(Uncertificated Securities) (Jersey) Order 1999
pursuance of Articles 50, 51A and 219 of the Companies (Jersey)
Law 1991 and after having consulted the Jersey Financial Services
Commission, orders as follows –
Commencement [see endnotes]
1 Interpretation
(1) In
this Order, “computer system” means –
(a) a
computer - based system; and
(b) its
related facilities and procedures,
that is provided by an authorized operator and by means of which
title to units of a security can be evidenced and transferred, in accordance
with this Order, without a written instrument.
(2) In this Order –
“approved operator” means a person who is approved by
the Commission under Article 4 as an operator of a computer system, and
whose approval is not for the time being suspended;
“authorized operator” means a person who is an approved
operator or a recognized operator;
“certificate” means a certificate or other written
instrument or document of title to units of a security, or evidencing title to
units of a security;
“certificated unit of a security” means a unit of a
security that is not an uncertificated unit of a security;
“competent authority” means a person or body authorized
to approve persons to operate computer systems under the laws of –
(a) any
other British Island;
(b) a
member state of the European Union; or
(c) any
other country or territory recognized for the purpose of this Order by the
“computer instruction” means an instruction that is sent
or received by means of a computer system;
“Court” means the Royal Court;
“generate”, in relation to an operator’s
instruction, means to initiate the procedures by which the instruction comes to
be sent;
“guidance”, in relation to an authorized operator, means
guidance with respect to the provision of a computer system that –
(a) is
issued by the authorized operator;
(b) is
issued in writing or in some other legible form; and
(c) is
intended to have continuing effect;
“instruction” includes an election, acceptance or other
message of any kind;
“interest in a security” means a legal or equitable
interest or right in relation to a security (for which purpose a legal or
equitable interest includes –
(a) an
absolute or contingent right to acquire a security created, allotted or issued
or to be created, allotted or issued; and
(b) the
interests or rights of a person for whom a security is held by a custodian or
“issue”, in relation to a new unit of a security, means
to confer title to a new unit on a person;
“issuer” means a person who has issued a security that
is a participating security;
“issuer’s instruction” means an authenticated
computer instruction that is attributable to an issuer;
“Law” means the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991;
“member”, in relation to a computer system,
means –
(a) a person
who is permitted by an authorized operator to transfer, by means of that
system, title to uncertificated units of a security held by the authorized
operator; or
(b) 2 or
more persons who are jointly so permitted to do so;
“member’s instruction” means an authenticated
computer instruction that is attributable to a member of a computer system;
“officer”, in relation to an issuer –
(a) where
the issuer is a company, includes a director, manager or secretary of the
(b) where
the issuer is a partnership, includes any of its partners or (in the event that
no partner is situated in Jersey) any person in Jersey who is acting on behalf
of any of its partners; and
(c) where
the issuer is neither a company nor a partnership, includes any member of its
governing body or (in the event that no member of its governing body is
situated in Jersey) any person in Jersey who is acting on behalf of any member
of its governing body;
“operator’s instruction” means an authenticated
computer instruction that is attributable to an authorized operator;
“operator’s system”, means those facilities and
procedures that –
(a) are part
of a computer system; and
(b) are
maintained and operated by or for an authorized operator,
by which the authorized operator generates instructions and receives
computer instructions from other users of the system and by which persons
change the form in which units of a participating security are held;
“participant”, in relation to a computer system, means a
person who as regards that system is an authorized operator, issuer, member,
settlement bank or user;
“participating security” means a security the title to
units of which is permitted by an authorized operator to be transferred by
means of a computer system;
“recognized operator” means a person who is recognized
by the Commission under Article 5 as an operator of a computer system, and
whose recognition is not for the time being suspended;
“register of company members” means a register of
members maintained by a company under Article 41 of the Law;
“register of securities” –
(a) in
relation to shares, means a register of company members; and
(b) in
relation to units of a security other than shares, means a register maintained
by the issuer (under this Order or otherwise) of persons holding the units;
“rules”, in relation to an authorized operator, means rules
that are made or conditions that are imposed by the authorized operator with
respect to the provision of a computer system;
“serious offence” means one for which the maximum
penalty (if it were committed by an individual) would include a term of
imprisonment of not less than one year;
“settlement bank”, in relation to a computer system,
means a person who has contracted to make payments in connection with transfers
of title to uncertificated units of a security by means of that system;
“share” means a share (or stock) in the share capital of
a company;
“sponsor”, in relation to a computer system, means a
user who is permitted by an authorized operator to send authenticated computer
instructions that are attributable to another person and to receive
authenticated computer instructions on another person’s behalf;
“uncertificated” means not recorded by means of a
“uncertificated unit of a security” means a unit of a
security to which title –
(a) is
recorded on the relevant register of securities as being held in uncertificated
form; and
(b) may
be transferred under this Order by means of a computer system;
“unit of a security” means the smallest possible
transferable unit of the security (for example, a single share);
“user”, in relation to a computer system, means a person
who is permitted by an authorized operator to send and receive authenticated
computer instructions.[1]
(3) For the purposes of
this Order –
(a) a
computer instruction is authenticated if it complies with the specifications of
the authorized operator to which paragraph 5(b) of the Schedule refers;
(b) a
computer instruction is attributable to a person if it is expressed to have
been sent by that person, or if it is expressed to have been sent on behalf of
that person, in accordance in either case with the specifications of the
authorized operator to which paragraph 5(c) of the Schedule refers;
(c) a
computer instruction may be attributed to more than one person; and
(d) an
addressee is the person to whom an authenticated computer instruction indicates
that it is addressed in accordance with the specifications of the authorized
operator drawn up in order to satisfy paragraphs 5(d), (e) and (f) of the Schedule.
2 Purposes of Order
(1) The
general purpose of this Order is to allow title to units of a security to be
evidenced and transferred by means of a computer system, without a written
instrument, where the requirements of this Order are complied with.
(2) The particular purposes
of Part 2 are to provide for the approval or recognition, and the control,
of persons who operate computer systems.
