Roads (Drainage) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1986

Jersey Law 11/1986




A LAW   to amend the Roads (Drainage) Law, 1962, sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council of the


26th day of MARCH, 1986



(Registered on the 8th day of May, 1986).






The 18th day of June, 1985.


THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –


In Article 2 of the Roads (Drainage) (Jersey) Law, 1962,1 after paragraph (1), there shall be inserted the following paragraphs –

“(1A)      Where for the purpose of draining a road administered by it or of otherwise preventing surface water from flowing on to such road, the highway authority proposes –

(a)     to construct or lay in land adjoining or lying near to the road, any ditches, gutters, drains, watercourses, bridges, culverts, tunnels or pipes; or

(b)     to erect barriers in such land to divert surface water into or through any existing ditch, gutter, drain, watercourse, bridge, culvert, tunnel or pipe,

the highway authority shall serve notice of its intention to do so on every owner, lessee and occupier of that land, and such notice shall contain a sufficient description of the land, and shall specify the proposed site of –

(i)      the work to be constructed or laid in the land under sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph; or

(ii)     the barrier to be erected in such land under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph; and

(iii)    refer to the powers of the highway authority set ou in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (1) of this Article.

(1B)         The highway authority shall, as soon as may be after the notice under paragraph (1A) of this Article has been served, make application to the Inferior Number of the Royal Court for an order that the notice be registered in the Public Registry of Contracts and such registration shall constitute public notice of the proposal of the highway authority to do in that land such of the things set out in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph (1) of this Article as are specified or referred to in the notice.”.


This Law may be cited as the Roads (Drainage) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law, 1986.




Greffier of the States.

1        Volume 1961–1962, page 482.

Page Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016