EU Legislation (Veterinary
and Zootechnical Checks – Trade with Member States) (Jersey)
Regulations 2016
1 Interpretation
(1) In these Regulations,
unless the context otherwise requires –
“approved” means approved by the Minister pursuant to
this or another enactment;
“centre or organization” means any undertaking which
produces, stores, processes or handles any animals or products to which these
Regulations apply;
“consignment” means a group of animals or animal
products of the same species that are intended for a single destination;
“dealer” means –
(a) in
relation to cattle or pigs, any person who buys and sells animals commercially
either directly or indirectly, who has a regular turnover of those animals and
who, within 30 days of purchasing animals, resells or relocates them to
other premises not within his or her ownership; and
(b) in
relation to sheep or goats, any person who buys and sells animals commercially
either directly or indirectly, who has a turnover of those animals and who,
within 29 days of purchasing animals, resells or relocates them to other
premises or directly to a slaughterhouse not within his or her ownership;
“EU instrument” has the same meaning as in the European Union (Jersey) Law 1973;
means –
(a) an
agricultural establishment or premises of a dealer in which live animals, with the exception of equidae, are held or regularly kept; or
(b) an agricultural
or training establishment, a stable or any premises or facilities in which equidae are
habitually kept or bred, for whatever use;
“inspector” means a person appointed as such under
Article 6(1) of the Animal Health (Jersey) Law 2016 and includes the States
Veterinary Officer appointed under Article 5 of that Law;
“member State” shall be construed having regard to
Article 1(2) of Regulation (EEC) No. 706/73 of the Council of
12th March 1973 concerning the Community arrangements applicable to
the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man for trade in agricultural products
(OJ No L 68, 15.3.73, p. 1)[1];
“Minister” means the Minister for the Environment;
“Official Controls Regulation” means Regulation (EU)
2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on
official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the
application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant
health and plant protection products (OJ L 95, 7.4.2017, p. 1);
“official veterinarian” means –
(a) the
States Veterinary Officer appointed under Article 5 of the Animal
Health (Jersey) Law 2016; and
(b) any inspector
designated as a veterinary inspector under Article 6(2) of that Law;
“physical check” means a check of an animal and may
include the taking of samples and laboratory testing and, where appropriate,
additional checks during quarantine;
“premises” includes land or any means of transport;
“relevant EU instrument” shall be construed in
accordance with Regulation 2(5);
“trade” means trade between Jersey and a member State;
“veterinary check” means any physical check or
administrative formality which applies to the animals or products to which
these Regulations apply and which is intended for the protection, direct or
otherwise, of public or animal health;
“veterinary surgeon” means a recognized veterinary
surgeon, within the meaning of the Veterinary Surgeons (Jersey) Law 1999.[2]
(2) Expressions which are
used in these Regulations and which are not defined in paragraph (1), but
are used in the Official Controls Regulation, have the same meaning as in that
(3) In these Regulations a
reference to an animal or animal product as being or not being subject to
harmonized health rules shall be construed in accordance with
Regulation 2(3) and (4).
(4) In these Regulations, a
reference to an EU instrument is a reference to that instrument as amended from
time to time.
2 Live
animals and animal products to which these Regulations apply
(1) These Regulations apply
to trade in the following –
(a) live
(b) animal
semen, ova and embryos; and
(c) other
animal products that are specified in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1.
(2) These Regulations do
not apply to veterinary checks on movements to or from a member State of pets
accompanied by and under the responsibility of an individual, where the
movements are not the subject of a commercial transaction.
(3) In these
Regulations –
(a) a
reference to a live animal that is subject to harmonized health rules is a
reference to a live animal specified in Schedule 1;
(b) a
reference to a live animal that is not subject to harmonized health rules is a
reference to a live animal that is not specified in Schedule 1.
(4) In these
Regulations –
(a) a
reference to an animal product that is subject to harmonized health rules is a
reference to an animal product specified in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1;
(b) a
reference to an animal product that is not subject to harmonized health rules
is a reference to semen, ova and embryos that are not specified in
paragraph 1 of Schedule 1.
(5) In these Regulations, a
reference to a relevant EU instrument is a reference to an EU instrument
specified in Schedule 1 by virtue of which a live animal or an animal
product is subject to harmonized health rules.
Export to a member State
3 Requirements
for export – general
(1) No person shall export,
or consign for export, to a member State any animal or animal product unless it
fulfils the requirements set out in the following paragraphs.
