Weights and
Measures (Jersey) Law 1967[1]
A LAW to make provision with respect
to weights and measures and for connected purposes
[see endnotes]
1 Interpretation
(1) In
this Law, unless the context otherwise requires –
“approved pattern”
means a pattern of weighing or measuring equipment in respect of which there is
for the time being in force a certificate of approval issued by the Board of
Trade under section 12 of the Weights and Measures Act 1963 of the United
“capacity measurement”
means measurement in terms of a unit of measurement included in Part 4 of Schedule 1;
in relation to any vehicle, means weighed with its load by means of the nearest
suitable and available weighing equipment, and weighed again after it has been
unloaded by means of the same or other suitable weighing equipment;
“constructional use”,
in relation to any goods, means the use of those goods in constructional work
(or, if the goods are explosives, in mining, quarrying or demolition work) in
the course of the carrying on of a business;
includes any form of packaging of goods for sale as a single item, whether by
way of wholly or partly enclosing the goods or by way of attaching the goods
to, or winding the goods round, some other article, and in particular includes
a wrapper or confining band;
in relation to any requirement, includes a failure to comply with that
requirement, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly;
“designated country”
in any provision of this Law means such, if any, of the following countries,
that is to say, Northern Ireland, any of the other Channel Islands and the Isle
of Man, as the Minister, having regard to the Law for the time being in force
in that country, thinks it proper to designate for the purposes of that
provision by Order; and any such Order may be varied or revoked by the Minister
by a subsequent Order;
include medicine for internal or external use;
includes any enactment of the Parliament of the United Kingdom;
includes drink, chewing gum and other products of a like nature and use, and articles
and substances used as ingredients in the preparation of food and drink or of
such products, but does not include –
(a) water
or live animals;
(b) fodder
or feeding stuffs for animals; or
(c) articles
or substances used only as drugs;
“gross weight”,
in relation to any goods, means the aggregate weight of the goods and any
container in or on which they are made up;
“indication of
quantity”, in relation to any container in or on which goods are made up,
means a statement in writing to the effect that those goods are of, or of not
less than, a specified quantity by net weight, gross weight or other
measurement or by number, as the case may require;
“industrial use”,
in relation to any goods, means the use of those goods in the manufacture of,
or for incorporation in, goods of a different description in the course of the
carrying on of a business;
means the Chief Inspector, the Deputy Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures
and any inspector of weights and measures appointed under Article 2;
definition”, in relation to any unit of measurement, means the definition
of that unit recognized by the General Conferences of Weights and Measures from
time to time convened by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures;
“intoxicating liquor”
has the same meaning as in the Licensing (Jersey)
Law 1974;
includes label;
means the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development;
“occupier”, in
relation to any stall, vehicle, ship or aircraft or in relation to the use of
any place for any purpose, means the person for the time being in charge of the
stall, vehicle, ship or aircraft or, as the case may be, the person for the
time being using that place for that purpose;
“Order” means
an Order made under this Law;
except in Article 32(3), includes any place and any stall, vehicle, ship
or aircraft;
means made up in advance ready for retail sale in or on a container; and on any
premises where articles of any description are so made up, or are kept or
stored for sale after being so made up, any article of that description found
made up in or on a container shall be deemed to be pre-packed unless the
contrary is proved; and it shall not be sufficient proof of the contrary to
show that the container has not been marked in accordance with the requirements
of this Law or any Order made thereunder with respect to the pre-packing of
such articles;
means prescribed by Order;
includes any boat and any other description of vessel used in navigation;
“stamp” means
a mark for use as evidence of the passing of weighing or measuring equipment as
fit for use for trade, whether applied by impressing, casting, engraving,
etching, branding, or otherwise howsoever, and cognate expressions shall be
construed accordingly;
“testing equipment”
means testing equipment maintained under Article 9;
“Jersey Standard”
means a standard maintained under Article 8;
“weighing or
measuring equipment” means equipment for measuring in terms of length,
area, volume, capacity, weight or number, whether or not the equipment is
constructed to give an indication of the measurement made or other information
determined by reference to that measurement;
“working standard”
means a standard maintained under Article 9.[2]
(2) References
in this Law to any enactment shall be construed as references to that enactment
as amended by any other enactment.
2 Appointment
of inspectors etc.
(1) There
shall be appointed a Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures (in this Law
referred to as the “Chief Inspector”), a Deputy Chief Inspector of
Weights and Measures, such other inspectors of weights and measures and such
other officers (all of whom shall be States’ employees within the meaning
of Article 2 of the Employment of States of
Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005) and such other persons as may be
necessary to exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposed on
them respectively by or under this Law or any other enactment, and to perform
such other duties as the Minister may from time to time impose on them.[3]
(2) In
the event of the absence from duty of the Chief Inspector either by reason of
illness or for any other cause, or in the event of a vacancy in the office of
Chief Inspector, the duties imposed and the powers conferred on the Chief
Inspector shall be exercised by the Deputy Chief Inspector.
(3) The
Chief Inspector shall be responsible to the Minister for the custody and
maintenance of the Jersey standards, working standards and the testing and
stamping equipment provided under this Law.
(4) The
Minister may make such arrangements as he or she thinks fit for the purpose of
ascertaining whether persons possess sufficient skill and knowledge for the
proper performance of the powers and duties of an inspector and for the grant
of certificates of qualification to persons who satisfy the Minister they are
suitable for appointment as an inspector.
3 Performance
by inspectors of additional functions
Without prejudice to the
powers and duties of the Minister or inspectors under any other provision of
this Law, the Minister may make arrangements whereby an inspector may, at the
request of any person and subject to payment by that person of such fee, if
any, as the Minister may think fit, carry out –
(a) a
weighing or other measurement of any goods submitted for the purpose by that person
at such place as the Minister may direct or approve and submit a report thereon
to that person;
(b) a
test of the accuracy of any weighing or measuring equipment so submitted and
submit a report thereon to that person;
(c) an
adjustment of weights or measures, but not of other weighing or measuring
4 Inspectors’
No discount, commission
or rebate of any kind in respect of any fees chargeable by an inspector shall
be given, nor any allowance made, by the Minister or any inspector for
assistance rendered by any person, whether by way of permitting the use of
premises, tools, machinery or instruments or otherwise howsoever, in the
inspection, testing or stamping of weighing or measuring equipment except where
that assistance is rendered by a manufacturer of such equipment, in which case
such adequate and reasonable allowance may be made as the Minister decides.
5 Offences
in connection with office of inspector
(1) Any
inspector who –
(a) stamps
any weighing or measuring equipment in contravention of any provision of this Law
or of any instrument made thereunder or without duly testing it;
(b) derives
any profit or is employed in, the making, adjusting or selling of weighing or
measuring equipment; or
(c) knowingly
commits any breach of any duty imposed on the inspector by or under this Law or
otherwise misconducts himself or herself in the execution of the
inspector’s office,
shall be guilty of an
(2) If
any person who is not an inspector acts or purports to act as an inspector the person
shall be guilty of an offence.
6 General
administrative Orders
The Minister may make
Orders with respect to the manner of the performance by inspectors of their
functions under this Law.
7 Units
of measurement
(1) The
yard or the metre shall be the unit of measurement of length and the pound or
the kilogramme shall be the unit of measurement of mass by reference to which
any measurement involving a measurement of length or mass shall be made in Jersey;
(a) the
yard shall be 0.9144 metre exactly;
(b) the
pound shall be 0.453 592 37 kg exactly.
(2) Schedule 1
shall have effect for defining for the purposes of measurements falling to be
made in Jersey the units of measurement set out in that Schedule; and for the
purposes of any measurement of weight falling to be so made, the weight of any
thing may be expressed, by reference to the units of measurement set out in Part 5
of that Schedule, in the same terms as its mass.
8 Jersey
(1) The
Minister shall provide and maintain standards (in this Law referred to as
“Jersey Standards”) of such measures and weights set out in Schedule 2
as may from time to time be required as being proper and sufficient for the
purposes of this Law.
(2) Jersey
Standards shall be provided and replaced by the Minister from time to time as
may be necessary or expedient and shall be of a material and form approved by
the Board of Trade of the United Kingdom and shall be kept at premises approved
for the purpose by the Minister; and a Jersey Standard of any linear or
capacity measure may –
(a) be
provided either as a separate standard or by means of divisions marked on a
standard of a larger measure; and
(b) either
be marked in whole or in part with subdivisions representing any smaller unit
of measurement or multiples or fractions of such a unit or have no such
as the Minister may from
time to time direct.
(3) No
article shall be used as a Jersey Standard unless there is for the time being
in force a certificate of its fitness for the purpose issued by the Board of
(4) The
Minister shall, from time to time as he or she deems necessary, cause any
Jersey Standard to be submitted to the Board of Trade to have its value or
values determined or redetermined by comparison with the appropriate standard
of the United Kingdom.
(5) Any
Jersey Standard lawfully in use before the date of the coming into force of
this Article shall be deemed for the purposes of this Law to be a Jersey
Standard provided under this Article.
9 Working
standards and testing and stamping equipment
(1) The
Minister shall provide for use by the inspectors, and maintain or from time to
time replace, such standards (in this Law referred to as “working
standards”) of such measures and weights set out in Schedule 2 and
such testing equipment and such stamping equipment as may from time to time
appear to the Minister to be required for the efficient discharge by the
inspectors of their duties.
(2) Working
standards and testing and stamping equipment provided under paragraph (1),
shall be of material and form approved by the Board of Trade of the United
Kingdom and, except so far as may be necessary for the purposes of their use
elsewhere, shall be kept at premises approved for the purpose by the Minister;
and a working standard of a linear or capacity measure shall –
(a) be
provided either as a separate standard or by means of divisions marked on a
standard of a larger measure; and
(b) either
be marked in whole or in part with subdivisions representing any smaller unit
of measurement or multiples or fractions of such a unit or have no such
as the Minister may from
time to time direct.
(3) The
Minister shall by Order make provision –
(a) for
working standards to be tested from time to time by comparison with, and if
necessary adjusted to within such limits of error as may be specified in the
Order, by reference to the Jersey Standards, or other working standards more
recently tested;
(b) with
respect to the testing, adjustment and limits of error of testing equipment
provided under paragraph (1),
and no article shall be
used by an inspector as a working standard or as such testing equipment unless
the relevant requirements of any Order are for the time being satisfied with
respect thereto.
(4) Any
working standard or testing or stamping equipment, lawfully in use by an
inspector immediately before the date of the coming into force of this Article
shall be deemed for the purposes of this Law to have been provided under paragraph (1).
10 Meaning
of “use for trade”
(1) For
the purposes of this Law, the expression “use for trade” means,
subject to paragraph (2), use in Jersey in connection with, or with a view
to, a transaction for –
(a) the
transferring or rendering of money or money’s worth in consideration of
money or money’s worth; or
(b) the
making of a payment in respect of any toll or duty,
where –
(i) the transaction
is by reference to quantity or is a transaction for the purposes of which there
is made or implied a statement of the quantity of goods to which the
transaction relates, and
(ii) the
use is for the purpose of the determination or statement of that quantity.
(2) Paragraph (1)
shall not apply where –
(a) the
determination or statement is a determination or statement of the quantity of
goods required for despatch to a destination outside Jersey, Great Britain and
any designated country;
(b) the
transaction is not a sale by retail; and
(c) no
transfer or rendering of money or money’s worth is involved other than
the passing of the title to the goods and the consideration therefor.
(3) Any
such equipment as follows, that is to say –
(a) any
weighing or measuring equipment which is made available in Jersey for use by
the public, whether on payment or otherwise; and
(b) any
equipment which is used in Jersey for the grading by reference to their weight,
for the purposes of trading transactions by reference to that grading, of
hens’ eggs in shell which are intended for human consumption,
shall be treated for the
purposes of this Part as weighing or measuring equipment in use for trade,
whether or not it would apart from this paragraph be so treated.
11 Units
of measurement, weights and measures lawful for use for trade
(1) Subject
to Article 39(1), no person shall –
(a) use
for trade any unit of measurement of length, area, volume, capacity, mass or
weight which is not included in Schedule 1;
(b) use
for trade, or have in the person’s possession for use for trade, any
linear, square, cubic or capacity measure which is not included in Schedule 2
or any weight which is not so included.
(2) No
person shall use the carat (metric) for trade except for the purposes of
transactions in precious stones or pearls; and no person shall use the ounce
troy for trade except for the purposes of transactions in, or in articles made
from, gold, silver or other precious metals, including transactions in gold or
silver thread, lace or fringe.
(3) No
person shall use the ounce apothecaries, drachm, scruple, fluid drachm or minim
for trade otherwise than for the purposes of transactions in drugs.
(4) No
person shall use the vergée, perche, pied de perche,
perche carré
or pied de perche carré for trade
otherwise than for the purposes of transactions in land.
(5) Save
as may be prescribed and subject to any Order made under Article 13 –
(a) a
linear measure specified in Part 1 of Schedule 2 may be marked in
whole or in part with divisions and subdivisions representing any shorter
length or lengths;
(b) no
capacity measure specified in Part 4 of the said Schedule 2 shall be
used for trade by means of any division or subdivision marked thereon as a
capacity measure of any lesser quantity.
(6) Any
person who contravenes any of the foregoing provisions of this Article shall be
guilty of an offence, and any measure or weight used, or in any persons’
possession for use, in contravention of any of those provisions shall be liable
to be forfeited.
(7) The
Minister may prescribe what may be treated for the purposes of use for trade as
the equivalent of, or of any multiple or fraction of, any unit of measurement
included in Schedule 1 in terms of any other such unit.
(8) Paragraph (1)(a)
shall not apply to the prescribing of, or the dispensing of a prescription for,
drugs, and nothing in any Order under paragraph (7) shall apply to any
transaction in drugs; but the Minister after consultation with the Minister for
Health and Social Services may make an Order which shall have effect
notwithstanding anything in, or in any instrument made under, any other
enactment and which may –
(a) prescribe
what may be treated for the purposes of dealings with drugs as the equivalent
of, or of any multiple or fraction of, any unit of measurement which is or at
the date of commencement of this Article was included in Schedule 1 in
terms of any other such unit;
(b) require
that any person carrying out any such dealing with drugs as is specified in the
Order for the purposes of which the quantity of the drugs is expressed in terms
of any such unit as aforesaid which is so specified shall carry out that
dealing in terms of such equivalent quantity prescribed under sub-paragraph (a)
as is so specified.
