Court of Appeal (Civil) (Amendment No. 6) Rules 2021

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Court of Appeal (Civil) (Amendment No. 6) Rules 2021

Made                                                                                           23rd September 2021

Coming into force                                                                   24th September 2021

THE COURT OF APPEAL makes these Rules under Article 19 of the Court of Appeal (Jersey) Law 1961 –

1        Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 1964 amended

After Rule 1 of the Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 1964 there is inserted the following Rule –

1A   Reckoning periods of time

(1)     Any period of time fixed by rules of court or by any judgment, order or direction for doing any act in relation to any civil matter within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal shall be reckoned in accordance with this Rule.

(2)     When the act is required to be done within a specified period after or from a specified date, the period begins immediately after that date.

(3)     When the act is required to be done within or not less than a specified period before a specified date, the period ends immediately before that date.

(4)     When the act is required to be done a specified number of clear days before or after a specified date, at least that number of days must intervene between the day on which the act is done and that date.

(5)     If, apart from this paragraph, the period in question, being a period of 7 days or less includes a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday, Christmas Day or Good Friday, that day is excluded.

(6)     In paragraph (5) “public holiday” and “bank holiday” mean, respectively, a day appointed to be observed as a public holiday or as a bank holiday under the Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Law 1951.”.

2        Citation and commencement

These Rules may be cited as the Court of Appeal (Civil) (Amendment No. 6) Rules 2021 and come into force on the day after the day on which they are made.




Page Last Updated: 23 Sep 2021