Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Jersey) Order 1987

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Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Jersey) Order 1987

Official Consolidated Version

This is an official version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.


Showing the law from 27 February 2024 to Current



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Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Jersey) Order 1987

THE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 62 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956 and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Clement, orders as follows –

Commencement [see endnotes]

1        Application

This Order applies to roads in the parish of St. Clement.

2        One-way traffic

Every vehicle entering any length of road specified in the first column of Schedule 1 shall, between the point of its entry therein and its departure therefrom, follow the direction prescribed in relation to that length of road in the second column of the said Schedule.

3        Prohibition of waiting

(1)     No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait on any lengths of road specified in Schedule 2.

(2)     No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait on any part of any road which is within 10 yards of the junction of that road with another road.

(3)     No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait on any part of any road which is authorized in accordance with Article 37 of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, as a stand for public service vehicles.

(4)     No person shall cause or permit a vehicle the width of which exceeds 6 feet 6 inches to wait on any length of road specified in Schedule 6.[1]

(5)     No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait for a period in excess of 12 hours in any 24 hours on any length of road specified in Schedule 7.[2]

4        Parking discs

(1)     No person shall leave a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, between the hours of 8 am and 5.30 pm on any day other than Sunday, on a road or part of a road listed in Schedule 3 –

(a)     for a period in excess of 2 hours;

(b)     without displaying a parking disc in accordance with paragraph (3).[3]

(2)     For the purposes of this Article, each parking disc shall comply generally with the following conditions –

It shall be composed of 2 pieces of pale yellow cardboard enclosing 3 red cardboard discs each pivoted about its centre on which shall be printed figures which shall be revealed through 3 apertures cut into one of the pieces of yellow cardboard. The left hand aperture shall reveal the hour, the centre aperture the tens of minutes, and the right hand aperture the minutes, of the time of arrival at the parking place.

(3)     When a vehicle is left as described in paragraph (1), a parking disc, indicating the time at which the vehicle arrived there shall be displayed against the internal face of the windscreen of the vehicle, or, if the vehicle has no windscreen, at a convenient place on the left or near side, in such manner that the arrival time of the vehicle may be distinctly seen by any person outside the vehicle.

(4)     When a vehicle is left as aforesaid no person shall –

(a)     display more than one parking disc on the vehicle;

(b)     indicate on the parking disc a time different from that at which the vehicle was first parked on that road;

(c)     alter the time of arrival indicated on the parking disc whilst the vehicle is parked on any part of that road during the 2 hour period permitted under paragraph (1)(a); or

(d)     park in any part of the same road within one hour after the expiry of the 2 hour period permitted under paragraph (1)(a).[4]

5        Closing of roads to through traffic

(1)     Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), no person shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle on any of the roads or parts of a road specified in the first column of Schedule 4 during the times specified in relation thereto in the second column of Schedule 4.

(2)     Nothing in paragraph (1) shall prevent the driving on any of the said specified roads or parts of a road of –

(a)     any vehicle which is being used for the purpose of access to any premises situated alongside the said specified roads or parts of a road;

(b)     an omnibus (within the meaning of the Motor Traffic Law) in the course of providing a service authorized by an omnibus service licence granted under Article 19 of the Motor Traffic Law;

(c)     a vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance, police or other emergency purposes;

(d)     pedal cycles.[5]

6        Public service vehicles

(1)     No person shall, except on the direction or with the permission of a police officer, drive, or cause or permit to be driven, any char-à-banc within the meaning of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, on any road or lengths of road specified in Schedule 5 to this Order.

(2)     Except with the permission of the Connétable of St. Clement, no person shall station or cause to permit to be stationed, on any road any char-à-banc.

(3)     Except on the express direction of a police officer, no cab shall be stationed on any road:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the stationing of a controlled taxi-cab on a taxi rank as defined in the Motor Traffic (Taxi-Cabs - General) (Jersey) Order 2002.

(4)     In this Article “cab” and “char-à-banc” have the same respective meanings as under the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935.

