Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Order 2017

Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Order 2017

Made                                                                        25th August 2017

Coming into force                                                     1st October 2017

THE MINISTER FOR SOCIAL SECURITY, in pursuance of Articles 7, 9 and 18 of the Income Support (Jersey) Law 2007[1], orders as follows –

1        Article 13 of the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008 amended

In Article 13 of the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008[2], after paragraph (1) there shall be inserted the following paragraph –

“(1A) A requirement under paragraph (1) must set out the reasons for requiring a redetermination.”.

2        Schedule 2 to the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008 amended

In Schedule 2 to the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008 –

(a)     in paragraph 5, for the word “23%” wherever it occurs there shall be substituted the word “25%”;

(b)     in paragraph 6, for the definition “qualifying maintenance payment” there shall be substituted the following definition –

“ ‘qualifying maintenance payment’ means –

(a)     a qualifying maintenance payment within the meaning of Article 90B(1) of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961[3]; or

(b)     any regular payment which the determining officer is satisfied is comparable to a payment referred to in sub-paragraph (a).”.

3        Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Order 2017 and shall come into force on 1st October 2017.

deputy s.j. pinel of st. clement

Minister for Social Security



[1]                                    chapter 26.550

[2]                                    chapter 26.550.20

[3]                                    chapter 24.750

Page Last Updated: 29 Aug 2017