recited and declared in these our present letters patent.

[9] Saving always entire and without detriment the regal and sovereign power, dominion, and empire of our crown of England, as to what may concern the allegiance, subjection, and obedience of the aforesaid islanders, and others, whoever they may be, dwelling for a shorter or longer time in the same island; and also as to what may concern the regality, privileges, incomes, revenues, tributes, and other rights, profits, commodities, and emoluments whatsoever, anciently due and accustomed to be paid to us, our heirs and successors, according to our royal prerogative as kings of England, or the prerogative of the duchy of Normandy, in the islands and places aforesaid; saving also to the aforesaid islanders, and others dwelling or being in the said islands, a right to appeal in all cases reserved to our cognisance and consideration by the laws and customs of the said island, or where by our right or royal privilege it ought to be reserved: notwithstanding any sentence, clause, thing, or matter whatsoever expressed above, or specially contained to the contrary in these present letters.

[10] Provided always that any clause, article, or any other thing expressed and specified in our present letters patent are not construed, interpreted nor extended to any thing that might be prejudicial to us, our heirs, or successors with regards to any of our lands, tenements, rents, regalities, or inheritances within the aforesaid island and maritime places or any of them.

[11] And in addition, since we are given to understand that an exaction has recently been levied upon the inhabitants and peoples of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and on merchants and others gathering there against the ancient extent and custom there used, that is to say for each quarter of corn or other grain exported from the island three shillings and six pence in money current within the island, when that extent previously did not, as we understand, extend to so large a sum.
And since the said inhabitants and people of the aforesaid isle of Jersey were accustomed in the same way to pay to the use of our progenitors or ancestors for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from the island according to the extent there used four pence in the money current within the same island, we will, and by these present letters for us, our heirs, and successors do grant to the aforesaid inhabitants and peoples of our aforesaid island of Jersey, that they themselves, and all the other merchants gathering there from now henceforth for ever shall be bound to pay for our use a sum no more or greater than twelve pence in the money current within the same island of Jersey for each quarter of wheat or other type of grain hereafter exported from the same island. Thus, always, and on condition that the same inhabitants and peoples of the aforesaid island of Jersey and all other merchants and foreigners gathering there, owe and are bound to pay forever hereafter to our use for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from that island, three and a half shillings in the money current within the same island and aforesaid maritime places, or any of them.

[12] Furthermore, we wish etc. without fine in the Hanaper etc. [And that although] express mention etc.. In witness whereof etc.. Witness the king at Westminster the seventh day of April.
By writ of privy seal etc.

Charles I 1627

Confirming the 1604 charter of James I; again specific to Jersey; from the enrolment as presented in Prison Board.

View Images of original Charter document - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


[1] Rex Omnibus ad quos etc salutem. Cum dilecti et fideles ligei et subditi nostri Ballivus et Jurati Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteri Incole et habitantes ipsius Insule infra Ducatum nostrum Normanie et predecessores eorum a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit per seperales cartas concessiones confirmaciones et amplissima diplomata illustrium Progenitorum ac antecessorum nostrorum tam Regum et Reginarum Anglie quam Ducum Normanie et aliorum quamplurima jurisdiccionibus privilegiis immunitatibus libertatibus et franchesiis libere et quiete et inviolabiliter usi freti et gavisi fuerunt tam infra regnum nostrum Anglie quam alibi infra Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ultra citraque mare Quorum ope et beneficio Insula prenominata ac loci marittima in fide obediencia et servicio tam nostri quam eorundem Progenitorum et antecessorum nostrorum constanter fideliter et inculpate perstiterunt perseveraverunt liberaque commercia cum mercatoribus ac aliis indigenis et alienigenis tam pacis quam belli temporibus habuerunt et exercuerunt Judicia eciam et cogniciones omnium et omnimodo causarum et querelarum accionum placitorum tam civilium quam criminalium et capitalium ac judicialem potestatem [PB text here reads protestatem] ea omnia tractandi decidendi discutiendi audiendi et terminandi atque in eisdem procedendi et in acta redigendi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et locorum predictorum ex antiquo receptas et approbatas Preterquam in certis casubus cognitioni nostre Regie reservatis de tempore in tempus exercuerunt executi sunt et perigerunt.

[2] Que omnia et singula cujus et quanti momenti sunt et fuerunt ad tutelam et conservacionem Insule et locorum maritinorum predictorum in fide et obediencia corone nostre Anglie Nos ut equum est perpendentes neque non immemores quam fortiter et fideliter Insulani predicti ac ceteri incole et habitatores ibidem nobis et progenitoribus nostris inservierunt quantaque detrimenta dampna et pericula tam pro assidua tuicione ejusdem Insule et locorum quam pro recuperacione et defensione Castri nostri de Mount Orguill infra predictam Insulam nostram de Jersey sustinuerunt indiesque sustinent non solum ut regia nostra benevolencia favor et affectus erga prefatos Insulanos illustri aliquo nostre beneficencie testimonio ac ceteris judiciis comprobetur verum eciam ut ipsi et eorum posteri deinceps imperpetuum prout antea solitam et debitam obedienciam erga nos heredes et successores nostros teneant et inviolabiliter observent has literas nostras patentes magno sigillo nostro Anglie roboratas in forma qua sequitur illis concedere dignati sumus.

[3] Sciatis quod nos de gracia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris dedimus et concessimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes damus et concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicte ac ceteris incolis et habitatoribus dicte Insule Quod ipsi et eorum quilibet (licet in presentibus non recitati seu cogniti per seperalia nomina) sint et erunt semper in futurum ita liberi quieti et immunes in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis Emptoriis et Nundinis mercatis villis mercatoriis et aliis locis ac portubus infra Regnum nostrum Anglie ac infra omnes Provincias Dominia Territoria et loca dicioni nostre subjecta tam citra quam ultra mare de et ab omnibus vectigalibus theoloneis custumiis subsidiis hidagiis tallagiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis fossagiis operibus expeditionibus bellicis Nisi in casu ubi corpus nostrum heredum vel successorum nostrorum quod absit (in prisona detineatur) et de et ab omnibus aliis contribucionibus oneribus et exaccionibus quibuscunque nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quovismodo debitis reddendis seu solvendis prout prefata Insula virtute aliquarum cartarum concessionum confirmacionum sive diplomatum per predictos progenitores sive antecessores [278] nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie sive alios seu virtute et vigore alicujus racionabilis et legalis vsus prescripcionis seu consuetudinis unquam aliquando fuerunt aut esse debuerunt vel potuerunt debuit vel quovismodo potuit.