(3) The particular purposes
of Part 3 are –
(a) to
allow companies and other persons, by using computer systems, to permit the
holding in uncertificated form of units of securities issued by them;
(b) to
allow the transfer, by means of computer systems, of title to units of those
securities; and
(c) to
establish, in relation to uncertificated units of securities, the duties and
obligations of issuers with respect to the keeping of registers, the
registration of transfers and other matters.
(4) The particular purposes
of Part 4 are –
(a) to
specify circumstances in which persons who are expressed to have sent
authenticated computer instructions, and persons on whose behalf those
instructions are expressed to have been sent, are not allowed to deny to the
persons to whom those instructions are addressed that information relating to
them is correct;
(b) to
specify circumstances in which persons to whom authenticated computer
instructions are addressed may accept that information relating to them is
correct; and
(c) to
specify circumstances in which persons suffering loss are to be compensated by
authorized operators of computer systems.
3 Application for approval or
(1) A
person may apply to the Commission –
(a) for
approval under Article 4 as an operator of a computer system; or
(b) for
recognition under Article 5 as an operator of a computer system.
(2) The
application shall be made in such a manner as the Commission directs.
(3) The
application shall be accompanied –
(a) by
such information as the Commission reasonably requires; and
(b) by a
copy of the rules and guidance that the applicant intends to issue.
(4) At
any time after receiving an application and before determining it, the
Commission may require the applicant to provide such further information as the
Commission reasonably requires.
(5) The
Commission may require information that is to be provided to it under this Article
to be in such a form or to be verified in such a manner as the Commission
4 Approval of operator
(1) The
Commission may in writing approve an applicant under Article 3 as an
operator, where it appears to the Commission that the requirements in the Schedule
are satisfied.
(2) The
approval may be granted on such conditions, if any, as the Commission
(3) In
granting the approval, the Commission shall state when it will take effect, and
may state when it will cease to have effect.
(4) Where
the Commission refuses the application, it shall inform the applicant in
writing, giving its reasons.
5 Recognition of overseas
(1) The
Commission may in writing recognize an applicant under Article 3 as an
operator in Jersey, where it appears to the Commission that the applicant is
for the time being approved by a competent authority to operate a computer
system outside Jersey.
(2) Recognition
may be granted on such conditions, if any, as the Commission specifies.
(3) In
granting recognition, the Commission shall state when it will take effect, and
may state when it will cease to have effect.
(4) Where
the Commission refuses the application, it shall inform the applicant in
writing, giving its reasons.
6 Rules and guidance
authorized operator who –
(a) issues any rules or
guidance; or
(b) amends, adds to or
revokes any rules or guidance issued by the authorized operator,
shall deliver a copy of the issued rules or guidance or the change
(as the case may be) to the Commission within 7 days.
7 Further information from
(1) The
Commission may by notice in writing given to an authorized operator require the
authorized operator to provide to it further information about his or her
(2) Information
may be required under this Article –
(a) with
respect to a particular matter or occasion;
(b) at
specified times; or
(c) with
respect to specified periods.
(3) The
Commission may require an authorized operator to verify, in such a manner as it
specifies, information that he or she is required to provide under this Article.
8 Directions
to operator
(1) Where
it appears to the Commission at any time –
(a) that
a requirement of the Schedule is not satisfied by an approved operator; or
(b) that
any authorized operator has failed to comply with an obligation to which he or
she is subject by virtue of this Order,
the Commission may by
notice in writing give the operator concerned such directions as it thinks fit
for securing that the requirement is satisfied or the obligation is complied
(2) However,
before doing so –
(a) the
Commission shall, if the circumstances so permit, consult the operator and
allow him or her an opportunity to make representations; and
(b) the
Commission shall, as far as it is reasonably practicable to estimate them, have
regard to the cost to him or her of complying with the directions and also to
the costs to other persons resulting from his or her compliance.
9 Compliance
(1) Where
it appears to the Commission at any time –
(a) that
a requirement of the Schedule is not satisfied by an approved operator; or
(b) that
any authorized operator has failed to comply with an obligation under this Order,
the Commission may apply
to the Court for relief.
(2) Where
the Court is satisfied that the requirement is not satisfied, or that the
operator concerned has failed to comply with the obligation, it may order him
or her to take such steps as it directs for securing that the requirement is
satisfied or the obligation is complied with.
10 Suspension
or revocation of approval by Commission
(1) The
Commission may, by notice in writing given to an approved operator, suspend or
revoke his or her approval in any of the following circumstances –
(a) at
his or her written request;
(b) where
he or she has failed, within 12 months after the date from which the approval
took effect, to commence to operate a computer system;
(c) where,
having commenced to operate a computer system, he or she has ceased its
operation for any period exceeding 6 months; or
(d) where
the operator is being wound up, or is bankrupt, under the law of Jersey or
under the law of any other jurisdiction to which he or she is subject.
(2) Before
acting under paragraph (1), the Commission shall inform the approved
operator in writing of its intention, giving its reasons.
(3) In
suspending or revoking its approval of an operator under this Article, the
Commission shall specify a date on which the suspension or revocation shall
take effect.
11 Suspension
or revocation of approval by Court
(1) The
Commission may apply to the Court in a summary manner, for an order suspending
or revoking the approval of an approved operator, in any of the following
circumstances –
(a) where
it appears to the Commission that the approved operator is not satisfying a
requirement in the Schedule;
(b) where
it is expedient to do so in the interest of the proper and orderly regulation
of the participants (or any of them) in a computer system of the operator, or
in order to protect investors;
(c) where
the operator has been convicted of a serious offence against the Law or
involving fraud, dishonesty or a breach of trust;
(d) where
the approved operator has obtained the approval by knowingly or recklessly
making a false or misleading statement, or by knowingly or recklessly using
false or misleading information;
(e) where
the approved operator has been called on by the Commission to comply to a
material degree with a requirement of this Order, and has thereafter failed to
do so;
(f) where
the approved operator has failed to comply with a condition on which the
approval was granted;
(g) where
the approved operator is unable to meet his or her obligations to creditors, or
in the opinion of the Commission he or she is likely to become unable to meet
those obligations; or
(h) where
the approved operator has suspended payments that are lawfully due, or in the
opinion of the Commission is likely to do so.
(2) Where
an application is made to the Court under this Article, it may make such an order
or orders as the circumstances require.