(9) The
Minister may from time to time by Order further amend Schedule 1 or
2 –
(a) by
adding to or removing from any of Parts 1 to 5 of the said Schedule 1
any unit of measurement of length, of area, of volume, of capacity, or of mass
or weight, as the case may be;
(b) by
adding to or removing from any of Parts 1 to 4 of the said Schedule 2
any linear, square, cubic or capacity measure, as the case may be, or by adding
to or removing from Part 5 of the said Schedule 2 any weight,
but the Minister shall not
so exercise his or her powers under this paragraph as to cause the exclusion
from use for trade of imperial in favour of metric units of measurement,
weights and measures.
12 Weighing
or measuring equipment for use for trade
(1) The
provisions of this Article shall apply to the use for trade of weighing or
measuring equipment of such classes or descriptions as may be prescribed.
(2) No
person shall use any article for trade as equipment to which this Article
applies, or have any article in the person’s possession for such use,
unless that article, or equipment to which this Article applies in which that article
is incorporated or to the operation of which the use of that article is
incidental, has been passed by an inspector as fit for such use and, except as
otherwise expressly provided by or under this Law, bears a stamp indicating
that it has been so passed which remains undefaced otherwise than by reason of
fair wear and tear; and if any person contravenes this paragraph, the person
shall be guilty of an offence and any article in respect of which the offence
was committed shall be liable to be forfeited.
(3) Any
person requiring any equipment to which this Article applies to be passed as
fit for use for trade shall submit the equipment to an inspector in such manner
as the inspector may direct and, subject to the provisions of this Law and of
any Order made under Article 13 thereof and to the payment by that person
of the prescribed fee, the inspector shall –
(a) test
the equipment by means of such working standards and testing equipment as the
inspector considers appropriate or, subject to any conditions which may be
prescribed, by means of other equipment which has already been tested and which
the inspector considers suitable for the purpose;
(b) if
the equipment submitted falls within the prescribed limits of error, give to
the person submitting it a statement in writing to the effect that it is passed
as aforesaid; and
(c) except
as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Law, cause it to be stamped with
the prescribed stamp,
and each inspector shall
keep a record of every such test carried out by the inspector:
Provided that, except as
otherwise expressly provided by or under this Law, no weight or measure shall
be stamped as mentioned in sub-paragraph (c) unless it has been marked in
the prescribed manner with its purported value.
(4) Where
any equipment submitted to an inspector under paragraph (3) is of an
approved pattern the inspector shall not refuse to pass or stamp the equipment
on the ground that it is not suitable for use for trade:
Provided that if the
inspector is of opinion that the equipment is intended for use for trade for a
particular purpose for which it is not suitable, the inspector may refuse to
pass or stamp it until the matter has been referred to the Minister, and the
Minister’s decision thereon shall be final.
(5) The
requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) with respect to stamping and
marking shall not apply to any weight or measure which is too small to be
stamped or marked in accordance with those requirements.
(6) In
the case of any equipment which is required by an Order made under Article 13
to be passed and stamped under this Article only after it has been installed at
the place where it is to be used for trade, if after the equipment has been so
passed and stamped it is dismantled and reinstalled, whether in the same or
some other place, it shall not be used for trade after being so reinstalled
until it has been retested by an inspector; and if any person knowingly uses
that equipment in contravention of this paragraph, or knowingly causes or
permits any other person so to use it, or knowing that the equipment is
required by virtue of this paragraph to be retested disposes of it to some
other person without informing the person of that requirement, the person shall
be guilty of an offence and the equipment shall be liable to be forfeited.
(7) Any
equipment to which this Article applies duly stamped in accordance with the law
of Great Britain, or treated for the purposes of that law as if duly stamped in
accordance therewith, shall be treated for the purposes of this Law as if it
had been duly stamped in Jersey under this Article.
(8) If
at any time the States are satisfied that, having regard to the law for the
time being in force in Northern Ireland, any of the other Channel Islands or
the Isle of Man, it is proper so to do, they may by Act provide for any
equipment to which this Article applies duly stamped in accordance with that
law, or treated for the purposes of that law as if duly stamped in accordance
therewith, to be treated for the purposes of this Law as if it had been duly
stamped in Jersey under this Article.
13 Orders
relating to weighing or measuring for trade
(1) The
Minister may make Orders with respect to –
(a) the
materials and principles of construction of weighing or measuring equipment for
use for trade;
(b) the
inspection, testing, passing as fit for use for trade and stamping of such
equipment, including –
(i) the prohibition
of the stamping of such equipment in such circumstances as may be specified in
the Order,
(ii) the
circumstances in which an inspector may remove or detain any such equipment for
inspection or testing,
(iii) the
marking of any such equipment found unfit for use for trade;
(c) the
circumstances in which, conditions under which and manner in which stamps may
be obliterated or defaced;
(d) the
purposes for which particular types of weighing or measuring equipment may be
used for trade;
(e) the
manner of erection or use of weighing or measuring equipment used for trade;
(f) the
abbreviations of or symbols for units of measurement which may be used for
(g) the
manner in which the tare weight of road vehicles, or of road vehicles of any
particular class or description, is to be determined,
and, subject to paragraph (2),
if any person contravenes any Order made by virtue of sub-paragraph (d), (e),
(f) or (g) of this paragraph, the person shall be guilty of an offence, and any
weighing or measuring equipment in respect of which the contravention was
committed shall be liable to be forfeited.
(2) Where
in the special circumstances of any particular case it appears to be
impracticable or unnecessary that any requirement of any Order made under this Article
should be complied with, the Minister may if he or she thinks fit dispense with
the observance of that requirement subject to compliance with such conditions,
if any, as he or she thinks fit to impose; and if any person knowingly
contravenes any condition imposed with respect to any equipment by virtue of
this paragraph the person shall be guilty of an offence and the equipment shall
be liable to be forfeited.
14 Offences
in connection with stamping of equipment
(1) Any
person who in the case of any weighing or measuring equipment used or intended
to be used for trade –
(a) not
being an inspector or a person acting under the instructions of an inspector,
marks in any manner any plug or seal used or designed for use for the reception
of a stamp;
(b) forges,
counterfeits or, except as permitted by or under this Law, in any way alters or
defaces any stamp;
(c) removes
any stamp and inserts it into any other such equipment; or
(d) makes
any alteration in the equipment after it has been stamped such as to make it
false or unjust,
shall be guilty of an
Provided that sub-paragraphs (a)
and (b) shall not apply to the destruction or obliteration of any stamp, plug
or seal in the course of the adjustment or repair of weighing or measuring
equipment by, or by the duly authorized agent of, a person who is a
manufacturer of, or regularly engaged in the business of repairing, such
(2) Any
person who uses for trade, sells, or exposes or offers for sale any weighing or
measuring equipment which to the person’s knowledge –
(a) bears
a stamp which is a forgery or counterfeit, or which has been transferred from
other equipment, or which has been altered or defaced otherwise than as
permitted by or under this Law; or
(b) is
false or unjust as the result of an alteration made in the equipment after it
has been stamped,
shall be guilty of an
(3) Any
weighing or measuring equipment in respect of which an offence under this Article
is committed, and any stamp or stamping implement used in the commission of the
offence, shall be liable to be forfeited.
15 Other
offences in connection with equipment
(1) If
any person uses for trade or has in the person’s possession for use for
trade, any weighing or measuring equipment which is false or unjust, the person
shall be guilty of an offence and the equipment shall be liable to be
(2) Without
prejudice to the liability of any equipment to be forfeited, it shall be a
defence for any person charged with an offence under paragraph (1) of this
Article in respect of the use for trade of any equipment to show –
(a) that the
person used the equipment only in the course of his or her employment by some
other person; and
(b) that the
person neither knew, nor might reasonably have been expected to know, nor had
any reason to suspect, the equipment to be false or unjust.
(3) If
any fraud is committed in the using of any weighing or measuring equipment for
trade, the person committing the fraud and any other person party thereto shall
be guilty of an offence and the equipment shall be liable to be forfeited.
16 Evidence
of possession of equipment for use for trade
Where any weighing or
measuring equipment is found in the possession of any person carrying on trade
or on any premises which are used for trade, that person or, as the case may
be, the occupier of those premises shall be deemed for the purposes of this Law,
unless the contrary is proved, to have that equipment in the person’s
possession for use for trade.
17 Keepers
of public equipment to hold certificate
(1) No
person shall attend to any weighing or measuring by means of weighing or
measuring equipment available for use by the public, being a weighing or
measuring demanded by a member of the public and for which a charge is made,
other than a weighing or measuring of a person, unless the person holds a
certificate from the Minister that the person has sufficient knowledge for the
proper performance of the person’s duties.
(2) Any
person who contravenes, or who causes or permits any other person to
contravene, paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
18 Provision
of public equipment by Minister
(1) The
Minister may provide and maintain for use by the public such weighing or
measuring equipment as may appear to the Minister to be expedient.
(2) Except
in the case of a weighing or measuring for which, under any other enactment,
the charge falls to be regulated by some other authority, the Minister may make
such charges for any weighing or measuring by means of the equipment provided
as he or she may from time to time think fit.
19 Offences
in connection with public equipment
(1) Paragraphs (2)
to (4) shall apply where any article, vehicle (whether loaded or unloaded) or
animal has been brought for weighing or measuring by means of weighing or
measuring equipment which is available for use by the public and is provided
for the purpose of weighing or measuring articles, vehicles or animals of the
description in question.
(2) If
any person appointed to attend to weighing or measuring by means of such
equipment –
(a) without
reasonable cause fails to carry out the weighing or measuring on demand;
(b) carries
out the weighing or measuring unfairly;
(c) fails
to deliver to the person demanding the weighing or measuring or to his or her
agent a statement in writing of the weight or other measurement found; or
(d) fails
to make a record of the weighing or measuring, including the date thereof and,
in the case of the weighing of a vehicle, such particulars of the vehicle and
of any load thereon as will identify that vehicle and that load,
the person shall be guilty
of an offence.
(3) If
in connection with any such equipment as aforesaid –
(a) any person
appointed to attend to weighing or measuring by means of the equipment in
question delivers a false statement of the weight or other measurement found or
makes a false record of any weighing or measuring; or
(b) any person
commits any fraud in connection with any or any purported, weighing or
measuring by means of that equipment,
the person shall be guilty
of an offence.
(4) If
in the case of a weighing or measuring of any article, vehicle or animal
carried out by means of such equipment as aforesaid, the person bringing the article,
vehicle or animal for weighing or measuring, on being required by the person
attending to the weighing or measuring to give the person’s name and
address, fails to do so or gives a name or address which is incorrect the person
shall be guilty of an offence.
(5) The
person making any weighing or measuring equipment available for use by the
public shall retain for a period of not less than 2 years any record of any
weighing or measuring by means of that equipment made by any person appointed
to attend thereto, and any inspector, subject to the production if so requested
of evidence of the inspector’s authority, may require the first-mentioned
person to produce any such record for inspection at any time while it is
retained by the person; and if the first-mentioned person fails so to retain or
produce any such record, or if any person wilfully destroys or defaces any such
record before the expiration of 2 years from the date when it was made, the person
in question shall be guilty of an offence.
20 Transactions
in particular goods
(1) Schedules 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7 shall have effect for the purposes of transactions in the goods
therein mentioned.
(2) The
Minister may by Order make provision with respect to any goods specified in the
Order for all or any of the following purposes, that is to say, to ensure that,
except in such cases or in such circumstances as may be so specified, the goods
in question –
(a) are
sold only by quantity expressed in such manner as may be so specified;
(b) are
pre-packed, or are otherwise made up in or on a container for sale or for
delivery after sale, only if the container is marked with such information as
to the quantity of the goods as may be so specified;
(c) are
sold, or are pre-packed, or are otherwise made up in or on a container for sale
or for delivery after sale, or are made up for sale, only in such quantities as
may be so specified;
(d) are
not sold without the quantity sold expressed as aforesaid being made known to
the buyer at or before such time as may be so specified;
(e) are
sold by means of, or are offered or exposed for sale in, a vending machine only
if there is displayed on or in the machine –
(i) such information
as to the quantity of the goods in question comprised in each item for sale by
means of that machine as may be so specified, and
(ii) a
statement of the name and address of the seller;
(f) are
carried for reward only in pursuance of an agreement made by reference to the
quantity of the goods in question expressed as aforesaid;
(g) in
such circumstances as may be so specified, have associated therewith in such
manner as may be so specified a document containing a statement of the quantity
of the goods in question expressed in such manner, and a statement of such
other particulars, if any, as may be so specified; or
(h) when
carried in a vehicle along a highway are accompanied by a document containing
such particulars determined in such manner as may be so specified as to the
weight of the vehicle and its load apart from the goods in question.
(3) An
Order under paragraph (2) may be made with respect to any goods, including
goods to which any of the provisions of any of the Schedules aforesaid applies,
and may –
(a) make
provision for any of the purposes mentioned in the said paragraph (2) in
such manner, whether by means of amending, or of applying with or without
modifications, or of excluding the application in whole or in part of, any
provision of this Law or of any previous Order under the said paragraph (2)
or otherwise;
(b) make
such, if any, different provision for retail and other sales respectively; and
(c) contain
such consequential, incidental or supplementary provision, whether by such
means as aforesaid or otherwise,
as may appear to the
Minister to be expedient, and may in particular make provision in respect of
contraventions of the Order for which no penalty is provided by this Law for
the imposition of penalties not exceeding those provided by Article 37 for
an offence under this Law.
