Appels à Sa Majesté en Conseil Order in Council 1835

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Appels à Sa Majesté en Conseil Order in Council 1835

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Appels à Sa Majesté en Conseil Order in Council 1835

Jersey Order in Council 3/1835





ORDRE DU CONSEIL         relatif à la poursuite des Appels, en date du


15 JUILLET 1835.


(Entériné le 29 juillet, 1835).



At the Court at St. James's.


The 15th of July, 1835.


Present :


The King's Most Excellent Majesty.


Archbishop of

Viscount Palmerston,


Viscount Melbourne,

Lord President,

Viscount Howick,

Lord Privy Seal,

Lord Auckland,

Lord Chamberlain,

Lord Glenelg,

Marquis of Winchester,

Mr. Poulett Thomson,

Earl of Albemarle,

Sir John Hobhouse, Bart.,

Lord John Russell,

Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.

WHEREAS, by an ancient Rule for regulating the hearing of Appeals to His Majesty in Council from the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, such Appeals are directed to be heard between the beginning of Easter and the end of Trinity Terms in every year, and the Respondents to such Appeals have hitherto been accordingly summoned to appear and answer the same within the above-mentioned time in the current or ensuing year, as the case might require ; and whereas the said Rule is productive of unnecessary delay in bringing the aforesaid Appeals to a hearing, and it is expedient that the same should be revoked, and that the Respondents to such Appeals should henceforth be summoned to appear and answer the same within the time, and that such Appeals should be heard in the manner hereinafter mentioned.

His Majesty is therefore pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the date of this Order the aforesaid Rule and also all other rules, orders, usages, and practice with respect to the hearing of Appeals to His Majesty in Council from the said Islands or the summoning of the Respondents thereto, now in force and in anywise repugnant to or at variance with this present Order, be, and the same are hereby revoked, abrogated, and annulled. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby further ordered, that nothing herein contained shall affect the time limited for the appearance of any party by a summons already issued in any such Appeal as aforesaid.

And it is hereby further ordered that, from and after the date of this Order, all Appeals to His Majesty in Council from the said Islands shall be subject to the same regulations as to setting down for hearing and being heard as shall, from time to time, be in force with regard to Appeals to His Majesty in Council from His Majesty's Plantations and Colonies abroad.

And it is hereby further ordered that henceforth, in all Appeals to His Majesty in Council from the said Islands, the Respondents thereto be summoned by the proper Officers of the said Islands respectively to appear and answer the said Appeals within forty days from the said Respondents being so summoned.

And, lastly, it is hereby further ordered that this Order be registered in the Royal Courts of the said Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, and that the Bailiffs and Jurats of the said Royal Courts, for the time being, do respectively give the necessary directions for that purpose.




Page Last Updated: 13 Jun 2022