[4] Cumque nonnulla alia privilegia jurisdicciones immunitates libertates et franchesie per predictos progenitores et predecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normannie ac alios prefat’ Insule indulta donata concessa et confirmata fuerunt ac a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit infra Insulam et locos maritimos prenominatos inviolabiliter usitata et observata fuerunt de quibus unum est quod tempore belli omnium nacionum mercatores et alii tam alienigene quam indigene tam hostes quam amici libere licite et impune queant et possint dicte Insule et locis maritimis cum navibus et bonis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis licitis suis negociis inibi peragendis adire accedere commeare et frequentare ac Iibera commercia negociacionis ac rem mercatoriam ibidem exercere ac tuto et secure commorari indeque commeare et redire toties quoties absque damno molestia seu hostilitate quacunque in rebus mercibus bonis aut corporibus suis idque non solum infra Insulam et locos maritimos predictos ac procinctum eorum verum eciam infra spacium undique ab eisdem distanciis usque ad visum hominis id est quatenus visus occuli posset assequi Nos eandem immunitatem impunitatem libertatem et privilegia ac cetera omnia premissa ultime recitata rata grataque habentes ea pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis habitatoribus mercatoribus et aliis tam hostibus quam amicis et eorum cuilibet per presentes indulgemus ac elargimur authoritata nostra regia renovamus reiteramus et confirmamus in tam amplis modo et forma prout Incole et habitatores Insule predicte ac predicti [358] indigeni alienigeni mercatores et alii preantea usi vel gavisi fuerunt vel uti et gaudere debuerunt universis igitur et singulis magistratus ministris et subditis nostris per universum Regnum nostrum Anglie ac cetera Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ubilibet constitutis per presentes denunciamus et firmiter iniungendo praecipimus ne hanc nostram donaccionem concessionem et confirmacionem seu aliquid in eisdem expressum aut contentum temerarie aut aliter infringere seu quovismodo inviolare presumant Et si quis ausu temerario contrafecerit seu attemptaverit volumus et decernimus quantum in nobis est quod restituat non solum ablata aut erepta sed quod eciam pro damno interesse et expensis ad plenariam recompensacionem et satisfaccionem compellatur per quecunque juris nostri remedia severeque puniatur ut Regie nostre potestatis aut legum nostrorum contemptor temerarius.

[5] Preterea ac [de] uberiori gracia nostra pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes ratificamus approbamus stabilimus et confirmamus omnes et singulas leges et consuetudines infra Insulam et locos maritimos predictos rite et legitime usitatas et ex antiquo receptas et approbatas Dantes et tribuentes prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac omnibus aliis Magistratibus Ministris et ceteris quibuscunque ibidem in officio et funccione aliquo constitutis plenam integram et absolutam authoritatem potestatem et facultatem cognoscendi jurisdicendi et judicandi de se et super omnibus et omnimodis placitis processibus litibus accionibus querelis et causis quibuscunque [279] infra Insulam et loca predicta emergentibus tam personalibus realibus et mixtis quam criminalibus et capitalibus eaque omnia et singula ibidem et non alibi placitandi peragendi prosequendi et defendendi atque in eisdem vel prosequendi vel supersedendi examinandi audiendi terminandi absolvendi condemnandi decidandi atque execucioni mandandi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum preantea usitatas et approbatas absque provocacione seu appellacione quacunque Preterquam in casubus qui cognicioni nostre regali ex antiqua consuetudine Insule et locorum predictorum reseruantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regal’ reservari debentur. Quam quidem authoritatem potestatem et facultatem preterquam in eisdem casubus reservatis nos pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris prefatis Ballivo ac Juratis et aliis damus comittimus concedimus et confirmamus per presentes adeo plene libere et integre prout prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac alii vel eorum aliquis unquam antehac eisdem rite et legitime usi functi aut gavisi sunt vel uti fungi et gaudere debuerunt aut licite potuerunt debuit aut potuit.

[6] Volumus preterea ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis Incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam et locos maritimos predicta quod nullus eorum de cetero per aliqua brevia seu processus ex aliquibus Curiis nostris seu al’ infra regnum nostrum Anglie emergencia sive eorum aliqua citetur apprehendetur evocetur in placita trahatur sive quovismodo aliter comparere aut respondere cogatur extra Insulam et loca maritina predicta coram quibuscunque Judicibus Justiciariis Magistratibus aut Officiariis nostris aut aliis de aut super aliqua re lite materia seu causa quacunque infra Insulam predictam emanente sed quod Insulani predicti et eorum quilibet huiusmodi citationibus apprehensionibus breuibus et processubus non obstantibus licite et impune valeant et possint infra Insulam et loca predicta residere commorari quiescere et Justiciam ibidem expectare absque aliqua pena corporali seu pecuniario fine redempcione aut mulcta proinde incurrenda forisfacienda Necnon absque aliqua offensione vel causa contemptus seu contumacie [PB text here has continuac, almost certainly in error] per nos heredes et successores nostros illis seu eorum alicui vel aliquibus proinde infligendi irrogandi vel aliter adjudicandi exceptis tantumodo huiusmodi casubus qui per leges Insule et locorum predictorum regali nostre cognicioni atque examini reserventur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur.

[7] Et ulterius de ampliori gratia nostra ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris dedimus concessimus et confirmavimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est damus concedimus et confirmamus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Incolisque et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritinorum predictorum Necnon mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus tot tanta talia huiusmodi et consimilia jura jurisdicciones immunitates impunitates indempnitates exempciones libertates franchesias et priuilegia quecunque quot quanta qualia et que prefati Ballivus Jurati ac ceteri Incole et habitatores mercatores et alii aut eorum aliquis antehac legitime et rite usi freti seu gavisi fuerunt usus fretus seu gavisus fuit Ac omnia et singula quecunque alia in quibuscuque cartis ordinacionibus aut literis patentibus nostris seu progenitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum quondam Regum et Reginarum Anglie seu Ducum Normanie aut aliorum eis seu eorum predecessoribus antehac data concessa seu confirmata et non revocata seu abolita quocunque nomine seu quibuscunque nominibus iidem Ballivus Jurati et ceteri Incole et habitatores ejusdem Insule et [locorum – missing word] maritinorum predictorum aut eorum predecessores seu eorum aliqui vel aliquis in eisdem literis patentibus seu eorum aliquibus censeantur nuncupentur aut vocitentur seu censeri nuncupari aut vocitari debuerunt aut soliti fuerunt ac ea omnia et singula licet in presentibus minime expressa prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritinorum predictorum Necnon mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus indigenis et alienigenis per presentes confirmamus consolidamus et de integro ratificamus adeo plene libere et integre prout ea omnia et singula in eisdem literis patentibus contenta modo particulariter verbatim et expresse in presentibus literis nostris patentibus recitata et declarata fuissent.

[8] Salua Semper atque illabefacta suprema regia potestate dominacione atque imperio Corone nostre Anglie tam quoad ligeanciam subjeccionem et obedienciam Insule predicte et aliorum quorumcunque [sic] infra Insulam et loca predicta commorantium sive degentium quam quoad regalitates privilegia res redditus vectigalia ac cetera jura proficua commoditates ac emolumenta quecunque infra Insulam et loca predicta nobis et heredibus et successoribus nostris per prerogativam Corone nostre Anglie sive Ducatus Normanie seu aliter ex antiquo debita et consueta. Salvis eciam appellacionibus et provocacionibus quibuscunque Insulanorum predictorum ac aliorum ibidem comorancium sive degencium in omnibus ejusmodi casubus que legibus et consuetudinibus Insule et locorum predictorum regali nostre cognicioni atque examini reservantur vel de jure aut privilegio nostro regal’ reservari debent aliqua sentencia clausula re aut materia quacunque superius in presentibus expressa et specificata in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstantibus.

[9] Proviso semper quod aliqua clausula articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus literis nostris patentibus expressum et specificatum non exponantur interpretentur nec se exendant ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit nobis heredibus vel successoribus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua terras tenementa [360] redditus regalitates vel hereditamenta nostra infra Insulam predictam & loca maritina predicta aut eorum aliqua.

