(Placement) (Jersey) Regulations 2005
part 1
1 Interpretation
(1) In
these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires –
“foster care
agreement” means the agreement mentioned in Regulation 14(6);
“foster parent”
means the person with whom a child is or is proposed to be placed under Part 4;
“foster placement
agreement” means the agreement mentioned in Regulation 16(3);
“Law” means
the Children (Jersey)
Law 2002;
means the provision of accommodation and maintenance by the Minister for any
child whom the Minister is looking after by the means specified in Article 20(1)(a)
and (c) of the Law, but does not mean placement of a child for adoption, and
“place”, “placing” and “placed” shall be
construed accordingly.
(2) Any
notice required under these Regulations must be given in writing and may be
sent by post.
part 2
general duties of Minister
2 Arrangements
for placement
(1) Before
placing a child the Minister shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, make
immediate and long-term arrangements for that placement and for promoting the
welfare of the child who is to be placed.
(2) If
it is not practicable to make those arrangements before the placement the
Minister shall make them as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter.
(3) Where
a child has reached the age of 16 and agrees to being provided with
accommodation under Article 17 of the Law, the arrangements shall, so far
as reasonably practicable, be agreed by the Minister with the child before a
placement is made or, if that is not reasonably practicable, as soon as is
reasonably practicable thereafter.
(4) In
any other case in which a child who is not in the care of the Minister is
provided with accommodation by it, the arrangements shall, so far as reasonably
practicable, be agreed by the Minister with –
(a) a
person with parental responsibility for the child; or
(b) if
there is no such person, the person who is caring for the child,
before a placement is made
or, if that is not reasonably practicable, as soon as is reasonably practicable
(5) Any
arrangements made by the Minister under this Regulation shall be recorded in
3 Considerations
on making, and contents of, arrangements
(1) In
making the arrangements referred to in Regulation 2 the Minister shall have
regard, so far as is reasonably practicable, to the considerations specified in
Schedule 1.
(2) If
the child to be placed is not in the care of the Minister, the arrangements
referred to in Regulation 2 shall include, so far as is reasonably practicable,
arrangements concerning the matters specified in Schedule 2.
4 Notification
of arrangements
(1) The
Minister shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, notify the following
persons before the placement is made, of the arrangements to place the
child –
(a) any
person whose wishes and feelings have been sought under Article 19(2) of
the Law;
(c) the
child’s doctor;
(d) any
person, not being an officer of an administration of the States for which the
Minister is assigned responsibility, who was caring for the child immediately
before the arrangements are made;
(e) if
the child is not in the care of the Minister, any person in whose favour a
contact order is in force with respect to the child; and
(f) if
the child is in the care of the Minister, any person who has contact with the
child under Article 27 of the Law or an order under that Article.[1]
(2) If
it is not reasonably practicable for the Minister to give the notification
before the placement, the Minister shall give it as soon as reasonably
practicable thereafter.
(3) The
Minister shall send a copy of the arrangements referred to in Regulation 2, or
such part of the arrangements as the Minister considers will not prejudice the
welfare of the child, with the notification referred to in paragraph (1).
(4) However
in the case of notification to the persons specified in paragraph (1)(b)
to (f) the Minister shall send details of only such part of the arrangements as
the Minister considers those persons need to know.
5 Health
(1) Subject
to paragraphs (3) and (4), the Minister shall –
(a) before
making a placement, or if that is not reasonably practicable, as soon as
reasonably practicable after a placement is made, make arrangements for a
doctor to conduct an assessment, which may include a physical examination, of
the child’s state of health;
(b) require
the doctor who conducts the assessment to prepare a written report of the
assessment addressing the considerations specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1;
(c) having
regard to those considerations, and, unless paragraph (4) applies, to the
assessment report, prepare a plan for the future health care of the child if
one is not already in existence.
(2) The
Minister shall ensure that each child is provided during the placement
with –
(a) health
care services, including medical and dental care and treatment; and
(b) advice
and guidance on health, personal care and health promotion issues appropriate
to the child’s needs.
