Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 33) (Jersey) Order 2017

Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 33) (Jersey) Order 2017

Made                                                                   20th November 2017

Coming into force                                                27th November 2017

THE MINISTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE, in pursuance of Articles 62, 63, 64 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956[1] and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Helier, orders as follows –

1        Interpretation

In this Order “principal Order” means the Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996[2].

2        Article 10 amended

In Article 10 of the principal Order after the definition “valid parking card” there shall be inserted the following definition –

“ ‘valid remote payment’ means a payment in respect of a vehicle parked or to be parked at a paying parking place, such payment being –

(a)     made by means of the internet;

(b)     accepted by or on behalf of the Minister; and

(c)     of the amount of the charge prescribed in Article 15 for parking the vehicle at the paying parking place for the period during which it is parked or to be parked.”.

3        Article 11 amended

In Article 11(2) of the principal Order after the words “under Article 14” there shall be inserted the words “or in respect of which a valid remote payment has been made”.

4        Article 14 amended

In Article 14 of the principal Order after the words “a vehicle is parked at a paying parking place” there shall be inserted the words “for any period in respect of which a valid remote payment has not been made,”.

5        Article 16 amended

For Article 16 of the principal Order there shall be substituted the following Article –

“16    Payment of charges

The charge for parking at a paying parking place shall be paid –

(a)     by the purchase in advance of a parking card from a person for the time being authorized by the Minister to sell parking cards; or

(b)     by way of a valid remote payment.”.

6        Article 17 amended

In Article 17 of the principal Order for the words “The payment of a charge” there shall be substituted the words “Except where a valid remote payment has been made, the payment of a charge”.

7        Article 17A inserted

After Article 17 there shall be inserted the following Article –

“17A Evidence

(1)     A digital photograph taken by a person authorized by the Minister of a vehicle displaying a registration mark that is parked at a paying parking place shall be prima facie evidence that the vehicle assigned that registration mark was parked at that paying parking place.

(2)     The metadata associated with the digital photograph shall be prima facie evidence of the time and day the photograph was taken.

(3)     A printed copy of the records, held by or on behalf of the Minister, of valid remote payments made in respect of vehicles shall be prima facie evidence of whether a valid remote payment was made in respect of a vehicle.”.

8        Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (St. Helier) (Amendment No. 33) (Jersey) Order 2017 and shall come into force on 27th November 2017.

deputy e.j. noel of st. lawrence

Minister for Infrastructure



[1]                                    chapter 25.550

[2]                                    chapter 25.550.50

Page Last Updated: 12 Dec 2017