[10] Et insuper cum datum est nobis intelligi quod quedam exaccio nuper levata fuerit de inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta et mercatoribus et aliis illic confluentibus contra antiquam extentam et consuetudinem ibidem usitatam videlicet pro quolibet quarterio frumenti vel alterius grani extra Insulam illam exportato tres solidos et sex denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam ubi illa extenta antehac ad tantam summam se non extendebant ut accepimus. Et cum dicti inhabitantes et gentes Insule de Jersey predicta soliti fuerunt similiter solvere ad usum progenitorum sive antecessorum nostrorum pro quibuslibet centum & quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportatæ juxta extentam ibidem usitatam quatuor denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam Nos volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta quod ipsi et omnes alii mercatores illuc confluentes non plus nec majorem summam exnunc deinceps imperpetuum solvere teneantur ad usum nostrum quam duodecim denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam de Jersey pro quolibet quarterio frumenti sive alterius generis grani extra eandem Insulam posthac exportandi Ita semper et sub condicione quod iidem inhabitantes et gens Insule de Jersey predicta ac omnes alii mercatores et extranei illuc confluentes solvere debeant et teneantur posthac imperpetuum ad usum nostrum pro quibuslibet centum et quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportandis tres solidos et dimidium monete currentis infra eandem Insulam et loca maritina predicta seu eorum aliqua

[11] Volumus etiam ac per presentes concedimus prefat’ Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Insulanis et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritinorum predictorum quod habant et habebunt has litteras nostras absque fine seu feodo magno vel parvo nobis in Hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad usum nostrum proinde quoquomodo redend solvend vel faciend. Eo quod expressa mencio etc. In cujus re etc. T R apud Canbury sexto die Julii
per breve de privato sigillo


[1] The King to all to whom etc., greeting. Whereas our beloved and faithful lieges and subjects, the bailiff and the jurats of our Island of Jersey, and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of the same island within our duchy of Normandy, and their predecessors, have from time beyond what the memory of men can reach, by virtue of several charters, grants, confirmations, and most ample writs, of our illustrious progenitors and ancestors, both kings of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, used, enjoyed, and been in possession of very many jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises, freely and quietly, and without any infringement of the same, both within the kingdom of England, and elsewhere within our dominions, and other places under our subjection on this side of, or beyond, the seas; by the aid and benefit of which grants, the aforesaid island and maritime places have stood out and continued constantly, faithfully, and unblameably in faith, obedience, and service, as well to us as to those same progenitors and ancestors of ours, and have enjoyed and gone on in their commerce and trade with merchants, both natives and aliens, as well in time of peace, as in time of war, and exercised and executed their duties in giving their decrees, and taking cognisance of all and every cause, quarrel, action, both civil and criminal, and capital and judicial pleas; and the right of jurisdiction they were vested with, to take into their consideration, to take order, decide, discuss, hear, and determine, and to proceed in the premises, and keep records of their proceedings according to the laws and customs practised of old, and approved in the said island and other places aforesaid; except in certain cases reserved from time to time to our royal cognisance:

[2] And we considering of how great advantage and moment all and singular the premises are, and have been, toward the safe-keeping and conservation of the said aforesaid island and maritime places in their fidelity and allegiance to our crown of England; and being always mindful, as is just, how courageously and loyally the said islanders and inhabitants have behaved themselves in our own and in our progenitors’ service, and considering what great detriments, losses and dangers they have sustained and do daily sustain, both for the constant safeguarding of the said island and places, and for the recovery and defence of our Castle of Mont Orgueil, in our aforesaid island of Jersey; to the end, not only to show some distinguished testimony and certain marks of our favour, affection, and royal beneficence towards the inhabitants aforesaid, but also to encourage them, and their posterity for ever, to persevere and continue inviolably in their accustomed and due obedience towards us, and our heirs and successors, we have thought proper to grant to them these our royal letters patent, confirmed under our great seal of England, in form following.

[3] Know ye, that we, of our special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given and granted, and for ourselves, our heirs and successors, we do by these present letters give and grant, to the said bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and to the other sojourners and inhabitants of the same island; that they themselves and every one of them (though not herein stated or declared by their particular names) were and shall, for the time to come, be for ever free, exempted, and acquitted, in all our cities, boroughs, markets, and trading towns, fairs, mart-towns, and other places and ports, within our kingdom of England, and within all our provinces, dominions, territories, and other places under our subjection, this side of, or beyond, the seas, from and of all tributes, tolls, customs, subsidies, hidage, taylage, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, works, and warlike expeditions (except in case our body, or that of our heirs and successors, should be (held in prison) which God avert), and of and from all other contributions and exactions whatsoever, that may be due from, to be rendered by, or be payable by, and claimed from, the said islanders, or any of them, to us, our heirs and successors, ever in any manner, by virtue of any charters, grants, confirmations, and writs of our said progenitors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, or others, or by virtue or reason of any reasonable and legal usage, prescriptions, or custom.

[4] And whereas some other privileges, jurisdictions, immunities, liberties, and franchises have been graciously given, granted, and confirmed by our progenitors and predecessors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, to the aforesaid islanders, and have been used and observed constantly in the said island and other maritime places, from the time whereof the memory of men reaches not to the contrary; one of which is, that in time of war merchants of all nations and others, both aliens and natives, both enemies and friends, could and might freely, lawfully, without danger or punishment, come to, resort to, go to and fro, and frequent the said island, and other aforesaid maritime places, with their ships and goods; both to avoid storms, and to conduct their other lawful business there, and to exercise there free commerce, business and trade, and securely, and without danger, remain there, and depart from thence, and return to the same, as often as they think fit, without any harm, molestation, or hostility whatsoever, in their goods, merchandise, or persons; and this not only within the said island and maritime places, and all around the same, but likewise at such spaces and distances from the island as the sight of man goes to, that is as far as the eye of man can reach: We, by virtue of our royal authority, do, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, indulge and enlarge, and renew, reiterate, and confirm, by these present letters, as far as in us lies, the same immunities, impunities, liberties, and privileges, and all the other premisses last mentioned, finding them to be reasonable and seasonable, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other sojourners, inhabitants and merchants, and others, whether enemies or friends, and to each of them, in as ample form and manner as heretofore they have used and enjoyed the same, or should have used and enjoyed the same. In order therefore to prevent any violation or infraction, reckless or otherwise, of this our grant, concession, and confirmation, or any thing therein contained, in any manner whatsoever, we declare and give this warning by these present letters to all our magistrates, officers and subjects in all parts of our kingdom of England, and throughout all our lordships and places under our obedience, wheresoever they lie, or are situated. And if any one of our said officers and subjects shall be so rash as to presume or attempt to transgress these our strict orders and commands, we order and decree (as far as in us lies), that he shall not only restore what has been taken or seized, but shall also be compelled to make a fuller restitution and satisfaction of all costs, interests, and damages, by whatever legal remedy, and he shall be severely punished for his audacious contempt of our royal power, or of our laws.