(2) An animal or animal
product that is subject to harmonized health rules must satisfy the requirements
of any relevant EU instrument.
(3) An animal or animal
product that is not subject to harmonized health rules must satisfy the animal
health requirements of the member State of destination.
(4) The animal or animal
product must –
(a) come
from an approved holding, centre or organization;
(b) be
identified in accordance with the requirements of Community rules; and
(c) be
registered in such a way that the original or transit holding, centre or
organization can be traced.
(5) An inspector may, at
all reasonable times, and at any place, on producing proof of his or her
authority, inspect any animal or animal product intended for trade, and any
documentation required for trade, to verify that the requirements of this
Regulation are complied with.
4 Requirements
for export – control of disease
(1) No person shall export,
or consign for export, to a member State any animal or animal product unless it
fulfils the requirements set out in the following paragraphs.
(2) The animal or animal
product must not originate from a holding, centre, organization, area or
region –
(a) which
is subject to restrictions, imposed in accordance with Community rules where
applicable, in respect of animals or animal products of that species, because
of the suspicion, outbreak or existence of a disease referred to in Schedule 2
or because of the application of safeguard measures against such a disease; or
(b) which
is subject to restrictions, imposed pursuant to any enactment, in respect of
animals or animal products of that species, because of the suspicion, outbreak
or existence of a disease other than one referred to in Schedule 2 or
because of the application of safeguard measures against such a disease.
(3) If the animal or animal
product is intended for a holding, centre or organization situated in a member
State –
(a) which
has obtained guarantees pursuant to Article 9 of the Council Directive of
26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community
trade in bovine animals and swine (64/432/EEC, OJ L 121, 29.7.64, p. 1977[4]), or pursuant to equivalent
Community rules, in respect of animals or animal products of that species; or
(b) which
is situated in a member State recognized by EU instrument as free, in all or
part of its territory, from disease to which animals of that species are
the animal or product must not originate from a holding which does
not provide the guarantees required by the member State in which the receiving
holding, centre or organization is situated with respect to diseases other than
those referred to in Schedule 2.
(4) If the animal or animal
product is intended for a member State or part of the territory of a member
State which has benefited from additional guarantees pursuant to –
(a) Article 9
of the Directive referred to in paragraph (3)(a); or
(b) other
equivalent Community rules that have been or will be adopted,
the animal or product must not originate from a holding, centre or
organization which does not provide the additional guarantees required by the
member State.
(5) An inspector may, at
all reasonable times, and at any place, on producing proof of his or her
authority, inspect any animal or animal product intended for trade, and any
documentation required for trade, to verify that the requirements of this
Regulation are complied with.
5 Requirements
for export – transportation
(1) A person consigning
animals or animal products for export to a member State shall group them in as
many consignments as there are places of destination.
(2) No person shall
transport a consignment of animals or animal products in trade unless it is
accompanied, from its place of despatch to its place of destination
by –
(a) in
the case of animals or animal products subject to harmonized health rules, the
health certificates and any other documents required by any relevant EU
instrument; or
(b) in
the case of animals or animal products that are not subject to harmonized
health rules, any health certificates and other documents required according to
the rules of the member State of destination.
(3) An inspector may, on
producing proof of his or her authority, require production of the
documentation required by paragraph (2) in respect of animals or animal
products being transported in trade.
6 Requirements
for export – export to third countries via a member State
(1) No person shall export,
or consign for export, to a third country through the territory of a member
State, animals or products that are not subject to harmonized health
rules, unless the transit through the territory of the other member State has
been expressly authorized by the competent authority of that member State.
(2) An inspector may, on
producing proof of his or her authority, require production of proof of any
authorization required by paragraph (1).
7 Prohibition
of export where disease suspected
(1) A person shall not
export, or consign for export to a member State an animal or animal product
if –
(a) the
animal or animal product is liable to slaughter or destruction pursuant to
powers conferred by any enactment for the purpose of eradicating any disease
not referred to in Schedule 2; or
(b) the
marketing in Jersey of the animal or animal product would be prohibited on
grounds of protection of health and life of humans or animals.
(2) An inspector may, at
all reasonable times, and at any place, on producing proof of his or her
authority, inspect any animal or animal product intended for trade, and any
documentation required for trade, to verify that the requirements of this
Regulation are complied with.