(3) An
application to the Court under this Article may be heard otherwise than in
12 Suspension
or withdrawal of recognition by Commission
(1) The
Commission shall, by notice in writing given to a recognized operator, suspend
his or her recognition where the competent authority by whom he or she was
approved as an operator has suspended that approval.
(2) The
Commission shall, by notice in writing given to a recognized operator, withdraw
his or her recognition where the competent authority by whom he or she was
approved as an operator has revoked that approval.
(3) The
Commission may, by notice in writing given to a recognized operator, suspend or
withdraw his or her recognition in any of the following circumstances –
(a) at
his or her written request;
(b) where
he or she has failed, within 12 months after the date from which his or her
recognition took effect, to commence to operate a computer system;
(c) where,
having commenced to operate a computer system, he or she has ceased its
operation for any period exceeding 6 months;
(d) where
the operator is being wound up, or is bankrupt, under the law of Jersey or
under the law of any other jurisdiction to which the operator is subject; or
(e) on
any other reasonable grounds.
(4) Before
acting under paragraph (1), (2) or (3), the Commission shall inform the
recognized operator in writing of its intention, giving its reasons.
(5) In
suspending or withdrawing its recognition of an operator under this Article,
the Commission shall specify a date on which the suspension or withdrawal shall
take effect.
13 Duties
of operator whose authorization is suspended or terminated
(1) Paragraph (2)
applies where an operator’s approval is suspended or revoked under Article 10
or 11, or where his or her recognition is suspended or withdrawn under Article 12,
even though he or she is not authorized to continue to operate a computer
(2) Where
an operator to whom paragraph (1) refers is not a company that is being
wound up –
(a) the
participants in each of his or her computer systems shall remain subject to the
duties and obligations imposed by this Order until all of his or her
liabilities, duties and obligations have been discharged to the satisfaction of
the Commission; and
(b) as
soon as possible after the revocation he or she shall inform the Commission,
and the other participants in each of his or her computer systems and such
other persons (if any) as the Commission stipulates, of the measures that are
being taken to discharge his or her liabilities, duties and obligations without
undue delay.
14 Appeals
(1) The
following persons shall have a right of appeal to the Court under this Law –
(a) an
applicant for approval or recognition as an authorized operator, against the
refusal of his or her application by the Commission, or against any condition
imposed by the Commission in granting such approval or recognition;
(b) an
approved operator, against a decision by the Commission to suspend or revoke
his or her approval under Article 10; and
(c) a
recognized operator, against a decision to suspend or withdraw his or her
recognition under Article 12.
(2) An
appeal shall be brought within 21 days after the appellant is given notice in
writing of the decision to which the appeal relates, or within such further
time as the Court may allow.
(3) Pending
the determination of the appeal, the Court may make such orders providing for
interim or interlocutory relief as it thinks fit.
(4) On
hearing the appeal, the Court may confirm, reverse or vary the decision of the
Commission, and may make such order as to the costs of the appeal as it thinks
15 Publication
of decisions
(1) The
Commission shall publish notice of each of the following decisions in the
Jersey Gazette within 21 days –
(a) a
decision by the Commission to approve or recognize a person as an operator;
(b) a
decision by the Commission to suspend or revoke its approval of an operator, or
to suspend or withdraw its recognition of an operator;
(c) a
decision of the Court on an appeal under Article 14; and
(d) a
decision on any further appeal.
(2) In
doing so, the Commission shall specify –
(a) the
date from which the decision has effect; and
(b) in
the case of a decision to approve or recognize a person as an operator for a
specified period, the period for which the approval or recognition will have
16 Participation
in respect of shares
(1) Where –
(a) the
authorized operator of a computer system permits a class of shares to which
this Article applies to be a participating security in the computer system; and
(b) shares
of that class are recorded on a register of company members as being held in
uncertificated form,
title to shares that are
so recorded may be transferred by means of that computer system.
(2) This
Article applies to a class of shares in a company if its articles of
association are consistent in all respects with –
(a) the
holding of shares in that class in uncertificated form;
(b) the
transfer of title to shares in that class by means of a computer system; and
(c) this Order.
(3) A
company may permit the holding in uncertificated form of shares in a class to
which this Article applies, and the transfer of title to any such shares, by
means of a computer system.
17 Participation
in respect of securities other than shares
Where –
(a) the
authorized operator of a computer system permits a security (other than a
share) to be a participating security in the computer system; and
(b) units
of that security are recorded in a register of securities as being held in
uncertificated form,
title to those units may
be transferred by means of that computer system.
18 Entries
on registers
(1) An
issuer that is a company shall enter on its register of company members, in
respect of each class of shares that is a participating security –
(a) the
number of shares that each company member holds in uncertificated form; and
(b) the
number of shares that each company member holds in certificated form.
(2) An
issuer who (apart from this Article) is required by or under an enactment or
instrument to maintain in Jersey a register of persons holding securities
(other than shares) issued by it shall enter on that register in respect of
each class of security that is a participating security –
(a) the
names and addresses of the persons holding units of that security;
(b) the
number of units of that security that each person holds in uncertificated form;
(c) the
number of units of that security that each person holds in certificated form.
(3) An
issuer who (apart from this Article) is not required by or under any enactment
or instrument to maintain in Jersey, in respect of a participating security
issued by it, a register of persons holding units of that security shall
maintain in Jersey such a register, in which shall be recorded –
(a) the
names and addresses of the persons holding units of that security in
uncertificated form; and
(b) the
number of units of that security that each person holds in that form.
(4) Where
an issuer fails to comply with paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this Article,
the issuer and its officers shall be liable to the same criminal and civil
sanctions as apply to a company and its officers in the event of a default in
complying with Article 41 of the Law, but this paragraph is subject to Article 44
of this Order.
(5) Liability
that is incurred by an issuer and arises –
(a) from
the making or deletion of an entry in a register of securities pursuant to paragraph (1),
(2) or (3); or
(b) from
a failure to make or delete any such entry,
shall not be enforceable
more than 20 years after the date on which the entry was made or deleted
or, in the case of a failure, on which the failure first occurred.