[5] Further, we, of our more gracious favour, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, do, by these present letters, ratify, approve, establish, and confirm, all and every one of the laws and customs which have been duly and legally used and from ancient times received and approved within the aforesaid island and maritime places; giving and granting to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and all other magistrates and officers of justice, and others who are appointed for performing the functions and executing the duties of any office, full and absolute authority, power, and faculty to have the cognisance, jurisdiction, and judgment concerning and touching all and all sorts of pleas, processes, law-suits, actions, quarrels, and causes arising within the island and maritime places aforesaid; both those actions which are personal, real, and mixed, and those which are criminal and capital, and to proceed in the said island, and not elsewhere, in hearing the parties in their pleadings, in prosecutions of their processes, and in their defence; and to hear, examine, and supersede the same, making decrees, determining, absolving, condemning, and putting their sentences in execution, according to the laws and customs previously practised and approved in the island and maritime places aforesaid; without admitting any challenge or appeal, except in such cases as are reserved to our royal cognisance by the ancient custom of the island and places aforesaid, or by our right and privilege ought so to be reserved. Which authority, power, and faculty (except in the cases reserved to us), we commit, give, grant, and confirm, for ourselves and our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the said bailiffs and jurats, and to the others, by these present letters, as freely, fully, and entirely, as the said bailiff and jurats, or others or any of them, heretofore have rightfully and lawfully used, practised, and enjoyed, or might legally have used and enjoyed.

[6] Moreover, our will and pleasure is, and we grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and successors by these present letters, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other inhabitants and sojourners in the island and maritime places aforesaid, that for the time to come, none of them be cited, arrested, or summoned, or drawn into any lawsuit, or forced in any manner by any writs or process, issued from any of our courts or others of the kingdom of England, to appear and answer before any of our judges, courts, or other officers of justice, or others, out of the island and maritime places aforesaid, touching or concerning any thing, dispute, causes, or matters in controversy whatsoever, arising in the aforesaid island, but that the aforesaid islanders, and each of them, may lawfully and without restraint, notwithstanding the said summons, warrants, writs and processes, remain, reside quietly, and abide in the aforesaid island and places, waiting for justice there; without incurring any punishment, corporal or pecuniary, by way of fine, mulct, ransom, or forfeiture, by reason of any offence, contempt, or contumacy, committed towards us, our heirs and successors, for which they might be sued, arraigned, or condemned; except only in the cases, which by the laws and customs of the island and places aforesaid are reserved to our royal cognisance and determination, or by our right and privilege ought to be so reserved.

[7] And moreover, of our more gracious favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have given, granted, and confirmed, and by our present letters, for ourselves, our heirs and successors as far as in us lies, we do give, grant, and confirm to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, and inhabitants of, the aforesaid island and maritime places; as also to merchants and others meeting there, the like, and as great, and as ample rights, jurisdictions, immunities, impunities, indemnities, exemptions, liberties, franchises, and privileges whatsoever, as the aforesaid bailiff, jurats, and other sojourners and inhabitants, and merchants and others, or any of them, have heretofore rightfully and legally used, practised, and enjoyed; and all and singular other things whatsoever that has been heretofore given, granted, and confirmed to them or to their predecessors, in any charters, orders, or letters patent, of us or our progenitors, formerly kings and queens of England, or dukes of Normandy, or others, and not revoked or abolished, by whatsoever name or names the same bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, or inhabitants of, the same island and maritime places aforesaid, or their predecessors, or any of them, may be supposed to have been comprised, called, or named, or ought to have been called or named, in the said letters patent, and all and singular which things, though not herein expressly mentioned, we do by these present letters confirm, consolidate, and ratify anew to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners, and inhabitants, of the island and maritime places aforesaid, and also merchants and others coming together there, those born there, and those born elsewhere, as fully, freely, and entirely, as if all and singular the things particularly mentioned and declared in the same letters patent were particularly and expressly recited and declared in these our present letters patent.

[8] Saving always entire and without detriment the regal and sovereign power, dominion, and empire of our crown of England, as to what may concern the allegiance, subjection, and obedience of the aforesaid islanders, and others, whoever they may be, dwelling for a shorter or longer time in the same island; and also as to what may concern the regality, privileges, incomes, revenues, tributes, and other rights, profits, commodities, and emoluments whatsoever, anciently due and accustomed to be paid to us, our heirs and successors, according to our royal prerogative as kings of England, or the prerogative of the duchy of Normandy, in the island and places aforesaid; saving also to the aforesaid islanders, and others dwelling or being there, a right to appeal in all cases reserved to our cognisance and consideration by the laws and customs of the said island, or which by our royal right or privilege ought to be so reserved. Notwithstanding any sentence, clause, thing, or matter whatsoever expressed above, or specially contained to the contrary in these present letters.

[9] Provided always that any clause, article, or any other thing expressed and specified in our present letters patent are not construed, interpreted nor extended to any thing that might be prejudicial to us, our heirs, or successors with regards to any of our lands, tenements, rents, regalities, or inheritances within the aforesaid island and maritime places or any of them.

[10] And in addition, since we are given to understand that an exaction has recently been levied upon the inhabitants and peoples of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and on merchants and others gathering there against the ancient extent and custom there used, that is to say for each quarter of corn or other grain exported from the island three shillings and six pence in money current within the island, when that extent previously did not, as we understand, extend to so large a sum. And since the said inhabitants and people of the aforesaid isle of Jersey were accustomed in the same way to pay to the use of our progenitors or ancestors for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from the island according to the extent there used four pence in the money current within the same island, we will, and by these present letters for us, our heirs, and successors do grant to the aforesaid inhabitants and peoples of our aforesaid island of Jersey, that they themselves, and all the other merchants gathering there from now henceforth for ever shall be bound to pay for our use a sum no more or greater than twelve pence in the money current within the same island of Jersey for each quarter of wheat or other type of grain hereafter exported from the same island. Thus, always, and on condition that the same inhabitants and peoples of the aforesaid island of Jersey and all other merchants and foreigners gathering there, owe and are bound to pay forever hereafter to our use for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from that island, three and a half shillings in the money current within the same island and aforesaid maritime places, or any of them.

[11] Furthermore, we wish and by these present letters we grant, that the said bailiff and jurats and other islanders and inhabitants of the aforesaid island and maritime places should and will have these our letters without fine or fee, great or small, rendered, made or paid to us in our Hanaper or elsewhere to our use for the same. And that although express mention etc. In testimony whereof etc. Witness the king at Canbury the sixth day of July
By writ of privy seal

James II 1687

Specific to Jersey, begins as straightforward inspeximus of 1662 charter of Charles II, but adds clause [12] on customs official; from the enrolment as presented in Prison Board, which is unfortunately incomplete.

View Images of original Charter document - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


[1] Rex Omnibus ad quos etc Salutem Cum dilecti et fideles ligei et subditi nostri Ballivus et Jurati Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteri Incole et habitantes ipsius Insule infra Ducatum nostrum Normanie et predecessores eorum a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit per seperales Cartas Concessiones Confirmationes et amplissima diplomata illustrium progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum tam Regum et Reginarum Anglie quam Ducum Normanie et aliorum quamplurium infra [error for Jura] Jurisdictiones Privilegia Immunitates libertates et Franchesias libere quiete et inviolabiter (sic) usi freti et gavisi fuerunt tam infra Regnum nostrum Anglie quam alibi infra Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ultra citraque mare Quorum ope et beneficio Insule prenominate ac loco maritim’ in fide obedientia et servicio tam nostri quam eorundem Progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum constanter fideliter et inculpate prestiterunt ac preserverarunt liberaque Commersia cum Mercatoribus ac aliis Indigenis et alienigenis tam pacis quam Belli temporibus habuerunt et execuerunt (sic) Judicia etiam et cognitaciones (sic) omnium et omnimodo Causarum et querelarum Actionum placitorum tam Civilium quam Criminalium et Capitalium et Judicialem potestatem ea omnia tractandi decidendi discutiendi audiendi et terminandi atque in eisdem procedendi et in Acta regidendi secundum leges et Consuetudines Insule et locorum predictorum ex [448] antiquo receptas et approbatas preterquam in cetis (sic) casubus cognitioni nostre Regie reservatis de tempore in tempus exercuerunt executi sunt et peregerunt.