6A     Roads closed to wide vehicles[6]

If a vehicle’s overall width exceeds 6 feet 6 inches it must not be driven on a road specified in the first and second columns of Schedule 6A unless –

(a)     it is being driven to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to that road;

(b)     it is a vehicle engaged in mechanical road sweeping or road gully cleaning; or

(c)     it is being used for fire and rescue, ambulance or other emergency purposes.

7        Saving[7]

Nothing in Article 3 or 4 applies –

(a)     so as to prevent a vehicle waiting on any road for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle, if it cannot be used for such purpose without waiting on that road, to be used in connection with any building operation or demolition work, the removal of any obstruction or potential obstruction to traffic, the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of that road or the erection, laying, placing, maintenance, testing, alteration, repair or removal of any structure, works or apparatus in, on, under or over that road;

(b)     to any vehicle whilst it is being used for the fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

(c)     to any vehicle being used for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Article 1 of the Post Office (Jersey) Law 1969;

(d)     so as to prevent a public service vehicle waiting on a part of any road which is authorized in accordance with Article 37 of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, as a stand for public service vehicles;

(e)     so as to prevent a vehicle waiting on any road for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle, if it cannot be used for such purpose without waiting on that road, to be used in connection with the collection of household refuse from, or the clearing of cesspools at, premises situated on or adjacent to that road;

(f)      to a vehicle waiting on any road while any gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle requires access or from which it has emerged is being opened or closed, if it is not reasonably practicable for the vehicle to wait otherwise than on that road while such gate or barrier is being opened or closed;

(g)     to a vehicle waiting on any road on the express direction or with the specific permission of a police officer.

8        Citation

This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Jersey) Order 1987.

Schedule 1[8]

(Article 2)




The Avenue

From La Grande Route de la Côte to Princess Place

Georgetown Park Estate, from a point 68 yards from its junction with Dicq Road

traffic shall circulate in an anticlockwise direction

La Rue de la Chapelle

From La Grande Route de St. Clement to La Rue de Pontlietaut

La Rue Hamel, for 50 m from its junction with La Rue de Jambart

From La Rue de Jambart to La Grande Route de St. Clement

La Rue de Jambart, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement to its junction with La Rue Hamel

From La Grande Route de St. Clement to La Rue Hamel

Marina Avenue

From St. Clement’s Inner Road to the junction with Sarina Road

Samarès Avenue

From the junction with Sarina Road to La Grande Route de St. Clement

Sarina Road

From Marina Avenue to Samarès Avenue


Schedule 2[9]

(Article 3)


The Avenue

East side.

Georgetown Park Estate


north-east side, between the northern boundary of the property known as “Rosecroft” and the southern boundary of the property known as “Vanessa”;



north-west side, between the eastern boundary of the property known as “No. 1 Georgetown Park” and the north-western boundary of the property known as “Lynton”;



south-west side, between the south-eastern boundary of the property known as “Bourne Park” and the north-eastern boundary of the property known as “Bonita”.

Green Road

Both sides.

La Grande Route de la Côte


north side, between its junction with La Rue de Samarès to a point 90 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Maupertuis;



north side, between the eastern side of the entrance to Kings Close and the boundary wall of the property known as “Maryland”;



south side, between La Mare Slipway and a point 90 yards west;



south side, between its junction with La Rue de Samarès and the western boundary of the property known as “Les Lucarnes”;



both sides, from its junction with La Rue de Samarès for a distance 280 yards in an easterly direction;



both sides, from a point 50 yards west of the entrance to Sydney Crill Park to the boundary of the Parish of Grouville;



north side, from its junction with La Rue du Hocq to the eastern boundary of the property known as “La Tour”;



both sides, from the western edge of Le Hocq slipway parking area to a point 57 yards in a westerly direction.