(3) Paragraph (1)
does not apply if, within a period of 3 months immediately preceding the
placement, the child’s health has been assessed and a report of the
assessment prepared in accordance with that paragraph.
(4) Paragraph (1)(a)
and (b) do not apply if the child, being of sufficient understanding to do so,
refuses to consent to the assessment.
part 3
placement with parents, etc
6 Scope
of Part 3
(1) This
Part shall apply to every child who is in the care of the Minister and who is,
or is proposed to be, placed with –
(a) his
or her parent;
(b) a
person other than his or her parent but who has parental responsibility for the
child; or
(c) if
there was a residence order in force with respect to the child immediately
before the care order was made, a person in whose favour the residence order
was made.
(2) If
a child who is to be placed is aged 16 or over Regulations 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12(2) shall not apply.
(3) Nothing
in these Regulations shall require the temporary removal of a child from the
person with whom the child is already living and with whom the child may be
(4) These
Regulations shall not apply in a case to the extent that they are incompatible
with any order made by a court under Article 27 of the Law concerning
contact with children in the care of the Minister.
7 Duties
of Minister in relation to Part 3 placements
(1) The
Minister shall not place a child under this Part unless the Minister is
satisfied that –
(a) the
placement is the most suitable way of performing the Minister’s duty
under Article 19(1) of the Law; and
(b) the
placement that the Minister is considering is the most suitable placement
available having regard to all the circumstances, and in particular the matters
specified in paragraph (2).
(2) Before
placing a child under this Part, the Minister shall make all necessary
enquiries in respect of –
(a) the
health of the child;
(b) the
suitability of the person with whom it is proposed that the child should be
(c) the
suitability of the proposed accommodation, including the proposed sleeping
(d) the
educational and social needs of the child; and
(e) the
suitability of all other members of the household, aged 16 and over, in
which it is proposed that the child will live.
(3) In
considering the suitability of a person as required by paragraph (2)(b) or
(e), the Minister shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, take into account
the particulars specified in paragraphs 1 or 2 of Schedule 3 as the case
may be.
8 Immediate
(1) Subject
to paragraph (2), nothing in Regulation 7 shall prevent the immediate
placement of a child in circumstances in which the Minister considers it to be
necessary and in accordance with the Minister’s duty under Article 19(1)
of the Law, and in such a case the Minister shall take steps to ensure that any
provisions of this Part that were not complied with before such placement are
complied with as soon as is reasonably practicable thereafter.
(2) Before
an immediate placement is made under this Regulation the Minister
shall –
(a) arrange
for the person with whom the child is to be placed to be interviewed in order
to obtain as much of the information specified in paragraph 1 of Schedule 3
as can be readily ascertained at the interview; and
(b) arrange
to obtain as much of the information specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 3
in relation to other members of the household aged 16 and over, in which
it is proposed that the child will live, as can be readily ascertained at the
time of that interview.
9 Agreements
When the Minister has
decided to place a child under this Part the Minister shall, so far as is
reasonably practicable, seek to reach agreement with the person with whom the
child is to be placed on all the particulars specified in Schedule 4 and
the placement shall not be put into effect unless and until –
(a) agreement
on all such particulars has been reached;
(b) the
agreement has been recorded in writing; and
(c) a
copy of the agreement has been given or sent to that person.
10 Notification
of placements
(1) Subject
to paragraph (3) the Minister shall, so far as is reasonably practicable,
give notice of where the child is to be placed to all the persons whose wishes
and feelings have been sought under Article 19(2) of the Law in relation
to the decision to place the child, and to the persons specified in paragraph (4).
(2) If
the child is placed with a person other than a parent the notice under
paragraph (1) shall contain –
(a) the
name and address of the person with whom the child is placed;
(b) particulars
of arrangements for contact with the child; and
(c) any
other particulars relating to the care and welfare of the child that the
Minister considers should be supplied.
(3) The
Minister need not give notice under paragraph (1) in the case of a person
whose whereabouts are unknown to the Minister, or cannot be readily
ascertained, or in any case where the Minister determines that to give such
notice would not be in the best interests of the child.