[2] que omnia et singula cujus et quantum momenti sint et fuerunt ad tutelam et conservationem Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum in fide et obediencia Corone nostre Anglie Nos vt equum est perpendentes neque non immemores quam fortiter et fideliter Insulani predicti ac ceteri Incole et habitantes ibidem nobis et progenitoribus nostris inservierint Quantaque detrimenta damna et pericula tam pro assidua tuitione et defensione Castri nostri de Montorgueit (sic) infra predictam Insulam nostram de Jersey sustinuerunt indiesque sustinent non solum ut nostra Regia benevolentia favor et affectus erga prefatos Insulanos illustri aliquo nostre beneficentie testimonio ac certis Judiciis comprobetur verum etiam ut ipsi et eorum posteri deinceps inperpetuum prout antea solitam et debitam obedientiam erga Nos heredes et Successores nostros teneant et inviolabiliter observent has literas nostras Patentes magno Sigillo nostro Anglie roboratas in forma qua sequitur illis concedere dignitati sumus.

[3] Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris dedimus et concessimus ac pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris per presentes damus et Concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey predicte et ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus dicte Insule quod ipsi et eorum quilibet licet in presentibus non recitati seu cogniti per seperalia nomina sint et erunt semper in futuro ita liberi quieti et immunes in omnibus Civitatibus Burgis emptoriis & Nundiniis mercatis villis Mercatoriis et aliis locis et portubus infra Regnum nostrum Anglie ac infra omnes provincias Dominia territoria et loca ditioni nostra subjecta tam citra quam ultra mare de et ab omnibus vectigalibus Theoloniis Custumiis subsidiis hidagiis tallagiis pontagiis pannagiis muragiis Fossagiis Operibus Expedicionibus Bellicis nisi in casu ubi corpus nostrum heredum et Successorum (quod absit) in prisona detineatur et de et ab omnibus aliis contribucionibus oneribus et exationibus quibuscunque nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quovismodo debitis reddendis seu solvendis prout prefata Insula virtute aliquarum Cartarum concessionum confirmacionum sive diplomatum per predictos progenitores sive Antecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie sive alios seu virtute aut vigore alicujus racionabilis et legalis usus prescripcionis seu consuetudinis aut subditi Regni nostri Anglie seu eorum aliquis unquam aliquando fuerunt aut esse debuerunt vel potuerunt debent vel quouismodo possint.

[4] Cumque alia nonnulla privilegia Jurisdictiones Immunitates libertates et Franchesias per predictos progenitores et predecessores nostros quondam Reges Anglie et Duces Normanie ac aliis prefate Insule indulta donata concessa et Confirmata fuere ac a tempore cujus contrarium memoria hominum non existit infra Insulam et loca Maritima prenominata inviolabiliter usitata et observata fuere de quibus unum est quod tempore belli omnium Nationum Mercatores et alii tam alienigeni quam indigeni tam hostes quam amici libere licite et impune queant et possint dictam Insulam et loca maritima cum Navibus mercibus et bonis suis tam pro evitandis tempestatibus quam pro aliis licitis suis negociis inibi peragendis adire accedere commeare et frequentare et [449] Iibera Comercia negotiationis ac rem mercatoriam ibidem exercere ac tuto et secure commorari indeque comerare et redire toties quoties absque damno molestia seu hostilitate quacunque in rebus mercibus bonis aut Corporibus suis idque non solum infra Insulam et loca maritima predicta aut precinctum eorundem verum etiam infra spatia undique ab eisdem distantia usque ad visum hominis id est quatenus vis oculi posset assequi. Nos eandem Immunitates Impunitatem libertatem et Privilegia ac cetera omnia premissa ultima recitata rata grataque habentes ea pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quantum in Nobis est prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis habitatoribus mercatoribus et aliis tam hostibus quam amicis et eorum cuilibet per presentes indulgemus et elargimur authoritate nostra Regia renovamus reiteramus et confirmamus in tam amplis modo et forma prout Incole et Habitatores Insule predicte ac predicti indigeni alienigeni Mercatores et alii preantea usi vel gavisi fuerunt vel uti aut gaudere debuerunt universis igitur et singulis Magistratoribus Ministris et subditis nostris per uniuersum nostrum Regnum Anglie ac cetera Dominia et loca ditioni nostre subjecta ubilibet constitutis per presentes denunciamus et firmiter injungendo precipimus ne hanc nostram donacionem Concessionem et Confirmacionem seu aliquod in eisdem expressum aut contentum temerarie aut aliter infringere seu quovismodo inviolare presumant Et si quis ausu temerario contrafecerit seu attemptaverit volumus et decernimus quantum in nobis est quod restituat non solum oblate (sic) aut erepta sed quod etiam pro damno interesse et expensis ad plenariam recompencam et satisfactionem compellatur per quecunque Juris nostri remedia severeque puniatur ut Regie nostre potestatis ac legum nostrarum contemptor temerarius

[5] Preterea ex uberiori gratia nostra pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes ratificamus approbamus stabilimus et confirmamus omnes et singulos leges et Consuetudines infra Insulam et loca Maritima predicta rite et legittime usitata et ex antiquo Recepta et approbata Dantes et tribuentes prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac omnibus aliis Magistratibus Ministris et ceteris quibuscunque ibidem in Officio et functione aliquot constitutis plenam integram et absolutam authoritatem potestatem et Facultatem cognoscendi jurisdicendi et Judicandi de et super omnibus et omnimodis placitis processibus litibus Actionibus querelis et causis quibuscunque infra Insulam et loca predicta emergentibus tam personalibus realibus et mixtis quam criminalibus et capitalibus. Eaque omnia et singula ibidem et non alibi placitandi et peragendi prosequendi et defendendi atque in eisdem procedendi vel supersedendi examinandi audiendi terminandi absolvendi condemnandi decidendi atque executioni mandandi secundum leges et consuetudines Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum preantea usitatas et approbatas absque provocacione seu appellacione quacunque preterquam in casibus qui cognitioni nostre regali ex antiqua consuetudine Insule et locorum predictorum reservantur vel de Jure aut Privilegio nostro regali reservari debentur. Quam quidem authoritatem potestatem et facultatem preterquam in eisdem casubus reservatas Nos pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris prefatis Ballivo et Juratis et aliis Damus Comittimus Concedimus [450] et Confirmamus per presentes adeo plene libere et integre prout prefati Ballivus et Jurati ac alii vel eorum aliquis unquam antehac eisdem rite et legitime usi functi aut gavisi vel uti fungi aut gaudere debuerunt aut licite potuerunt debuit aut potuit.