(4) The
Minister may make Orders –
(a) as to
the manner in which any container required by any of the provisions of any of
the Schedules aforesaid or of any Order under paragraph (2) to be marked
with information as to the quantity of the goods made up therein is to be so
(b) as to
the manner in which any information required by any such provision as aforesaid
to be displayed on or in a vending machine is to be so displayed;
(c) as to
the conditions which must be satisfied in marking with information as to the
quantity of goods made up therein the container in or on which any goods are
made up for sale (whether by way of pre-packing or otherwise) where those goods
are goods on a sale of which (whether any sale or a sale of any particular
description) the quantity of the goods sold is required by any such provision
as aforesaid to be made known to the buyer at or before a particular time;
(d) as to
the units of measurement to be used in marking any such container or machine as
aforesaid with any information as to quantity;
(e) for
securing, in the case of pre-packed goods, that the container is so marked as
to enable the packer to be identified;
(f) as
to the method by which and conditions under which quantity is to be determined
in connection with any information with respect thereto required by or under
this Article;
(g) permitting
in the case of such goods and in such circumstances as may be specified in the
Order the weight of such articles used in making up the goods for sale as may
be so specified to be included in the net weight of the goods for the purposes
of this Law,
and any person who
contravenes any Order made under this paragraph otherwise than by virtue of sub-paragraph (f)
or (g) thereof shall be guilty of an offence.
(5) The
Minister may by Order grant and from time to time vary or revoke, with respect
to goods or sales of such descriptions as may be specified in the Order,
exemption, either generally or in such circumstances as may be so specified,
from all or any requirements imposed by or under this Article; and, until
otherwise provided by such an Order, the following shall be exempted from all
such requirements, that is to say –
(a) any
sale of goods in the case of which the buyer gives notice in writing to the
seller before the sale is completed that the goods are being
bought –
(i) for despatch to a
destination outside Jersey, Great Britain and any designated country; or
(ii) for
use as stores in a ship or aircraft on a voyage or flight to an eventual
destination outside Jersey;
(b) any
goods sold for, or offered, exposed or in any person’s possession for
sale only for, use or consumption at the premises of the seller, not being
intoxicating liquor;
(c) any
assortment of articles of food pre-packed together for consumption together as
a meal and ready for such consumption without being cooked, heated or otherwise
21 Offences
in transactions in particular goods
(1) Subject
to the provisions of this Part, in the case of any goods which, when not
pre-packed, are required by or under this Law to be sold only by quantity
expressed in a particular manner or only in a particular quantity, any person
shall be guilty of an offence who –
(a) whether
on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another person, offers or exposes for
sale, sells or agrees to sell; or
(b) causes
or suffers any other person to offer or expose for sale, sell or agree to sell
on his or her behalf,
those goods otherwise than
by quantity expressed in that manner or, as the case may be, otherwise than in
that quantity.
(2) Subject
to the provisions of this Part of this Law, in the case of any goods required
by or under this Law to be pre-packed, or to be otherwise made up in or on a
container for sale or for delivery after sale, or to be made up for sale, only
in particular quantities, or to be pre-packed, or to be otherwise made up as
aforesaid, only if the container is marked with particular information, any person
shall be guilty of an offence who –
(a) whether
on the person’s own behalf or on behalf of another person, has in the person’s
possession for sale, sells or agrees to sell;
(b) except
in the course of carriage of the goods for reward, has in the person’s
possession for delivery after sale; or
(c) causes
or suffers any other person to have in the person’s possession for sale
or for delivery after sale, to sell or agree to sell on behalf of the first-mentioned
any such goods pre-packed,
otherwise made up as aforesaid or made otherwise than in that quantity or
otherwise than in or on a container so marked, as the case may be, whether the
sale is, or is to be, by retail or otherwise.
(3) Subject
to the provisions of this Part, in the case of any sale where the quantity of
the goods sold expressed in a particular manner is required by or under this Law
to be made known to the buyer at or before a particular time and that quantity
is not so made known, the person by whom, and any other person on whose behalf,
the goods were sold shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) Subject
to the provisions of this Part, where any goods required by or under this Law
to be sold by means of or to be offered or exposed for sale in, a vending
machine only if certain requirements are complied with are so sold, offered or
exposed without those requirements being complied with, the seller or person
causing the goods to be so offered or exposed shall be guilty of an offence.
22 Quantity
to be stated in writing in certain cases
(1) Subject
to paragraph (4) the provisions of this Article shall have effect on any
sale of goods –
(a) which
is required by or under this Law to be a sale by quantity expressed in a
particular manner;
(b) in
the case of which the quantity of the goods sold expressed in a particular
manner is required by or under this Law to be made known to the buyer at or
before a particular time; or
(c) which,
being a sale by retail not falling within either of the foregoing sub-paragraphs,
is or purports to be, a sale by quantity expressed in a particular manner other
than by number.
(2) Subject
to paragraph (3), unless the quantity of the goods sold expressed in the
manner in question is made known to the buyer at the premises of the seller and
the goods are delivered to the buyer at those premises on the same occasion as,
and at or after the time when, that quantity is so made known to the buyer, a
statement in writing of that quantity shall be delivered to the consignee at or
before delivery of the goods to the consignee; and if this paragraph is
contravened, then, subject to the provisions of this Part, the person by whom,
and any other person on whose behalf, the goods were sold shall be guilty of an
Provided that –
(a) if at
the time when the goods are delivered the consignee is absent, it shall be
sufficient compliance with this paragraph if the said document is left at some
suitable place at the premises at which the goods are delivered;
(b) this paragraph
shall not apply to any sale otherwise than by retail where, by agreement with
the buyer, the quantity of the goods sold is to be determined after their
delivery to the consignee.
(3) Where
any liquid goods are sold by capacity measurement and the quantity sold is
measured at the time of delivery and elsewhere than at the premises of the
seller, paragraph (2) shall not apply but, unless the quantity by capacity
measurement of the goods sold is measured in the presence of the buyer, the person
by whom the goods are delivered shall immediately after the delivery hand to
the buyer, or if the buyer is not present leave at some suitable place at the
premises at which the goods are delivered, a statement in writing of the
quantity by capacity measurement delivered, and if without reasonable cause the
delivery person fails so to do the delivery person shall be guilty of an
(4) The
Minister may by Order grant and from time to time vary or revoke, with respect
to goods or sales of such descriptions as may be specified in the Order,
exemption, either generally or in such circumstances as may be so specified,
from all or any of the requirements of this Article; and, until otherwise
provided by such an Order, nothing in paragraphs (1) to (3) shall apply
to –
(a) a
sale by retail from a vehicle of –
(i) any of the
following in a quantity not exceeding 2 hundredweight, that is to say, any
solid fuel within the meaning of Schedule 5, and wood fuel,
(ii) any
of the following in a quantity not exceeding 5 gallons, that is to say,
liquid fuel, lubricating oil, and any mixture of such fuel and oil;
(b) a
sale by retail of bread within the meaning of Part 4 of Schedule 3;
(c) goods
made up for sale (whether by way of pre-packing or otherwise) in or on a
container marked with a statement in writing with respect to the quantity of
the goods expressed in the manner in question being a container which is
delivered with the goods;
(d) a
sale of goods in the case of which a document stating the quantity of the goods
expressed in the manner in question is required to be delivered to the buyer or
consignee of the goods by or under any other provision of this Law;
(e) any
such goods or sales as are mentioned in Article 20(5)(a), (b) and (c);
(f) a
sale of intoxicating liquor for consumption at the premises of the seller;
(g) a
sale by means of a vending machine; or
(h) goods
delivered at premises of the buyer by means of an installation providing a connection
of a permanent nature between those premises and the premises of the seller.
23 Short
weight etc.
(1) Subject
to the provisions of this Part, any person who, in selling or purporting to
sell any goods by weight or other measurement or by number, delivers or causes
to be delivered to the buyer a lesser quantity than that purported to be sold
or than corresponds with the price charged shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Subject
to the provisions of this Part, any person who, on or in connection with the
sale or purchase of any goods, or in exposing or offering any goods for sale,
or in purporting to make known to the buyer thereof the quantity of any goods
sold, or in offering to purchase any goods, makes any misrepresentation either
by word of mouth or otherwise as to the quantity of the goods, or does any
other act calculated to mislead a person buying or selling the goods as to the
quantity thereof, shall be guilty of an offence.
(3) If,
in the case of any goods pre-packed in or on a container marked with a
statement in writing with respect to the quantity of the goods, the quantity of
the goods is at any time found to be less than that stated, then, subject to
the provisions of this Part and in particular to Article 25(2), any person
who has those goods in the person’s possession for sale, and (if it is
shown that the deficiency cannot be accounted for by anything occurring after
the goods had been sold by retail and delivered to, or to a person nominated in
that behalf by, the buyer) any person by whom or on whose behalf those goods
have been sold or agreed to be sold at any time while they were pre-packed in
or on the container in question, shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) If –
(a) in
the case of a sale of or agreement to sell any goods which, not being
pre-packed, are made up for sale or for delivery after sale in or on a
container marked with a statement in writing with respect to the quantity of
the goods; or
(b) in
the case of any goods which, in connection with a sale or agreement for the
sale thereof, have associated therewith a document containing such a statement
as aforesaid,
the quantity of the goods
is at any time found to be less than that stated, then if it is shown that the
deficiency cannot be accounted for by anything occurring after the goods had
been delivered to, or to a person nominated in that behalf by, the buyer, and
subject to the provisions of this Part and in particular to Article 25(2)
and (3) and paragraph 5 of Part 2 of Schedule 4, the person by whom,
and any other person on whose behalf, the goods were sold or agreed to be sold
shall be guilty of an offence.
(5) Paragraphs (3)
and (4) shall have effect notwithstanding that the quantity stated is expressed
to be the quantity of the goods at a specified time falling before the time in
question, or is expressed with some other qualification of whatever
description, except where –
(a) that
quantity is so expressed in pursuance of an express requirement of this Law or
any Order made thereunder;
(b) the
goods, although falling within paragraph (3) or (4)(a) –
(i) are not required
by or under this Law to be pre-packed as mentioned in the said paragraph (3)
or, as the case may be, to be made up for sale or for delivery after sale in or
on a container only if the container is marked as mentioned in the said
paragraph (4)(a), and
(ii) are
not goods on a sale of which (whether any sale or a sale of any particular
description) the quantity sold is required by or under any provision of this Law
other than Article 22 to be made known to the buyer at or before a
particular time; or
(c) the
goods although falling within paragraph (4)(b), are not required by or
under this Law to have associated therewith such a document as is mentioned in
that provision.
(6) In
any case to which, by virtue of paragraph (5)(a), (b), or (c), the
provisions of paragraph (3) or (4) do not apply, if it is found at any
time that the quantity of the goods in question is less than that stated and it
is shown that the deficiency is greater than can be reasonably justified on the
ground justifying the qualification in question, then subject to the provisions
of this Part of this Law –
(a) in
the case of goods such as are mentioned in the said paragraph (3), if it
is further shown as mentioned in that paragraph, then –
(i) where the
container in question was marked in Jersey, the person by whom, and any other person
on whose behalf, the container was marked, or
(ii) where
the container in question was marked outside Jersey, the person by whom, and
any other person on whose behalf, the goods were first sold in Jersey,
shall be guilty of an
(b) in
the case of goods such as are mentioned in the said paragraph (4), the person
by whom, and any other person on whose behalf, the goods were sold or agreed to
be sold shall be guilty of an offence if, but only if, the person would, but
for the said paragraph (5)(a), (b) or (c), have been guilty of an offence
under the said paragraph (4).
(7) Without
prejudice to paragraphs (4) to (6), if in the case of any goods required
by or under this Law to have associated therewith a document containing
particular statements, that document is found to contain any such statement
which is materially incorrect, any person who, knowing or having reasonable
cause to suspect that statement to be materially incorrect, inserted it or
caused it to be inserted in the document, or used the document for the purposes
of this Law or any Order made thereunder while that statement was contained
therein, shall be guilty of an offence.
(8) For
the purposes of this Article, any statement, whether oral or in writing, as to
the weight of any goods shall be deemed, unless otherwise expressed, to be a
statement as to the net weight of the goods.
(9) Nothing
in this Article shall apply –
(a) in
relation to any such goods or sales as are mentioned in Article 20(5)(a);
(b) in
relation to the sale of goods with a view to their industrial or constructional
use, except –
(i) where the sale in
question is or would be one which is required by or under this Law to be made
only by quantity expressed in a particular manner or in the case of which the
quantity of the goods sold is required by or under any provision of this Law
other than Article 22 to be made known to the buyer at or before a
particular time,
(ii) where
the goods are pre-packed or otherwise made up in or on a container for sale or
for delivery after sale and are goods such as are required by or under this Law
to be pre-packed, or to be otherwise so made up, as the case may be, only if
the container is marked with an indication of quantity or only in particular
quantities, or
(iii) where
the goods are goods such as are required by or under this Law to be made for
sale only in particular quantities.
24 Pleading
of warranty as defence
(1) Subject
to the provisions of this Article, in any proceedings for an offence under this
Part or any Order made thereunder, being an offence relating to the quantity or
pre-packing of any goods, it shall be a defence for the person charged to
prove –
(a) that the
person charged bought the goods from some other person –
(i) as being of the
quantity which the person charged purported to sell or represented, or which
was marked on any container or stated in any document to which the proceedings
relate, or
(ii) as
conforming with the statement marked on any container to which the proceedings
relate, or with the requirements with respect to the pre-packing of goods of
this Law and any Order made thereunder,
as the case may
(b) that the
person charged so bought the goods with a written warranty from that other person
that they were of that quantity or, as the case may be, did so conform;
(c) that
at the time of the commission of the offence the person charged had no reason
to believe the statement contained in the warranty to be inaccurate, that he or
she did in fact believe in its accuracy and, if the warranty was given by a person
who at the time he or she gave it was resident outside Jersey, Great Britain
and any designated country, that the person charged had taken reasonable steps
to check the accuracy of that statement; and
(d) in
the case of proceedings relating to the quantity of any goods, that the person
charged took all reasonable steps to ensure that, while in his or her
possession, the quantity of the goods remained unchanged and, in the case of
such or any other proceedings, that apart from any change in their quantity the
goods were at the time of the commission of the offence in the same state as
when the person charged bought them.
(2) A
warranty shall be a defence in such proceedings as aforesaid only if, not later
than 3 days before the date of the hearing, the person charged has sent to the
prosecution a copy of the warranty with a notice stating that the person
intends to rely on it and specifying the name and address of the person from
whom the warranty was received, and has also sent a like notice to that person.