(6) Paragraph (5)
is without prejudice to any lesser period of limitation and to any rule as to
the prescription of rights.
19 Effect
of entries on registers
(1) An
entry that –
(a) is
made on a register to which Article 18(1) or (2) refers; and
(b) records
a person as holding units of a security in uncertificated form,
shall be evidence of such
title to the units as would be evidenced if the entry on the register related
to units of that security held in certificated form.
(2) An
entry that is made on a register to which Article 18(3) refers shall be prima facie evidence that the person to whom the
entry relates has such title to the units of the security that he or she is
recorded as holding in uncertificated form as he or she would have if he or she
held the units in certificated form.
(3) This
Article is subject to Article 25.
20 Changes
to registers of securities
(1) An
issuer shall not rectify a register of securities in relation to uncertificated
units of a security held by a member of a computer system except –
(a) with
the consent of the authorized operator; or
(b) by an
order of the Court.
(2) An
issuer who rectifies or otherwise changes an entry on a register of securities
in relation to uncertificated units of a security shall
immediately –
(a) notify
the authorized operator; and
(b) inform
the members of the computer system who are concerned,
of the change to the entry.
(3) Paragraph (2)
does not apply if the change is made in response to an operator’s
21 Restrictions
on registration of transfers of securities
(1) An
issuer shall not register a transfer of title to uncertificated units of a
security on a register of securities, unless he or she is required to do
so –
(a) by an
operator’s instruction;
(b) by an
order of the Court;
(c) by Article 41(2);
(d) by or
under an enactment.
(2) Paragraph (1)
does not prevent an issuer from entering, on a register of securities, a person
to whom title to uncertificated units of a security has been transmitted by
operation of law.
22 Obligatory
registration of transfers of securities
(1) An
issuer shall register a transfer of title to uncertificated units of a security
on a register of securities in accordance with an operator’s instruction,
unless –
(a) the
transfer is prohibited by an order of the Court that has been served on the
(b) the
transfer is prohibited by or under an enactment;
(c) the
issuer has actual notice that the transfer is avoided by or under an enactment;
(d) the
issuer has actual notice that the transfer is to a deceased person;
(e) the
circumstances described in paragraph (2) apply; or
(f) the
issuer may under Article 23 refuse to register the transfer.
(2) The
circumstances to which paragraph (1)(e) refers are –
(a) that
the transfer is one of 2 or more transfers in respect of which the operator has
notified the issuer in accordance with Article 26(1); and
(b) that
by virtue of Article 26(5), Article 26(3) does not apply to those
(3) Article 42(5)
of the Law shall apply in relation to a refusal by an issuer to register a
transfer of securities in any of the circumstances specified in paragraph (1)
as it applies in relation to a refusal by a company to register a transfer of
(4) In
Article 42(5) of the Law, as it applies by virtue of paragraph (3),
the reference to the date on which the transfer was lodged with the company is
a reference to the date on which the operator’s instruction was received
by the issuer.
(5) Where
an issuer fails to comply with Article 42(5) of the Law, as applied by paragraph (3), the issuer
and his or her officers shall be liable to the same criminal and civil
sanctions as apply to a company and its officers in the event of a default in
complying with Article 42(5) of
the Law.
(6) Paragraph (5)
is subject to Article 44 of this Order.
23 Discretion
to refuse registration
An issuer may refuse to
register a transfer of title to uncertificated units of a security in
accordance with an operator’s instruction if the instruction
requires –
(a) a
transfer of units to an entity that is not a natural or legal person;
(b) a
transfer of units to a minor;
(c) a
transfer of units to be held jointly in the names of a greater number of
persons than is permitted under the terms of the issue of the security; or
(d) a
transfer of units where, in relation to the operator’s instruction, the
issuer has actual notice from the operator of a matter specified in any of sub-paragraphs (a),
(b) and (c) of Article 34(1).
24 Duty
of issuer to notify operator
An issuer who is required
by an operator’s instruction to register a transfer of title to
uncertificated units of a security shall notify the authorized operator by an
issuer’s instruction, in response, whether or not he or she has done so.
25 Consequences
of irregular registration
A purported registration
of a transfer of title to an uncertificated unit of a security otherwise than
in accordance with the requirements of Articles 21 and 22 shall be of no
26 Registration
of linked transfers
(1) Where
an authorized operator sends 2 or more instructions requiring an issuer to
register 2 or more transfers of title to uncertificated units of a security,
and it appears to the operator that the conditions in paragraph (2) are
satisfied, the operator may notify the issuer that the transfers are linked
(2) The
conditions to which paragraph (1) refers are –
(a) either –
(i) that there are
fewer units of the security registered in the name of a person identified in
any one of the operator’s instructions as a transferor than the number of
units to be transferred from him or her, or
(ii) that
any one of the transfers taken alone is one in relation to which it has not
been established in accordance with paragraph 15(1)(c) of the Schedule that a
settlement bank has agreed to make a payment;
(b) that
registration of all of the transfers would result in each of the persons
identified in the operator’s instructions as a transferor having title to
a number of units of a security equal to or greater than nil; and
(c) that
the combined effect of all the transfers taken together would result in paragraph
15(1)(c) of the Schedule being satisfied.
(3) Where
an authorized operator notifies an issuer that transfers are linked transfers,
the issuer may –
(a) register
the combined effect of all the transfers taken together; or
(b) register
all the transfers simultaneously.
(4) Paragraph (3)
applies even though that there may be fewer uncertificated units of the
security registered in the name of a person identified in any one of the
operator’s instructions as a transferor than the number of uncertificated
units to be transferred from him or her.
(5) However,
paragraph (3) does not apply in any case in which –
(a) registration
of the combined effect of the linked transfers or simultaneous registration of
all the transfers (as the case may be) would not result in each of the persons
identified in the operator’s instructions as a transferor having title to
a number of uncertificated units of the security equal to or greater than nil;
(b) one
or more of the transfers constituting the linked transfers may not be
registered, by virtue of the circumstances specified in any of sub-paragraphs (a),
(b), (c) and (d) of Article 22(1); or
(c) one
or more of the transfers constituting the linked transfers are to be refused
registration by virtue of Article 23.
