Shipping (Local Small Ships Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 2004

Shipping (Local Small Ships Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 2004

Made                                                                           27th April 2004

Coming into force                         in accordance with Regulation 7(2)

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 13 of the Shipping (Jersey) Law 2002,[1] have made the following Regulations –

1        Interpretation

In these Regulations –

Law” means the Shipping (Jersey) Law 2002;[2]

“local small ship” means a small ship, other than a fishing vessel, that –

(a)     is not otherwise registered under Part 3 of the Law or under the law of a country outside Jersey; and

(b)     is wholly owned by an individual or individuals ordinarily resident in Jersey;

“local small ships register” means that part of the register mentioned in Regulation 3(1)(a) of the Shipping (Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

2        Registration of local small ships

(1)     The owner of a local small ship may apply to the registrar to have the ship registered on the local small ships register.

(2)     The application must –

(a)     be made on a form provided for the purpose by the Registrar; and

(b)     be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

(3)     If the Registrar is satisfied that the ship may properly be registered and that its name is not inappropriate the Registrar shall register the ship.

(4)     The Registrar shall do so by entering on the local small ships register –

(a)     the number of the registration of the ship;

(b)     its date of registration;

(c)     the date of expiration of its registration;

(d)     a description of the ship;

(e)     the overall length of the ship;

(f)      the name of the ship;

(g)     the name of the owner of the ship; and

(h)     the address of the owner of the ship.

(5)     On the registration of a local small ship the Registrar shall provide its owner with a certificate of registry that –

(a)     certifies that the ship is registered as a Jersey ship in accordance with the Law; and

(b)     contains the information entered in the local small ships register in respect of the ship in accordance with paragraph (4)(a) to (g).

(6)     Unless sooner determined the registration of a local small ship is valid for 5 years from the date of its registration but may be extended or further extended for periods of 5 years.

(7)     An application to extend the period of registration of a local small ship may be made by the owner of the ship at anytime before its expiry.

(8)     The application must –

(a)     be made on a form provided for the purpose by the Registrar; and

(b)     be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

(9)     If the Registrar is satisfied that the registration period of the ship may properly be extended the Registrar shall do so –

(a)     by amending the local small ships register accordingly; and

(b)     by sending a new certificate of registry to the owner of the ship.

3        Marking

(1)     The owner of a ship registered in accordance with these regulations must –

(a)     within one month of the start of its period of registration clearly paint or affix on an external part of the ship the number of its registration preceded by SSR; and

(b)     thereafter maintain the number so that it may be clearly seen.

(2)     The Registrar may cancel the registration of the ship if its owner fails to comply with paragraph (1).

4        Termination of registration

(1)     The registration of a ship registered in accordance with these Regulations terminates if –

(a)     the ship ceases to be a local small ship;

(b)     its ownership changes;

(c)     its owner so requests; or

(d)     the Registrar cancels its registration in accordance with Regulation 3(2).

(2)     On the termination of the registration of a ship by virtue of paragraph (1) the person named in its certificate of registry as its owner must return the certificate to the registrar.

(3)     A person who fails to comply with the requirement in paragraph (2) within one month of the termination of the registration is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.

(4)     It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under paragraph (3) to show that the certificate of registry has been lost, stolen or destroyed.

(5)     The Registrar shall cancel an entry in the local small ships register in respect of a ship if –

(a)     the registration of the ship is terminated in accordance with paragraph (1); or

(b)     the period of registration of the ship expires and is not renewed.

5        Powers of Registrar

(1)     The Registrar may on payment of the prescribed fee issue a duplicate certificate of registry in place of one the Registrar is satisfied has been lost, stolen or destroyed.

(2)     The Registrar may amend an entry in the local small ships register –

(a)     if satisfied that the entry is incorrect; or

(b)     to correct a clerical error,

and may issue a new certificate of registry after doing so.

6        Schedule 1 of Law not to apply to local small ships

The private law provisions set out in Schedule 1 to the Law shall not apply to local small ships registered in accordance with these Regulations.

7        Citation and commencement

(1)     These Regulations may be cited as the Shipping (Local Small Ships Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 2004.

(2)     They shall come into force on the same date as Article 13 of the Law.


Greffier of the States.



[1] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 830, and Volume 2003, page 460.

[2] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 801, Volume 2003, page 457 and Nos. 9/2004 and 10/2004.

Page Last Updated: 24 Sep 2015