Code of 1771 (Revision) (Jersey) Law 1965

Jersey Law 26/1965




A LAW   to repeal obsolete, spent and unnecessary provisions of the Code of 1771, sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council of the


29th day of NOVEMBER, 1965.



(Registered on the 14th day of January, 1966).






The 12th day of October, 1965


THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law–


The following provisions of the Code of Laws confirmed by Order of His Majesty in Council of the twenty-eighth day of March, 1771 (being provisions which are obsolete, spent or unnecessary) are hereby repealed, namely–

(a)     all the provisions under the titles specified in the First Schedule to this Law, in so far as unrepealed ; and

(b)     the provisions specified in the Second Schedule to this Law.


(1)           This Law may be cited as the Code of 1771 (Revision) (Jersey) Law, 1965.

(2)           This Law shall come into force on such day or days as the States may by Act appoint.






Campagne de la Moye, Paroisse de S. Brelade.

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Bornément des Chemins dans les Mielles de S. Brelade.



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1.             Under the title “Loix établies par différens Ordres du Roi & du Conseil, & Actes de Parlement.”2

(a)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Il est ordonné que” and ending with the words “dans les Décrets” ;

(b)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le droit de cinq Chelins” and ending with the words “à toutes personnes” ;

(c)     the paragraph beginning with the words “La quantité de Laine” and ending with the words “limité par lesdits actes” ;

(d)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le même nombre de Juges” and ending with the words “du Chef-Magistrat” ;

(e)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Les arbitres traiteront” and ending with the words “si le cas le requiert” ;

(f)      the paragraph beginning with the words “Les Sentences prononcées” and ending with the words “vingt sous” ;

(g)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Il n’y aura point d’appel accordé” and ending with the words “cinq livres par année” ;

(h)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Conformément à certain Ordre de la Reine Elizabeth” and ending with the words “le 1er jour d’Avril 1732”;

(j)      the paragraph beginning with the words “Il n’y aura point d’appel permis” and ending with the words “sur ce sujet” ;

(k)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Tous Appeaux” and ending with the words “lesdits Appeaux” ;

(l)      the paragraph beginning with the words “Il n’y aura point d’appel reçu,” and ending with the words “qu’il leur en aura faite” ;

(m)    the paragraph beginning with the words “Ce qui est entendu” and ending with the words “les preuves offertes” ;

(n)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Les Loix et Ordonnances” and ending with the words “de tems en tems” ;

(o)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le Gouverneur, Bailly et Jurés” and ending with the words “qui contreviendront aux Ordonnances”.

2.             Under the title “Loix établies par différens Ordres du Roi et du Conseil, et par les États de cette Isle”3

(a)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le Débiteur qui demandera” and ending with the words “l’examen de son état” ;

(b)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Les Personnes qui seront autorisées” and ending with the words “et sa condition” ;

(c)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le répit” and ending with the words “aucune autre diligence” ;

(d)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Personne ne pourra bâtir” and ending with the words “aux Pauvres de la Paroisse” ;

(e)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Ceux qui prendront” and ending with the words “autant d’affranchissable”.

3.             Under the title “Réglemens pour les mésures et poids”4

(a)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Un certain Vaisseau d’airain” and ending with the words “pour les mésures liquides” ;

(b)     the paragraph in the terms “Il y aura un grand Cabot pour l’usage du Marché.” ;

(c)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Le Marc de Rouen” and ending with the words “à peine de dix livres d’amende” ;

(d)     the paragraph beginning with the words “Personne ne fera usage de fleaux” and ending with the words “de dix livres d’amende” ;

(e)     the paragraphs beginning with the words “Le Vicomte aura les droits suivans” and ending with the words “jusqu’à cinquante”.

4.             Under the title “Poids-du-Roi”,5 from the words “lequel récévra” to the end.

5.             Under the title “Regîtres”,6 the paragraph beginning with the words “En cas qu’aucuns” and ending with the words “nul effet ni valeur”.

6.             The “Serment des Officiers des Vraics”,7 and the “Serment des Hommes dans les Enquêtes Criminelles”.8

7.             Under the title “Tuteurs”,9 from the words “seront tenus” in the first paragraph to the word “Ils” being the first word of the second paragraph.




Greffier of the States.

1        Code des Lois (2e. édition), pages 3, 21, 26, 27, 49, 50, 52, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79, 95, 128, 256, 265, 268, 270, 271, 317 et 324

2        Code des Lois (2e. édition), pages 157, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171 et 172.

3        Code des Lois (2e. édition), pages 221, 222, 225 et 226

4        Code des Lois (2e. édition), pages 259, 260, 262 et 263.

5        Code des Lois (2e. édition), page 273.

6        Code des Lois (2e. édition), page 279.

7        Code des Lois (2e. édition), page 311.

8        Code des Lois (2e. édition), page 313.

9        Code des Lois (2e. édition), page 321.

Page Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016