Centeniers (Terms of Office) (Jersey) Law 2007

Centeniers (Terms of Office) (Jersey) Law 2007

A LAW to provide for elections of Centeniers to be held at fixed intervals and for connected purposes.

Adopted by the States                                                28th March 2007

Sanctioned by Order of Her Majesty in Council    10th October 2007

Registered by the Royal Court                                26th October 2007

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –

1        Elections of Centeniers

Centeniers shall be elected on appointed days in accordance with this Law.

2        Appointed days

(1)     The first appointed day shall be which of the following days, namely the second Wednesday in March, June, September or December, that first occurs after the day that is 3 months after the registration of this Law.

(2)     The second appointed day shall be which of the days mentioned in paragraph (1) that falls in the ninth month after the first appointed day.

(3)     The third appointed day shall be which of the days mentioned in paragraph (1) that falls in the ninth month after the second appointed day.

(4)     The fourth appointed day shall be which of the days mentioned in paragraph (1) that falls in the ninth month after the third appointed day.

(5)     Thereafter the appointed days shall be each of the days mentioned in paragraph (1) that is the corresponding day in the third year after a previous appointed day.

3        Elections and common terms of office

(1)     Not less than 6 weeks before an appointed day, the Royal Court shall, on the application of the Attorney General, make an order for the holding of a public election in each Parish on the appointed day to fill each vacancy in the office of Centenier that will arise on that day.

(2)     The term of office of a Centenier shall expire on the appointed day that is the corresponding appointed day in the third year after his or her election.

4        Transitional arrangements

The transitional arrangements set out in the Schedule have effect.

5        Consequential amendment

For Article 2 of the Loi (1853) sujet des centeniers et officiers de police[1], there is substituted the following Article –


(1)     Si un Centenier décède ou est relevé de ses fonctions avant la fin de sa gestion, une élection aura lieu pour le remplacer; mais alors le Centenier qui sera élu ne restera en charge que jusqu’à l’expiration de la gestion du Centenier précédent.

(2)     Si, pour quelque raison que ce soit, l’élection d’un Centenier est renvoyée à une autre date, la gestion du Centenier éventuellement élu terminera à la même date qu’elle aurait terminé si l’élection n’avait pas été renvoyée.”.

6        Citation and commencement

(1)     This Law may be cited as the Centeniers (Terms of Office) (Jersey) Law 2007.

(2)     It shall come into force on the seventh day after it is registered.

a.h. harris

Deputy Greffier of the States



(Article 4)

1        Interpretation

In this Schedule references to the first, second, third and fourth appointed days means those days as determined in accordance with Article 2.

2        The parishes of St. Clement, St. Peter, St. Brelade, St. Lawrence, Grouville, St. Ouen, St. Mary, St. John, St. Martin and Trinity

(1)     This paragraph applies to those persons who, immediately before the first appointed day, are Centeniers in the parishes of St. Clement, St. Peter, St. Brelade, St. Lawrence, Grouville, St. Ouen, St. Mary, St. John, St. Martin and Trinity.

(2)     The term of office of the Centenier in each parish first to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the first appointed day.

(3)     The term of office of the Centenier in each parish second to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the second appointed day.

(4)     The term of office of the Centenier in each parish third to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the third appointed day.

(5)     The term of office of the Centenier in each parish fourth to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the fourth appointed day.

3        The parish of St. Helier

(1)     This paragraph applies to those persons who, immediately before the first appointed day, are Centeniers in the parish of St. Helier.

(2)     The terms of office of the 3 Centeniers first, second and third to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the first appointed day.

(3)     The terms of office of the 2 Centeniers fourth and fifth to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the second appointed day.

(4)     The terms of office of the 3 Centeniers sixth, seventh and eighth to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the third appointed day.

(5)     The terms of office of the 2 Centeniers ninth and tenth to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the fourth appointed day.

4        The parish of St. Saviour

(1)     This paragraph applies to those persons who, immediately before the first appointed day, are Centeniers in the parish of St. Saviour.

(2)     The term of office of the Centenier first to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the first appointed day.

(3)     The terms of office of the 2 Centeniers second and third to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the second appointed day.

(4)     The term of office of the Centenier fourth to have been elected to his or her existing term of office shall expire on the third appointed day.

(5)     The terms of office of the 2 Centeniers fifth and sixth to have been elected to their existing terms of office shall expire on the fourth appointed day.

5        Resolution of order and term of office

(1)     If 2 or more Centeniers were elected to office at the same time, the order in which they were elected shall be reckoned according to –

(a)     their respective seniority in office as a Centenier;

(b)     if that seniority cannot be distinguished, their respective periods of service in the honorary police of the parish; or

(c)     if seniority in office and period of service cannot be distinguished, their respective seniority in age.

(2)     However, if the Attorney General consents, the question may be settled by agreement between the Centeniers.

(3)     Where a Centenier to which any provision of this Schedule applies is completing the term of office of another Centenier, the existing Centenier is to be taken, for the purposes of this Schedule, to have been elected to office when the original Centenier was elected to the existing term of office.

(4)     The term of office of a Centenier to which any provision of this Schedule applies shall expire in accordance with this Schedule notwithstanding that it might otherwise have expired earlier or later than the day provided by this Schedule.



[1]                                    chapter 23.050

Page Last Updated: 04 Jun 2015