8 Powers
on suspected contravention of requirements for export
(1) If an inspector has
reasonable cause to suspect that a person intends to export animals or animal
products in contravention of any provision of these Regulations the inspector
may, by notice served on the consignor, the consignor’s representative or
the person appearing to the inspector to be in charge of the animals or animal
products –
(a) prohibit
that exportation; and
(b) require
the person on whom the notice is served –
(i) to take the
animals or animal products to such place as may be specified in the notice, and
(ii) to
take such further action in relation to the animals or animal products as may
be specified in the notice.
(2) If a notice served
under paragraph (1) is not complied with an inspector may –
(a) seize
any animal or animal product to which the notice relates; and
(b) arrange
for the requirements of the notice to be complied with.
Import from a member State
9 General
requirements for import
(1) No person shall import
from a member State (either for entry into Jersey or by way of transit to
another member State) any animal or animal product that is subject to
harmonized health rules unless the animal or animal product complies with the
provisions of any relevant EU instrument.
(2) Where an animal or animal
product that is subject to harmonized health rules is imported from a member
State (either for entry into Jersey or by way of transit to another member
State) the importer and, if different, the person in charge of the animal,
shall comply with all the relevant provisions of any relevant EU instrument
until the animal or animal product arrives at its place of destination or
leaves Jersey, as the case may be.
(3) No person shall import
from a member State (either for entry into Jersey or by way of transit to
another member State) any animals or any semen, ova or embryos that are not
subject to harmonized health rules unless the animals or the semen, ova and
embryos comply with any animal health requirements imposed in their case by any
10 Requirements
for import – procedures on arrival
(1) An importer or
consignee of animals or animal products from a member State must notify the
Minister, in writing, at least one working day before the expected arrival of
the consignment, of the nature of the consignment, its anticipated date of
arrival and the place of destination.[5]
(2) Paragraph (1)
shall not apply to a consignment of registered equidae
which are accompanied by an identification document provided for by the
Directive of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical
conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae (90/427/EEC, OJ
L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 55[6]).
(3) An importer or
consignee of animals or animal products must –
(a) keep
the health certificates and documents required by Articles 15 and 56 of
the Official Controls Regulation for at least 6 months following the
importation of the animals or animal products; and
(b) produce
them for inspection, when required to do so by an inspector.[7]
(4) For the purposes of
paragraphs (1) to (3), a dealer who divides up a consignment or an
establishment that is not subject to permanent supervision shall be regarded as
the consignee.
(5) If the place of
destination of a consignment of animals is a market or assembly
centre –
(a) the
operator of the market or centre shall not admit any animal that has not been
subject to official controls in accordance with Article 47(1) of the
Official Controls Regulation;
(b) the
operator of the market or centre shall record on a register –
(i) in all cases, the
name of the owner, the origin, the dates of entry and exit, the number and the
proposed destination of, the animals,
(ii) in
all cases, the registration number of the transporter and the licence number of
the vehicle delivering or collecting animals from the centre,
(iii) in
the case of pigs, the registration number of the holding of origin or of the
herd of origin,
(iv) in
the case of sheep or goats, the identification of the animals or the
registration number of the holding of origin of the animals.[8]
(6) The record required by
paragraph (5)(b) to be made in respect of an animal shall be kept for at
least 3 years following the date of entry of the animal to the market or
assembly centre.
(7) If the place of
destination of a consignment of animals is a holding, centre or organization
(including any such place where the consignment is partly unloaded during
transport), no person shall transport the consignment unless it is accompanied by
the documents required under Articles 15 and 56 of the Official Controls
(8) If the place of
destination of a consignment of animals is the public slaughterhouse, it shall
be a condition of a licence under Article 4 of the Slaughter of Animals (Jersey) Law 1962 that an animal may only be
slaughtered if an official veterinarian has inspected the animal and the health
certificates and other documents accompanying it and is satisfied that the
requirements of Article 47(1) of the Official Controls Regulation have
been complied with.[10]
(9) A dealer or operator of
a holding, centre or organization shall not divide up or market a consignment
unless he or she has checked that it has been subject to official controls in
accordance with Article 47(1) of the Official Controls Regulation.[11]
(10) If a dealer or operator
making a check in compliance with paragraph (9) finds any irregularity or
anomaly, the dealer or operator shall –
(a) notify
the Minister; and
(b) isolate
the animals in question pending the service of any notice under these
(11) In this Regulation
“working day” means any day, other than –
(a) a
Saturday or Sunday;
(b) Christmas
Day or Good Friday; or
(c) a day
that is a public holiday under the Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Act
11 Powers
of inspection of imports
(1) An inspector may, at
all reasonable times, on producing proof of his or her authority, inspect at
its place of destination any animal or animal product imported from a member
State and any documentation required to accompany the animal or animal product
in trade, to verify that the requirements of Regulations 9 and 10 are complied
(2) An inspector
shall have power to inspect, anywhere and at any time, all animals and animal
products imported from a member State, and any documents required to accompany
the animals or animal products in trade, if the inspector has reasonable cause
to suspect, that the requirements of Regulation 9 or 10 have not been
complied with.