(3) Where
the person charged is a servant of a person who, if the person had been
charged, would have been entitled to plead a warranty as a defence under this Article,
paragraph (1) shall have effect as if any reference (however expressed) in
sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) thereof to the person charged, other than the first
such reference in sub-paragraph (c) thereof, were a reference to the person’s
(4) The
person by whom the warranty is alleged to have been given shall be entitled to
appear at the hearing and to give evidence.
(5) If
the person charged in any such proceedings as aforesaid wilfully attributes to
any goods a warranty given in relation to any other goods, the person shall be
guilty of an offence.
(6) A
person who, in respect of any goods sold by the person in respect of which a
warranty might be pleaded under this Article, gives to the buyer a false
warranty in writing shall be guilty of an offence unless the person proves that
when the person gave the warranty the person took all reasonable steps to
ensure that the statements contained therein were, and would continue at all
relevant times to be, accurate.
(7) For
the purposes of this Article, any statement with respect to any goods which is
contained in any document required by or under this Law to be associated with
the goods or in any invoice, and, in the case of goods made up in or on a
container for sale or for delivery after sale, any statement with respect to
those goods with which that container is marked, shall be deemed to be a
written warranty of the accuracy of that statement.
25 Additional
defences and safeguards for traders
(1) In
any proceedings for an offence in respect of any goods under this Part or any
Order made thereunder, it shall be a defence for the person charged to
prove –
(a) that
the commission of the offence was due to a mistake, or to an accident or some
other cause beyond his or her control; and
(b) that the
person charged took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence
to avoid the commission of such an offence in respect of those goods by himself
or herself alone or by any person under his or her control.
(2) In
any proceedings for an offence under this Part or any Order made thereunder by
reason of the quantity –
(a) of
any goods made up for sale or for delivery after sale (whether by way of
pre-packing or otherwise) in or on a container marked with an indication of
(b) of
any goods which, in connection with a sale or agreement for the sale thereof,
have associated therewith a document purporting to state the quantity of the
goods; or
(c) of
any goods required by or under this Law to be pre-packed, or to be otherwise
made up in or on a container for sale or for delivery after sale, or to be made
for sale, only in particular quantities,
being less than that
marked on the container or stated in the document in question or than the
relevant particular quantity, as the case may be, it shall be a defence for the
person charged to prove that the deficiency arose –
(i) in a case falling
within sub-paragraph (a), after the making up of the goods and the marking
of the container,
(ii) in
a case falling within sub-paragraph (b), after the preparation of the
goods for delivery in pursuance of the sale or agreement and after the
completion of the document,
(iii) in a
case falling within sub-paragraph (c) after the making up or making, as
the case may be, of the goods for sale,
and was attributable
wholly to factors for which reasonable allowance was made in stating the
quantity of the goods in the marking or document or in making up or making
goods for sale, as the case may be.
(3) In
the case of a sale by retail of food, not being food pre-packed in a container
which is, or is required by or under this Law to be, marked with an indication
of quantity, in any proceedings for an offence under this Part or any Order
made thereunder by reason of the quantity delivered to the buyer being less
than that purported to be sold, it shall be a defence for the person charged to
prove that the deficiency was due wholly to unavoidable evaporation or drainage
since the sale and that due care and precaution were taken to minimise any such
evaporation or drainage.
(4) Without
prejudice to any defence under paragraph (2) or (3), in any proceedings
for such an offence in respect of any goods as is mentioned in the said
paragraph (2) it shall not be a defence under paragraph (1)(a) for
the person charged to prove that the commission of the offence was due to some
cause beyond the person’s control if that cause was one which should
reasonably have been foreseen and for which allowance could reasonably have
been made in stating the quantity of the goods or in making up or making the
goods, as the case may be.
(5) If
in any proceedings for an offence under this Part or any Order made thereunder,
being an offence in respect of any deficiency in the quantity of any goods
sold, it is shown that between the sale and the discovery of the deficiency the
goods were with the consent of the buyer subjected to treatment which could
result in a reduction in the quantity of those goods for delivery to, or to any
person nominated in that behalf by, the buyer, the person charged shall not be
found guilty of that offence unless it is shown that the deficiency cannot be
accounted for by the subjecting of the goods to that treatment.
(6) In
any proceedings for an offence under this Part or any Order made thereunder,
being an offence in respect of any excess in the quantity of any goods, it
shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that the excess was
attributable to the taking of measures reasonably necessary in order to avoid
the commission of an offence in respect of a deficiency in those or other
(7) If
proceedings for an offence under this Part or any Order made thereunder in
respect of any deficiency or excess in the quantity –
(a) of
any goods made up for sale (whether by way of pre-packing or otherwise) in or
on a container marked with an indication of quantity;
(b) of
any goods which have been pre-packed or otherwise made up in or on a container
for sale or for delivery after sale, or which have been made for sale, and
which are required by or under this Law to be pre-packed, or to be otherwise so
made up, or to be so made, as the case may be, only in particular quantities,
are brought with respect
to any article, and it is proved that, at the time and place at which that article
was tested, other articles of the same kind, being articles which, or articles
containing goods which, had been sold by the person charged or were in that person’s
possession for sale or for delivery after sale, were available for testing, the
person charged shall not be convicted of such an offence with respect to that article
unless a reasonable number of those other articles was also tested; and in any
proceedings for such an offence the court –
(i) if
the proceedings are with respect to one or more of a number of articles tested
on the same occasion, shall have regard to the average quantity in all the articles
(ii) if
the proceedings are with respect to a single article, shall disregard any
inconsiderable deficiency or excess, and
(iii) shall
have regard generally to all the circumstances of the case.
26 Offences
due to default of third person
(1) A
person against whom proceedings are brought for an offence under this Part or
any Order made thereunder shall, on information duly laid by the person and on
giving to the prosecution not less than 3 clear days’ notice of the person’s
intention to avail himself or herself of the provisions of this paragraph, be
entitled to have brought before the court in those proceedings any other person
to whose act or default the person alleges that the commission of the offence
was due; and if, after the offence has been proved, the original defendant
proves that the commission thereof was due to an act or default of that other person –
(a) that
other person may be convicted of the offence; and
(b) if
the original defendant further proves that he or she exercised all due
diligence to avoid the commission of the offence by the original defendant or
any person under his or her control, the original defendant shall be acquitted
of the offence.
(2) Where
a defendant seeks to avail himself or herself of the provisions of paragraph (1) –
(a) the
prosecution, as well as the person whom the defendant charges with the offence,
shall have the right to cross-examine the defendant, if he or she gives
evidence, and any witness called by the defendant in support of his or her
pleas, and to call rebutting evidence;
(b) the
court may make such Order as it thinks fit for the payment of costs by any
party to the proceedings to any other party thereto.
(3) Where
it appears to the Attorney General that such an offence as aforesaid has been
committed by some person, and the Attorney General is reasonably satisfied that
the offence was due to an act or default of some other person and that the first-mentioned
person could establish a defence under paragraph (1), the Attorney General
may take or authorize the taking of proceedings against that other person
without first taking or authorizing the taking of proceedings against the first-mentioned
person; and in such proceedings that other person may be charged with, and, on
proof that commission of the offence was due to the other person’s act or
default, be convicted of, the offence with which the first-mentioned person
might have been charged.
(4) Where
by virtue of paragraph (3) a person is charged with an offence with which
some other person might have been charged, the reference in Article 25(7)
to articles or goods sold by or in the possession of the person charged shall
be construed as a reference to articles or goods sold by or in the possession
of that other person.
27 Offences
originating in certain countries outside Jersey
(1) Where
proceedings are brought against any person (hereinafter in this Article
referred to as the “defendant”) for an offence under this Part or
any Order made thereunder and it is proved –
(a) that
the commission of the offence was due to the act or default of some other person,
being an act or default which took place in Great Britain or a designated
country; and
(b) that
the defendant took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence
to avoid the commission of the offence by the defendant or any person under his
or her control,
then, subject to paragraph (2),
the defendant shall be acquitted of the offence; and if it is proved as
mentioned in sub-paragraph (a), then, whether or not the defendant is
acquitted, the court shall cause notice of the proceedings to be sent to the
(2) The
defendant shall not be entitled to be acquitted under this Article unless
within 7 days from the date of the service of the summons on the defendant he
or she has given notice in writing to the prosecution of the defendant’s
intention to rely on the provisions of this Article, specifying the name and
address of the person to whose act or default the defendant alleges that the
commission of the offence was due, and has sent a like notice to that person.
(3) The
person specified in a notice served under the provisions of this Article shall
be entitled to appear at the hearing and to give evidence, and the court may,
if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing to enable the person to do so.
(4) Where
it is proved that the offence in question was due to the act or default of some
person other than the defendant, being an act or default which took place in
Great Britain or a designated country, the Judicial Greffier shall, whether or
not the defendant is acquitted, cause notice of the proceedings to be sent to
the Minister which shall cause the appropriate authority in Great Britain or
the designated country concerned, as the case may be, to be notified.
28 Special
powers of inspector with respect to certain goods
(1) Subject
to paragraph (3), where any person –
(a) makes
in any manner any representation as to the quantity of any goods offered or
exposed for sale by the person;
(b) has
in his or her possession or charge awaiting or in the course of delivery to the
buyer any goods which have been sold or agreed to be sold, and the sale is, or
purports to be, or is required by or under this Law to be, by quantity
expressed in a particular manner, or is such that the quantity of the goods
sold is required by or under any provision of this Law other than Article 22
to be made known to the buyer at or before a particular time; or
(c) has
in his or her possession or charge for sale, or awaiting or in the course of
delivery to a buyer after they have been sold or agreed to be sold, any goods
pre-packed or otherwise made up in or on a container for sale or for delivery
after sale which are required by or under this Law to be pre-packed, or to be
otherwise so made up, as the case may be, only in particular quantities or only
if the container is marked with particular information, or any goods pre-packed
in or on a container marked with an indication of quantity, or any goods
required by or under this Law to be made for sale only in particular
the powers of an inspector
under Article 33 shall include power to require that person either to do
in the presence of the inspector or to permit the inspector to do, all or any
of the following things, that is to say –
(i) weigh
or otherwise measure or count the goods;
(ii) weigh
any container in or on which the goods are made up;
(iii) if
necessary for the purposes of this paragraph break open any such container or
open any vending machine in which the goods are offered or exposed for sale,
and, in the case of any of
the goods which are not already sold, power to require that person to sell any
of them to the inspector.
(2) Where
the container of any pre-packed goods is broken open under paragraph (1)
and all requirements of, and of any Order made under, this Law which are
applicable to those goods are found to have been complied with, then, if the
container can be resealed without injury to the contents, the inspector may
reseal it with a label certifying that all such requirements have been complied
with or, if the inspector does not so reseal it or it cannot be so resealed
without injury to the contents, shall at the request of the person aforesaid buy
the goods on behalf of the Minister.
(3) Nothing
in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) shall apply in relation to the sale of
goods with a view to their industrial or constructional use except in such a
case as is specified in Article 23(9)(b)(i), (ii) or (iii).
29 Powers
of inspector with respect to certain documents
(1) An
inspector, subject to the production if so requested of evidence of the
inspector’s authority, may require the person in charge of any document
required by or under this Law to be associated with any goods to produce that
document for inspection.
(2) If
the inspector has reasonable cause to believe that any document produced to the
inspector under paragraph (1) contains any inaccurate statement, the
inspector may either –
(a) seize
and detain the document, giving in exchange therefor a copy thereof with an
endorsement signed by the inspector certifying that the original has been
seized and giving particulars of any inaccuracy alleged; or
(b) without
prejudice to any proceedings which may be taken by reason of any inaccuracy
alleged, make thereon an endorsement signed by the inspector giving particulars
of any such inaccuracy,
and, save where the
context otherwise requires, any reference in this Law to any such document
shall be deemed to include a reference to a copy thereof given in pursuance of sub-paragraph (a).
(3) Where,
in the case of any goods being carried on a vehicle, the whole of the
vehicle’s load is being carried for, or for delivery after, sale to the
same person, and any document produced in pursuance of paragraph (1) of
this Article by the person in charge of the vehicle purports, or is required by
or under this Law, to state the quantity of the goods, then, for the purpose of
the exercise of the inspector’s powers under Article 28(1), the
inspector may do all or any of the following things, that is to
say –
(a) require
the goods to which the document relates to be unloaded from the vehicle;
(b) require
the vehicle to be taken to the nearest suitable and available weighing or
measuring equipment;
(c) require
the person in charge of the vehicle to have it check-weighed:
Provided that the powers
conferred by this paragraph shall be exercised only to such extent as may
appear to the inspector reasonably necessary in order to secure that the
provisions of this Law and any Order made thereunder are duly observed.
30 Check-weighing
of certain vehicles
Where any vehicle is
loaded with goods for sale by weight to a single buyer of the whole of the
vehicle’s load, or for delivery to the buyer after they have been so
sold, the buyer or seller of the goods or any inspector who shows that he or
she is authorized so to do by the buyer or seller of the goods may require the person
in charge of the vehicle to have it check-weighed, and if that person fails
without reasonable cause to comply with any such requirement the person shall
be guilty of an offence.
31 Power
to make test purchases
The Minister shall have
power to authorize an inspector to make, on the Minister’s behalf, such
purchases of goods as may appear expedient for the purpose of determining
whether or not the provisions of this Law and any Order made thereunder are
being complied with.
32 Selling
by quantity, making quantity known, and weighing in presence
(1) Where
any goods are required by or under this Law to be sold only by quantity
expressed in a particular manner –
(a) it
shall be a sufficient compliance with that requirement in the case of any sale
of, or agreement to sell, any such goods if the quantity of the goods expressed
in the manner in question is made known to the buyer before the purchase price
is agreed;
(b) no person
shall be guilty of an offence under Article 21(1) by reason of the
exposing or offering for sale of such goods at any time if both the quantity of
the goods expressed in the manner in question and the price at which they are
exposed or offered for sale are made known at that time to any prospective
(2) For
the purposes of this Law and any Order made thereunder, without prejudice to
any other method of making known to a person the quantity of any goods
expressed in a particular manner, that quantity shall be deemed to be made
known to that person –
(a) if
the goods are weighed or otherwise measured or counted, as the case may
require, in the presence of that person;
(b) if
the goods are made up in or on a container marked with a statement in writing
of the quantity of the goods expressed in the manner in question and the
container is readily available for inspection by that person; or
(c) on
such a statement in writing being delivered to that person.
