Employment (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 2015

Employment (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 2015

Made                                                                            2nd June 2015

Coming into force                                                  1st September 2015

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 104(3B) of the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003[1], have made the following Regulations –

1        Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 amended

In the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003[2] –

(a)     Article 6 is repealed;

(b)     in Article 57(2) the words “for 8 hours or more weekly” shall be deleted;

(c)     Article 73(4) is deleted.

2        Citation and commencement

These Regulations may be cited as the Employment (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 2015 and shall come into force on 1st September 2015.

l.-m. hart

Deputy Greffier of the States



[1]                                    chapter 05.255

[2]                                    chapter 05.255

Page Last Updated: 14 Apr 2016