12 Place
of quarantine of imported live animals
(1) Subject to paragraph (2),
where –
(a) a
live animal that is subject to harmonized health rules and imported from a member
State is required to be placed in quarantine by any relevant EU instrument; or
(b) a
live animal that is not subject to harmonized health rules and imported from a
member State is required by any enactment to be placed in quarantine,
the animals may be quarantined at the holding of destination.[13]
(2) An inspector may, on
veterinary grounds, require that the animals are held at a quarantine station
specified by him or her.
(3) Where animals are held
at a quarantine station specified by an inspector, that station shall be
regarded as the place of destination of the consignment.
13 Official
veterinarian’s powers in respect of illegal consignment
(1) If an official
veterinarian knows of or suspects –
(a) the
presence of agents responsible for a disease referred to in Schedule 2, or
of a zoonosis or any other disease or cause likely to constitute a serious
hazard to animals or humans, in animals or animal products imported from a
member State; or
(b) that
those animals or animal products have come from a region contaminated by an
epizootic disease,
the official veterinarian may serve a notice, in accordance with
paragraph (2), on the person appearing to him or her to be in charge of
those animals or animal products.
(2) The notice shall
require the person appearing to the official veterinarian to be in charge of
the animals or animal products –
(a) immediately –
(i) to detain the
imported animal product or the imported animal or any animal which has been in
contact with the imported animal at such place as may be specified in the
(ii) where
animals are detained (whether imported animals or animals which have been in
contact with imported animals), to keep them isolated from other animals, and
(iii) to
take such further action in relation to the animals or animal products as may
be specified in the notice for the purpose of preventing the introduction or
spreading of disease into or within Jersey; or
(b) without
delay, to slaughter the animals or slaughter and destroy them or, in the case
of animal products, destroy them in accordance with such conditions as may be
specified in the notice.
(3) Subject to paragraph (4),
if an official veterinarian knows or suspects that animals or animal products have
not been subject to official controls in accordance with Article 47 of the
Official Controls Regulation, the official veterinarian may, if animal health
and welfare considerations so permit, give the consignor or the
consignor’s representative, or the person appearing to the official
veterinarian to be in charge of the animals or animal products, by way of
notice, the choice of –
(a) maintaining
the animals or products under supervision until compliance with rules is
confirmed where residues are present and, in the event of failure to comply
with those rules, application of the measures provided for by any relevant EU
(b) slaughtering
the animals or destroying the products, in accordance with such conditions as
may be specified in the notice; or
(c) returning
the animals or products to the member State of despatch, with the authorization
of the competent authority of the member State of despatch and with prior
notification to any member State of transit.[14]
(4) If the consignment
fails to comply by reason only of an irregularity in respect of the required
consignment documentation, the official veterinarian shall not serve a notice
under paragraph (3) unless –
(a) the
official veterinarian has given the consignor, the consignor’s
representative or the person appearing to the official veterinarian to be in
charge of the animals or animal products, a notice requiring him or
her –
(i) to produce the
required consignment documentation within 7 days, and
(ii) to
detain the animal or animal product in accordance with such conditions as may
be specified in the notice; and
(b) the
required consignment documentation has not been produced within that time.
(5) If a notice served
under this Regulation is not complied with, an official veterinarian
may –
(a) seize
any animal or animal product to which the notice relates; and
(b) arrange
for the requirements of the notice to be complied with.
General and closing provisions
14 Rights
to be informed of reasons and rights of appeal
(1) The
Minister or an inspector shall give reasons for any decision under these
Regulations relating to a consignment of animals or animal products, to the
consignor or the consignor’s representative.
(2) A
consignor or consignor’s representative may request that he or she is
provided with –
(a) a
written record of the decision and the reasons for it; and
(b) written
details of the rights of appeal available to him or her and of the procedure
and time limits applicable.
(3) The
person who made the decision shall comply with a request under paragraph (2).