27 Position
of transferee before entry on register
(1) At
the time when an operator’s instruction is generated that will require an
issuer to register on a register of securities a transfer of title to any
uncertificated units of a security constituted under the law of Jersey –
(a) the
transferee shall acquire an equitable interest in the requisite number of
uncertificated units of the security of the kind specified in the
operator’s instruction in which the transferor has an equitable interest
by virtue of this Article, or in relation to which the transferor is recorded
on the relevant register of securities as having title; and
(b) the
equitable interest shall subsist until the time specified in paragraph (3).
(2) For
the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), it shall not be denied, solely by reason
of the fact that the transferor acquired his or her equitable interest by
virtue of that sub-paragraph at the same time as the transferee’s
equitable interest arose in that interest, that the transferee has obtained the
equitable interest to which that sub-paragraph refers.
(3) An
interest acquired under paragraph (1) shall subsist until the time when
the transferee is entered on the register of securities in respect of the
transfer of units to him or her, except in the case in which under Article 26(3)(a)
an issuer registers the combined effect of linked transfers.
(4) In
the case in which under Article 26(3)(a) an issuer does register the
combined effect of linked transfers, an interest acquired under paragraph (1)
shall subsist until the time when the combined effect of all the linked
transfers is registered.
(5) Paragraphs (3)
and (4) are subject to any enactment or rule of law that provides otherwise.
(6) This
Article has effect even though the units to which the operator’s
instruction relates or in which an interest arises by virtue of paragraph (1),
or any of those units, may be unascertained.
(7) However,
this Article does not in any other respect confer a proprietary interest
(whether of the kind to which paragraph (1) refers or any other kind) in
units of a security where the conferring of such an interest at the time
specified in this Order would otherwise be void by or under an enactment or rule
of law.
(8) In
this Article –
“A” means the
number of uncertificated units in relation to which the transferor is recorded
on the register of securities as having title;
“B” means the
number in which the transferor has an interest by virtue of paragraph (1);
“C” means that
number of units in which such interests subsist in favour of a third party by
virtue of an earlier operator’s instruction requiring an issuer to register,
on a register of securities, a transfer of title to those units;
number” means –
(a) the
number of units that are specified in the operator’s instruction; or
(b) A + B
– C,
whichever is lower at the
time when the operator’s instruction is sent;
means the person identified in the operator’s instruction as the
means the person identified in the operator’s instruction as the
28 Conversion
of securities into certificated form
(1) An
issuer shall not change a unit of a participating security from uncertificated
form to certificated form, except in one of the sets of circumstances specified
in paragraph (2).
(2) The
sets of circumstances to which paragraph (1) refers are –
(a) where
it is permitted by the rules made and practices instituted by an authorized
operator in order to comply with paragraph 13 or paragraph 19(2) or (3) of
the Schedule;
(b) following
receipt of an operator’s instruction requiring the conversion into certificated
form of uncertificated units of a participating security registered in the name
of a member of the computer system;
(c) subject
to Articles 21 and 22, following receipt of an operator’s
instruction requiring the registration of a transfer of title to uncertificated
units of a security to a person who is not a member of the computer system; or
(d) on
the registration, in accordance with Article 41(2), of an offeror who is
not a member of the computer system as holder of the units of the security to which
that Article refers.
(3) In
the circumstances specified in any of sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph (2) –
(a) an
issuer shall record on the register of securities that the units of the
security are held in certificated form;
(b) if a
certificate can be issued for the security, the issuer shall issue a
certificate in respect of the units of the security to the relevant person; and
(c) the
issuer shall in any event notify the authorized operator that the units are no
longer held in uncertificated form.
(4) Article 50(1)
of the Law (to the extent that that paragraph requires a company to
complete share certificates and have them ready for delivery after a transfer
of shares) shall apply in the circumstances specified in any of sub-paragraphs (b),
(c) and (d) of paragraph (2), in relation to the issue of a certificate by
an issuer pursuant to paragraph (3)(b), as it applies in relation to the
completion and readiness for delivery by a company of share certificates.
(5) In
Article 50(1) of the Law, as it applies by virtue of paragraph (4),
the reference to the date on which the transfer was lodged with the company is
a reference to –
(a) the
date on which the issuer received the operator’s relevant instruction; or
(b) where
relevant, the date on which the issuer registered the offeror as holding the
units of the security to which Article 41(2) of this Order refers.
(6) Where
an issuer fails to comply with paragraph (3) in accordance with the
requirements in paragraphs (4) and (5), the issuer and his or her officers
shall be liable to the same criminal and civil sanctions as apply to a company
and its officers in the event of a default in complying with Article 50(1)
of the Law.
(7) Paragraph (6)
is subject to Article 44 of this Order.
29 Conversion
of securities into uncertificated form
(1) An
issuer shall not change a unit of a participating security from certificated
form to uncertificated form, except in one of the sets of circumstances
specified in paragraphs (3) and (4).
(2) Paragraphs (3)
and (4) are subject to paragraphs (5) and (6).
(3) The
first set of circumstances to which paragraph (1) refers is where the unit
of the participating security is held by a member of the computer system,
and –
(a) the
issuer has received a request in writing, in the form required by the rules
made and practices instituted by the authorized operator in order to comply
with paragraph 13 of the Schedule, to register the member as holding the unit
in uncertificated form; and
(b) the
issuer has also received the certificate relating to the certificated unit that
is to be converted into uncertificated form.
(4) The
second set of circumstances to which paragraph (1) refers is where the
unit of the participating security is to be registered on a register of
securities in the name of a member of the computer system, following a transfer
of the unit to the member from another person, and –
(a) the
issuer has received by means of the authorized operator’s system an
instrument of transfer in favour of the member relating to the unit to be
(b) the
issuer has also received by means of the operator’s system the
certificate relating to the certificated unit that is to be transferred and
converted into uncertificated form; and
(c) the
issuer may accept, by virtue of the rules made and practices instituted by the
operator in order to comply with paragraph 13 of the Schedule, that the member
to whom the unit is to be transferred wishes to hold it in uncertificated form.
