Police Force (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 2004



Police Force (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 2004

A LAW to amend further the Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974.[1]

Adopted by the States                                                16th March 2004

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council         14th April 2004

Registered by the Royal Court                                      14th May 2004

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        First Schedule amended

In the First Schedule to the Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974[2] for Form 1 there shall be substituted the following Form –

“Form 1

Oath of office of member of force

You swear and promise before God that well and faithfully you will exercise the office of a Member of the States of Jersey Police Force, that you will faithfully serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors according to law, and that you will carry out your duties with courage, fairness and integrity, protecting human rights and according equal respect to all people. You will to the best of your ability uphold the laws and usages of Jersey, cause the peace to be kept, prevent offences against people and property and seek to bring offenders to justice according to law.”.

2        Citation and commencement

This Law may be cited as the Police Force (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 2004 and shall come into force on the seventh day following its registration.


Deputy Greffier of the States.



[1] Volume 1973-1974, page 375, Volume 1979-1981, page 171, Volume 1982-1983, page 55, Volume 1986-1987, pages 81 and 293, Volume 1992-1993, page 119, Volume 1996-1997, page 603, Volume 1998, page 603, Volume 1999, page 41 and Volume 2000, page 763.

[2] Volume 1973-1974, page 382, Volume 1982-1983, page 63 and Volume 2000, page 764.

Page Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016