15 Outbreaks
of disease in the Community
(1) This
Regulation applies where the Minister learns, or has reasonable grounds to
suspect under the procedures set out in Article 54 of the Official
Controls Regulation the presence, in a member State of –
(a) a
disease listed in Annex 1 to the Council Directive of
21 December 1982 on the notification of animal diseases within the
Community (82/894/EEC, OJ L 378,31.12.1982, p. 58)[15]; or
(b) any
other zoonoses, diseases or other cause likely to constitute a serious hazard
to animals or to human health.[16]
(2) The
Minister may, for the purpose of preventing the introduction into or spreading
of disease within Jersey, by declaration suspend or impose conditions upon the
importation of animals or animal products from the member State in question.
(3) The
Minister shall publish a declaration in such manner as he or she thinks fit.
(4) While
a declaration is in force suspending the entry of an animal or animal product
from a member State, a person shall not bring the animal or animal product into
Jersey if it is dispatched from or originates in that member State.
(5) While
a declaration is in force imposing conditions on the entry of an animal or
animal product from a member State, a person shall not bring the animal or
animal product into Jersey from that member State if the animal or animal
product does not comply with those conditions.
16 Approvals
of persons, centres, holdings and organizations
(1) A
person shall not operate as a dealer in the trade of animals or animal products
to which these Regulations apply unless he or she is approved to do so.
(2) A
person shall not operate a market or assembly centre for trade in animals or
animal products to which these Regulations apply unless he or she is approved
to do so.
(3) Schedule 3
has effect to provide for the approval of persons, centres, holdings and
organizations for the purposes of these Regulations.
17 Dealers
required to keep records
(1) A
dealer shall keep a record of deliveries and, where a consignment is divided up
by the dealer, of the subsequent destination, of animals or animal products to
which these Regulations apply.
(2) The
dealer shall –
(a) keep
the record required by paragraph (1) for a period of at least
6 months from the date of delivery; and
(b) produce
the record for inspection, when requested by the Minister.
18 Entry
of premises – general
Subject to
Regulation 20, an inspector may, on producing his or her authority, enter
premises for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by these
Regulations (apart from Regulation 19).
19 Entry
of premises where offence suspected
(1) Subject
to Regulation 20, an inspector may, on producing his or her authority,
enter at all reasonable times any premises on which, or in connection with
which, the inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an offence
against these Regulations is being or has been committed.
(2) The
inspector may –
(a) inspect
the premises and any equipment and animals on them;
(b) carry
out such tests or other investigations, whether on the premises, equipment on
the premises, or animals or animal products on the premises, or on samples
taken from the premises, equipment, animals or animal products, as the person
thinks fit in order to ascertain whether any offence against these Regulations
is being or has been committed; and
(c) for
the purposes of any such test or investigation, require the occupier of the
premises, and any person in the employment of such occupier, to furnish such
information as is in that person’s power to give.
20 Warrant
for entry of dwellings
(1) Nothing
in these Regulations authorizes an inspector to enter, as of right, premises
used solely as a private dwelling without a warrant issued under paragraph (2).
(2) The
Bailiff or a Jurat may, on an application by an inspector, issue a warrant
authorizing an inspector to enter premises used solely as a private dwelling,
for the purposes mentioned in Regulation 18 or 19.
(3) The
Bailiff or Jurat may only issue a warrant under paragraph (2) if satisfied
that –
(a) there
are reasonable grounds for entry into the premises; and
(b) either –
(i) admission to the
premises has been refused, or refusal is anticipated, and that the occupier has
been notified of the intention to apply for a warrant, or
(ii) an
application for admission or the giving of such notice would defeat the object
of the entry, or the case is one of urgency, or that the premises are
unoccupied or the occupier temporarily absent.
21 Exercise
of powers of entry
(1) A
person exercising any power of entry conferred by these Regulations may be
accompanied by any inspector or veterinarian who is an officer or a
representative of the Commission, for the purpose of enabling that person to
discharge functions under the Official Controls Regulation.[17]
(2) A
person who enters unoccupied premises in exercise of a power conferred by or
under these Regulations must leave them as effectively secured against
unauthorized entry as they were prior to entry.