[6] Volumus preterea ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes concedimus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac aliis Incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam et loca maritima predicta quod nullus eorum de cetero per aliqua brevia seu processus ex aliquibus Curiis nostris seu alibi infra Regnum nostrum Anglie emergencia sive eorum aliqua citetur apprehendetur evocetur in placita trahatur sive quovismodo aliter comparare aut respondere cogatur extra Insulam et loca maritima predicta coram quibuscunque Judicibus Justiciariis Magistratibus aut Officiariis nostris aut aliis de aut super aliqua re lite materia seu Causa quacunque infra Insulam predictam emanente seu quod Insulani predicti et eorum quilibet huiusmodi citacionibus apprehensionibus brevibus et processibus non obstante licite et impune valeant et possint infra Insulam et loca predicta residere commorari quiescere et Justiciam ibidem expectare absque aliqua pena corporali seu pecuniario fine redemptione aut mulcta proinde incurrenda forisfacienda nec non absque aliqua Offensione vel Causa contemptus seu contumacie per Nos heredes et Successores nostros illis seu eorum alicui aut aliquibus pro inde infligenda irroganda vel aliter adjudicanda exceptis tantumodo hujusmodi casubus qui per leges Insule et locorum predictorum regali nostre cognitioni atque examini reserventur vel de Jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur.

[7] Et ulterius de ampliori gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris dedimus Concessimus et Confirmamus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est Damus Concedimus et Confirmamus prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ceterisque Incolis et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum nec non mercatoribus et aliis eo Confluentibus tot tanta talia huiusmodi et consimilia Jura et Jurisdictiones Imunitates impunitates indemnitates exempciones libertates Franchesias et privilegia quecunque quot quanta qualia et que prefati Ballivus Jurati ac ceteri Incole et habitatores mercatores et alii aut eorum aliquis antehac legitime et rite usi freti seu gavisi fuerunt usus fretus seu gavisus fuit ac omnia et singula quecunque alia in quibuscunque Cartis Ordinationibus aut literis patentibus nostrum seu progenitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum quondam Regum et Reginarum Angli seu Ducum Normanie aut aliorum eis seu eorum Predecessoribus antehac data Concessa seu confirmata et non revocata seu abolita quocunque nomine seu quibuscunque nominibus iidem Ballivus Jurati ac ceteri Incole et habitatores ejusdem Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum aut eorum predecessores seu eorum aliqui vel aliquis in eisdem literis Patentibus seu eorum aliquibus censeantur nuncupentur aut vocitentur seu censeri nuncupari aut vocitari debuere aut soliti fuere ac omnia et singula licet in presentibus minime expressa prefatis Ballivo et Juratis ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus Insule et locorum maritimorum predictorum necnon mercatoribus et aliis eo confluentibus indigenis et alienigenis per presentes confirmamus consolidamus et de integro ratificamus adeo plene [451] libere et integre prout ea omnia et singula in eisdem literis Patentibus contenta modo perticulariter verbatim expresse in presentibus literis nostris Patentibus recitata et declarata fuissent.

[8] Salua semper atque illabefacta suprema Regie potestate dominatione atque Imperio Corone nostre Anglie tam quoad ligeanciam Subjeccionem et obedientiam Insule predict’ ac aliorum quorumcunque [sic] infra Insulam et loca predicta comorancium sive degencium quam quoad Regalitatem privilegia res redditus vectigalia ac cetera Jura Proficua Commoditates et emolumenta quecunque infra Insulam et loca predicta nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per Prerogativam Corone Anglie sive Ducatus Normannie seu aliter ex antiquo debita et Consueta. Salvis etiam appellacionibus et provocationibus quibuscunque Insulanorum predictorum et aliorum ibidem comorancium sive degencium in omnibus ejusmodi Casubus qui legibus et Consuetudinibus Insule et locorum predictorum Regali nostre cognitioni atque examini reservantur vel de Jure aut privilegio nostro Regali reservari debentur aliqua sententia Clausula re aut materia quacunque superius in presentibus expressa sive specificata in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstantibus.

[9] Proviso semper quod aliqua Clausula Articulus sive aliquod aliud in presentibus literis nostris Patentibus expressum et specificatum non exponantur interpretentur nec se extendant ad aliquod quod sit vel fieri possit nobis heredibus vel Successoribus nostris prejudiciale quoad aliqua terras tenementa redditus Regalitates vel hereditamenta nostra infra insulam predictam & loca maritima predicta aut eorum aliqua.

[10] Et insuper cum datum est nobis intelligi quo (sic) quedam exactio nuper levata fuerit de inhabitantibus et gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta mercatoribus et aliis illic confluentibus contra antiquam extentam et Consuetudinem ibidem usitatam vizt pro quolibet quarterio frumenti vel alterius Grani extra Insulam illam exportato tres solidos et sex denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam ubi illa extenta antehac ad tantam summam se non extendebant ut accepimus et cum dicti Inhabitantes et gentes Insule de Jersey predicta soliti fuere similiter solvere ad usum Progenitorum sive Antecessorum nostrorum pro quibuslibet Centum & quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportatæ juxta Extentam ibidem usitatam quatuor denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam Nos volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris Concedimus prefatis prefatis Inhabitantibus et Gentibus Insule nostre de Jersey predicta quod ipsi et omnes alii mercatores illuc confluentes non plus nec majorem summam exnunc deinceps inperpetum (sic) solvere teneantur ad usum nostrum quam duodecim denarios monete currentis infra eandem Insulam de Jersey pro quolibet quarterio frumenti sive alterius generis Grani extra eandem Insulam posthec exportandi Ita semper et sub conditione quod iidem Inhabitantes et Gens Insule de Jersey predicta ac omnes alii mercatores et extranei illuc confluentes solvere debeant et teneantur posthec inperpetuum ad usum nostrum pro quibuslibet Centum et quinquaginta libris lane extra Insulam illam exportandis tres solidos et Dimidium monete Currentis infra eandem Insulam & loca maritima predicta seu eorum aliqua [452]

[11] Et ulterius in tosseram [FOR tesseram] favoris nostri prefatis Ballivo et Juratis nostre de Jersey predicta ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam illam pro summa et constanti fidelitate et ligeantia suis Nobis et Predecessoribus nostris nuper Regibus et Reginis Anglie ex quacunque causa manifesta de gratia nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris dedimus concessimus et Confirmavimus ac per presentes pro Nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris damus concedimus et Confirmamus eisdem Ballivo et Juratis Insule nostre de Jersey ac ceteris Incolis et habitatoribus infra Insulam illam plenam potestatem et authoritatem Et quod de cetero imperpetuum liceat et licebit eis habere uti et portare seu portari causare coram Ballivo ejusdem Insule nostre de Jersey pro tempore existente unam Clavam auream vel argenteam comuniter vocatam a Mace Insigniis Armorum nostrorum heredum et Successorum nostrorum superinde insculptam et ornatam in et per totam illam Insulam nostram de Jersey libertates et precincta ejusdem ad libitum huiusmodi Ballivi Insule illius pro tempore existente quando et quoties occasio requiret

