Lodging Houses
(General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1962[1]
1 Requirements
as to registration
No lodging house shall be
registered unless the Minister is satisfied that –
(a) the
lodging house is of solid and substantial construction and in good repair;
(b) the
rooms in the lodging house are adequately ventilated, of reasonable size, have
sufficient external window lighting and are so numbered as to make them readily
(c) the
lodging house contains facilities for ablutions and water closets, reasonably
adequate to the number of persons that can be lodged thereon;
(d) the
lodging house is adequately furnished and equipped;
(e) the
lodging house generally conforms to reasonable standards of cleanliness,
orderliness, water supply, sewage disposal, ventilation, safety and general
(f) reasonable
precautions are taken against fire and for the safety of persons in the case of
(g) the
keeper of the lodging house is ordinarily resident in Jersey or, where the
keeper is a limited liability company, the company is incorporated in Jersey;
(h) the
lodging house is under the management of a reasonably competent person or
2 Exemptions
from registration provisions[3]
Nothing in Article 2
of the Lodging Houses
(Registration) (Jersey) Law 1962 (hereinafter
referred to as the “Law”)
shall require the registration of –
(a) any
educational establishment;
(b) any
premises in which lodging for reward at any one time is provided for 5 persons
or less;
(c) any
establishment carried on by an organization not conducted for profit;
(d) any
establishment the sole or main object of which is the provision of
accommodation for reward for aged persons;
(e) any
nursing home to which the Nursing Homes
(Jersey) Law 1994 applies, and any care home service within the
meaning of paragraph 4, or children’s home service within the meaning
of paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 to the Regulation of
Care (Jersey) Law 2014;
(f) any
institution, house or home licensed under the Règlement pour la
régie et la surveillance des Maisons d’Aliénés
Licenciées et pour la protection des Aliénés, confirmed by
Order of Her Majesty in Council of the 3rd day of March 1883.
3 Applications
(1) Every
application for the registration or the renewal of the registration of a
lodging house under Article 5 of the Law –
(a) shall
be made in such form and manner and be accompanied by such documents as the
Minister may from time to time determine;
(b) shall,
for the period of time to which the application relates, contain full details
of the charges which the applicant proposes to make for each room and, in the
case of a room to be occupied by more than one person, for each such person;
(c) shall
be accompanied by the fee specified in Article 4(1).[4]
(2) Every
such application shall be signed by the keeper of the lodging house, or, if
made on behalf of a limited liability company or partnership, by the secretary,
manager or other duly authorized officer of the company or a partner of the
partnership, as the case may be.
(3) Any
keeper of a lodging house who, without the consent of the Minister, makes any
charge in excess of the charges specified as provided in paragraph (1)(b)
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of level 2 on the
standard scale.[5]
4 Fee[6]
(1) The fee to accompany an application for
registration, or for the renewal of registration, of a lodging house under
Article 5 of the Law is £15.85 and applies in respect of each person aged
5 years and over, multiplied by the maximum number of such persons
proposed to be lodged at the lodging house.[7]
(2) The
fee payable under paragraph (1) shall be refunded if the application for
registration or renewal, as the case may be, is refused.
5 Display
of notices[8]
(1) It
shall be the duty of the keeper of a registered lodging house to keep
conspicuously displayed in every registered bedroom a notice –
(a) giving
full details of the charges to be made for the room and, in the case of a room
to be occupied by more than one person, for each such person;
(b) informing
the occupant, or occupants as the case may be, of the room, that he, she or
they may be evicted without an order of Court; and
(c) specifying
the maximum number of persons that may be accommodated in the room.
(2) Any person who fails to
comply with the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable to a fine of level 2 on the standard scale.[9]
6 Prohibition
on double lettings
Accommodation in a lodging house shall not be so let that any bed is
used alternately by different persons, and the keeper of a lodging house who
contravenes the provisions of this Article shall be liable to a fine of level 2
on the standard scale.[10]
7 Citation
This Order may be cited as the Lodging Houses (General Provisions)
(Jersey) Order 1962.