Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Jersey) Law 1953

Jersey Law 13/1953




A LAW   to enable the States to make regulations for facilitating international circulation of motor vehicles, sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council of the


30th day of APRIL, 1953.



(Registered on the 23rd day of May, 1953).






The 26th day of February, 1953.


THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law:  -



(1)           For the purpose of enabling effect to be given to any international agreement for the time being in force in respect of the Island, the States may make regulations providing –

(a)    for the grant and authentication of any passes, certificates or other documents relating to vehicles or the drivers of vehicles which may be required for purposes of travel abroad by persons resident in the Island;

(b)    for modifying in relation to vehicles brought temporarily into the Island by persons resident outside the Island, and in relation to persons so resident who are temporarily in the Island, any enactment relating to vehicles or the drivers of vehicles.

(2)           Regulations under this Article may provide –

(a)    for modifying any such enactment as aforesaid in respect of matters appearing to the States to be incidental to or connected with the matters regulated by any such international agreement;

(b)    for extending any privilege conferred by the regulations to persons resident outside the Island who are temporarily in the Island but are not entitled thereto by virtue of any such international agreement, or in relation to vehicles brought temporarily into the Island by such persons, being persons or vehicles satisfying such conditions as may be specified by or under the regulations;

(c)    for the payment in respect of any such documents as are mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of this Article of such fees as appear to the States to be appropriate having regard to any services performed in connexion therewith in pursuance of the regulations.

(3)           Regulations under this Article may be amended by subsequent regulations and shall remain in force until repealed.

(4)           In this Article, “vehicle” means any mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads and any vehicle drawn by such a vehicle.



(1)           Subject to the provisions of this Article, the following enactments are hereby repealed –

(a)    the “Acte donnant effet dans cette Ile aux Conventions ayant trait à la Circulation Internationale des Automobiles”, confirmed by Order of His Majesty in Council of the 22nd March, 1911;1

(b)    in Article 35 of the “Loi sur la Voirie”, confirmed by Order of His Majesty in Council of the 10th August, 19142 the paragraph amended by the “Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Voirie (Article 35)”, confirmed by Order of His Majesty in Council of the 5th May, 1939,3 that is to say, the paragraph beginning with the words “Les dispositions de cette Loi ne porteront point préjudice”.

(2)           Any regulations in force immediately before the commencement of this Law under the said “Acte donnant effet dans cette Ile aux Conventions ayant trait à la Circulation Internationale des Automobiles”4 shall continue in force and have effect as if made under Article 1 of this Law and may be amended or repealed under this Law accordingly.



This Law may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Jersey) Law, 1953, and shall come into force on such day as the States may by Act appoint.5

To be printed, published and posted.




Greffier of the States.

1        Tome V (1935 edition), page 267.

2        Tomes IV–VI, page 345.

3        Volume 1939–1945, page 80.

4        Tome V (1935 edition), page 267.

5        This Law came into force on 1st April, 1958 (R. & O. 3881).

Page Last Updated: 09 Jun 2015