(4) For
the purposes of paragraph (1) the persons specified are –
(b) the
child’s doctor;
(c) any
person, not being an officer of an administration of the States for which the
Minister is assigned responsibility, who has been caring for the child immediately
before the placement; and
(d) where
there was a residence order in force with respect to the child immediately
before the care order was made, the person in whose favour the residence order
was made.[2]
11 Support
and supervision of Part 3 placements
(1) The
Minister shall satisfy himself or herself that the welfare of each child placed
by the Minister continues to be appropriately provided for by the placement and
for that purpose shall –
(a) give
such advice and assistance to the person with whom the child is placed as
appears to the Minister to be necessary; and
(b) make
arrangements for a person authorized by the Minister to visit the child from
time to time as necessary but in any event –
(i) within one week
of the beginning of the placement,
(ii) at
intervals of not more than 6 weeks during the first year of the placement, and
(iii) thereafter
at intervals of not more than 3 months and also whenever reasonably requested
by the child or the person with whom the child is placed.
(2) On
each occasion when a child is visited under this Regulation the Minister shall
ensure that the person that the Minister has authorized to visit the
child –
(a) so
far as is reasonably practicable, sees the child alone; and
(b) prepares
a written report of the visit.
12 Termination
of Part 3 placements
(1) If
it appears to the Minister that the placement is no longer in accordance with
the Minister’s duty in respect of the child under Article 19(1) of
the Law or would prejudice the safety of the child, the Minister shall
terminate the placement and shall remove the child forthwith from the person
with whom the child is placed.
(2) The
Minister shall, so far as is reasonably practicable –
(a) give
notice of any decision to terminate the placement before it is terminated
to –
(i) the child, having
regard to the child’s age and understanding,
(ii) the
other persons whose wishes and feelings have been sought under Article 19(2)
of the Law in relation to the decision to terminate the placement,
(iii) the
person with whom the child is placed,
(iv) the
persons mentioned in Regulation 10(4); and
(b) give
notice of the termination of the placement to the persons mentioned in sub-paragraph (a)(ii)
and (iv).
part 4
placement with foster
13 Scope
of Part 4
(1) This
Part applies to any placement of a child by the Minister to which Part 3
does not apply, other than the placement of a child not in the care of the
Minister with a parent of the child or other person having parental
responsibility for the child.
(2) If
a care order is in force the application of this Part is subject to any
direction given by the court (whether or not it was given after the
commencement of these Regulations).
(3) Nothing
in this part requires the temporary removal of a child from a person with whom
the child is already living before placement under this Part.
14 Approval
of foster parents
(1) Except
in the case of an immediate placement under Regulation 19, a child shall
not be placed with any person unless the person is approved by the Minister as
a foster parent under this Regulation.
(2) Before
approving a person as a foster parent the Minister shall –
(a) interview
2 persons whose names and addresses have been given by the person as referees;
(b) obtain
so far as practicable the information specified in Schedule 5 relating to
the person and other members of the person’s household and family.
(3) If,
having regard to the matters mentioned in paragraph (2), the Minister is
satisfied that the person is suitable to act as a foster parent and that the
person’s household is suitable for any child in respect of whom approval
is given, the Minister may approve the person as a foster parent.
(4) The
Minister shall not approve a person as a foster parent if the person is
disqualified for fostering a child privately under Schedule 4 of
the Law or carrying on a care home service unless the person has
disclosed the disqualification to the Minister.[3]
(5) An
approval given under this Regulation may specify that it is given in respect
of –
(a) a
particular named child or children;
(b) a
particular number and age range of children; or
(c) placements
of any particular kind or in any particular circumstances,
and the Minister shall
give notice of any such specification to the foster parent.
(6) Before
the Minister places a child with a foster parent the Minister shall require the
foster parent to enter into a foster care agreement with the Minister in
writing and covering the matters specified in Schedule 6.
(7) If
the Minister decides not to approve a person as a foster parent the Minister
shall give the person notice of the decision and the reasons for it.