[12] Proviso tamen quod semper licebit ut et per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostrorum pro tempore existentibus vel existenti nominandi constituendi Ministrum quendam seu Officialem Telonarium primitus a Nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris per scriptum sub Privati Concilii nostri heredum ac Successorum nostrorum Sigillo approbandum in predicta Insula de Jersey mansurum et Comoraturum qui (juxta nuper precharissimi fratris nostri Caroli secundi pie memorie in Consilio sub Privato consultum die Decemb’ decimo septimo Anno Regni sui tricesimo primo et Domini nostri millessimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo nono Aule albe datum) libellos assertorios seu Certificatorios Ang’ce Certificates de bonis et mercimoniis quibuscunque ex Anglia in Insulam de Jersey predictam de tempore in tempus exportatis nec de illis in Angliam ex Insula dicta exportandis manu sua conficiet Sigilloque suo obsignabit quo inde Teloniorum nostrorum Commissionum vel curatoribus de vera bonorum et mercimoniorum omnium in Insulam dictam importatorum vel abinde exportatorum quantitate qualitate numero ac proventu liquido constare possit Quod quidem insuper Concilii Privati consultum seu edictum prefatum die Decembris decimo septimo (uti prefertur) Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo nono datum nec non omnes et singulas libertates Jura privilegia emolumenta Commoda et proficua quecunque in eodem contenta Concessa et speciatim declarata Nos per presentes pro Nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris ratificamus et Confirmamus (non obstante quod in hisce Literis Patentibus sub Sigillo Anglie magno nostris dictum Concilii consultum Articulatim non… [not in PB]


[1] The King to all those to whom etc., greeting. Whereas our beloved and faithful lieges and subjects, the bailiff and the jurats of our Island of Jersey, and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of the same island within our duchy of Normandy, and their predecessors, have from time beyond what the memory of men can reach, by virtue of several charters, grants, confirmations, and most ample writs, of our illustrious progenitors and ancestors, both kings and queens of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, used, enjoyed, and been in possession of very many rights, jurisdictions, privileges, immunities, liberties, and franchises, freely and quietly, and without any infringement of the same, both within the kingdom of England, and elsewhere within our dominions, and other places under our subjection on this side of, or beyond, the seas; by the aid and benefit of which grants, the aforenamed island and maritime places have stood out and continued constantly, faithfully, and unblameably in our faith, obedience, and service, and that of our progenitors and predecessors, and have enjoyed and gone on in their commerce and trade with merchants, both natives and aliens, as well in time of peace, as in time of war, and exercised and executed their duties in giving their decrees, and taking cognisance of all and every cause, quarrel, action, both civil and criminal, and capital and judicial pleas; and the right of jurisdiction they were vested with, to take into their consideration, decide, discuss, hear, and determine, and to proceed in the premises, and keep records of their proceedings according to the laws and customs practised of old, and approved in the said island and other places aforesaid; except in certain cases reserved from time to time to our royal cognisance:

[2] And we considering of how great advantage and moment all and singular the premises are, and have been, toward the safe-keeping and conservation of the aforesaid island and maritime places in their fidelity and allegiance to our crown of England; and being always mindful, as is just, how courageously and loyally the said islanders and inhabitants have behaved themselves in our own and in our progenitors’ service, and considering what great detriments, losses and dangers they have sustained and do daily sustain, both for the constant safeguarding and defence of our Castle of Mont Orgueil, in our aforesaid island of Jersey; to the end, not only to show some distinguished testimony and certain marks of our favour, affection, and royal beneficence towards the inhabitants aforesaid, but also to encourage them, and their posterity for ever, to persevere and continue inviolably in their accustomed and due obedience towards us, and our heirs and successors; we have thought proper to grant to them these our royal letters patent, confirmed under our great seal of England, in form following.

[3] Know ye, that we, of our special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given and granted, and for ourselves, our heirs and successors, we do by these present letters give and grant, to the said bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and to the other sojourners and inhabitants of the same island; that they themselves and every one of them (though not herein stated or declared by their particular names) were and shall, for the time to come, be for ever free, exempted, and acquitted, in all our cities, boroughs, markets, and trading towns, fairs, mart-towns, and other places and ports, within our kingdom of England, and within all our provinces, dominions, territories, and other places under our subjection, this side of, or beyond, the seas, from and of all tributes, tolls, customs, subsidies, hidage, taylage, pontage, panage, murage, fossage, works, and warlike expeditions (except in case our body, or that of heirs and successors, should be held in prison (which God avert)), and of and from all other contributions, duties, and exactions whatsoever, that may be due from, to be rendered by, or be payable by, and claimed from, the said islanders, to us, our heirs and successors, ever in any manner, by virtue of any charters, grants, confirmations, and writs of our said progenitors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, or others, or by virtue or reason of any reasonable and legal usage, prescription, or custom, of a subject of our kingdom of England or of any of them.

[4] And whereas some other privileges, jurisdictions, immunities, liberties, and franchises have been graciously given, granted, and confirmed by our progenitors and predecessors, formerly kings of England and dukes of Normandy, and others, to the aforesaid islanders, and have been used and observed constantly in the said island and other maritime places, from the time whereof the memory of men reaches not to the contrary; one of which is, that in time of war merchants of all nations and others, both aliens and native, both enemies and friends, could and might freely, lawfully, without danger or punishment, come to, resort to, go to and fro, and frequent the said island, and other maritime places, with their ships and goods; both to avoid storms, and to conduct their other lawful business there, and to exercise there free commerce, business and trade, and securely, and without danger, remain there, and depart from thence, and return to the same, as often as they think fit, without any harm, molestation, or hostility whatsoever, in their goods, merchandise, or persons; and this not only within the said island and maritime places, and all around the same, but likewise at such spaces and distances from the island as the sight of man goes to, that is as far as the eye of man can reach: We, by virtue of our royal authority, do, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, indulge and enlarge, and renew, reiterate, and confirm, by these present letters, as far as in us lies, the same immunities, impunity, liberty, and privileges, and all the other premisses last mentioned, finding them to be reasonable and seasonable, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other sojourners, inhabitants and merchants, and others, whether enemies or friends, and to each of them, in as ample form and manner as heretofore they have used or enjoyed the same, or should have used and enjoyed the same. In order therefore to prevent any violation or infraction, reckless or otherwise, of this our grant, concession, and confirmation, or any thing therein contained, in any manner whatsoever, we declare and give this warning by these present letters to all our magistrates, officers and subjects in all parts of our kingdom of England, and throughout all our lordships and places under our obedience, wheresoever they lie, or are situated. And if any one of our said officers and subjects shall be so rash as to presume or attempt to transgress these our strict orders and commands, we order and decree (as far as in us lies), that he shall not only restore what has been taken or seized, but shall also be compelled to make a fuller restitution and satisfaction of all costs, interests, and damages, by whatever legal remedy, and he shall be severely punished for his audacious contempt of our royal power, or of our laws.

[5] Further, we, of our more gracious favour, for ourselves, our heirs and successors, do, by these present letters, ratify, approve, establish, and confirm, all and every one of the laws and customs which have been duly and legally used and from ancient times received and approved within the aforesaid island and maritime places; giving and granting to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and all other magistrates and officers of justice, and others who are appointed for performing the functions and executing the duties of any office, full and absolute authority, power, and faculty to have the cognisance, jurisdiction, and judgment concerning and touching all and all sorts of pleas, processes, law-suits, actions, quarrels, and causes arising within the island and maritime places aforesaid; both those actions which are personal, real, and mixed, and those which are criminal and capital, and to proceed in the said island, and not elsewhere, in hearing the parties in their pleadings, in prosecutions of their processes, and in their defence; and to supersede, examine, and hear the same, determining, absolving, condemning, making decrees, and putting their sentences in execution, according to the laws and customs previously practised and approved in the island and maritime places aforesaid; without admitting any challenge or appeal, except in such cases as are reserved to our royal cognisance by the ancient custom of the island and places aforesaid, or by our royal right and privilege ought so to be reserved. Which authority, power, and faculty, except in the cases reserved to us, we give, commit, grant, and confirm, for ourselves and our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the said bailiffs and jurats, and to the others, by these present letters, as freely, fully, and entirely, as the said bailiff and jurats, or others or any of them, heretofore have rightfully and lawfully used, practised, and enjoyed, or might legally have used and enjoyed.