(3) Where
the Minister by Order provides that this paragraph is to apply, in the case of
such goods in such circumstances as are specified in the Order, to any
requirement so specified of, or of any Order made under, this Law, with respect
to the making known to the buyer of the quantity by weight of such goods sold
by retail, then, in any case to which the Order applies that requirement shall
be deemed to be satisfied if the goods are bought at premises at which weighing
equipment of such description as may be prescribed –
(a) is
kept available by the occupier of those premises for use without charge by any
prospective buyer of such goods for the purpose of weighing for himself or
herself any such goods offered or exposed for sale by retail on those premises;
(b) is so
kept available in a position on those premises which is suitable and convenient
for such use of the equipment; and
(c) is
reserved for use for that purpose at all times while those premises are open
for retail transactions,
and a notice of the
availability of the equipment for such use is displayed in a position on the
premises where it may be readily seen by any such prospective buyer.
(4) For
the purposes of this Law and any Order made thereunder, a person shall not be deemed
to weigh or otherwise measure or count any goods in the presence of any other person
unless the person causes any equipment used for the purpose to be so placed,
and so conducts the operation of weighing or otherwise measuring or counting
the goods, as to permit that other person a clear and unobstructed view of the
equipment, if any, and of the operation, and of any indication of quantity
given by any such equipment as the result of that operation.
33 General
powers of inspection and entry
(1) Subject
to the production if so requested of evidence of the inspector’s
authority, an inspector may, at all reasonable times –
(a) inspect
and test any weighing or measuring equipment which is, or which the inspector
has reasonable cause to believe to be, used for trade or in the possession of
any person or on any premises for such use;
(b) inspect
any goods to which any of the provisions of this Law or any Order made
thereunder for the time being applies or which the inspector has reasonable
cause to believe to be such goods;
(c) enter
any premises at which the inspector has reasonable cause to believe there to be
any such equipment or goods as aforesaid, not being premises used only as a
private dwelling-house.
(2) Subject
to the production if so requested of evidence of the inspector’s
authority, an inspector may at any time seize and detain –
(a) any article
which the inspector has reasonable cause to believe is liable to be forfeited
under this Law; and
(b) any
document displayed with any goods offered or exposed for sale which relates to
the price or quantity of the goods and which the inspector has reason to
believe may be required as evidence in proceedings under this Law.
(3) If
the Bailiff on sworn information in writing –
(a) is
satisfied that there is reasonable ground to believe that any such equipment,
goods, articles or documents as are mentioned in paragraph (1) or (2) are
on any premises, or that any offence under this Law or any Order made
thereunder has been, is being or is about to be committed on any premises; and
(b) is
also satisfied either –
(i) that admission to
the premises has been refused, or a refusal is apprehended, and that notice of
the intention to apply for a warrant has been given to the occupier, or
(ii) that
an application for admission, or the giving of such a notice, would defeat the
object of the entry, or that the case is one of urgency, or that the premises
are unoccupied or the occupier temporarily absent,
the Bailiff may by warrant
under the Bailiff’s hand, which shall continue in force for a period of
one month, authorize an inspector to enter the premises, if need be by force.
(4) An
inspector entering any premises by virtue of this Article may take with the
inspector such other persons and such equipment as may appear to the inspector
necessary; and on leaving any premises which the inspector has entered by
virtue of a warrant under paragraph (3), being premises which are
unoccupied or the occupier of which is temporarily absent, the inspector shall
leave them as effectively secured against trespassers as the inspector found
(5) If
any inspector or other person who enters any work-place by virtue of this Article
discloses to any person any information obtained by the inspector in the
work-place with regard to any manufacturing process or trade secret, the
inspector shall, unless the disclosure was made in the performance of the
inspector’s duty, be guilty of an offence.
(6) Nothing
in this Law shall authorize any inspector to stop any vehicle on a highway.
34 Obstruction
of inspectors
(1) Any
person who –
(a) wilfully
obstructs an inspector acting in the execution of this Law or any Order made
(b) wilfully
fails to comply with any requirements properly made of the person by an
inspector under Article 28 or 29; or
(c) without
reasonable cause fails to give to any inspector acting as aforesaid any other
assistance or information which the inspector may reasonably require of the person
for the purposes of the performance by the inspector of his or her functions
under this Law or any Order made thereunder,
shall be guilty of an
(2) If
any person, in giving to an inspector any such information as is mentioned in paragraph (1),
gives any information which the person knows to be false, the person shall be
guilty of an offence.
(3) Nothing
in this Article shall be construed as requiring a person to answer any question
or give any information if to do so might incriminate the person.
35 Offences
by corporations
Where an offence under,
or under any Order made under, this Law which has been committed by a body
corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of,
or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager,
secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or any person who was
purporting to act in any such capacity, the person as well as the body
corporate shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
36 Prosecution
of offences
(1) Proceedings
for an offence under any provision contained in, or having effect by virtue of,
Part 5, other than proceedings for an offence under Article 24(6), or
proceedings by virtue of Article 26(3), shall not be
instituted –
(a) unless
there has been served on the person charged notice in writing of the date and
nature of the offence alleged and, where the proceedings are in respect of one
or more of a number of articles of the same kind tested on the same occasion,
of the results of the tests of all those articles;
(b) except
where the person charged is a hawker, unless the said notice was served before
the expiration of the period of 15 days beginning with the date aforesaid; or
(c) after
the expiration of the period of 3 months beginning with the date aforesaid.
(2) Such
a notice as is mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) may be served on any person
either by serving it on the person personally or by sending it to the person by
post at the person’s usual or last known residence or place of business
in Jersey or, in the case of a company, at the company’s registered
37 Penalties
(1) Any
person guilty of an offence under any of the following provisions of this Law,
that is to say –
(a) Article 11(6);
(b) Article 12(2)
and (6);
(c) Article 13(1)
and (2);
(d) Article 17(2);
(e) Article 19(2),
(4) and (5);
(f) Article 30;
(g) Article 34(1);
(h) paragraphs
4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 4;
(i) any
Orders made under paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 5,
shall be liable to a fine of
level 2 on the standard scale or in the case of a second or subsequent offence
under the same provision, a fine of level 3 on the standard scale.[4]
(2) Any
person guilty of an offence under any provision of this Law other than those
mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of 3
months and to a fine.[5]
38 Construction
of Orders[6]
Article 11(4) of the
(Jersey) Law 1954 applies to Orders made under this Law to the same extent
as it applies to enactments made after 28th March 2003.
39 Savings
(1) Save
as the Minister may by Order otherwise provide, and except in the case of a
retail transaction or a transaction with respect to which provision to the
contrary effect is for the time being made by or under Part 5, nothing in
this Law shall make unlawful the use in any transaction, by agreement between
the parties thereto, of any unit of measurement which –
(a) was
customarily used for trade in the like transactions immediately before the
passing of this Law; and
(b) is
not inconsistent with anything for the time being contained in Schedule 1
to this Law,
notwithstanding that the
unit in question is not for the time being included in the said Schedule 1.
(2) No
contract for the sale or carriage for reward of any goods shall be void by
reason only of a contravention of any provision of, or of any Order made under,
this Law with respect to any document which is, or is required by that
provision to be, associated with the goods.
40 Minister’s
exclusive power to mark weight, number etc.
No power conferred by any
other enactment on any person other than the Minister to make provision with
respect to the marking of any food shall extend to the marking of such food
with a statement of its quantity by weight or other measurement or by number.
41 Citation
This Law may be cited as
the Weights and Measures (Jersey) Law 1967.
Schedule 1
(Article 7)
Imperial Units.
1/36 yard.
Jersey Units.
Imperial feet.
Pied de perche
11 Imperial inches.
Metric Units.
shall have the meaning from time to time
assigned by Order by the Minister, being the meaning appearing to the Minister to reproduce in English the international
definition of the metre in force at the date of the making of the Order.
1/1000 metre.
Imperial Units.
Square mile
square yards.
square yards.
a superficial area equal to that of a
square each side of which measures one yard.
square yard.
Square inch
1/144 square foot.
Jersey Units.
40 perches carrés.
Imperial square feet).
a superficial area equal to that of a
square each side of which measures one perche.
(484 Imperial square feet).
Pied de perche carré
a superficial area equal to that of a
square each side of which measures one pied de perch. (121 Imperial square
Metric Units.
square metres.
a superficial area equal to that of a
square each side of which measures one metre.
square metre.
square decimetre.
Square millimetre
1/100 square centimetre.
Imperial Units
a volume equal to that of a cube each edge
of which measures one yard.
cubic yard.
cubic foot.
Metric Units.
a volume equal to that of a cube each edge
of which measures one metre.
cubic metre.
Cubic centimetre
1/1000 cubic decimetre.
Imperial Units.
the space occupied by 10 pounds weight of distilled water of density 0.998
859 gramme per millilitre weighed in air of
density 0.001 217 gramme per millilitre
against weights of density 8.136 grammes per millilitre.
Metric Units.
shall have the meaning from time to time
assigned by Order by the Minister being the meaning appearing to the Minister to reproduce in English the international
definition of the litre in force at the date of the making of the Order.
1/10 litre.
1/1000 litre.
PART 5[8]
Imperial Units.
2240 pounds.
112 pounds.
100 pounds.
28 pounds.
14 pounds.
592 37 kg
Metric Units.
or metric tonne
shall have the meaning from time to time
assigned by Order by the Minister, being the meaning appearing to the Minister to reproduce in English the international
definition of the kilogramme in force at the
date of the making of the Order.
1/10 kg
1/1000 kg
1/1000 gramme.
1. The
following units of measurement, that is to say –
(a) the
Ampere (as the unit of measurement of electrical current);
(b) the
Ohm (as the unit of measurement of electrical resistance);
(c) the
Volt (as the unit of measurement of difference of electrical potential); and
(d) the
Watt (as the unit of measurement of electrical power),
shall have the meanings
from time to time respectively assigned by Order by the Minister, being the
meanings appearing to the Minister to reproduce in English the international
definition of the ampere, ohm, volt or watt, as the case may be, in force at
the date of the making of the Order.
1000 watts.
one million watts.
Schedule 2
(Articles 8 and 9)
PART 1[9]
Imperial system.
of –
100 feet
5 feet
66 feet
4 feet
50 feet
1 yard
33 feet
2 feet
20 feet
1 foot
10 feet
8 feet
1 inch
6 feet
Metric system.
of –
50 metres
30 metres
20 metres
1 metre
0.5 metre
5 metres
1 decimetre
3 metres
1 centimetre
Imperial system.
1. Measures
of, or of any multiple of, 1 square foot.
Metric system.
of, or of any multiple of, 1 square decimetre.
PART 3[10]
Imperial system
1. Measures
of, or any multiple of, ¼ cubic yard.
Metric system
2. Measures
of, or any multiple of, 0.1 cubic metre.
PART 4[11]
Imperial system.
of –
multiple of 1 gallon
1 gill
1 gallon
4 fluid ounces
1 quart
1 pint
8 fluid ounces
6 fluid ounces
Metric system.
of –
any multiple of 10 litres
100 millilitres
10 litres
50 millilitres
5 litres
25 millilitres
20 millilitres
2 litres
10 millilitres
1 litre
5 millilitres
500 millilitres
2 millilitres
250 millilitres
1 millilitre
200 millilitres
175 millilitres
125 millilitres
PART 5[12]
Imperial system.
of –
56 pounds
50 pounds
100 grains
28 pounds
50 grains
20 pounds
30 grains
14 pounds
20 grains
10 pounds
10 grains
7 pounds
5 grains
5 pounds
3 grains
4 pounds
2 grains
2 pounds
1 grain
1 pound
0.5 grain
8 ounces
0.3 grain
4 ounces
0.2 grain
2 ounces
0.1 grain
1 ounce
0.05 grain
8 drams
0.03 grain
4 drams
0.02 grain
2 drams
0.01 grain
1 dram
of –
500 ounces troy
0.4 ounce troy
400 ounces troy
0.3 ounce troy
300 ounces troy
0.2 ounce troy
200 ounces troy
0.1 ounce troy
100 ounces troy
0.05 ounce troy
50 ounces troy
0.04 ounce troy
40 ounces troy
0.03 ounce troy
30 ounces troy
0.025 ounce troy
20 ounces troy
0.02 ounce troy
10 ounces troy
0.01 ounce troy
5 ounces troy
0.005 ounce troy
4 ounces troy
0.004 ounce troy
3 ounces troy
0.003 ounce troy
2 ounces troy
0.002 ounce troy
1 ounce troy
0.001 ounce troy
0.5 ounce troy
of –
10 pennyweights
2 pennyweights
5 pennyweights
1 pennyweights
3 pennyweights
Metric system.
of –
20 kg
2 g
10 kg
1 g
5 kg
500 mg
2 kg
400 mg
1 kg
300 mg
500 g
200 mg
200 g
150 mg
100 g
100 mg
50 g
50 mg
20 g
20 mg
15 g
10 mg
10 g
5 mg
5 g
2 mg
4 g
1 mg
3 g
of –
500 carats (metric)
1 carat (metric)
200 carats (metric)
0.5 carat (metric)
100 carats (metric)
0.25 carat (metric)
50 carats (metric)
0.2 carat (metric)
20 carats (metric)
0.1 carat (metric)
10 carats (metric)
0.05 carat (metric)
5 carats (metric)
0.02 carat (metric)
2 carats (metric)
0.01 carat (metric)
Schedule 3
(Article 20)
(1) This Part of this Schedule applies to food
of any of the following descriptions, that is to say –
(a) meat of any
description, whether fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, cooked or processed; and
(b) any article which,
though it also contains other food, consists substantially of meat,
other than dripping,
lard, meat paste and shredded suet.
(2) In sub-paragraph (1),
the expression “meat” means any part of an animal of any of the
following descriptions, that is to say, cattle, sheep and swine, but does not
include sausage-meat in any form.
2. Subject to paragraph 5, any goods to which this Part applies which
are not pre-packed shall be sold only –
(a) by net weight; or
(b) if sold in a container
which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight specified in Table A of Part 11,
either by net weight or by gross weight.