15 Reviews
and terminations of approval
(1) Where
a foster parent has been approved under Regulation 14 the Minister shall
review, at intervals of not more than a year, whether or not the foster parent
and the foster parent’s household continue to be suitable and shall
consult the foster parent as part of the review.
(2) If,
as the result of the review, the Minister is no longer satisfied –
(a) that
the specification mentioned in Regulation 14(5) is appropriate the Minister
shall revise the terms; or
(b) that
the foster parent or the foster parent’s household are suitable the
Minister shall terminate the approval from a date to be specified in the notice
under paragraph (3).
(3) The
Minister shall prepare a report of the review and give notice to the foster
parent of the decision, including any decision to revise the specification
mentioned in Regulation 14(5) and the reasons for the decision.
(4) If
a foster parent notifies the Minister that the foster parent no longer wishes
to act as such, or if the Minister is otherwise satisfied that the foster
parent no longer so wishes, the Minister shall terminate the approval from a
date specified by notice to the foster parent.
16 Restrictions
on Part 4 placements
(1) The
Minister shall not place a child under this Part unless the Minister is
satisfied that –
(a) the
placement is the most suitable way of performing the Minister’s duty
under Article 19(1) of the Law; and
(b) the
placement it is considering is the most suitable placement available having
regard to all the circumstances.
(2) In
making arrangements for a placement the Minister shall secure that where
possible the foster parent –
(a) is of
the same religious persuasion as the child; or
(b) gives
an undertaking that the child will be brought up in that religious persuasion.
(3) Except
in the case of an emergency or immediate placement under Regulation 19,
the Minister shall not place a child unless the Minister and the foster parent
have entered into a foster placement agreement relating to the child in writing
and covering the matters specified in Schedule 7.
17 Support
and supervision of Part 4 placements
(1) The
Minister shall satisfy himself or herself that the welfare of each child that
the Minister has placed continues to be appropriately provided for by the
placement and for that purpose shall –
(a) give
such advice and assistance to the foster parent as appears to the Minister to
be necessary; and
(b) make
arrangements for a person authorized by the Minister to visit the child, in the
home in which the child is placed, from time to time as circumstances may
require and when reasonably requested by the child or the foster parent and in
particular (but subject to Regulation 25(3)) –
(i) within one week
of the beginning of the placement,
(ii) at
intervals of not more than 6 weeks during the first year of the placement, and
(iii) thereafter
at intervals of not more than 3 months and also whenever reasonably requested
by the child or the person with whom the child is placed.
(2) In
case of an emergency or immediate placement under Regulation 19 the
Minister shall arrange for the child to be visited at least once in each week
during the placement.
(3) On
each occasion when a child is visited under this Regulation the Minister shall
ensure that the person the Minister has authorized to visit the
child –
(a) so
far as is reasonably practicable, sees the child alone; and
(b) prepares
a written report of the visit.
18 Termination
of Part 4 placements
The Minister shall
terminate a placement under this Part if the Minister considers that the
placement is no longer the most suitable way of performing the Minister’s
duty under Article 19(1) of the Law.
19 Emergency
and immediate placements
(1) Subject
to paragraph (2), where arrangements have been made for the placement of a
child in an emergency the Minister may for a period not exceeding 72 hours
place the child with any person approved under Regulation 14.
(2) Before
making an emergency placement under paragraph (1) the Minister
shall –
(a) satisfy
himself or herself that it is the most suitable way of performing the
Minister’s duty under Article 19(1) of the Law; and
(b) obtain
a written agreement from the person with whom the child is to be placed that
the person will carry out the duties specified in paragraph (4).
