Income Support
(Special Payments) (Jersey) Regulations 2007
1 Interpretation
In these
Regulations –
“Income Support
Regulations” means the Income Support
(Jersey) Regulations 2007;
“Law” means
the Income Support
(Jersey) Law 2007;
“medical services”
includes dental, chiropody, and optical services.
part 1
special payments for goods
and services
2 Circumstances
in which a special payment may be made
(1) A
special payment may be made to defray the expenses described in
Regulation 3 in the circumstances where the claimant is an adult whose
household –
(a) is in
receipt of income support;
(b) meets
the conditions in Article 2(1)(c) and (d) of the Law and will meet the
condition in Article 2(1)(b) of the Law within 26 weeks; or
(c) meets
the conditions in Article 2(1)(b) and (c) of the Law and has a calculated
income that exceeds the total of the rates for each component of income support
to which the household is entitled by no more than 10%.[1]
(2) A
special payment may be made to defray the expenses described in
Regulation 3 in the circumstances where the claimant is an adult
who –
(a) meets
the requirements for a special payment to defray the expenses of long-term care
being provided to that person under Regulation 2 of the Income Support (Special
Payments) (Long-Term Care) (Jersey) Regulations 2014;
(b) receives
a grant under Article 11 of the Long-Term Care
(Benefits) (Jersey) Order 2014 to meet the costs referred to in
Article 9(c) of that Order; or
(c) receives
a loan under Article 12 of the Long-Term Care
(Benefits) (Jersey) Order 2014 to meet the costs referred to in
Article 9(c) of that Order.[2]
3 Expenses
that may be met by special payment
(1) A
special payment may be made to defray the following expenses payable by the
claimant if the claimant or a member of the claimant’s household is
in urgent need of the goods or services being provided –
(a) the
cost of buying items of furniture and household equipment;
(b) the
amount of a deposit required in order to secure a dwelling to be leased or
licensed to the claimant’s household where there are circumstances that
reasonably require the household to remove and the dwelling to which the
household is to remove is appropriate to the needs of the household;
(c) the
expenses of the removal of the claimant’s household where there are
circumstances that reasonably require the household to remove and the dwelling
to which the household is to remove is appropriate to the needs of the
(d) expenses
essential to the claimant or a member of the claimant’s household taking
up remunerative work;
(e) the
cost of medical services and items supplied as a consequence of medical
(2) A
special payment may be made to defray the expenses payable by the claimant that
are necessary to prevent a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of the
claimant or a member of the claimant’s household.
(3) A
special payment may be made to defray the expenses payable by the claimant –
(a) for
the funeral in Jersey of a member of his or her household or any parent, child
or sibling;
(b) to
bring a body into or move a body out of Jersey.
(4) A
special payment may be made to defray the expenses payable by the claimant to
remove the claimant and any member of the claimant’s household from
(5) However,
no expenses are payable under this Regulation unless the claimant has no other
reasonable means of meeting the cost.
(6) In
this Regulation a dwelling is appropriate to the needs of the household if it
is no larger than is reasonably necessary for that household.
4 Amount
of special payment
(1) The
amount of a special payment payable under Regulation 3 shall be the full
cost of defraying the expense concerned or such amount as represents a
reasonable price for the goods or services being provided, whichever is the
(2) However,
in the case of a special payment to cover the cost of items of furniture and
household equipment (other than mattresses, carpets and electrical items) that
are available to purchase second hand, the special payment shall only cover the
actual or a reasonable price for obtaining the items second hand, whichever is
the lower.
(3) The
full cost of defraying the expense under paragraph (1) shall be taken to
include any reasonable costs of delivery and installation.
part 2
other special payments
5 [3]
6 Special
payments in respect of clinical costs
(1) A
special payment may be made to defray the cost of any medical services payable
by a member of an eligible household that is entitled to, but has not claimed,
a clinical cost element under paragraph 8 of Part 2B of Schedule 1
to the Income Support Regulations.
(2) The
amount of a special payment under this Regulation is the additional amount (if
any) of income support that the household would have received had a clinical
cost element been claimed.
part 3
7 Maximum
limit of special payment to person temporarily in Jersey
The maximum amount of any
special payment made under Article 8(3) of the Law is £500.
8 Citation
These Regulations may be
cited as the Income Support (Special Payments) (Jersey) Regulations 2007.