3. Subject to paragraph 5, any goods to which this Part applies shall
be prepacked in a container which exceeds the appropriate permitted weight
aforesaid only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by net
(1) Subject
to paragraph 5, this paragraph shall apply to any goods to which this Part
applies pre-packed in a container which –
(a) does not exceed the
appropriate permitted weight aforesaid; and
(b) is not marked with an
indication of quantity by net weight.
(2) When
sold otherwise than by retail, such goods shall be sold only by net weight or
by gross weight.
(3) When
sold by retail, the quantity either by net weight or by gross weight of the
goods sold shall be made known to the buyer before the buyer pays for or takes
possession of the goods.
5. The following shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part,
that is to say –
(a) bath
chaps, meat pies and meat puddings; and
(b) any
other goods in a quantity of less than one ounce,
and there shall be
exempted from the requirements of paragraph 2 any sale at a purchase price of
3p or less.
PART 2[13]
1. This Part of this Schedule applies to food of any of the following
descriptions, that it to say –
(a) fish
or poultry of any description, whether fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, cooked
or processed;
(b) sausage-meat
in any form, whether cooked or uncooked;
(c) any article
which, though it also contains other food, consists substantially of fish,
poultry or sausage-meat, being an article other than fish paste or poultry
and any reference in this Schedule
to poultry includes a reference to any part of any poultry.
(1) Subject
to paragraph 4, this paragraph shall apply to any goods to which this Part of
this Schedule applies which are not pre-packed in a container marked with an
indication of quantity by net weight.
(2) When
sold otherwise than by retail such goods other than fish shall be sold
only –
(a) by net weight; or
(b) if sold in a container
which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight specified in Table A of Part 11,
either by net weight or by gross weight.
(3) When
sold by retail, the quantity of the goods sold being –
(a) quantity by net weight;
(b) if the goods are sold
in a container which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight
aforesaid, quantity either by net weight or by gross weight,
shall be made known to the
buyer before the buyer pays for or takes possession of the goods.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, goods to which this Part of this Schedule
applies shall be pre-packed in a container which exceeds the appropriate
permitted weight aforesaid only if the container is marked with an indication
of quantity by net weight.
(1) The
following shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part, that is to
say –
(a) whole birds
which –
(i) being
bled and plucked but uneviscerated, weigh less than 2 ¼ pounds, or
(ii) being
eviscerated and ready for cooking, but including any giblets sold therewith,
weigh less than 1½ pounds;
(b) poultry pies;
(c) sausage rolls;
(d) any other goods in a
quantity of less than one ounce.
(2) The
following shall be exempted from the requirements of paragraph 2, that is to
say –
(a) cooked poultry;
(b) shellfish in shell,
jellied fish, pickled fish and fried fish;
(c) any sale of fish made
otherwise than from a market, shop, stall or vehicle;
(d) any sale of fish or
poultry at a purchase price of 3p or less;
(e) single cooked sausages
not exceeding one pound in weight;
(f) sausage-meat
products, whether cooked or uncooked, in any form other than that of sausages,
when offered or exposed for sale as a single item in a quantity not exceeding
one pound.
PART 3[14]
1. In this Part of this Schedule the expression “cheese”
includes processed cheese.
2. Subject to paragraph 4, on a sale by retail of any cheese other than
cheese pre-packed in a container marked with an indication of quantity by net
weight, the quantity of the cheese sold, being –
(a) quantity
by net weight; or
(b) if
the cheese is sold in a container which does not exceed the appropriate
permitted weight specified in Table A of Part 11, quantity either by net
weight or by gross weight,
shall be made known to the
buyer before the buyer pays for or takes possession of the cheese.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, cheese shall be pre-packed in a container
which exceeds the appropriate permitted weight aforesaid only if the container
is marked with an indication of quantity by net weight.
4. The following shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part,
that is to say –
(a) pre-packed
natural cheese which is not of Cheddar or Cheshire type;
(b) any
cheese in a quantity of less than one ounce.
PART 4[15]
1. In this Part –
(a) the
expression “bread” means bread in any form other than breadcrumbs
and includes the following, and any part of any of the following, that is to
say, fancy loaves and milk loaves;
(b) the
expression “loaf” includes a roll and a bap; and for the purposes
of this Law any pre-packed sliced bread shall be deemed to be a whole loaf of
bread and the pre-packing of sliced bread in any quantity by net weight shall
be deemed to be the making for sale of a whole loaf of bread of that net
2. Bread of any description other than a whole loaf shall be sold only
by net weight:
Provided that there shall
be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph any bread in a quantity of
300 grammes or less.
(1) A
whole loaf of bread of a net weight exceeding 300 grammes shall be made for
sale only if it is sold by net weight, or is of a net weight of 400 grammes or
a multiple of 400 grammes.
(2) This paragraph
shall not apply to any sale in pursuance of a contract for the supply of bread
for consumption on the premises of the buyer if the contract provides for each
delivery of bread thereunder made to be of a specific aggregate quantity
of not less than 25 kg, and for the weighing of the bread on delivery.
PART 5[16]
1. In this Part, the expression “milk” means cows’
milk in any liquid form other than that of condensed milk (including evaporated
milk) or of cream.
2. Milk which is not pre-packed shall be sold only by capacity
measurement or by net weight.
3. Milk shall be pre-packed only if –
(b) the
container is marked with an indication of quantity by capacity measurement.
5. Milk shall be sold by means of, or offered or exposed for sale in, a
vending machine only if there is displayed on or in the machine –
(a) an
indication of the quantity by capacity measurement of the milk comprised in
each item for sale by means of that machine; and
(b) except
where the machine is on premises at which the seller carries on business, a
statement of the name and address of the seller.
PART 6[17]
1. In this Part–
(a) the
expression “beer” includes ale, porter, stout, black beer and any
other description of beer, and any liquor which is made or sold as a
description of beer or as a substitute for beer and which on analysis of a
sample thereof at any time is found to be of a strength exceeding 2° of
proof, but does not include liquor made elsewhere than on the licensed premises
of a brewer which on analysis of a sample at any time is found to be of an
original gravity not exceeding 1016° and to be of a strength not exceeding 2°
of proof;
(b) the
expression “black beer” means beer of the description called or
similar to black beer, mum, spruce beer, or Berlin white beer, and any other
preparation, whether fermented or not, of a similar character;
(c) the
expression “cider” means cider (or perry) of a strength less than
8.7% of alcohol by volume (at a temperature of 20° Centigrade)
obtained from the fermentation of apple or pear juice without the addition at
any time of any alcoholic liquor or of any liquor substance which communicates
colour or flavour other than such as the Minister may allow as appearing to him
or her to be necessary to make cider or perry;
(d) the
expression ‘wine’ means any liquor obtained from the alcoholic
fermentation of fresh grapes or of the must of fresh grapes, except such a
liquor which is fortified with spirits or flavoured with aromatic extracts.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, unless pre-packed in a
securely closed container and except when sold as a constituent of a mixture of
2 or more liquids, beer or cider shall be sold by retail –
(a) only
in a quantity of one-third of a pint, half a pint, two-thirds of a pint or a
multiple of half a pint; and
(b) where
sold for consumption on the premises of the seller, only in a capacity measure
of the quantity in question.[18]
(1) Subject
to paragraph 4 and to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph, unless
prepacked in a securely closed container, intoxicating liquor of any of the
following descriptions, that is to say, brandy, cognac, gin, rum, vodka and
whisky, shall be sold by retail for consumption on the premises at which it is
sold, only –
(a) before 1st
January 1995, in, or in a multiple of, one fifth of a gill or 25
millilitres; or
(b) on and after 1st
January 1995, in, or in a multiple of, 25 millilitres;
(c) in the same quantities
for all such intoxicating liquors in all parts of the same licensed premises;
(d) if, when served at a
bar, the intoxicating liquor is measured in the view of the buyer; and
(e) if there is displayed
on those premises in such a position and manner as to be readily available
without special request by the buyer before the sale is made, a statement in
writing showing in which of these quantities those intoxicating liquors are
offered for sale on those premises.
(2) Any
such liquor shall be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph when it
forms a constituent of a mixture of 3 or more liquids.
(3) Nothing
in this paragraph shall make unlawful the sale at the express wish of the buyer
of any mixture of liquids containing any of those intoxicating liquors in a
quantity not otherwise permitted by this paragraph.\
(1) Subject
to sub-paragraph (2), when sold in a glass or other vessel from which it
is intended to be drunk, wine for consumption on the premises at which it is
sold shall, on and after 1st January 1995, be sold only –
(a) in, or in a multiple
of, one of the following quantities, that is to say, 125 millilitres
or 175 millilitres; and
(b) if a statement in
writing showing the quantities in which wine is for sale is either displayed on
those premises in such a position and manner as to be readily available without
special request for inspection by the buyer before the sale is made or is
contained in every wine list and menu which is available to the buyer on those
premises before the sale is made and which indicates that the wine is for
consumption on the premises.
(2) Nothing
in this paragraph shall make unlawful the sale, at the express wish of the
buyer, of any mixture of liquids containing wine in a quantity not otherwise
permitted by this paragraph.
5. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall not apply to premises in respect of
which a licence of the fifth category is held under the Licensing (Jersey)
Law 1974.
6. Intoxicating liquor of any description shall be pre-packed in a
closed container only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity
by capacity measurement:
Provided that there shall
be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph –
(a) wine;
(b) any
other liquor in a quantity of less than 3 fluid ounces or more than one gallon.
7. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 21 of this Law,
if paragraph 2(b) is contravened, the occupier of the premises in question
shall be guilty of an offence.
PART 7[19]
1. References
in this Part to fruits or vegetables of any description are references to food
consisting of such fruits or vegetables either –
(a) in
the state in which they were harvested;
(b) in
the state in which they were harvested apart from having been cleaned or
(c) in
the case of beetroots, in the state in which they were harvested apart from
having been cooked; or
(d) in
the case of peas, in the state in which they were harvested apart from having
been shelled.
2. Subject
to paragraph 6, potatoes –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall not be sold by retail except by net weight;
(b) shall
not be sold by retail pre-packed unless –
(ii) the
container is marked with an indication of quantity by net weight.
(1) Subject
to paragraph 6, this paragraph applies to –
(a) beans, brussels
sprouts, brussels tops, curly kale, peas, spinach, spring greens, sprouting
broccoli and turnip tops;
(b) produce of any one or
more of the following descriptions (in this paragraph referred to as
“soft fruits”), that is to say, bilberries, blackberries,
blackcurrants, boysenberries, brambles, cherries, cranberries, gooseberries,
loganberries, mulberries, raspberries, redcurrants, strawberries, tayberries
and whitecurrants;
(c) mushrooms;
(d) produce of any one or
more of the following descriptions (in this paragraph referred to as
“countable produce”), that is to say, apples, apricots, artichokes
(globe), aubergines, avocados, bananas, beetroots, cabbage, capsicums, carrots,
cauliflower, celery, coconuts, corn on the cob, cucumber, fennel, figs (fresh),
garlic, grapefruit, greengages, guavas, kiwi fruit, kohlrabi, leeks, lemons,
lettuce, limes, mandarines, mangoes, marrow, melons, nectarines, onions (other
than spring onions), oranges, parsnips, passion fruit, pawpaw, peaches, pears,
pineapple, plums, pomegranates, pomelo, pumpkins, radishes, shaddock, shallots,
soft citrus fruits, swedes, tangerines, tomatoes, turnips, and ugli.
(2) On a
sale by retail of goods to which this paragraph applies there shall, subject to
clause (3), be made known to the buyer before the buyer pays for or takes
possession of the goods the quantity of the goods sold, being –
(a) the quantity by net
weight or, in the case of countable produce, the quantity either by net weight
or by number; or
(b) if the goods are sold
in a container which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight
specified, in the case of soft fruits or mushrooms, in Table B or, in any other
case, in Table A of Part 11, the quantity either by net weight or by gross
(3) Clause (2)
does not apply to the sale by retail of goods to which this paragraph applies
if the goods are pre-packed in a container marked with an indication of
quantity by net weight or, in the case of countable produce, either by net
weight or by number.
(4) Goods
to which this paragraph applies shall not be prepacked in a container which
exceeds the appropriate permitted weight specified in sub-paragraph (2)(b)
unless the container is marked with an indication of the quantity,
being –
(a) the quantity by net
weight; or
(b) in the case of
countable produce, the quantity either by net weight or by number.
(1) Where
fruits or vegetables of any description specified in paragraph 2 or 3 have been
divided into pieces or have had a part removed or both, then, subject to paragraph
6, this paragraph shall apply to food consisting of, or including, part of any
of those fruits or vegetables which has not been subjected to further process.
(2) On a
sale by retail of any goods to which this paragraph applies there shall,
subject to clause (3), be made known to the buyer before the buyer pays
for or takes possession of the goods the quantity of the goods sold,
being –
(a) the quantity by net
weight; or
(b) if the goods are sold
in a container which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight specified
in Table A of Part 11 of this Schedule, the quantity either by net weight
or by gross weight.
(3) Clause (2)
does not apply to the sale by retail of goods to which this paragraph applies
if the goods are pre-packed in a container marked with an indication of
quantity by net weight.
(4) Goods
to which this paragraph applies shall not be prepacked in a container which
exceeds the appropriate permitted weight specified in sub-paragraph (2)(b)
unless the container is marked with an indication of quantity by net weight.
5. Article 32(3)
of this Law shall apply to a requirement of paragraph 3 or 4 with respect to
the making known to the buyer of the quantity by gross weight of prepacked
goods to which that paragraph applies in like manner as if provision to that
effect had been made by an Order under the said paragraph (3), but the
power of the Minister to vary or revoke any Order under that paragraph shall
extend to the amendment or repeal of this paragraph.