(5) The
requirements in paragraphs (3) and (4) that the issuer shall have received
a certificate relating to the unit of the participating security shall not
apply in a case where the member or transferor (as the case may be) does not
have a certificate in respect of the unit to be converted into uncertificated
form because no certificate has yet been issued to the member or transferor.
(6) The
requirement in paragraph (4) that the issuer shall have received an
instrument of transfer relating to the unit of the participating security shall
not apply in a case in which, for a transfer of a unit of that security, no
instrument of transfer is required.
(7) In
the set of circumstances specified in paragraph (3), on receiving the
document or the documents (as the case may be) that are required for that set
of circumstances to apply, the issuer shall within 2 months –
(a) enter
on the register of securities that the member holds the unit in uncertificated
form; and
(b) send
the authorized operator an instruction informing the authorized operator of the
entry on the relevant register of securities.
(8) In
the set of circumstances specified in paragraph (4), on receiving the
document or the documents (as the case may be) that are required for that set
of circumstances to apply –
(a) the
issuer shall record that the member holds the unit, and enter on the register
of securities that the member holds the unit in uncertificated form; and
(b) the
member shall then, within 2 months, send the authorized operator an instruction
informing the authorized operator of the entry on the register of securities.
(9) Where
an issuer fails to comply with paragraph (7) or (8), the company shall be
liable to the same sanctions as apply to a company in the event of a default by
it in complying with Article 42(5) of the Law.
30 New
issues in uncertificated form
(1) An
issuer may issue units of a participating security in uncertificated form to a person
if, but only if, that person is a member of the computer system.
(2) For
the purposes of calculating the number of new units to which a member of the
computer system is entitled, an issuer may treat a member’s holdings of
certificated and uncertificated units of a security as if they were separate
(3) On
the issue in uncertificated form of new units of a participating security, the
issuer shall by an instruction notify the authorized operator –
(a) of
the persons to whom the uncertificated units of a security have been issued;
(b) of
the number of those units issued to each of those persons.
31 Authenticated
computer instructions
The rights and
obligations of persons to whom authenticated computer instructions are
attributable, and of persons to whom authenticated computer instructions are
addressed, when such instructions relate –
(a) to
an uncertificated unit of a security;
(b) to
a right, benefit or privilege attaching to or arising from such a unit; or
(c) to
the details of a holder of such a unit,
shall be determined in
accordance with this Part.
32 Obligations
arising from authenticated computer instructions
(1) Where
an authenticated computer instruction is expressed to have been sent on behalf
of a person by a sponsor or the authorized operator, the person on whose behalf
the instruction is expressed to have been sent shall not be allowed to deny to
the addressee –
(a) that
the instruction was sent with his or her authority; or
(b) that
the information contained in it is correct.
(2) Where
an authenticated computer instruction is expressed to be sent on behalf of a person
by a sponsor or the authorized operator, that sponsor or operator shall not be
allowed to deny to the addressee –
(a) that
he or she has authority to send the instruction; or
(b) that
he or she has sent it.
(3) Where
an authenticated computer instruction is expressed to have been sent by a person,
and it is not expressed to have been sent on behalf of another person, the
first person shall not be allowed to deny to the addressee –
(a) that
the information contained in the instruction is correct; or
(b) that
he or she has sent it.
33 Right
of addressees to rely on instructions
(1) An
addressee who receives an authenticated computer instruction (whether directly,
or by means of the facilities of a sponsor acting on the addressee’s
behalf) may accept that at the time when it was sent –
(a) the
information contained in the instruction was correct;
(b) the
user or authorized operator identified in the instruction as having sent the
instruction did send it; and
(c) if
the instruction was expressed to have been sent on behalf of a person, it was
sent with the authority of that person.
(2) This
Article is subject to Article 34.
34 Restrictions
on right to rely on instructions
(1) An
addressee shall not be allowed to accept any of the matters specified in Article 33
where, at the time when he or she received the authenticated computer
instruction, he or she was a person who was not either an issuer or a sponsor
receiving (in either case) authenticated computer instructions on behalf of an
issuer, and he or she had actual notice –
(a) that
any information contained in it was incorrect;
(b) that
the user or authorized operator expressed to have sent the instruction did not
send it; or
(c) if
the instruction was expressed to have been sent on behalf of a person, that the
person had not given to the operator or sponsor identified in the instruction
as having sent it his or her authority to send the instruction on his or her
(2) An
addressee shall not be allowed to accept any of the matters specified in Article 33
where, at the time when he or she received the authenticated computer
instruction, he or she was either an issuer or a sponsor receiving
authenticated computer instructions on behalf of an issuer, and –
(a) he or
she had actual notice from the authorized operator of any of the matters
specified in paragraph (1); or
(b) the
instruction was an operator’s instruction requiring the registration of
title in the circumstances specified in any of sub-paragraphs (a), (b),
(c), (d) and (e) of Article 22(1).
(3) An
addressee shall not be allowed to accept any of the matters specified in Article 33
where, at the time when he or she received the authenticated computer
instruction –
(a) he or
she was an authorized operator; and
(b) the
instruction related to a transfer of units of a security that was in excess of
any limit imposed by virtue of paragraph 12 of the Schedule.
(4) However,
where an addressee has received actual notice of a kind to which this Article
refers in respect of an authenticated instruction, he or she may accept the
matters specified in Article 33 if at the time when he or she received the
actual notice it was not practicable for him or her to halt his or her
processing of the instruction.
35 Liability
in respect of acceptance of instructions
(1) A
person who is permitted by Article 33 or 34(4) to accept any matter shall
not be liable in damages or otherwise to any person by reason of his or her
having relied on the matter that he or she was permitted to accept.
(2) Paragraph (1)
does not affect –
(a) any
liability of the authorized operator to pay compensation under Article 37;
(b) any
liability of an issuer under Article 43 by reason of a contravention of Article 21(1).
(3) Except
as provided in paragraph (1), this Article does not affect any liability
of a person for causing or permitting a computer instruction –
(a) to be
sent without authority;
(b) to
contain information that is incorrect; or
(c) to be
expressed to have been sent by a person who did not send it.
