Licensing (No. 15) (Jersey) Regulations 2003

Licensing (No. 15) (Jersey) Regulations 2003

Made                                                                        7th October 2003

Coming into force                                                  5th November 2003

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 92 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974,[1] have made the following Regulations –

1        Interpretation

In these Regulations “Law” means the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974.[2]

2        Article 3 amended

In Article 3 of the Law[3] –

(a)     in paragraph (2)(b) the words “the Attorney General,” shall be deleted;

(b)     in paragraph (2)(c) for the words “Attorney General” there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier”.

3        Article 5 amended

In Article 5 of the Law[4] –

(a)     in paragraph (5)(a) the words “the Attorney General,” shall be deleted;

(b)     in paragraph (5)(b), for the words “Attorney General” there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier”.

4        Article 6 amended

In Article 6 of the Law[5] –

(a)     in paragraph (5) for the words “Attorney General shall submit to” there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier shall place before”;

(b)     after paragraph (5) there shall be inserted the following paragraph –

“(5A) The Attorney General may attend before the Licensing Assembly and, if requested to do so by the Assembly, shall attend before it on the consideration of any application, and shall be entitled to be heard.”;

(c)     in paragraph (11) the words “, the Attorney General” shall be deleted.

5        Article 8 amended

In Article 8 of the Law[6] –

(a)     in paragraph (2) for the words “Attorney General” there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier”;

(b)     in paragraph (5) –

(i)      for the words “Attorney General”, in the first place they appear, there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier”,

(ii)      for the words “Attorney General”, in the second place they appear, there shall be substituted the words “Judicial Greffier shall forward the same to the Attorney General who”.

6        Article 8A inserted

After Article 8 of the Law[7] there shall be inserted the following Article–

“8A   Transmission of copies to Attorney General

(1)     The Treasurer of the States shall, at the request of the Attorney General, transmit to the Attorney General a copy of any copy of a list or document required to be transmitted under Article 3(2)(b) or (c).

(2)     A Constable shall, at the request of the Attorney General, transmit to the Attorney General a copy of any report or copy of a decision required to be transmitted by the Constable under Article 5(4) or (5).

(3)     The Judicial Greffier shall, at the request of the Attorney General, transmit to the Attorney General a copy of –

(a)     any copy of a decision or any report transmitted to the Judicial Greffier under Article 5(5);

(b)     any licence granted pursuant to Article 6(8);

(c)     any written information given by a holder of a licence under Article 6(11);

(d)     any report sent to the Judicial Greffier under Article 8(2);

(e)     any copy of a list transmitted to the Judicial Greffier under Article 10(3).

7        Article 10 amended

In Article 10(3)(b) of the Law,[8] the words “the Attorney General,” shall be deleted.

8        Citation and commencement

These Regulations may be cited as the Licensing (No. 15) (Jersey) Regulations 2003 and shall come into force on 5th November 2003.


Assistant Greffier of the States.



[1] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 317.

[2] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 277, Volume 1979-1981, page 395, Volume 1999, page 627 and Nos. 6072, 7373, 7442, 8358, 8501, 8560, 8699, 8770, 8945, 8984, 9051 and 9418.

[3] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 280.

[4] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 281 and No. 8358.

[5] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 282 and No. 8560.

[6] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 284.

[7] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 285.

[8] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, page 286.

Page Last Updated: 26 Sep 2015