6. The
following shall be exempted from any requirement of paragraph 2 or 3 which
would otherwise apply to them that is to say –
(a) goods
pre-packed in the same container with other goods to which none of those
requirements applies;
(b) goods
pre-packed in the same container with goods of 2 or more other descriptions to
which some requirement of this Part would otherwise apply;
(c) a
pre-packed collection of not more than 8 articles of countable produce within
the meaning of paragraph 3, if the container is such that all the articles can
be clearly seen by a prospective purchaser;
(d) bunched
asparagus, bunched carrots, bunched chives, bunched beetroots, bunched endives,
bunched garlic, bunched mint, bunched mustard and cress, bunched onions
(including spring onions), bunched parsley, bunched radishes, bunched salad
cress, bunched turnips and bunched watercress;
(e) pre-packed
potatoes if the net weight of each potato is not less than 175g and the
container is marked with an indication of quantity by number and with a
statement to the effect that each potato in the container is of a net weight
not less than a weight specified in grams, whether the weight so specified
is 175g or a greater weight,
and there shall be
exempted from all requirements of this Part any goods in a quantity of less
than 25g.
(1) Where
at premises (other than a vehicle or ship) goods to which paragraph 2 or 3
applies have been sold by weight when made up in a container, and the sale is
otherwise than by retail, the buyer may require all or any of the following
weighings to be carried out at those premises, that is to say –
(a) a weighing of the
container while the goods are in it;
(b) a weighing of that
container after removal of the goods;
(c) a weighing of a similar
empty container,
and thereupon the
seller shall either carry out or permit the buyer to carry out the weighing or
weighings so required; and if the seller fails without reasonable cause to do
so the seller shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) The
occupier of premises at which goods to which paragraph 2 or 3 applies are made
up in a container for sale by weight otherwise than by retail, or of premises
(other than a vehicle or ship) at which such goods so made up are so sold,
shall provide suitable weighing equipment and make that equipment available for
any weighing or weighings required under sub-paragraph (1) to be carried
out at those premises; and if the occupier fails without reasonable cause to comply
with any of the requirements of this sub-paragraph the occupier shall be guilty
of an offence.
PART 8[20]
1. This Part applies to the following foods, that is to
say –
(a) cereal
breakfast foods in flake form, other than cereal biscuit breakfast foods;
(b) tea,
cocoa (including cocoa powder and chocolate powder) and coffee (including
coffee beans, coffee powders of all kinds, ground coffee and mixtures of coffee
and chicory other than such mixtures in the form of liquid essences);
(c) honey,
other than chunk honey;
(d) jam
and marmalade, other than diabetic jam or marmalade;
(e) jelly
(f) molasses,
syrup and treacle;
(g) salt,
other than cut lump salt;
(h) sugar
of the following descriptions, that is to say, caster, granulated, cube and
(i) dried
vegetables of any of the following descriptions, that is to say, beans, lentils
and peas (including split peas);
(j) barley
kernels, pearl barley, rice (including ground rice and rice flakes), sago,
semolina and tapioca;
(k) flour
of bean, maize, oats, pea, rice, rye, soya bean or wheat;
(l) flour
products of any of the following descriptions, that is to say –
(i) cake flour, other
than cake mixtures and sponge mixtures,
(ii) cornflour,
other than blancmange powders and custard powders,
(iii) macaroni
and similar products,
(iv) self-raising
2. Except in the case of –
(a) honey
in comb; and
(b) other
goods in a quantity of less than 12 g,
goods to which this Part
applies which are not pre-packed shall be sold by retail only by net weight.
3. Goods
to which this Part applies shall not be sold pre-packed unless the container is
marked with an indication of quantity by net weight.
PART 9[21]
1. This Part applies to the following foods, that is to
say –
(a) butter,
compound cooking fat, dripping, lard, margarine, shredded suet and any mixture
of butter and margarine;
(b) dried
fruits of any one or more of the following descriptions, that is to say, apples
(including dried apple rings), apricots, currants, dates, figs, muscatels,
nectarines, peaches, pears (including dried pear rings), prunes, raisins and
(c) dried
fruit salad;
(d) oatflakes,
oatmeal and rolled oats;
(e) sugar,
other than caster, granulated, cube or icing sugar.
2. Subject to paragraph 4, goods to which this Part of this Schedule
applies which are not pre-packed shall be sold by retail only –
(a) by
net weight; or
(b) if
sold in a container which does not exceed the appropriate permitted weight
specified in Table A of Part 11, either by net weight or gross weight.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, goods to which this Part of this Schedule
applies shall be pre-packed only if –
(b) the
container is marked with an indication of quantity,
being in each case
quantity by net weight.
4. There shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part of this Schedule
any goods in a quantity of less than one ounce.
1. This Part applies to foods of any of the following descriptions,
that is to say –
(a) cereal
biscuit breakfast foods, other than foods in the case of which none of the
biscuits weighs more than one-third of an ounce;
(b) fruit
preservative tablets, rennet tablets, saccharin tablets, soft drink tablets and
sweetening tablets;
(c) shell
(d) vanilla
2. Goods to which this Part applies shall be pre-packed only if the
container is marked with an indication of quantity by number:
Provided that there shall
be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph –
(a) shell
eggs pre-packed in a quantity of not more than 6, if the container is such that
all the eggs can be clearly seen by a prospective purchaser;
(b) any
goods in a quantity by number of one.
PART 11[22]
Gross weight
Permitted weight
of container
exceeding 500g …..
500g ………
a weight at the rate of 10g per kg of the gross weight
of container
exceeding 250g .………
weight at the rate of 120g per kg of the gross weight
250g but not exceeding 1 kg …………….
weight at the rate of 100g per kg of the gross weight
1 kg but not exceeding 3 kg ……………
weight at the rate of 90g per kg of the gross weight
3 kg …………..
weight at the rate of 60g per kg of the gross weight
Schedule 4
(Article 20)
1. In this Schedule, the expression “ballast” means any of
the following materials, that is to say –
(a) gravel, not including sea gravel;
(b) granite
chippings, limestone chippings, slate chippings and other stone chippings
(including such materials which have been coated with tar, bitumen or cement).
2. Subject to paragraph 3, ballast shall be sold only by volume in a
multiple of half a cubic yard or by net weight.
3. There shall be exempted from the requirements of paragraph
2 –
(a) ballast
in a quantity both less than one ton and less than one cubic yard;
(b) any
sale with a view to its industrial use of ballast of any description mentioned
in paragraph 1(b);
(c) any
sale in the case of which the buyer is to take delivery in or from a ship;
(d) any
sale as a whole of ballast produced in the demolition or partial demolition of
a building where the buyer is responsible for the removal of the ballast from
the site of the building;
(e) any
sale in the state in which it was produced of clinker or ashes produced as a
by-product, or of any other ballast produced as a casual product, of the
carrying on of an industrial process on any premises where the buyer is
responsible for the removal of the ballast from those premises.
4. Without prejudice to Article 13 of this Law, no article shall
be used for trade as a cubic measure of ballast other than a receptacle (which
may, if so desired, form part of a vehicle) which conforms with such
requirements as to form, capacity, calibration and other matters as may be
prescribed; and any person who uses for trade, or has in the person’s
possession for use for trade, as a cubic measure of ballast any article other
than such a receptacle as aforesaid shall be guilty of an offence.
5. In measuring any ballast against a calibration mark on such a
receptacle as aforesaid, the ballast shall be filled into all parts of the
receptacle as far as, and be levelled off against, that calibration mark as
nearly as the nature of the ballast will permit; and where any ballast is
measured for purposes of trade in such a receptacle, any person
who –
(a) being
the person carrying out the measuring, fails so to level off the ballast when
it is loaded into the receptacle; or
(b) causes
or permits a heaped load to be sent out in the receptacle,
shall be guilty of an
1. The provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall have effect with
respect to the carriage of ballast by a vehicle on a journey any part of which
is along a highway.
(1) If
any of the ballast is being carried for delivery to a buyer in pursuance of, or
of an agreement for, a sale thereof and paragraph 2 of Part 1 applies to
the sale, the following provisions of this paragraph shall have effect with
respect to that ballast.
(2) There
shall, before the journey begins, be delivered to the person in charge of the
vehicle a document signed by or on behalf of the seller stating –
(a) the name and address of
the seller;
(b) the name of the buyer,
and the address of the premises to which the ballast is being delivered;
(c) the type of the ballast;
(d) subject to sub-paragraph (4),
the quantity of the ballast either by net weight or by volume;
(e) sufficient particulars
to identify the vehicle; and
(f) the place, date
and time of the loading of the ballast in the vehicle.
(3) Where
the quantity of the ballast is stated in the document aforesaid by volume, the
ballast shall be carried on the vehicle only in such a receptacle as is
mentioned in paragraph 4 of Part 1.
(4) The
statement referred to in sub-paragraph (2)(d) shall not be required at any
time while the vehicle is travelling between the place where it was loaded and
the nearest suitable and available weighing equipment if the whole of the
vehicle’s load is being delivered to the same person at the same premises
and the document aforesaid states that the quantity of the ballast is to be
expressed by net weight determined by means of that equipment and specifies the
place at which the equipment is situated.
(5) In
any case to which sub-paragraph (4) applies, the person in charge of the
vehicle at the time when the net weight of the ballast is determined shall
forthwith add to the document aforesaid a statement of that net weight, and if the
person fails so to do he or she shall be guilty of an offence.
(6) If
any of the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) or (3) is contravened, the
seller shall be guilty of an offence.
(7) If
the vehicle is carrying ballast as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) for
delivery to each of 2 or more persons, sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) shall
apply separately in relation to each of those persons:
Provided that this sub-paragraph
shall not be construed as prohibiting the use of the same receptacle such as is
mentioned in the said sub-paragraph (3) for the carriage of ballast for
delivery to 2 or more different persons.
3. If all or any of the ballast on the vehicle is being carried in such
circumstances that paragraph 2 does not apply thereto, there shall before the
journey begins be delivered to the person in charge of the vehicle a document
containing a statement to that effect signed by or on behalf of the person
causing that ballast to be carried and giving the name and address of the
last-mentioned person, and if this paragraph is contravened the last-mentioned person
shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that this paragraph
shall not apply where all the ballast in the vehicle is being carried in such
circumstances as aforesaid and is being so carried in a container which does
not form part of the vehicle.
4. Any document required by paragraph 2 or 3 shall at all times during
the journey be carried by the person for the time being in charge of the
vehicle and shall be handed over by the person to any other person to whom the person
hands over the charge of the vehicle in the course of the journey; and in the
case of any document such as is mentioned in the said paragraph 2, on the
unloading of the ballast to which the document relates at the premises to which
that ballast is to be delivered –
(a) before
any of that ballast is so unloaded, the document shall be handed over to the
buyer; or
(b) if
the document cannot be so handed over by reason of the absence of the buyer, it
shall be left at some suitable place at those premises,
and if at any time any of
the provisions of this paragraph is contravened without reasonable cause, the person
in charge of the vehicle at that time shall be guilty of an offence.
5. In the case of any document such is as mentioned in paragraph 2, if
at any time during the journey or on unloading at the place of delivery the
quantity of the ballast to which the document relates is found to be less than
that stated in the document, the statement shall nevertheless be deemed for the
purposes of this Law to be correct if, but only if, it is proved that the
deficiency is solely attributable to the draining away of normal moisture from,
or the consolidation of, the ballast during the journey.
Schedule 5
(Article 20)
PART 1[23]
1. This Schedule applies to goods of any of the following descriptions
(in this Schedule referred to as “solid fuel”), that is to say,
coal, coke and any solid fuel derived from coal or of which coal or coke is a
(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), solid
fuel shall be sold only by net weight.
(2) There
shall be exempted from the requirements of sub-paragraph (1) –
(a) briquettes in a
quantity not exceeding 14 pounds;
(b) any solid fuel
pre-packed in a securely closed container marked with an indication of quantity
by net weight.
(1) Subject
to sub-paragraph (2), solid fuel shall be made up in a container for sale
or for delivery after sale only if –
(a) it is made up in one of
the quantities by net weight specified in the following table –
7 pounds
14 pounds
28 pounds
56 pounds
25 kilogrammes
112 pounds
50 kilogrammes
140 pounds
Any multiple of 112 pounds
multiple of
50 kilogrammes;
(b) the container is marked
with an indication of quantity by net weight.
(2) There
shall be exempted from all the requirements of sub-paragraph (1) any solid
fuel made up in a container only for ease of handling as part of the load of a
vehicle or ship where the whole of that load so far as it consists of solid
fuel is being delivered to a single buyer; and there shall be exempted from the
requirements of clause (a) of that sub-paragraph any solid fuel pre-packed
in a quantity not exceeding 60 pounds in a securely closed container.
4. Solid fuel shall be sold by means of, or offered or exposed for sale
in, a vending machine only if there is displayed on or in the
machine –
(a) an
indication of the quantity by net weight of the fuel comprised in each item for
sale by means of that machine; and
(b) except
where the machine is on premises at which the seller carries on business, a
statement of the name and address of the seller.
5. The Minister may make Orders for any of the following purposes, that
is to say –
(a) for
securing that on any premises on or from which solid fuel available for
purchase in a quantity of 2 hundredweight or less is sold or kept or exposed
for sale there is displayed a notice specifying the price of the fuel; and
(b) for
prohibiting the sale on or from any such premises of any such fuel at a higher price
than that so displayed in relation to that fuel.
6. Any person who with intent to defraud or deceive damps any solid
fuel shall be guilty of an offence.
1. This Part of this Schedule shall have effect with respect to the
carriage by a vehicle on a journey any part of which is along a highway of any
solid fuel required by paragraph 2 of Part 1 to be sold only by net weight
(in this Part of this Schedule referred to as “relevant goods”).
(1) If
the vehicle is carrying any relevant goods for delivery to a buyer in pursuance
of, or of an agreement for, a sale of a quantity exceeding 2 hundredweight,
then, subject to sub-paragraph (5), there shall before the journey begins
be delivered to the person in charge of the vehicle a document signed by or on
behalf of the seller stating –
(a) the name and address of
the seller;
(b) the name of the buyer
and the address of the premises to which the goods to which the document
relates are being delivered;
(c) the type of the said goods;
(d) subject to sub-paragraph (2),
the aggregate net weight of the said goods; and
(e) where any of the said goods
are made up in containers –
(i) the
number of those containers, and
(ii) except
where the whole of the relevant goods carried on the vehicle are for delivery
to a single buyer, the net weight of the goods in each of those containers,
and if this sub-paragraph
is contravened, the seller shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Where
the whole of the vehicle’s load consists of relevant goods not made up in
containers and is being delivered to the same person at the same premises, the
statement referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(d) shall not be required at any
time while the vehicle is travelling between the place where it was loaded and
the nearest suitable and available weighing equipment if the document aforesaid
states that the quantity of the relevant goods is to be expressed by net weight
determined by means of that equipment and specifies the place at which the
equipment is situated.
