Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical Benefit) (General Provisions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2004


R&O – 90/2004

Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical Benefit) (General Provisions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2004

Made                                                                            28th July 2004

Coming into force                                                     1st October 2004

THE EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 24(6) and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967,[1] orders as follows –

1        Schedule 5 amended

In Schedule 5 to the Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical Benefit) (General Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2002[2] for item 2(e) there shall be substituted the following item –


“(e)    the following drugs if the prescription is endorsed ‘C.D.’ by the approved supplier –


          (i)     the drugs listed in the Second and Third Schedules to the Misuse of Drugs (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1989


          (ii)     chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam, nitrazepam, oxazepam and zolpidem


2        Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical Benefit) (General Provisions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2004 and shall come into force on 1st October 2004.


Deputy Greffier of the States.



[1] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1966-1967, pages 554 and 578 and Volume 1984-1985, page 210.

[2] Nos. 48/2002 and 85/2003.

Page Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016