36 Hackers’
instructions and induced operator’s instructions
(1) For
the purposes of Article 37, a computer instruction is a
“hacker’s instruction” if –
(a) it
was not sent from the computers of a user in the computer system or the
computers comprising the authorized operator’s system; or
(b) it
was not sent from the computers of the user or the computers comprising the
authorized operator’s system (as the case may be) from which it is
expressed to have been sent.
(2) For
the purposes of Article 37, an act is a causative act if, not being a
computer instruction and not being an act that causes a computer instruction to
be sent from the computer of a user, it unlawfully causes the authorized
operator to send an instruction to an issuer.
(3) For
the purposes of Article 37, an operator’s instruction is an
“induced operator’s instruction” if it is an instruction to
an issuer that results from a causative act or a hacker’s instruction.
37 Liability
for hackers’ instructions and induced operator’s instructions
(1) Where,
as a result either of a hacker’s instruction that does not result in an
induced operator’s instruction or of an induced operator’s instruction,
any one of the following events occurs, namely –
(a) the
name of any person remains on, is entered on or is removed or omitted from a
register of securities;
(b) the
number of units of a security in relation to which the name of any person is
entered on a register of securities is increased or reduced, or remains
unaltered; or
(c) the
description of any units of a security in relation to which the name of any person
is entered on a register of securities is changed, or remains unaltered,
and that person suffers
loss as a result, he or she may apply to the Court for an order that the
authorized operator compensate him or her for his or her loss.
(2) It
is immaterial for the purposes of paragraph (1) whether the event is
permanent or temporary.
(3) The
Court shall not make an order under paragraph (1) where the authorized
operator identifies a person as being responsible (whether alone or with
others) –
(a) for
the hacker’s instruction (in any case in which it does not result in an
induced operator’s instruction); or
(b) for
the causative act or hacker’s instruction (in any case in which it does
result in an induced operator’s instruction),
as the case may be, even
if it is impossible (for whatever reason) for the applicant to obtain
satisfactory compensation from that person.
(4) The
Court shall not award compensation under this Article where the authorized
operator shows that an issuer would be liable under Article 43 to
compensate the applicant for the loss in respect of which the application is
made, by reason of the issuer’s contravention of Article 21(1).
(5) The
Court may award to an applicant compensation for –
(a) each
hacker’s instruction (not being one resulting in an induced
operator’s instruction); and
(b) each
induced operator’s instruction,
that result in the occurrence of
an event to which paragraph (1) refers.
(6) However,
the Court shall not award to an applicant more than £50,000 for each
hacker’s instruction or induced operator’s instruction.
(7) In
respect of liability arising under this Article, the Court shall act as
follows –
(a) in
awarding compensation, it shall only order the authorized operator to pay such
amount of compensation as appears to the Court to be just and equitable in all
the circumstances, having regard to the loss sustained by the applicant as a
result of the hacker’s instruction or induced operator’s
(b) in
ascertaining the loss, it shall apply the same rules concerning the duty of a person
to mitigate his or her loss as apply to damages recoverable at law; and
(c) if it
finds that the loss was to any extent caused or contributed to by any act or
omission of the applicant, it shall reduce the amount of the award by such
proportion as it thinks just and equitable, having regard to that finding.
(8) An
application to the Court for an order under this Article shall not affect any
right of the authorized operator to recover any sum from a third party.
(9) This
Article does not affect any liability or right that a person may incur or have
apart from this Article.
(10) Where
an application is made under paragraph (1), and the authorized operator
receives from the applicant a request for information or documents relating to –
(a) a
hacker’s instruction; or
(b) an
induced operator’s instruction,
in respect of which the
application is made, the operator shall, in so far as he or she is able to do
so and the request is reasonable, furnish the applicant with the information and
documents within one month.
(11) In
so far as he or she is able to do so, the applicant shall furnish the
authorized operator within one month with such information or documents as the
operator reasonably requests in connection with an application under paragraph (1)
with respect to –
(a) steps
taken by the applicant to prevent the giving of any hacker’s instruction
(whether of the kind to which paragraph (1) refers or of any other kind);
(b) steps
taken by the applicant to mitigate loss suffered by the applicant.
(12) However,
the applicant need not furnish information or documents under paragraph (11)
until the authorized operator has complied with any request made under paragraph (10).
(13) Neither
the authorized operator nor the applicant shall be required to disclose any
information under paragraph (10) or (11) that would be privileged in the
course of civil proceedings.
38 Relationship
of this Order to other laws
(1) Any
reference in any other enactment or rule of law –
(a) to an
instrument of transfer; or
(b) to a
transfer with respect to securities,
or to any expression
having like meaning, shall be taken to include a reference to an
operator’s instruction to an issuer to register a transfer of title on
the relevant register of securities in accordance with the operator’s
(2) No
requirement in any other enactment or rule of law that applies in respect of
the transfer of securities otherwise than by means of a computer system shall
preclude an operator’s instruction from requiring an issuer to register a
transfer of title to uncertificated units of a security.
(3) Notwithstanding
any other enactment, instrument or rule of law, no issuer shall issue a certificate
in relation to any uncertificated units of a participating security.
(4) Paragraph (3)
does not apply to the issue of a certificate in accordance with Article 28.
(5) Notwithstanding
Article 51 of the Law, or any other enactment or rule of law, a document
that –
(a) is
issued by or on behalf of an issuer; and
(b) purportedly
evidences title to an uncertificated unit of a participating security,
shall not be evidence of title
to the unit of the security.
(6) No
requirement in or under any enactment to endorse a statement or information on
a certificate evidencing title to a unit of a security shall
prohibit –
(a) the
conversion of units of the security into uncertificated form; or
(b) the
issue of units of the security in uncertificated form.
(7) Any
requirement in or under any enactment to endorse a statement or information on
a certificate evidencing title to a unit of a security shall be taken, in
relation to uncertificated units of the security, to be a requirement to
provide the holder of the units with the statement or information on request.
