Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 2006

Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 2006

Made                                                                     6th December 2006

Coming into force                                                13th December 2006

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Public Employees (Retirement) (Jersey) Law 1967[1], have made the following Regulations –

1        Regulation 9 amended

In Regulation 9 of the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Jersey) Regulations 1989[2] –

(a)     in paragraphs (8) and (9) for the words “Subject to paragraph (10)” there shall be substituted the words “Subject to paragraphs (10) and (12)”;

(b)     after paragraph (11) there shall be added the following paragraph –

“(12)  Where a member to whom paragraph (8) or (9) applies is deemed to remain a member under Regulation 2(11), the reference in the applicable paragraph to the annual salary the member was receiving at the date of his or her death shall be construed –

(a)     if the member continued to contribute in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) of the provision to Regulation 2(11), as the member’s annual salary as determined under that sub-paragraph; or

(b)     if the member did not so contribute, as the annual salary the member was receiving immediately prior to being absent from duty.”.

2        Citation and commencement

These Regulations may be cited as the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 2006 and shall come into force 7 days after they are made.

m.n. de la haye

Greffier of the States



[1]                                    chapter 16.650

[2]                                    chapter 16.650.12

Page Last Updated: 26 Apr 2016