This is a translation of the

Loi (1804) au sujet des assemblées paroissiales

(Chapter 16.100)

as in force on 20 January 2022


This is not an authoritative translation of the Law. Whilst it is believed to be correct, no warranty is given that it is free of errors or omissions or that it is an accurate translation of the French text. Accordingly, no liability is accepted for any loss arising from its use.




WHEREAS the Regulation passed by the States on 26th October last, concerning Parish Assemblies, has not yet received Royal Assent, the States, after mature consideration of the subject, are of the opinion that in deleting the sixth and eighth Articles thereof, the said Regulation will better achieve its intended goal: consequently the States have agreed to repeal the said Regulation in its entirety, and to substitute therefor the following Regulation, subject to the sanction of His Most Excellent Majesty in Council; and they humbly pray that His Majesty grant His Royal Assent thereto, in order that the same may have force of law in this Island, and be observed therein in the future. And Sir John Dumaresq, Knight, President of the States, was requested to inform their Most Honorable Lords of His Majesty’s Privy Council of the said repeal, and at the same time to transmit to them the present Regulation, to the effect above mentioned.

Article 1

The Bailiff and Jurats, and the Officers of the Royal Court, namely: the Attorney General, the Viscount, the Solicitor General and the Greffier; the Rectors (or the Vicar duly appointed in Ordinary and in the absence of the Rector from the Island or whilst he or she is ill); and the Connétables and Centeniers shall have the right to attend and to vote, as Principals, in Parish Assemblies.

Article 2

The Procureurs du Bien Public, Churchwardens, Vingteniers, Constable’s Officers, Roads Inspectors and Collectors of Alms shall have the right to attend and to vote in the Parish Assembly during their term of office in the relevant Parish.

Article 3

Deputies of the States shall have the right to attend, but not to vote, in the Assembly of each Parish that they represent or in which a constituency that they represent is situated, as the case may be.

Article 5

Article 6

Article 8

Ecclesiastical business consists of the following: the choice of Church Officers, and the examination and approval of their accounts; the distribution extraordinaire (quarterly distribution to the poor); the repair of the Church, the Cemetery, and the Presbytery, the disposition of Church pews, and of property attaching to the Rectorate; the sale of Rentes of church property (‘Trésor’), for the poor (‘Charité’) and other property belonging to the Trésor or la Charité, and the choice of Reader (Lecteur), of Grave-digger (Fossoyeur), and of the School Minister, for presentation to the Dean.

Article 9

The President of a Parish Assembly shall be required to convene an Assembly within a fortnight after being requested to do so by 10 or more principals of the Parish, provided that the request is made to him or her in writing, is dated, and mentions the subject for which the convening of the Assembly is sought.  

Article 10

On each occasion that a President of a Parish Assembly causes an Assembly of Principals and Officers of the Parish to be convened, he or she shall mention in the convening notice the subject for which the said Assembly is being convened; and no other subject can be dealt with, unless it relates to a matter of public safety, or to the care of the poor.

Article 11

No Parish Assembly shall be held on the same day as the convening notice is published or on the following day save in relation to matters of public safety.

Article 12    

At any Parish Assembly, duly convened and held, the President shall be required to put for debate each motion proposed by a member and seconded by another member of the Assembly, and to elicit opinions on the subject concerned.

Article 12A

Each President shall be required to produce to the Assembly the convening notice, duly authenticated, and shall be required also to follow, in putting each separate item for debate, the order laid down in the said convening notice.

Article 13    

Every Vingtenier, within the limits of the relevant vingtaine, and in the absence of the Centeniers, shall have the power, and shall be under a duty at all times as and when necessary to enforce and cause to be kept the peace; and shall likewise be empowered to assist Constable’s Officers, and required to apprehend all who disturb the public peace, and all law-breakers, and to bring the same, without delay, to the Chef de Police of the Parish.

Article 14    

The present Regulation is without prejudice to the right possessed by the Seigneur of the fief of St. Ouen, the Seigneur of the fief of Rozel, the Seigneur of the fief of Samarès, and the Seigneur of the fief of Trinity, to vote in Parish Assemblies through the medium of their Tuteurs or Procureurs, as in the past.




Page Last Updated: 06 Feb 2023