Bailiff of Jersey
(Vacancy in Office) Law 1959
Consolidated Version
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version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of
the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.
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from 11 January 2024 to Current

Bailiff of Jersey
(Vacancy in Office) Law 1959
A LAW to make provision for the
exercise of the functions of the office of Bailiff during a vacancy in that
[see endnotes]
1 Functions of Bailiff to be exercised by Deputy Bailiff as
Bailiff-Delegate pending the making of a new appointment
(1) On the occurrence of a
vacancy in the office of Bailiff, no appointment shall be made to the office of
Judge-Delegate (Juge-Délégué)
so long as there is a Deputy Bailiff in office, and, in such case, the
functions appertaining to the office of Bailiff shall be exercised by the
Deputy Bailiff until the next succeeding holder of the office of Bailiff is
(2) The Deputy Bailiff,
while exercising the functions of Bailiff by virtue of this Law, shall be
styled the Bailiff-Delegate (le
(3) The Bailiff-Delegate
shall have the custody of the Royal Mace and of the Seal of the Bailiwick.
(4) The Bailiff-Delegate
shall, as soon as may be after the Bailiff-Delegate assumes the
Bailiff-Delegate’s functions by virtue of this Law, take oath of office
in the form prescribed for the office of Bailiff, but the fact that the
Bailiff-Delegate has not taken oath of office shall not render nugatory
anything done by the Bailiff-Delegate in the exercise of such functions.
2 Appointments to office of Lieutenant-Bailiff to hold good
The appointments made to the office of Lieutenant-Bailiff shall hold
good notwithstanding that the Bailiff by whom they were made has ceased to hold
office, but such appointments, as well as any like appointments made by the
Bailiff-Delegate, shall cease to have effect on the appointment of the next
succeeding holder of the office of Bailiff.
3 Saving[1]
Nothing in this Law shall be construed as in any way derogating from
the power of His Majesty to make arrangements for the exercise by any person,
during a vacancy in the office of Bailiff, of any of the functions normally discharged
by the holder of that office.
4 Citation
This Law may be cited as the Bailiff of Jersey (Vacancy in Office) Law 1959.