Naming of Streets
and Numbering of Premises (Jersey) Law 1960
A LAW to provide for the naming of
streets, and the numbering of premises in streets, rows of houses and blocks of
[see endnotes]
1 Interpretation
In this Law –
“occupier”, “owner” and “Parish
Assembly” have the same meanings as in the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005;
“street” includes any highway, footway, mews, square,
court, alley or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not.[1]
2 Naming
of streets
(1) The Parish Assembly may
assign any name which it thinks fit to any street, whether or not in
substitution for a name already given or assigned.
(2) In the notice convening
a Parish Assembly for the purposes of this Article, there shall be set forth
the name which it is proposed to assign to the street, and particulars
sufficient to identify the location thereof.
3 Indication
of names of streets
Where a name has been assigned to any street, in pursuance of this Law,
the Connétable shall cause the name so assigned to be marked in a
conspicuous position on any building or structure in or near the street, and
shall from time to time cause the inscription to be renewed when it becomes
4 Numbering
of premises
(1) For the purpose of
distinguishing separate premises in any street, row of houses or block of
buildings, the Connétable may assign numbers to such premises, whether
or not in substitution for numbers already given or assigned.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1),
a number followed by a letter or a fraction shall be deemed to be a number.
(3) The Connétable
shall serve a notice on the owner or occupier of premises to which the
Connétable assigns a number in pursuance of this Article, requiring such
owner or occupier to mark that number on those premises and to remove therefrom
any number which differs from that number.
(4) Whenever the marking of
a number assigned to premises in pursuance of this Article is destroyed, pulled
down, defaced, obliterated or obscured, the Connétable may serve a
notice on the owner or occupier of those premises requiring the
Connétable to renew the marking.
(5) If the owner or
occupier of any premises on whom a notice is served under this Article fails to
comply with the requirements of the notice within 30 days from the service thereof,
the Connétable shall cause a number to be marked, removed or renewed, as
the case may be, and the expense incurred by the Connétable in so doing
shall be recoverable as a civil debt from the person in default.
5 Record
of names and numbers
The Connétable shall keep a record of –
(a) the names assigned to
streets, in pursuance of Article 2 or by which they were commonly known at
the date of the commencement of this Law; and
(b) the numbers assigned to
premises in pursuance of Article 4,
and any person, may at any reasonable hour inspect such record and
take a copy of any portion thereof.
6 Offences
If any person –
(a) destroys, pulls down,
defaces, obliterates or obscures any marking of the name of a street, which has
been lawfully set up;
(b) sets up in or on any
street, to which a name has been assigned in pursuance of this Law a name
different from that so assigned;
(c) places or fixes any
notice or advertisement within 12 inches of any marking of the name of a street,
lawfully set up;
(d) marks on any premises
to which a number has been assigned in pursuance of Article 4 any number
which differs from that number; or
(e) otherwise than for the
purpose of renewing the same, destroys, pulls down, defaces, obliterates or
obscures, or permits or suffers to be destroyed, pulled down, defaced,
obliterated or obscured the marking of any number assigned to premises in
pursuance of Article 4,
the person shall be liable to a fine of level 2 on the standard
Provided that sub-paragraphs (a) and (e) shall not apply where
the marking is destroyed, pulled down, defaced, obliterated or obscured in connection
with the demolition, alteration or erection of a building or structure or any part
thereof, if notice of the intention so to do is given to the Connétable
not less than 3 days before the marking is destroyed, pulled down, defaced,
obliterated or obscured.[2]
7 Notices[3]
The provisions of Article 50 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005, shall apply in relation to
notices required or authorized to be served by a Connétable under this Law
as they apply in relation to notices required or authorized to be served under that
8 Citation
This Law may be cited as the Naming of Streets and Numbering of
Premises (Jersey) Law 1960.