[6] Moreover, our will and pleasure is, and we grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and successors by these present letters, to the said bailiff and jurats, and the other inhabitants and sojourners in the island and maritime places aforesaid, that for the time to come, none of them be cited, arrested, or summoned, or drawn into any lawsuit, or forced in any manner by any writs or process, issued from any of our courts or others of the kingdom of England, to appear and answer before any of our judges, justices, magistrates, or officers, or others, out of the island and maritime places aforesaid, touching or concerning any thing, dispute, causes, or matters in controversy whatsoever, arising in the aforesaid island, but that the aforesaid islanders, and each of them, may lawfully and without restraint, notwithstanding the said summons, warrants, writs and processes, remain, reside quietly, and abide in the aforesaid island and places, waiting for justice there; without incurring any punishment, corporal or pecuniary, by way of fine, mulct, ransom, or forfeiture, by reason of any offence, contempt, or contumacy, committed towards us, our heirs and successors, for which they might be sued, arraigned, or condemned (except only in the cases, which by the laws of the island and places aforesaid are reserved to our royal cognisance and determination, or by our royal right and privilege ought to be so reserved.

[7] And moreover, of our more gracious special favour, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have given, granted, and confirmed, and by our present letters, for ourselves, our heirs and successors as far as in us lies, we do give, grant, and confirm to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, and inhabitants of, the aforesaid island and maritime places; as also to merchants and others meeting there, the like, and as great, and as ample rights and jurisdictions, immunities, impunities, indemnities, exemptions, liberties, franchises, and privileges whatsoever, as the aforesaid bailiff, jurats, and other sojourners and inhabitants, and merchants and others, or any of them, have heretofore rightfully and legally used, practised, and enjoyed; and all and singular other things whatsoever that has been heretofore given, granted, and confirmed to them or to their predecessors, in whatsoever charters, orders or letters patent, of us or our progenitors or predecessors, formerly kings and of England, or dukes of Normandy, or others, and not revoked or abolished, by whatsoever name or names the same bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners in, or inhabitants of, the same island and maritime places aforesaid, or their predecessors, or any of them, may be supposed to have been comprised, called, or named, or ought to have been called or named, in the said letters patent, and all and singular which things, though not herein expressly mentioned, we do by these present letters confirm, consolidate, and ratify anew to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats, and other sojourners, and inhabitants, of the island and maritime places aforesaid, and also merchants and others coming together there, those born there, and those born elsewhere, as fully, freely, and entirely, as if all and singular the things particularly mentioned and declared in the same letters patent were particularly in words expressly recited and declared in these our present letters patent.

[8] Saving always entire and without detriment the regal and sovereign power, dominion, and empire of our crown of England, as to what may concern the allegiance, subjection, and obedience of the aforesaid islanders, and others, whoever they may be, dwelling for a shorter or longer time in the same island; and also as to what may concern the regality, privileges, incomes, revenues, tributes, and other rights, profits, commodities, and emoluments whatsoever, anciently due and accustomed to be paid to us, our heirs and successors, according to our royal prerogative as kings of England, or the prerogative of the duchy of Normandy, in the island and places aforesaid; saving also to the aforesaid islanders, and others dwelling or being in the said island, a right to appeal in all cases reserved to our cognisance and consideration by the laws and customs of the said island, or which by our royal right or privilege ought to be so reserved. Notwithstanding any sentence, clause, thing, or matter whatsoever expressed above, or specially contained to the contrary in these present letters.

[9] Provided always that any clause, article, or any other thing expressed and specified in our present letters patent are not construed, interpreted nor extended to any thing that might be prejudicial to us, our heirs, or successors with regards to any of our lands, tenements, rents, regalities, or inheritances within the aforesaid island and maritime places or any of them.

[10] And in addition, since we are given to understand that an exaction has recently been levied upon the inhabitants and peoples of our island of Jersey aforesaid, and on merchants and others gathering there against the ancient extent and custom there used, that is to say for each quarter of corn or other grain exported from the island three shillings and six pence in money current within the island, when that extent previously did not, as we understand, extend to so large a sum. And since the said inhabitants and people of the aforesaid isle of Jersey were accustomed in the same way to pay to the use of our progenitors or ancestors for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from the island according to the extent there used four pence in the money current within the same island, we will, and by these present letters for us, our heirs, and successors do grant to the aforesaid inhabitants and peoples of our aforesaid island of Jersey, that they themselves, and all the other merchants gathering there from now henceforth for ever shall be bound to pay for our use a sum no more or greater than twelve pence in the money current within the same island of Jersey for each quarter of wheat or other type of grain hereafter exported from the same island. Thus, always, and on condition that the same inhabitants and peoples of the aforesaid island of Jersey and all other merchants and foreigners gathering there, owe and are bound to pay forever hereafter to our use for every one hundred and fifty pounds of wool exported from that island, three and a half shillings in the money current within the same island and aforesaid maritime places, or any of them

[11] And further, in a token of our favour to the aforesaid bailiff and jurats of our [island of] Jersey aforesaid and the other sojourners in and inhabitants of that island, for their great and constant faith and allegiance shown to us and our predecessors formerly kings and queens of England, for whatever cause, of our special faviour and certain knowledge, and mere motion we have given, granted and by these present letters for ourself, our heirs and successors we give, grant, concede and confirm to the same bailiff and jurats of our island of Jersey and other sojourners in and inhabitants of that island full power and authority that finally in perpetuity it is and will be permitted to them to have, use and carry, or cause to be carried in the presence of the bailiff of our same island of Jersey for the time being what is commonly called a ‘Mace’ of gold or silver sculpted and garnished with the our arms and the arms of our heirs and successors on it, in and through the whole of that island of Jersey, its liberties and precincts at the will of bailiff of island for the time being when and as often as the occasion requires.

[12] Provided, however, that it will always be permitted and by these present letters for ourselves, our heirs and successors for the time being or to be, to nominate or constitute a certain minister or official of the customs for the first time by us, our heirs and successors, confirmed under the seal of our Privy Council and that of our heirs and successors, to stay and abide in the aforesaid island of Jersey who (according to our former most beloved brother Charles the Second of pious memory in Privy Council on the seventeenth of December in the thirty first year of his reign and AD 1679 given at Whitehall) will write up with his own hand, and seal with his own seal, the books declaratory and certificatory referred to in English as ‘Certificates’ of whatsoever goods and merchandise are from time to time exported from England into the said island of Jersey, and of those things exported into England from the said island; by which the Commissioners of our Customs can establish the true quantity, quality, number and clear profits of all the good and merchandise imported into the island or experted from there. Which aforesaid Provy Council decree or edict given on the seventeenth of December AD 1679 (as aforementioned) all and singular liberties, rights, privileges, emoluments, advantages, and profits whatsoever contained, granted and in particular declared in the same, we by these present letter for ourselves, our heirs and successors ratify and confirm (not withstanding that in the Letters Patent under our great seal of England…