Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 31) (Jersey) Order 2016

Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 31) (Jersey) Order 2016

Made                                                                      25th January 2016

Coming into force                                                   26th January 2016

THE MINISTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE, in pursuance of Articles 62, 63, 64 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956[1] and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Helier, orders as follows –

1        Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996 amended

(1)     The Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996[2] is amended as set out in this Order.

(2)     Accordingly, a reference in this Order to a Schedule by number is a reference to the Schedule of that number to the Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996.

2        Schedule 4 amended (Prohibition of Waiting)

In Schedule 4 –

(a)     after the item and entry relating to Le Breton Lane there shall be inserted the following item and entries –


“Le Clos Vaze

North side (between its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 76 yards west)

North side (between a point 76 yards west of its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 114 yards further west)

South side (between its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 22 yards west)

South side (between a point 56 yards west of its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 80 yards further west)

South side (between a point 120 yards west of its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 67 yards further west)

South side (between the northern boundary of No. 35 Le Clos Vaze and the side of the unnamed access road forming the boundary of No. 44 Le Clos Vaze, and the side of the unnamed access road forming the boundary of No. 45 Le Clos Vaze)”;

(b)     in the item relating to Parade, The (western arm), for the first entry relating to the east side there shall be substituted the following entry –



“East side (between York Street and a point 60 yards south of Gloucester Street)”.

3        Schedule 5 amended (Roads Closed to Through Traffic)

In Schedule 5, after the item and entry relating to Poonah Road, there shall be inserted the following item and entry –


“Tunnell Street (between its junction with Robin Place and the eastern boundary of the Millennium Town Park)

All times”.

4        Schedule 8 amended (Parking Places on Roads)

(1)     In Part 1 of Schedule 8 the item and entry relating to Broad Street shall be deleted.

(2)     In Part 2 of Schedule 8, in the item relating to Parade, The (western arm), the entry “West side (between a point 134 yards north of the northern boundary of the Town Hall and a point 11 yards further north)” shall be deleted.

(3)     In Part 6 of Schedule 8, after the item and entry relating to Commercial Buildings, there shall be inserted the following item and entry –


“Le Clos Vaze

South side (between a point 22 yards west of its junction with St. John’s Road and a point 34 yards further west)”.

5        Schedule 10 amended (Parking of Vehicles on Roads for Loading and Unloading)

(1)     In Part 1 of Schedule 10 –

(a)     in the item relating to the Esplanade, the 3rd entry in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns shall be deleted;

(b)     the item and entries relating to La Motte Street shall be deleted;

(c)     in the item relating to Parade, The (western arm), after the 3rd entry in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns, there shall be added the following entries –



“North side (between a point 40 yards south of its junction with Gloucester Street and a point 20 yards further south)

20 minutes

5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday”.

(2)     In Part 2 of Schedule 10 –

(a)     in the 4th column of the entry relating to Bath Street, for the words “5 p.m. to 10 a.m.” there shall be substituted the words “5 a.m. to 6 p.m.”;

(b)     after the item and entry relating to Bath Street there shall be inserted the following items and entries –


“Broad Street

North side (between a point 49 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 15 yards further east)

20 minutes

5 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday


North side (between a point 188 yards east of its junction with Castle Street and a point 12 yards further east)

20 minutes

2 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Saturday”;

(c)     after the items and entries relating to Halkett Place there shall be added the following item and entries –


“La Motte Street

South side (between Snow Hill and a point 14 yards east)

20 minutes

5 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday”.

6        Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 31) (Jersey) Order 2016 and shall come into force on the day after it is made.

deputy e.j. noel of st. lawrence

Minister for Infrastructure



[1]                                    chapter 25.550

[2]                                    chapter 25.550.50

Page Last Updated: 05 May 2016