La Grande Route de St. Clement


north side, from the eastern boundary of the car park of the property known as “Priory Inn” to a point 24 yards east;



north side, between La Rue du Pignon and La Rue du Presbytère;



both sides, from its junction with La Rue de Causie to its junction with La Rue Hamel;



south side, from its junction with La Rue de Causie to its junction with La Rue de Jambart;



south side, between its junction with La Rue de Jambart and a point 150 yards west;



south side, between La Rue du Hocq and the entrance to Fair Oaks Villas Estate;



both sides, between its junction with La Rue de Causie and its junction with La Ruelle des Tours;



both sides, from a point 28 yards west of the western boundary of the property known as “Meadow View” to a point 142 yards east;



both sides, between its junction with Marina Avenue and a point 330 yards west;



north side, between its junction with La Rue Laurens and a point 27 yards east;



both sides, from its junction with La Rue du Presbytère for a distance of 36 yards in a southerly direction.

La Grève d’Azette


north side, between its junction with Plat Douet Road and the boundary of the Parish of St. Saviour;



south side, between its junction with Plat Douet Road and a point at the eastern end of the distance of 87 yards described in Schedule 3 to this Order;



south side, from a point 20 yards east of its junction with Green Road to the boundary of the Parish of St. Saviour.

La Petite Sente

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte to a point 260 yards in an easterly direction.

La Rue au Blancq

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement for a distance of 140 yards in a northerly direction.

La Rue au Seigneur

both sides.

La Rue de Jambart


west side;



east side from its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte to its junction with La Rue Hamel;



east side, from its junction with La Rue Hamel north for 15 metres;



east side, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement south for 55 metres.

La Rue de la Chapelle

both sides

La Rue de la Croix


south side, from a point 28 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Pontlietaut to a point 11 yards further west;



south side, from a point 46 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Pontlietaut to a point 19 yards further west;



south side, from a point 120 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Pontlietaut to a point 10 yards further west.

La Rue de Samarès


both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte to a point 15 yards north of the northern boundary of Sefton Close;



east side, from its junction with La Rue de la Croix to the southern boundary of a property known as “Nirvana”;



both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte for 80 yards southwards towards Green Island slipway;



east side, from its junction with La Rue de la Croix to a point 58 yards further north;



west side, from its junction with La Rue du Maupertuis to a point 40 yards further south.

La Rue du Hocq

both sides, for its entire length.

La Rue du Maupertuis

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte to a point 60 yards east of the eastern entrance of Le Clos de la Mare.

La Rue du Pontlietaut


east side, from its junction with La Rue de la Chapelle to a point 45 yards further north;



east side, from its northern junction with Le Clos du Rosiers to a point 44 yards further north.

La Rue du Presbytère

both sides, between its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement and the northern boundary of the property known as “No. 8 Rectory Close”.

La Rue Hamel

Both sides, except where there are parking bays

La Rue Laurens

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement for a distance of 25 yards north.

Le Squez Road and School Road in Le Squez Estate

both sides.

Marina Avenue

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement for a distance of 17 yards south.

Plat Douet Road


east side (from its junction with La Grande Route De St. Clement to its junction with Princess Place);



east side (from its junction with La Grande Route De La Cote for a distance of 40 yards north);



west side (throughout its length).

Samarès Avenue

both sides, from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement for a distance of 17 yards south.

Sarina Road

north side, from its junction with Marina Avenue.

Victoria Road

south side, between the Parish boundary and its junction with Plat Douet Road.


Schedule 3[10]

(Article 4)


La Grève d’Azette

south side, from a point 20 yards east of its junction with Green Road to a point 26 yards further east.



Schedule 4[11]

(Article 5)



Times during which
road closed

La Rue du Maupertuis at a point 290 yards west of its junction with La Rue de Samarès

All times.

Le Squez Road between its junction with Sarina Road and School Road

All times.


Schedule 5[12]

(Article 6)


La Rue au Blancq

From its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement to the boundary with the Parish of Grouville.

La Rue de la Blinerie

The entire road.

La Rue de Samarès

The entire road.

La Rue du Hocq

The entire road.

La Rue du Maupertuis

From its junction with La Rue de Samarès to its junction with Le Squez Road.

La Rue du Pignon

The entire road.

La Rue du Presbytère

The entire road.

La Rue Laurens

From its junction with La Grande Route de St. Clement to the boundary of the Parish of Grouville.

Le Squez Road

The entire road.

Marina Avenue

The entire road.

School Road

The entire road.


