Public Elections (Amendment of Law) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2018

Public Elections (Amendment of Law) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2018

Made                                                                   22nd February 2018

Coming into force                                                        1st March 2018

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 72(1A) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002[1], have made the following Regulations –

1        Article 7 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 amended

In Article 7 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002[2] –

(a)     in paragraph (4)(c) for the words “in such” there shall be substituted the words “in such electronic form as may be provided by the electoral administrator for a parish or in such other”;

(b)     for paragraph (5) there shall be substituted the following paragraph –

“(5)    The electoral administrator for a parish shall refuse to include the name of a person on the electoral register for an electoral district –

(a)     if, in the case of an application in electronic form, the electoral administrator is unable to be satisfied, whether by reason of information furnished in that form or otherwise obtained by the electoral administrator, that the person is entitled to have his or her name included on the register; or

(b)     by reason of information contained in a statement under paragraph (3) or an application (other than one in electronic form) under paragraph (4), if the statement or application has not been signed by that person.”.

2        Citation and commencement

These Regulations may be cited as the Public Elections (Amendment of Law) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2018 and shall come into force 7 days after the day on which they are made.


Deputy Greffier of the States



[1]                                    chapter 16.600

[2]                                    chapter 16.600

Page Last Updated: 05 Apr 2018