Criminal Procedure (Prescription of Offences) (Jersey) Law 1999

Jersey Law 23/1999





A LAW       to reform the law governing the prescription of criminal offences; sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council of the


22nd day of JUNE 1999



(Registered on the 23rd day of July 1999)






The 13th day of April 1999


THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –


Definition of offence

(1)     In this Law, “an offence” means –

(a)     a crime;

(b)     a délit; or

(c)     a contravention of an enactment.

(2)     A reference in this Law to an enactment includes an enactment of the United Kingdom extended to or otherwise having force of law in the Bailiwick.


Abolition of period of prescription

Subject to the provisions of any other enactment, the time within which proceedings may be instituted in respect of an offence shall be without limit:

Provided that nothing in this Article shall revive any proceedings which were barred by prescription before the commencement of this Law.



Articles 2 and 3 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 19781 are repealed.



The enactments in the first column of the Schedule to this Law shall be amended to the extent described in the second column opposite each of those enactments.


Short title

This Law may be cited as the Criminal Procedure (Prescription of Offences) (Jersey) Law 1999.




Deputy Greffier of the States.



First column

Second column


Extent of repeal

Loi (1842) sur l’Etat Civil2

In Article 67:

Delete the words “, et sera institutuée dans les trois ans de l’infraction”.

Loi (1845) sur la régie des impôts3

In Article 49:

Delete the words “, mais les actions pour infraction des Règlements ne pourront être instituées après an et jour de l’infraction”.

Loi (1934) sur la régie et le mode de perception de l’impôt sur le tabac4

In Article 26:

Delete the words “, mais les actions pour infraction de ces règlements ne pourront être instituées après an et jour de l’infraction”.

Revenue Duty on Oils and Spirits (Administration) (Jersey) Law 19405

In Article 27:

Delete the words “, but no such proceedings shall be instituted more than three years after the cause of action arose or the infraction was committed, as the case may be”.

Borrowing (Control) (Jersey) Law 19476

In the Schedule:

Repeal sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph (3)

Motor Traffic (Third Party Insurance) (Jersey) Law 19487

In Article 2:

Repeal paragraph (4)

Housing (Jersey) Law 19498

Article 14:

Repeal paragraphs (3) and (4)

Oil in Territorial Waters (Jersey) Law 19509

In Article 6:

Repeal paragraph (1)

Pharmacy, Poisons and Medicines (Jersey) Law 195210

In Article 27:

Repeal paragraphs (3) and (4)

Firearms (Jersey) Law 195611

Repeal Article 30

Income Tax (Jersey) Law 196112

Repeal Article 140

Food and Drugs (Jersey) Law 196613

Repeal Article 50

Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 196714

In Article 45:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 197215

Article 23:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Customs and Excise (General Provisions) (Jersey) Law 197216

Repeal Article 61

Attendance Allowance (Jersey) Law 197317

In Article 11:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Agricultural Land (Control of Sales and Leases) (Jersey) Law 197418

In Article 7:

Repeal paragraphs (3) and (4)

Social Security (Jersey) Law 197419

In Article 37:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Invalid Care and Disability Allowances (Jersey) Law 197820

In Article 14:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 197821

Repeal Article 28

Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law 198822

In Article 15:

Repeal paragraphs (4) and (5)

Banking Business (Jersey) Law 199123

Article 49:

Repeal paragraphs (4) and (5)

Medicines (Jersey) Law 199524

Repeal Article 108

Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 199625

Article 37:

Repeal paragraphs (7) and (8)

Disability Transport Allowances (Jersey) Law 199726

In Article 12:

Repeal paragraphs (1) and (2)

Investment Business (Jersey) Law 199827

In Article 38:

Repeal paragraphs (7) and (8)


1        Volume 1975–1978, pages 483 and 484.

2        Tomes I-III, page 118.

3        Tomes I-III, page 167.

4        Tome VII, page 95.

5        Tome VII, page 331.

6        Tome VII, page 391.

7        Tome VII, page 485.

8        Tome VII, page 543.

9        Tome VII, page 652.

10      Tome VIII, page 139.

11      Tome VIII, page 492.

12      Volume 1961–1, page 298.

13      Volume 1966–1967, page 198.

14      Volume 1966–1967, page 578.

15      Volume 1970–1972, page 428.

16      Volume 1970–1972, page 493.

17      Volume 1973–1974, page 54.

18      Volume 1973–1974, page 253.

19      Volume 1973–1974, page 350.

20      Volume 1975–1978, page 443.

21      Volume 1975–1978, page 468.

22      Volume 1988–1989, page 155.

23      Volume 1990–1991, page 540.

24      Volume 1994–1995, page 567.

25      Volume 1996–1997, page 127.

26      Volume 1996–1997, page 497.

27      Volume 1998, page 572.

Page Last Updated: 07 Jun 2015