(3) If
the Minister is satisfied that the immediate placement of a child is necessary
the Minister may, for a period not exceeding 12 weeks, place the child with a
person who has not been approved under Regulation 14 provided that –
(a) the
person is a relative or friend of the child;
(b) the
person has made a written agreement with the Minister to carry out the duties
specified in paragraph (4); and
(c) after
interviewing the person, inspecting the person’s accommodation and
obtaining information about other persons living in the person’s
household, the Minister is satisfied that the placement is the most suitable
way of performing the Minister’s duty under Article 19(1) of the
(4) The
duties referred to in paragraph (2)(b) and (3)(b) are –
(a) to
care for the child as if the child were a member of that person’s family;
(b) to
permit any person authorized by the Minister to visit the child at any time;
(c) if
the placement is terminated, to allow the Minister to remove the child at any
(d) to
ensure that any information that the person may acquire relating to the child,
or to the child’s family or any other person that has been given to the
person in confidence in connection with the placement is kept confidential and
is not disclosed except to, or with the agreement of, the Minister; and
(e) to
allow contact with the child in accordance with –
(i) Article 27
of the Law in relation to a child in care,
(ii) a
contact order, and
(iii) any
arrangements made or agreed by the Minister.
part 5
20 Establishment
of records
(1) The
Minister shall compile and maintain a written case record in respect of each
child whom the Minister places.
(2) The
record shall include –
(a) a
copy of the arrangements referred to in Regulation 2;
(b) a
copy of any written report in the Minister’s possession concerning the
welfare of the child;
(c) a
copy of any document considered or record established in the course of or as a
result of a review of the child’s case;
(d) details
of arrangements for contact, of contact orders and of other court orders
relating to the child; and
(e) details
of any arrangements whereby another person acts on behalf of the Minister.
21 Case
records for foster parents and others with whom a child is placed
(1) The
Minister shall compile and maintain a record for each foster parent whom the
Minister has approved under Regulation 14 and for each person, not being an
approved foster parent, with whom a child is placed under Regulation 19.
(2) Every
document compiled under paragraph (1) shall include copies of each of the
documents specified in paragraph (3) and the information specified in
paragraph (4).
(3) The
documents referred to in paragraph (2) are –
(a) the
notice of approval under Regulation14;
(b) the
foster care agreement;
(c) any
report of review of approval as mentioned in Regulation 15(3);
(d) any
notice of termination of approval under Regulation 15(3) or (4); and
(e) any
agreement specified in Regulation19(3)(b).
(4) The
information referred to in paragraph (2) is –
(a) a
record of each placement with the foster parent or person, not being an
approved foster parent, with whom the child is placed under Regulation 19,
including the name, age and sex of each child placed, the dates on which each
placement began and terminated and the circumstances of the termination;
(b) the
information obtained by the Minister in relation to the approval of the foster
parent and in relation to any review of termination of the approval; and
(c) the
information obtained under Regulation 19(3)(c).
(5) The
Minister shall compile a record for each person to whom notice is given under
Regulation 14(7) that the person is not approved as a foster parent, the record
to include a copy of the notice and the information as to the person and the
person’s household and family obtained by the Minister under Regulation
22 Register
of placements
The Minister, shall, in
respect of every child placed, enter into a register to be maintained for the
purpose –
(a) the
name, sex and date of birth of the child;
(b) the
name and address of the person with whom the child is placed and, if different,
of the child’s parent or other person not being a parent of the child who
has parental responsibility for the child;
(c) whether
the Minister considers that the child is at risk of being abused; and
(d) the
date on which each placement of the child began and terminated and the reason
for each termination.
23 Register
of foster parents, etc
(1) The
Minister shall enter in a register maintained for the purpose the particulars
specified in paragraph (2) for each foster parent approved under
Regulation 14 and each person, not being an approved foster parent, with whom a
child is placed under Regulation 19.
(2) The
particulars mentioned in paragraph (1) are –
(a) the
name and address of the foster parent (or, where foster parents are approved
jointly, of both foster parents) or other person with whom the child is placed
under Regulation 19;
(b) the
date of the approval under Regulation 14 or agreement specified in
Regulation 19(3)(b); and
(c) the
terms of the notice of approval under Regulation 14 or of the agreement
specified in Regulation 19(3)(b) as for the time being in force.
24 Retention
and confidentiality of records
(1) A
case record relating to a child who is placed shall be retained until the 75th
anniversary of the date of birth of the child to whom it relates or, if the
child dies before attaining the age of 18, for a period of 15 years
beginning with the date of the child’s death.