Schedule 6[13]

(Article 3(4))

prohibition of waiting by vehicles wider than 6 feet 6 inches

La Grande Route De La Côte

south side (from the eastern boundary of the car park known as “La Mare” to a point outside the western boundary of the property known as “Les Lucarnes”).



Schedule 6A[14]

(Article 6A)

Roads not to be used by vehicles wider than 6 feet 6 inches

La Rue de la Hougette

its entire length;

La Rue du Prince

its entire length.


Schedule 7[15]

(Article 3(5))


La Grande Route De La Côte

south side (from the eastern boundary of the car park known as “La Mare” to a point outside the western boundary of the property known as “Les Lucarnes”);

La Rue de la Croix

south side (from a point 7 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Pontlietaut to a point 14 yards further west);

La Rue Hamel

the parking bays (being those parts of La Rue Hamel on which waiting is not prohibited under Schedule 2);

Plat Douet Road

east side (from a point 40 yards north of its junction with La Grande Route de la Côte to its junction with Princess Place).




Table of Legislation History


Year and No


Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Jersey) Order 1987


8 October 1987

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1988


21 June 1988

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1988


7 December 1988

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1989


10 October 1989

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 1990


6 June 1990

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1990


7 August 1990

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1991


5 July 1991

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 1992


20 March 1992

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1992


10 August 1992

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Order 1993


14 June 1993

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Order 1994


26 August 1994

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Order 1995


14 November 1995

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Order 1997


21 October 1997

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Order 1998


30 June 1998

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Order 1999


7 December 1999

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 15) (Jersey) Order 2001


26 June 2001

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 16) (Jersey) Order 2002


3 December 2002

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Order 2004


11 January 2005

Road Traffic (Saint Clement) (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Order 2007


25 May 2007

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 19) (Jersey) Order 2009


5 June 2009

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Order 2010


30 April 2010

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Order 2010


5 November 2010

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 22) (Jersey) Order 2013


21 June 2013

Road Traffic (Rue des Prés Trading Estate) (Jersey) Order 2017


6 June 2017

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 23) (Jersey) Order 2018


26 February 2018

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) Order 2020


29 May 2020

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 25) (Jersey) Order 2021


18 June 2021

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Amendment No. 26) (Jersey) Order 2023


2 August 2023

Road Traffic (St. Clement) (Jersey) Amendment Order 2024


27 February 2024

Table of Renumbered Provisions




spent, omitted from this revised edition














renumbered as SCHEDULE 8 by R&O.9472






spent, omitted from this revised edition

Table of Endnote References

[1] Article 3(4)                  inserted by R&O.9472

[2] Article 3(5)                  inserted by R&O.9472

[3] Article 4(1)                  amended by R&O.9146

[4] Article 4(4)                  amended by R&O.79/2013

[5] Article 5(2)                  substituted by R&O.79/2013

[6] Article 6A                    inserted by R&O.78/2021

[7] Article 7                       amended by R&O.78/2021

[8] Schedule 1                   substituted by R&O.8547, amended byR&O.70/2007, R&O.79/2013

[9] Schedule 2                   substituted by R&O.8547, amended by R&O.8874, R&O.9146, R&O.9246, R&O.9472, R&O.95/2001, R&O.166/2004, R&O.70/2007, R&O.50/2009, R&O.105/2010, R&O.79/2013, R&O.12/2018, R&O.73/2020, R&O.78/2021, editorial change, “(a)”, “(b)” and “(c)” added to column 2 of entry for La Rue de la Croix, amended by R&O.66/2023, R&O.8/2024

[10] Schedule 3                  substituted by R&O.9146, amended by R&O.79/2013, R&O.12/2018, R&O.78/2021

[11] Schedule 4                  amended by R&O.79/2013, R&O.73/2020

[12] Schedule 5                  amended by R&O.8706

[13] Schedule 6                  inserted by R&O.9472, amended by R&O.78/2021

[14] Schedule 6A               inserted by R&O.78/2021

[15] Schedule 7                  inserted by R&O.9472, amended by R&O.132/2002, R&O.39/2010, R&O.56/2017, R&O.66/2023, R&O.8/2024

Page Last Updated: 10 Dec 2024