Social Security (Married Women) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2004


R&O – 165/2004

Social Security (Married Women) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2004

Made                                                                    21st December 2004

Coming into force                                               22nd December 2004

THE EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 45 and 51 of the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974[1] and Article 18 of the Social Security (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 2000,[2] orders as follows –

1        Interpretation

In this Order, “principal Order” means the Social Security (Married Women) (Jersey) Order 1974.[3]

2        Amendment of Article 2

(1)     For Article 2(1) of the principal Order there shall be substituted the following paragraph –

“(1)    A woman may elect once not to be liable, and thereafter shall not be liable, to pay contributions under the Law in respect of any period during which she is married.”.

(2)     Article 2(3)(b) of the principal Order shall be amended –

(a)     by deleting the colon;

(b)     by revoking the proviso.

(3)     The amendment of Article 2(3)(b) of the principal Order by paragraph (2) of this Article shall not prevent a married woman who has before the commencement of this Order elected not to pay contributions from cancelling that election on one occasion after this Order comes into force.

3        Citation and commencement

(1)     This Order may be cited as the Social Security (Married Women) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2004.

(2)     This Order shall come into force on the day after it is made.


Greffier of the States.



[1] Recueil des Lois, Volume 1973-1974, pages 354 and 356.

[2] Recueil des Lois, Volume 2000, page 892.

[3] Nos. 6080, 7316, 64/2001 and 79/2004.

Page Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016