(2) Entries
in the register maintained under Regulation 22 shall be retained until the
child to whom the entry relates attains the age of 23 or, if the child has died
before attaining 23, the period of 5 years beginning with the date of the
child’s death.
(3) The
record for a foster parent or other person compiled under Regulation 21 and any
entry relating to the foster parent or other person in the register maintained
under Regulation 23 shall be retained for at least 10 years from the date on
which the foster parent’s approval is terminated, or until the foster parent’s
death, whichever is the earlier.
(4) The
Minister shall secure the safe keeping of any register or record required to be
retained under this Part and shall take all necessary steps to ensure that
information contained in them is treated as confidential, subject only
to –
(a) any
provision of or under any enactment under which access to such records or
information may be obtained or given;
(b) any
court order under which access to such records or information may be obtained
or given.
part 6
miscellaneous provisions
25 Application
of Regulations to short-term placements
(1) This
Regulation applies where the Minister has arranged to place a child in a series
of short-term placements with the same person and the arrangement is
that –
(a) no
single placement is to last for more than 4 weeks; and
(b) the
total duration of the placements is not to exceed 120 days in any period of 12
(2) Any
series of short-term placements to which this Regulation applies may be treated
as a single placement for the purposes of these Regulations but with the
modifications set out in paragraph (3).
(3) Regulations
11(1)(b) and 17(1)(b) shall apply as if those paragraphs required
arrangements to be made for visits to the child on a day when the child is in
fact placed (a “placement day”) –
(a) within
the first 7 placement days of a series of short-term placements; and
(b) thereafter,
if the series of short term placements continues, at intervals of not more than
6 months or, if the interval between placements exceeds 6 months, during the
next placement.
26 Placements
outside Jersey
Where the Minister makes
arrangements to place a child outside Jersey the Minister shall take steps to
ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the requirements that would have
applied under these Regulations, had the child been placed in Jersey, are
complied with.
27 Citation
These Regulations may be
cited as the Children (Placement) (Jersey) Regulations 2005.
(Regulation 3(1))
Minister is TO HAVE REGARD in making arrangements for placement
1 General considerations
(1) In
the case of a child who is in the care of the Minister, whether an application
should be made to discharge the care order.
(2) Whether
the Minister should seek a change in the child’s legal status.
(3) Arrangements
for contact, and whether there is any need for changes in the arrangements in
order to promote contact with the child’s family and others, so far as is
consistent with the child’s welfare.
(4) The
Minister’s immediate and long term arrangements for the child, previous
arrangements in respect of the child, and whether a change in those
arrangements is needed and consideration of alternative courses of action.
(5) Whether
an independent visitor should be appointed if one has not already been
(6) Whether
arrangements need to be made for the time when the child will no longer be
looked after by the Minister.
(7) Whether
plans need to be made to find a permanent substitute family for the child.
2 Health considerations
(1) The
child’s state of health, including physical, emotional and mental health.
(2) The
child’s health history including, as far as practicable the child’s
family health history.
(3) The
effect of the child’s health and health history on the child’s
(4) Existing
arrangements for the child’s medical and dental care, treatment and
(5) The
possible need for an appropriate course of action to assist any necessary
change in such care, treatment or surveillance.
(6) The
possible need for preventive measures such as vaccination and immunisation, and
screening for vision and hearing, and for advice and guidance on health,
personal care and health promotion issues appropriate to the child’s
3 Educational considerations
(1) The
child’s educational history.
(2) The
need to achieve continuity in the child’s education.
(3) The
need to identify any educational need that the child may have and to take
action to meet that need.
(4) The
need to carry out any assessment in respect of any special educational need
under Article 30 of the Education (Jersey)
Law 1999 and to meet any such needs identified by the assessment.
(Regulation 3(2))
1. The
type of accommodation to be provided and its address together with the name of
any person who will be responsible for the child at that accommodation on
behalf of the Minister.
2. The
details of any services to be provided for the child.
3. The
respective responsibilities of the Minister and –
(a) the child;
(b) any
parent of the child; and
(c) any
person who is not a parent of the child but who has parental responsibility for
the child.
