Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Law 2006

Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Law 2006

A LAW to permit the making of Regulations providing for certain persons to be entitled to be paid, or have paid on their behalf, the amount of the fee for issue of a licence in relation to a television, and for related matters.

Adopted by the States                                                   16th May 2006

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council    10th October 2006

Registered by the Royal Court                                20th October 2006

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        Power of States to make Regulations

(1)     The States may make Regulations providing for a scheme to enable persons of a specified class to be entitled to be paid, or have paid on their behalf, the amount of the fee paid or payable for the grant of a licence to permit under an enactment of the United Kingdom the possession or use of a television in the premises in which the person resides.

(2)     Without limiting the generality of paragraph (1), Regulations made under this Law may –

(a)     set out the criteria for eligibility for the payment of an amount paid or payable for the grant of a licence of the kind referred to in paragraph (1);

(b)     set out the amounts payable to persons under the Regulations and how the amounts may be paid;

(c)     provide that the Minister may appoint agents to act on behalf of persons in relation to the grant and receipt of amounts under the Regulations;

(d)     set out offences and the penalties for offences against the Regulations;

(e)     provide for reviews of decisions of persons under the Regulations to grant or to refuse to grant amounts under the Regulations;

(f)      enable appeals (including appeals to a body or tribunal established by or under another Law) to be made against decisions of persons reviewing decisions in accordance with sub-paragraph (e).

(3)     Without limiting the generality of paragraph (1), Regulations made under this Law may provide for the making of Orders by a Minister for the purpose of –

(a)     altering any income amount specified in the Regulations as a criterion for eligibility for the grant of an amount under the Regulations; and

(b)     modifying the application, in relation to an appeal under Regulations made under this Law, of a Law, or an enactment made under a Law, relating to the conduct of appeals by a body or tribunal to which an appeal under these Regulations may be made.

2        Citation and commencement

(1)     This Law may be cited as the Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Law 2006.

(2)     This Law shall come into operation 7 days after its registration.

m.n. de la haye

Greffier of the States



Page Last Updated: 04 Jun 2015