22 Offences
(1) A
person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations is guilty of an
offence and liable to a fine of level 3 on the standard scale.[18]
(2) A
person who –
(a) hinders
or obstructs an official veterinarian or inspector in the exercise of that
person’s powers under these Regulations; or
(b) refuses
or neglects to furnish, in the time and manner specified, any return or
information when required to do so by the Minister or an inspector under these
is guilty of an offence and
liable to imprisonment for a term of 6 months and a fine of level 3
on the standard scale.[19]
(3) A
person who knowingly or recklessly contravenes any condition subject to which
an approval is given under these Regulations is guilty of an offence and liable
to a fine of level 3 on the standard scale.[20]
(4) The
holder of an approval given under these Regulations is guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine of level 3 on the standard scale if any condition subject
to which the approval was given is contravened and the holder of the approval
did not take all reasonable precautions and exercise due diligence to avoid the
(5) A
person who –
(a) in an
application for approval under these Regulations makes any statement knowing
that, or reckless as to whether, the statement is false in a material
(b) furnishes
any return or information when required to do so under these Regulations
knowing that, or reckless as to whether, the return or information is false in
a material particular; or
(c) fraudulently
alters or uses or permits to be fraudulently used any approval, certificate or
document given under these Regulations or otherwise issued and required as
evidence that a requirement of these Regulations is satisfied,
is guilty of an offence and
liable to imprisonment for a term of 6 months and a fine of level 3
on the standard scale.[22]
23 Offences –
(1) Where
an offence against these Regulations committed by a limited liability partnership
or a separate limited partnership or by an incorporated limited partnership or
other body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or
connivance of –
(a) in
the case of a limited liability partnership, a person who is a partner of the
(b) in
the case of a separate limited partnership or an incorporated limited
partnership –
(i) a general
partner, or
(ii) a
limited partner who is participating in the management of the partnership;
(c) in
the case of a body corporate other than an incorporated limited partnership, a
director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate; or
(d) any
person purporting to act in any capacity described in sub-paragraphs (a)
to (c),
the person shall also be
guilty of the offence and liable in the same manner as the partnership or body
corporate to the penalty provided for that offence.
(2) If
the affairs of a body corporate are managed by its members, paragraph (1)
shall apply in relation to acts and defaults of a member in connection with his
or her functions of management as if the member were a director of the body
24 Animal
Health (Jersey) Law 2016[23]
(1) These
Regulations are not to be construed as permitting the importation of live
cattle, which is prohibited by Article 14 of the Animal
Health (Jersey) Law 2016.
(2) These
Regulations do not derogate from any prohibition, imposed by Order made under
Article 7 of the Animal
Health (Jersey) Law 2016 on the importation of Antilocapridae, Camelidae, Caprinae,
Cervidae, Giraffidae, Suidae and Tragulidae without a licence granted by the
25 Fees
for certificates, approvals and inspections
(1) The Minister may, by
Order, prescribe fees for the issue or verification of certificates or other
documents required for trade under or for the purposes of these Regulations and
the Directive or the Official Controls Regulation.[24]
(2) Where a fee is
prescribed under paragraph (1), the certificate shall not be issued until
the fee has been paid.
(3) The Minister may, by
Order, prescribe fees for any application for, or the giving of, any approval
to be given, or given, under or for the purposes of these Regulations and the
Directive or the Official Controls Regulation.[25]
(4) Where a fee is
prescribed under paragraph (3) the Minister shall not consider the
application for the approval until the fee has been paid.
(5) The Minister may, by
Order, prescribe fees for any inspection, test or official examination carried
out by an official veterinarian or other inspector for the purposes of the
issue of a certificate or the consideration of an application for any approval
under or for the purposes of these Regulations and the Directive or the
Official Controls Regulation.[26]
(6) Fees prescribed by the
Minister under this Regulation may be determined by reference to rates which
represent the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in employing or
contracting for an official veterinarian or other inspector to undertake an
inspection, test or official examination, during any given unit of time,
whether for the purpose of the issue of a certificate or the grant of an
approval or otherwise in the discharge of functions under these Regulations.
(7) Fees prescribed by
reference to a rate for an official veterinarian or other inspector shall be
charged in units of no more than half an hour.
26 Charges
for inspections, tests, examinations and other activities
(1) The consignor, the
consignor’s representative and the person in charge of any animal or
animal product shall be jointly and severally liable for any reasonable
expenses arising out of or in connection with the exercise of any power
conferred on an official veterinarian or inspector by these Regulations
relating to that animal or animal product.
(2) The Minister may, by
Order prescribe expenses for the purposes of paragraph (1).