4. What
delegation there has been by the persons referred to in paragraph 3(b) and
(c) to the Minister of parental responsibility for the child’s day to day
5. The
arrangements for involving those persons and the child in decision making with
respect to the child having regard to the Minister’s duty under Article 17(6)
of the Law to ascertain and give due consideration to the child’s wishes
and the Minister’s general duty in relation to children the Minister
looks after under Article 19 of the Law.
6. The
arrangements for contact between the child and –
(a) the
child’s parents;
(b) any
person who is not a parent of the child but who has parental responsibility for
the child; and
(c) any
relative, friend or other person connected with the child,
and if appropriate. the
reasons why contact with any such person would not be reasonably practicable or
would be inconsistent with the child’s welfare.
7. The
arrangements for notifying changes in arrangements for contact to any of the
persons referred to in paragraph 6.
8. In
the case of a child who has reached the age of 16 whether the child agrees
to being provided with accommodation under Article 17 of the Law.
9. The
expected duration of arrangements and the steps that should apply to bring the
arrangements to an end, including arrangements for rehabilitation of the child
with the person with whom the child was living before the arrangements were
made or some other suitable person, having regard in particular to Article 20(2)
of, and paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to, the Law.
(Regulation 7(3))
1. In
respect of a person with whom it is proposed the child should be
placed –
(a) age;
(b) health;
(c) personality;
(d) marital
status and particulars of any previous marriage;
(e) previous
experience of looking after and capacity to look after children and capacity to
care for the child;
(f) the
result of any application to have a child placed with the person to adopt a
child or of any application for registration under Article 2 of the Day Care of Children
(Jersey) Law 2002 (registration of day carers) or any previous
legislation of like effect and details of any prohibition on the person acting
as a day carer, providing day care, or caring for foster children privately or
for children in a children’s home or as part of a care home service;
(g) details
of children in the person’s household, whether living there or not;
(h) religious
persuasion and degree of observance, racial origin and cultural and linguistic
(i) past
and present employment and leisure activities and interests;
(j) details
of the living standards and particulars of accommodation of the person’s
(k) subject
to the provisions of the Rehabilitation of
Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001 and any Regulations made under it, any
criminal conviction.
2. In
respect of members of the household aged 16 and over of a person with whom
a child is to be placed, so far as is practicable, all the particulars
specified in paragraph 1(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (i), and (k).
Regulation 9
part 3
1. The
Minister’s plans for the child and the objectives of the placement.
2. The
arrangements for support of the placement.
3. Arrangements
for visiting the child in connection with the supervision of the placement by
the person authorized by or on behalf of the Minister, and frequency of visits.
4. Arrangements
for contact, if any, (including prohibition of contact) in pursuance of Article 27
of the Law (parental contact etc for children in care).
5. Removal
of the child from the placement in the circumstances specified in Regulation
6. The
need to notify the Minister of relevant changes in circumstances of the person
with whom the child is placed, including any intention to change the
child’s address, changes in the household in which the child will live
and any serious occurrence involving the child such as injury or death.
7. The
provision of a statement concerning the health of the child, the child’s
need for health care and surveillance, and the child’s educational needs
and the Minister’s arrangements to provide for all such needs.
8. Any
arrangements for any delegation and exercise of responsibility for consent to
medical examination or treatment.
9. The
need to ensure that any information relating to any child or the child’s
family or any other person given in confidence to the person with whom the
child is placed in connection with the placement is kept confidential and that
such information is not disclosed to any person without the consent of the
10. The
circumstances in which it is necessary to obtain in advance the approval of the
Minister for the child living, even temporarily, in a household other than the
household of the person with whom the child has been placed.
11. The
arrangements for requesting a change in the agreement.
(Regulation 14(2)(b))
information AS TO
1. The
person’s full name, address and date of birth.
2. Details
of the person’s health (supported by a medical report), personality,
marital status and details of any current and previous marriage or long-term
3. Particulars
of the other adult members of the person’s household.
4. Particulars
of the children in the person’s family, whether or not members of the person’s
household, and any other children in the household.
5. Particulars
of the person’s accommodation.
