Social Security (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Law 2005


Social Security (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Law 2005

A LAW to amend further the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974.

Adopted by the States                                                    19th July 2005

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council    12th October 2005

Registered by the Royal Court                               4th November 2005

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        Article 36 amended

In Article 36(4) of the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974,[1] for the words “level 2” in both places where they appear there shall be substituted the words “level 3”.

2        Citation and commencement

This Law may be cited as the Social Security (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Law 2005 and shall come into force on the seventh day following its registration.

m.n. de la haye

Greffier of the States.




[1] Chapter 26.900.

Page Last Updated: 04 Jun 2015