Income Support (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2015

Income Support (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2015

A LAW to amend further the Income Support (Jersey) Law 2007

Adopted by the States                                                  23rd June 2015

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council      8th October 2015

Registered by the Royal Court                                16th October 2015

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        Interpretation

In this Law “principal Law” means the Income Support (Jersey) Law 2007[1].

2        Article 1 amended

In Article 1 of the principal Law –

(a)     the paragraph number “(1)” shall be inserted at the beginning;

(b)     after paragraph (1) there shall be added the following paragraphs –

“(2)    The Minister may, by Order, amend the definition ‘day care’ in paragraph (1).

(3)     An Order made under paragraph (2) may, for the purposes of the definition, establish or approve a scheme for the accreditation, whether by the Minister or by a person designated by the Minister, of either or both of –

(a)     a person as a provider of day care;

(b)     premises as a place at which day care is provided.”.

3        Article 3 amended

In Article 3 of the principal Law –

(a)     for paragraph (2)(a) there shall be substituted the following sub-paragraphs –

“(a)    not more than one person may be treated as having the main responsibility for the physical care of a person mentioned in paragraph (1)(f);

(aa)    where more than one person is treated as having the main responsibility for the physical care of a child mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) or (c), those persons are only eligible for income support if they both comply with paragraph (2A);”;

(b)     in paragraph (2)(b) for the words beginning “if they are engaged in” to the end of the sub-paragraph there shall be substituted the words “if they comply with paragraph (2A)”;

(c)     after paragraph (2) there shall be inserted the following paragraph –

“(2A) The persons must be engaged in, or available for and actively seeking, remunerative work for such hours (if any) as the determining officer considers appropriate to their particular circumstances.”;

(d)     for paragraph (3)(a) there shall be substituted the following sub-paragraph –

“(a)    amend this Article (apart from this paragraph); and”.

4        Article 4 amended

After Article 4(3)(e) of the principal Law there shall be inserted the following sub-paragraph –

“(ea)  the circumstances in which payments may be suspended or withheld;”.

5        Article 8 amended

After Article 8(6)(b) there shall be inserted the following sub-paragraph –

“(ba)  circumstances in which special payments may be suspended or withheld;”.

6        Article 9 amended

After Article 9(3) of the principal Law there shall be added the following paragraph –

“(4)    Orders under paragraph (1) may further provide for any question of law arising in connection with the determination of a claim by a determining officer or a review or appeal before a Tribunal to be referred to the Royal Court for a ruling on the question.”.

7        Citation and commencement

This Law may be cited as the Income Support (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2015 and shall come into force 7 days after it is registered.

m.n. de la haye, o.b.e.

Greffier of the States



[1]                                    chapter 26.550

Page Last Updated: 14 Apr 2016