Act declaring that the Taxation (Enveloped Property Transactions) (Jersey) Law 202- has immediate effect

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Act declaring that the Taxation (Enveloped Property Transactions) (Jersey) Law 202- has immediate effect

Made                                                                                              10th February 2022

Coming into force                                                                      10th February 2022

THE STATES make this Act under Article 12 of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 –

IT IS DECLARED that, on the making of this Act, the taxation draft entitled the Taxation (Enveloped Property Transactions) (Jersey) Law 202- (lodged au Greffe on 20th December 2021 by the Minister for Treasury and Resources (P.119/2021), as adopted and amended this day in third reading by the States) has immediate effect as if that draft had been confirmed by Her Majesty in Council and registered in the Royal Court on the date of the making of this Act.

Page Last Updated: 10 Feb 2022