Honorary Police (Repeals) (Jersey) Law 2010

Honorary Police (Repeals) (Jersey) Law 2010

A LAW to repeal the Honorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Jersey) Law 1999 and Article 5 of the Loi (1804) au sujet des assemblées paroissiales.

Adopted by the States                                               6th October 2009

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council       31st March 2010

Registered by the Royal Court                                     16th April 2010

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        Enactments repealed

The following enactments are repealed –

(a)     the Honorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Jersey) Law 1999[1];

(b)     the Honorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2004[2]; and

(c)     Article 5 of the Loi (1804) au sujet des assemblées paroissiales[3].

2        Citation and commencement

This Law may be cited as the Honorary Police (Repeals) (Jersey) Law 2010 and shall come into force 7 days after it is registered.

A.h. harris

Deputy Greffier of the States



[1]                                    L.1/1999 (chapter 23.225)

[2]                                    L.18/2004 (chapter 23.225)

[3]                                    L.1/1804 (chapter 16.100)

Page Last Updated: 04 Jun 2015