(3) In
any case to which sub-paragraph (2) applies, the person in charge of the
vehicle at the time when the net weight of the relevant goods is determined
shall forthwith add to the document aforesaid a statement of that net weight,
and if the person fails so to do he or she shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) If
the vehicle is carrying relevant goods to which sub-paragraph (1) applies
for delivery to each of 2 or more buyers –
(a) that sub-paragraph
shall apply separately in relation to each of those buyers; and
(b) the relevant goods for
delivery to each respectively of those buyers shall be carried on the vehicle
made up separately in containers or in separate compartments,
and if paragraph (b)
of this sub-paragraph is contravened the seller shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that the said
paragraph (b) shall not apply where the vehicle is constructed or adapted
for the mechanical making up in containers of the fuel carried thereon and
incorporates weighing equipment approved by the Minister for that purpose.
(5) Sub-paragraph (1)
shall not apply to any goods which to the knowledge of the seller are to be
loaded into a ship before their delivery to the buyer.
3. If all or any of the relevant goods on the vehicle are being carried
in such circumstances that paragraph 2(1) does not apply, there shall, before
the journey begins, be delivered to the person in charge of the vehicle a
document signed by or on behalf of the person causing the goods to be carried
giving the name and address of the last-mentioned person and containing a
statement to the effect that all or part of the relevant goods on the vehicle
are goods to which the said sub-paragraph (1) does not apply, and if this paragraph
is contravened the last-mentioned person shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that this paragraph
shall not apply where the total quantity of the relevant goods carried on the
vehicle does not exceed two hundredweight.
4. Any
document required by paragraph 2 or 3 shall at all times during the journey be
carried by the person for the time being in charge of the vehicle and shall be
handed over by the person to any other person to whom the person hands over the
charge of the vehicle in the course of the journey; and in the case of any
document such as is mentioned in the said paragraph 2, on the unloading of the
goods to which the document relates at the premises to which those goods are to
be delivered –
(a) before
any of those goods are so unloaded, the document shall be handed over to the
buyer; or
(b) if
the document cannot be so handed over by reason of the absence of the buyer, it
shall be left at some suitable place at those premises,
and if at any time any of
the requirements of this paragraph is contravened without reasonable cause, the
person in charge of the vehicle at that time shall be guilty of an offence.
Schedule 6
(Article 20)
1. This Part applies to –
(a) liquid fuel, lubricating oil and any mixture
of such fuel and oil; and
(b) lubricating
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part
applies –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall be sold only by net weight or by capacity measurement;
(b) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity
either by net weight or by capacity measurement;
(c) in
the case of lubricating oil in a quantity of one quart or less, shall be made
up in a container for sale otherwise than by way of pre-packing only if the
container is marked with an indication of quantity by capacity measurement.
3. Notwithstanding
anything in paragraph 2, liquid fuel –
(a) when
not pre-packed may be sold by volume; and
(b) may
be pre-packed in a container marked with an indication of quantity by volume,
being in either case the
volume of the gas which would be produced from the fuel in question at such
temperature and such atmospheric pressure as are specified in Orders with
respect to fuel of the type in question or, if no such Orders are in force, as
may be made known by the seller to the buyer before the buyer pays for or takes
possession of the fuel; and there shall be exempted from all requirements of
the said paragraph 2 goods of any description in a quantity of less than half a
pound or of less than half a pint.
1. This Part applies to ready-mixed cement mortar and ready-mixed
2. Any goods to which this Part applies shall be sold only by volume in
a multiple of a quarter of a cubic yard:
Provided that there shall
be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph any goods in a quantity of
less than one cubic yard.
3. Part 2 of Schedule 4, except paragraph 2(3) thereof, shall
apply for the purposes of this Part as if –
(a) any
reference to the said Part 2 to ballast included a reference to goods to
which this Part applies; and
(b) the
reference in sub-paragraph (1) of the said paragraph 2 to paragraph 2 of Part 1
of the said Schedule 4 were a reference to paragraph 2 of this Part of
this Schedule.
1. This Part applies –
(a) to
agricultural liming materials, other than calcareous sand;
(b) to
agricultural salt;
(c) to,
and to any mixture consisting mainly of, inorganic fertilisers, other than such
fertilisers or such a mixture made up into pellets or other articles for use as
individual items; and
(d) to
any mixture of any of the foregoing.
(1) Goods
to which this Part applies which are not pre-packed, other than liquid
fertilisers, shall be sold only by quantity, being –
(a) quantity by net weight;
(b) if the goods are sold
in a container which does not exceed the permitted weight and the gross weight
of the goods is not less than 56 pounds, quantity either by net weight or by
gross weight; or
(c) quantity by volume.
(2) Goods
to which this Part applies shall be pre-packed only if the container is marked
with an indication of quantity, being –
(a) in the case of liquid
fertilisers, quantity by capacity measurement;
(b) in any other case,
quantity by net weight or, if the container does not exceed the permitted
weight and the gross weight of the goods is not less than 56 pounds, quantity
either by net weight or by gross weight.
(3) In
this paragraph, the expression “permitted weight” means a weight at
the rate of 24 ounces per hundredweight of the gross weight.
(4) There
shall be exempted from all requirements of this paragraph any sale of goods
with a view to their industrial use.
3. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 4 shall have
effect as if any reference therein to ballast included a reference to any goods
to which this Part of this Schedule applies.
1. Subject to paragraph 2 –
(a) wood
fuel which is not made up in a container for sale shall be sold by retail only
by net weight;
(b) in
the case of a sale by retail of wood fuel made up in a container for sale, the
quantity by net weight of the fuel sold shall be made known to the buyer before
the buyer pays for or takes possession of it.
2. There shall be exempted from the requirements of paragraph 1 any
sale of wood fuel in a quantity which does not exceed 14 pounds or which
exceeds half a ton.
3. Paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 5 shall have
effect as if any reference therein to solid fuel included a reference to wood
1. This Part applies to goods of any of the following descriptions,
that is to say –
(a) perfumes
and toilet waters;
(b) other
toilet preparations for use on the hair or scalp of human beings;
(c) other
toilet preparations for external use on any other part of the human body; and
(d) dentifrices,
whether in liquid, solid
or any other form including any such goods which are medicated but are not
pharmaceutical preparations, but excluding soap in any form.
2. Goods to which this Part applies shall be pre-packed only if the
container is marked with an indication of quantity either by net weight or by
Provided that there shall
be exempted from the requirements of this paragraph –
(a) any
goods such as are mentioned paragraph 1(a) in a quantity not exceeding 12
grammes or not exceeding 20 cubic centimetres;
(b) any
goods such as are mentioned in paragraph 1(b) in a quantity not
exceeding 20 grammes or not exceeding 20 cubic centimetres;
(c) any
goods such as are mentioned in paragraph 1(c) or (d) in a quantity not
exceeding 12 grammes or not exceeding 12 cubic centimetres.
1. Subject to paragraph 2 –
(a) soap
in the form of a cake, tablet or bar shall be prepacked only if the container
is marked with an indication of quantity by net weight;
(b) liquid
soap shall be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of
quantity by capacity measurement;
(c) soap
in any other form –
(i) unless pre-packed,
shall be sold by retail only by net weight;
(ii) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
net weight.
2. There shall be exempted from the requirements of this Part –
(a) liquid
soap in a quantity of less than 5 fluid ounces;
(b) soap
in any other form in a quantity of less than one ounce.
1. This Part applies to goods of any of the following descriptions,
that is to say, bias binding, elastic, ribbon, tape and sewing thread.
2. Goods
to which this Part of this Schedule applies –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall be sold by retail only by length;
(b) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
Provided that there shall
be exempted from all requirements of this paragraph goods of any description in
a quantity of less than one yard.
1. This Part applies to –
(a) distemper;
(b) articles
offered as feed for household pets, being manufactured feed or bird seed other
than animal feed in biscuit or cake form pre-packed in a quantity by number not
exceeding 16;
(c) nails;
(d) paste
(e) seeds,
other than pea or bean seeds.
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part
applies –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall be sold by retail only by net weight;
(b) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
net weight.
3. There shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part –
(a) any
of the following in a quantity of less than half a pound, that is to say,
distemper and paste paint;
(b) bird
seed in a quantity of less than 4 ounces, and other seeds in a quantity of less
than half an ounce;
(c) nails
in a quantity of less than half an ounce;
(d) any
other goods in a quantity of less than one ounce;
and, notwithstanding
anything in paragraph 2, nails –
(i) when
not pre-packed may be sold by retail by number;
(ii) may
be pre-packed in or on a container marked with an indication of quantity by
1. This Part applies to –
(a) Portland
(b) cleansing
powders and scouring powders;
(c) detergents,
other than liquid detergents;
(d) paint
remover, other than liquid paint remover.
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part applies shall be
pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
net weight.
3. There shall be exempted from the requirements of this Part goods of
any description in a quantity of less than one ounce.
1. This Part applies to antifreeze fluid for internal combustion
engines, linseed oil, paint (other than paste paint), paint thinner,
turpentine, turpentine substitute, varnish, and wood preservative fluid
(including fungicides and insecticides).
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part
applies –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall be sold by retail only by capacity measurement;
(b) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
capacity measurement.
3. There shall be exempted from all requirements of this Part goods of
any description in a quantity of less than 5 fluid ounces.
1. This Part applies to enamel, lacquer, liquid detergents, liquid
paint remover, petrifying fluid and rust remover.
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part applies shall be
pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity by
capacity measurement.
3. There shall be exempted from the requirements of this Part goods of
any description in a quantity of less than 5 fluid ounces.
1. This Part applies to –
(a) polishes;
(b) dressings
analogous to polishes;
(c) pea
seeds and bean seeds.
2. Subject to paragraph 3, goods to which this Part
applies –
(a) unless
pre-packed, shall be sold by retail only by net weight or by capacity
(b) shall
be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of quantity
either by net weight or by capacity measurement.
3. The following shall be exempted from all the requirements of this Part,
that is to say –
(a) pea
or bean seeds in a quantity of less than half a pound or of less than half a
(b) any
other goods in a quantity of less than one ounce or of less than one fluid
1. This Part applies –
(a) to
cheroots, cigarettes and cigars;
(b) to
postal stationery, that is to say, paper or cards for use in correspondence,
and envelopes;
(c) to,
and to any mixture consisting mainly of, inorganic fertilisers, being such
fertilisers or such a mixture made up into pellets or other articles for use as
individual items; and
(d) to
manufactured animal feed in biscuit or cake form pre-packed in a quantity by
number of 16 or less.
2. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, goods to which this Part applies
shall be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of
quantity by number.
3. In relation to postal stationery, the reference to number in paragraph
2 shall be construed as a reference to the number of sheets of paper, cards or
envelopes as the case may be, in the pad, confining band or other form of
container; and postal stationery shall be exempted from the requirements of
that paragraph if pre-packed as part of a collection of articles made up for
sale together and including any article other than postal stationery and
blotting or other paper.
4. There shall be exempted from the requirements of this Part any goods
in a quantity by number of one.
Schedule 7
(Article 20)
(1) This paragraph applies to any goods which,
not being pre-packed, and not themselves being goods –
(a) required by or under
any provision of this Law to be sold (whether on any sale or on a sale of any
particular description) only by quantity expressed in a particular manner;
(b) on a sale of which
(whether any sale or a sale of any particular description) the quantity of the
goods sold expressed in a particular manner is required by or under any other
provision of this Law to be made known to the buyer at or before a particular
time; or
(c) expressly exempted by
or under any other provision of this Law from all such requirements as aforesaid
which would otherwise apply thereto,
consist of a mixture
constituted wholly or mainly of goods of one or more descriptions to which
there applies any such requirement as aforesaid made by reference to any of the
following (whether exclusively or otherwise), that is to say, weight, capacity
measurement or volume.
(2) Subject
to paragraph 5, goods to which this paragraph applies shall be sold only by net
weight or by capacity measurement or by volume.
(1) This paragraph
applies to any goods which, not being aerosol products and not themselves being
goods –
(a) required by or under
any other provision of this Law to be pre-packed only if the container is
marked with an indication of quantity;
(b) in the case of which
when sold pre-packed (whether on any sale or on a sale of any particular
description) the quantity of the goods sold expressed in a particular manner is
required by or under any other provision of this Law to be made known to the
buyer at or before a particular time; or
(c) expressly exempted by
or under any other provision of this Law from all such requirements as aforesaid
which would otherwise apply thereto,
consist of a mixture
constituted wholly or mainly of goods of one or more descriptions to which
there applies any such requirements as aforesaid made by reference to any of
the following (whether exclusively or otherwise), that is to say, weight,
capacity measurement or volume.
(2) Subject
to paragraph 5, goods to which this paragraph applies shall be pre-packed only
if the container is marked with an indication of quantity either by net weight
or by capacity measurement or by volume.
(1) This paragraph
applies to aerosol products containing any goods required by or under any other
provision of this Law to be pre-packed only if the container is marked with an
indication of quantity expressed in a particular manner.
(2) Subject
to paragraph 5, any aerosol product to which this paragraph applies shall be
pre-packed only if the container is marked with an indication of the quantity
by net weight of the entire contents thereof.
(1) This paragraph
applies to any collection of 2 or more items which, not itself
being –
(a) required by or under
any other provision of this Law to be pre-packed only if the container is
marked with particular information; or
(b) expressly exempted by
or under any other provision of this Law from any such requirement which would
otherwise apply thereto,
contains one or more articles
to which any such requirement applies.
(2) Any
collection to which this paragraph applies shall be pre-packed only
if –
(a) the container in which
the collection is pre-packed is marked with an indication of the quantity of
each of any such articles as aforesaid contained therein; or
(b) each of any such articles
contained therein is made up in an individual container marked with an
indication of quantity,
being in either case
the like indication of the quantity of each respectively of those articles as
would have been required if that article had itself been pre-packed.
5. There shall be exempted from any requirement of paragraph 1, 2 or 3
of this Schedule goods of any description in a quantity of less than one ounce
or of less than one fluid ounce.