39 Trusts,
trustees and personal representatives
(1) Unless
a trustee or personal representative is expressly prohibited from transferring
units of a security by means of a computer system, a trustee or personal
representative shall not be chargeable with a breach of trust or, as the case
may be, with default in administering an estate by reason only (in either case)
of any of the following facts –
(a) that,
for the purpose of acquiring units of a security that he or she has the power
to acquire in connection with the trust or estate, he or she has paid for the
units under arrangements that provide for them to be transferred to him or her
from a member of the computer system but not to be so transferred until after
the payment of the price;
(b) that,
for the purpose of disposing of units of a security of which he or she has
power to dispose in connection with the trust or estate, he or she has
transferred the units to a member of the computer system under arrangements
that provide that the price is not to be paid to him or her until after the
transfer is made; or
(c) that,
for the purpose of holding units of a security belonging to the trust or estate
in uncertificated form and for transferring title to them by means of a
computer system, he or she has become a member of the computer system.
(2) A
trustee of a trust deed or other instrument for securing an issue of securities
shall not be chargeable with a breach of trust by reason only of the fact that
he or she has assented to an amendment of the trust deed or other instrument
for the purposes only of –
(a) allowing
the holding of the securities in uncertificated form;
(b) allowing
the exercise of rights attaching to the securities by means of a computer system;
(c) allowing
the transfer of title to the securities by means of a computer system,
if he or she has caused
notice of the amendment to be given in accordance with the trust deed or other
instrument, not less than 30 days before its becoming effective, to all persons
registered as holding the securities on a date not more than 21 days before the
dispatch of the notice.
(3) An
authorized operator shall not be bound by or compelled to recognize any
express, implied or constructive trust or other interest in respect of
uncertificated units of a security, even if he or she has actual or
constructive notice of the trust or interest.
(4) No
notice of a trust, expressed, implied or constructive, shall –
(a) be
entered on a register of securities maintained under Article 18(3); or
(b) be
receivable by the registrar of such a register.
40 Notices
of meetings
(1) For
the purposes of determining which persons are entitled to attend or vote at a
meeting, and how many votes they may cast, an issuer may specify in the notice
of the meeting a time (being not before the beginning of the period commencing 48
hours before the time fixed for the meeting) by which a person must be entered
on the relevant register of securities in order to have the right to attend or
vote at the meeting.[2]
(1A) In
calculating the period mentioned in paragraph (1), no account shall be
taken of any part of a day that is not a working day.[3]
(1B) For
the purposes of paragraph (1A), “working day” means a weekday
(within the meaning of Part 1 of the Schedule to the Public Holidays and
Bank Holidays (Jersey) Act 2010) other than –
(a) a
day specified in that Schedule as a day which is to be observed as a public
holiday; or
(b) a day noted in that
Schedule as a day which is by custom observed as a general holiday.[4]
(2) Notwithstanding
any provision to the contrary in any enactment, articles of association or
other instrument, changes to entries on the relevant register of securities after
the time specified under paragraph (1) shall be disregarded in determining
the rights of any person to attend or vote at the meeting.
(3) For
the purposes of serving notices of meetings, whether under the Law, any other
enactment, a provision in articles of association or any other instrument, an
issuer may determine that those persons who are entered on the relevant
register of securities at the close of business on a day determined by the
issuer shall be persons who are entitled to receive such notices.
(4) The
day determined by a participating issuer under paragraph (3) may not be
more than 21 days before the day on which the notices of the meeting are sent.
41 Notices
to minority shareholders
(1) This
Article shall apply, instead of Article 118(6) of the Law, in relation to
any uncertificated units of a security to which a notice given under Article 117
of the Law relates.
(2) On
receipt of a copy of the notice sent under Article 118(5) of the Law, a
company that is an issuer shall be under the same obligation to enter the
offeror on its register of securities as the holder of the uncertificated units
of the security to which the notice relates, in place of the member of the
computer system who was immediately before that entry registered as the holder
of those units, as it would be if it had received an operator’s
instruction requiring it to amend its register of securities in such manner;
and Article 22(5) of this Order shall have effect accordingly.
(3) A
company that amends its register of securities in accordance with paragraph (2)
shall forthwith notify the authorized operator of the amendment.
(4) In
Article 122(5) of the Law, the reference to Article 118(6) of the Law
shall be taken for the purposes of this Order as including a reference to paragraph (2).
(5) In
this Article, “offeror” has the same meaning as Article 116(7)
of the Law, as construed in accordance with Article 122(4) of the Law.
42 Irrevocable
powers of attorney
(1) This
Article applies where the terms of an offer for all or any uncertificated units
of a participating security provide that a person accepting the offer creates
an irrevocable power of attorney in favour of the offeror, or a person
nominated by the offeror, in the terms set out in the offer.
(2) An
acceptance that is communicated by an authenticated computer instruction in
respect of uncertificated units of a security shall constitute a grant of an
irrevocable power of attorney by the member of the computer system accepting
the offer, in favour of the offeror or person nominated by the offeror, in the
terms set out in the offer.
(3) Where
the contract constituted by the offer and acceptance is governed by the law of Jersey,
Article 5 of the Powers
of Attorney (Jersey) Law 1995 shall apply to a power of attorney
constituted in accordance with this Article.
(4) A
declaration in writing by the offeror stating the terms of a power of attorney
and that it has been granted under this Article, and stating the name and
address of the grantor, shall be prima facie
evidence of the grant.
(5) A
requirement in any enactment, rule of law, or instrument to produce a copy of
the power of attorney, or such a copy certified in a particular manner, shall
be satisfied by the production of the declaration or a copy of the declaration
certified in that manner.
43 Breaches
of statutory duty
(1) A
default in complying with or contravention of Article 20(1) or (2), Article 21(1),
Article 24, Article 28(1) or (3), Article 29(1), Article 30(3)
or Article 41(3) shall be actionable at the suit of –
(a) a person
who suffers loss as a result of the default or contravention; or
(b) a person
who is otherwise adversely affected by it,
subject to the defences
and other incidents applying to actions for breach of statutory duty.
(2) This
Article does not affect any liability that a person may incur or have apart
from this Article.
44 Liability
of officers
For the purposes of Article 18(4),
Article 22(5) and Article 28(6), an officer of an issuer shall be in
default in complying with a provision to which any of those paragraphs refers
if but only if he or she knowingly authorizes or permits the default.
45 Citation
This Order may be cited
as the Companies (Uncertificated Securities) (Jersey) Order 1999.