(3) Paragraphs (6) and
(7) of Regulation 25 shall apply for the purposes of the power to
prescribe expenses as they apply for the purposes of the power to prescribe
fees under paragraph (5) of that Regulation.
27 Orders
amending these Regulations
The Minister may by Order amend Schedules 1 and 2.
28 Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the EU Legislation (Veterinary and
Zootechnical Checks – Trade with Member States) (Jersey)
Regulations 2016.
(Regulation 2)
and animal products subject to harmonized health requirements
1 Veterinary
Animal or animal
EU instrument
animals and swine
Council Directive 64/432/EEC of 26 June 1964 on animal
health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine
(OJ L 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977[27])
Council Directive 88/407/EEC of 14 June 1988 laying down the
animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade in and imports
of deep-frozen semen of domestic animals of the bovine species
(OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10[28])
Council Directive 89/556/EEC of 25 September 1989 on animal
health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from
third countries of embyros of domestic animals of the bovine species
(OJ L 302, 19.10.1989, p. 1[29])
Directive 2009/156/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health
conditions governing the movement and importation from third countries of
equidae (OJ L 192, 23.7.2010, p. 1[30])
Council Directive 90/429/EEC of 26 June 1990 laying down the
animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade in and imports
of semen of domestic animals of the porcine species
(OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 62[31])
and hatching eggs
Directive 2009/158/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health
conditions governing intra-Community trade in, and imports from third
countries of, poultry and hatching eggs (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009,
p. 74[32])
by-products not for human consumption
Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards
animal by-products not intended for human consumption and repealing
Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (Animal by-products Regulation) (OJ
L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1[33])
animals and products
Council Directive 2006/88/EC of 24 October 2006 on
animal health requirements for aquaculture and products thereof, and on the
prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals (OJ L 328,
24.11.2006, p. 14[34])
and caprine animals
Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal
health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine
animals (OJ L 46, 19. 2. 1991, p. 19[35])
animals, during transport
Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004
on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and
amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97
(OJ L 3, 5.1.2005, p. 1[36])
animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements
laid down in the instruments referred to in sub-paragraph (1)
Council Directive 92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992 laying down
animal health requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community
of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements
laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A(I)(1) to
Directive 90/425/EEC (OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54[37])
Council Directive 92/118/EEC of 17 December 1992 laying
down animal health and public health requirements governing trade in and
imports into the Community of products not subject to the said requirements
laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A(I) to
Directive 89/662/EEC and, as regards pathogens, to Directive 90/425/EEC (OJ
L 062, 15.3.1993, p. 49[38])
2 Zootechnical
Animal or animal
EU instrument
breeding animals of the bovine species
Directive 2009/157/EC of 30 November 2009 on pure-bred
breeding animals of the bovine species (OJ L 323, 10.12.2009,
p. 1[39])
animals of the porcine species
Council Directive 88/661/EEC
of 19 December 1988 on the zootechnical standards applicable
to breeding animals of the porcine species (OJ L 382, 31.12.1988, p. 36[40])
breeding sheep and goats
Council Directive 89/361/EEC of
30 May 1989 concerning pure-bred breeding sheep and goats (OJ L 153,
8.6.1989, p. 30[41])
Council Directive 90/427/EEC of
26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions
governing intra-Community trade in equidae
(OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 55[42])
pure-bred animals
Council Directive 91/174/EEC of
25 March 1991 laying down zootechnical and pedigree requirements
for the marketing of pure-bred animals (OJ L 85, 5. 4. 1991, p. 37[43])
(Regulation 4(2))
Foot and
mouth disease
Classical swine fever
African swine fever
Swine vesicular disease
Newcastle disease
Peste des petits ruminants
Vesicular stomatitis
African horse sickness
Viral equine encephalomyelitis
Teschen disease
Avian influenza
Sheep and goat pox
Lumpy skin disease
Rift valley fever
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
(Regulation 16(3))
of holdings, centres and organizations
1 Approval
of persons, holdings, centres and organizations
(1) This
Schedule applies where, for the purposes of these Regulations, a person,
centre, holding or organization is required to be approved for the purposes of
trade in any animal or animal product and there is no other enactment that
establishes a scheme for approval of persons, centres, holdings or
organizations for the purposes of trade in that animal or animal product.
(2) An
application for approval of the person, centre, holding or organization shall
be made to the Minister.
(3) An
application shall be in writing and contain or be accompanied by such
information as the Minister reasonably requires in order to be satisfied that
the centre, holding or organization fulfils the relevant requirements in
sub-paragraph (4) or (5).