6. The
person’s religious persuasion, the degree of the person’s religious
observance and the person’s capacity to care for a child from any
particular religious persuasion.
7. The
person’s racial origin, cultural and linguistic background and capacity
to care of a child from any particular racial origin or cultural or linguistic
8. The
person’s past and present employment or occupation, standard of living
and leisure activities and interests.
9. The
person’s previous experience (if any) of caring for his or her own, and
other, children.
10. The
person’s skills, competence and potential relevant to his or her capacity
to care effectively for a child placed with him or her.
11. Subject
to the Rehabilitation
of Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001 and any Regulations made under it, any
criminal convictions of the person and those of any adult members of the
person’s household.
12. The
names and addresses of 2 persons who will provide personal reference for the
13. The
outcome of any request or application made by the person or any other member of
his or her household to foster or adopt children or for registration under
Article 2 of the Day
Care of Children (Jersey) Law 2002 or any previous legislation of like
(Regulation 14(6))
matters and obligations to
be covered in foster care agreements
1. The
terms of the foster parent’s approval.
2. The
amount of support and training to be given to the foster parent.
3. The
procedure for the review of approval of a foster parent.
4. The
procedure in connection with the placement of foster children, and in
particular –
(a) the matters to be covered in any foster
placement agreement and the respective obligations under any such agreement of
the Minister and the foster parent;
(b) the
Minister’s arrangements for meeting any legal liabilities of the foster
parent arising by reason of the placement; and
(c) the
procedure available to foster parents for making representations to the
5. A
requirement for the foster parent to give written notice to the Minister
forthwith, with full particulars, of –
(a) any
intended change in the foster parent’s address;
(b) any
change in the composition of the foster parent’s household;
(c) any
other change in the foster parent’s personal circumstances and any other
event affecting either his or her capacity to care for any child placed or the
suitability of the foster parent’s household; and
(d) any
further request or application of a kind mentioned in paragraph 13 of Schedule 5.
6. A
prohibition on the foster parent administering corporal punishment to any child
placed with the foster parent.
7. A
requirement that any information relating to a child placed with the foster
parent, to the child’s family or to any other person, that has been given
to the foster parent in confidence in connection with a placement is kept
confidential and is not disclosed to any person without the consent of the
8. A
requirement for the foster parent to comply with the terms of any foster
placement agreement, to care for the child placed with the foster parent as if
the child were a member of the foster parent’s family and to promote the
child’s welfare having regard to the Minister’s long and short-term
arrangements for the child.
9. A
requirement for the foster parent to keep the Minister informed about the
child’s progress and to notify the Minister immediately of significant
events affecting the child.
10. A
requirement, if the placement is terminated, for the foster parent to allow the
Minister to remove the child from the foster parent’s home.
(Regulation 16(3))
matters and obligations to
be covered in foster placement agreements
1. A
requirement for the Minister to provide a statement containing all the
information that the Minister considers necessary to enable the foster parent
to care for the child and, in particular, information as to –
(a) the Minister’s arrangements for the
child and the objectives of the placement in the context of the
Minister’s plan for the care of the child;
(b) the
child’s personal history, religious persuasion and cultural and
linguistic background and racial origin;
(c) the
child’s state of health and identified health needs; and
(d) the
child’s educational needs,
including a requirement
for the statement to be provided either at the time of the signing of the
agreement or, where this is not practicable, within the following 14 days.
2. The
Minister’s arrangements for the financial support of the child during
3. Any
arrangements for giving consent to the medical or dental examination or
treatment of the child.
4. The
circumstances in which it is necessary to obtain in advance the approval of the
Minister for the child to live, even temporarily, away from the foster
parent’s home.
5. The
arrangements for visits to the child, in connection with the supervision of the
placement by the person authorized by or on behalf of the Minister.
6. The
arrangements for the child to have contact with his or her parents and other
persons, including any arrangements in pursuance of Article 27 of the Law
in relation to a child in care, and details of any contact order.
7. Compliance
by the foster parent with the terms of the foster care agreement.
8. Co-operation
by the foster parent with any arrangements made by the Minister for the child.