Public Elections (Jersey) Regulations 2002

Jersey R&O 43/2002


Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002






(Promulgated on the 29th day of May 2002)






The 28th day of May 2002



                THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 3, 7, 13, 20, 24, 32, 34, 43 and 72 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002,[1] have made the following Regulations -




                1.-(1)  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires -


                “the Law” means the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002.[2]


                (2)     A reference in these Regulations to a numbered form is a reference to the form of that number in the Schedule to these Regulations.


                (3)     A reference in these Regulations to a Regulation by number only and without further identification is a reference to the Regulation of that number in these Regulations.


                (4)     A reference in a Regulation or other division of these Regulations to a paragraph, sub-paragraph or clause by number or letter only and without further identification is a reference to the paragraph, sub-paragraph or clause of that number or letter in the Regulation or other division of these Regulations.


Change of dates in Law


                2.-(1)  In Article 6(1) and (4) of the Law,[3] for the expression “1st July 2002” wherever occurring there shall be substituted the expression “1st September 2002”.


                (2)     In Article 7(1) of the Law,[4] for the expression “1st May 2002” there shall be substituted the expression “1st May 2003”.


                (3)     In Article 11(2) of the Law,[5] for the expression “1st July each year” there shall be substituted the expression “1st September 2002, and 1st July in each year thereafter,”.


Prescribed forms


                3.-(1)  For the purposes of Article 3(a) of the Law[6] (Voting where name omitted from electoral register), the prescribed form of declaration is Form 1.


                (2)     For the purposes of Article 7(4)(c) of the Law,[7] the prescribed form of application for registration is Form 2.


                (3)     For the purposes of Article 20(4) of the Law,[8] the prescribed form of nomination document is Form 3.


                (4)     For the purposes of Article 24(3) of the Law,[9] the prescribed form of ballot paper is Form 4.


                (5)     For the purposes of Articles 32(2)(c) and 43(2) of the Law,[10] the prescribed form of official stamp is one that contains both the words “ELECTIONS PUBLIQUES JERSEY” and a letter that identifies the electoral district where or in respect of which the ballot paper to which the stamp is applied is used.


                (6)     For the purposes of Article 34(2) of the Law[11] (Doubtful votes), the prescribed form of declaration is Form 5.


Citation and commencement


                4.      These Regulations may be cited as the Public Elections (Jersey) Regulations 2002 and shall come into force on 5th June 2002.


                                                                                      M.N. DE LA HAYE


Deputy Greffier of the States.





(Regulations 1(2) and 3)




(Article 3(a) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002)


Form of declaration where name omitted from register


I, ……………………………………...…., solemnly declare that I believe that I should be permitted to vote by virtue of the following facts -


Note: Insert here a recital of the facts that are the grounds for the claim.






















Signed in my presence this ..........................................  day of ................  20.....






(Article 7(4)(c) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002)


Application for inclusion of name on the electoral register


Note: This form must be filled in with your details (and then sent to the Parish Office) if you are entitled to be registered as an elector (see the notes at the end of this form). More than one person resident at the same address may be included on this form, if there is space. But please remember that every person included on the form must sign it.


To Connétable of [parish]


I apply for inclusion of my name on the electoral register for the electoral district in which I live.


I am ordinarily resident at





[full address]


My surname is



I prefer to be addressed as



[title (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms, Dr.)]


My forenames are, in full



My maiden name is



Insert your maiden name, if any, if it is different from your surname above.


I was born on



[date of birth]


My residence qualification is



Insert “A” or “B”, depending on whether option A or option B in note 2 applies.


My name does/does not appear on another electoral register in Jersey, and that is in respect of the following address.




Cross out either “does” or “does not” and if your name does appear on another register, state for which address.


I declare that the information given in this application about me is true.








Date when signed




Instructions to the applicant


1.             If you are entitled to be registered as an elector, you should ensure that the information about yourself that the form requires is entered in block letters (capitals) on the form.


2.             You are entitled on a particular day to have your name included on the electoral register for an electoral district if on that day -


                (a)     you are at least 18 years old; and


                (b)     you are ordinarily resident in the electoral district; and


                (c)     you have been -


                          (A)    ordinarily resident in Jersey for the period of at least 2 years up to and including that day [option A]; or


                          (B)    ordinarily resident in Jersey for a period of at least 6 months up to and including that day, as well as having been ordinarily resident in Jersey at any time for an additional period of, or for additional periods that total, at least 5 years [option B].


3.             You are not entitled to have your name included on the electoral registers for more than one electoral district at a time.


4.             You should sign the declaration.


5.             If the information on the return about a person is incorrect or incomplete the person may become ineligible to vote.


6.             When completed and signed this form should be returned to the Parish Office in the parish where you are ordinarily resident so that the electoral register can be brought up to date.


7.             If you would like to check that your name is on the electoral register, you can view the register during office hours at the parish hall.


A.B., Connétable of [Parish]



(Article 20(4) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002)


Nomination document


Please use one form for each candidate.


This form is not complete unless each of the 10 signatures is accompanied by the name of the person whose signature it is, plus the name of the electoral district (including the name of the parish) in respect of which the person is registered, and the elector number shown on the electoral register for the person.


We, the undersigned, being electors of









[full name, address, electoral district, parish and elector number of candidate] as a candidate for the office of


[office in that constituency]


this ...................................  day of .............................  20…







                                                            [plus full name, electoral district, parish, and elector number, of proposer]



















                                                            [plus, under or next to each signature, the name, electoral district, parish, and elector number, of the seconder whose signature it is]




(Article 24(3) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002)


Ballot paper


Counterfoil and front of ballot paper


























Serial number
















of elector




















* This number must be printed and correspond with the number on the back of the ballot paper attached to this counterfoil.

** Repeat rows so as to include all the candidates, with one row (including one voting box) per candidate.



Back of ballot paper



............................... §


Parish of


............................... §











Election for


................................ §




This number must be printed and correspond with the number printed on the counterfoil to which this ballot paper is attached.


§ The date, name of the parish and the office to be filled shall be printed here. If the parish is divided into different electoral districts, the name of the district should be inserted below the name of the parish.



(Article 34(2) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002)


Declaration of elector where person has already voted in elector’s name


I, …………………………….., solemnly declare that I am the person entered under the name of ……………………………………..on the electoral register for the electoral district of ………………………………






Signed in my presence this ..................................  day of ..........................  20...






[1] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, pages 320, 323, 326, 329, 332, 336, 337, 343 and 362.

[2] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 313.

[3] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 322.

[4] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 323.

[5] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 325.

[6] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 320.

[7] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 324.

[8] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 330.

[9] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 333.

[10] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, pages 337 and 343.

[11] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2002, page 337.

Page Last Updated: 26 Sep 2015