(4) In
the case of an application for the purposes of trade with a member State in an
animal or animal product that is subject to harmonized health rules, the
person, centre, holding or organization must fulfil the requirements imposed by
any relevant EU instrument for trade in that animal or product.
(5) In
the case of an application for the purposes of trade with a member State in an
animal that is not subject to harmonized health rules, the person centre,
holding or organization must fulfil the requirements of Annex C to the
Council Directive of 13 July 1992 laying down animal health
requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community of animals,
semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements laid down in
specific Community rules referred to in Annex A(I) to Directive 90/425/EEC
(92/65/EEC, OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54[44]).
(6) The
Minister shall only give an approval if the Minister is satisfied that the
person, centre, holding or organization fulfils the relevant requirements in
sub-paragraph (4) or (5).
(7) An
approval shall be in writing.
(8) An
approval shall be subject to the condition that the person, centre, holding or
organization continues to fulfil the relevant requirements in sub-paragraph (4)
or (5).
(9) On
approving a person, centre, holding or organization, the Minister shall assign
it a unique registration number.
(10) The
Minister shall inform an applicant, in writing, of the refusal of an
application under this paragraph, and give reasons for the refusal.
2 Register
of approved persons, centres, holdings and organizations
(1) The
Minister shall maintain a register of persons, centres, holdings and
organizations approved under paragraph 1 and of the registration number
assigned to each of them.
(2) The
Minister shall make the register available to member States and to the public.
3 Withdrawal
of approval of centre, holding or organization
(1) The
Minister shall withdraw the approval of a centre, holding or organization if
the centre, holding or organization does not comply with the condition attached
to the approval pursuant to paragraph 1(8).
(2) The
Minister shall, in writing, notify the holder of the approval of the centre,
holding or organization of the withdrawal of the approval.
(3) A
notice under sub-paragraph (2) shall –
(a) give
reasons for the decision; and
(b) specify
the date when the withdrawal takes effect.
(4) Subject
to sub-paragraph (5), a withdrawal shall not take effect less than
21 days after notice of it is given to the holder of the approval.
(5) Sub-paragraph (4)
shall not apply if the Minister considers that a delay of 21 days in the
withdrawal taking effect would constitute an unacceptable risk to animal health
or public health.
(6) Notwithstanding
sub-paragraphs (4) and (5), a notice under sub-paragraph (2) may, on
grounds of protection of animal health or public health, require that the
centre or holding is, or any animals or animal products held there are,
immediately placed in isolation, in accordance with the terms of the notice.
4 Review
of decision of Minister
(1) An
applicant for approval under paragraph 1 may apply to the Royal Court for
a review of the decision of the Minister to refuse the approval.
(2) The
holder of an approval given under paragraph 1 may apply to the Royal Court
for a review of the decision of the Minister to withdraw the approval.
(3) An
application under this paragraph must be made within 21 days of the
applicant being notified of the decision to be reviewed.
(4) The
Royal Court may extend the period mentioned in sub-paragraph (3).
(5) The
Royal Court may, on an application under this paragraph, make such orders as it
thinks fit.
5 Checks of approved centres, holdings and
(1) An
inspector may, on producing his or her authority, enter at all reasonable
times any premises occupied by the holder of an approval given under
paragraph 1 and used for or in connection with any of the purposes
authorized by the approval, for the purpose of checking for compliance with the
condition attached to the approval.
(2) The
inspector may –
(a) inspect
the premises and any equipment and animals on them;
(b) carry
out such tests or other investigations, whether on the premises, equipment on
the premises, or animals or embryos on the premises, or on samples taken from
the premises, equipment, animals or embryos, as the person thinks fit in order
to ascertain whether the provisions of these Regulations, or the conditions
subject to which any approval or licence is given under these Regulations, are
being complied with; and
(c) for
the purposes of any such test or investigation, require the occupier of the
premises, and any person in the employment of such occupier, to furnish such
information as is in the occupier’s power to give.
(3) An
inspector may be accompanied by a veterinarian or officer representative of
another member State or the Commission.
6 Power
to obtain information from holders of approvals
The Minister or an
inspector may require any holder of an approval given under paragraph 1 to
furnish the Minister, within such time and in such manner as the Minister
specifies, with such returns and other information as the Minister or inspector
requires for the purpose of monitoring the operation of these Regulations or
checking for compliance with any condition attached to the approval.