Road Traffic (Saint Martin) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 1997

Jersey R & O 9070


Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956





THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 33 and 42 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended,1 and after consultation with the Connétable of Saint Martin, hereby orders as follows –

1.             In the First Schedule to the Road Traffic (Saint Martin) (Jersey) Order 1989,2 as amended, after the item “Le Mont de la Crête” in the first column and the entry opposite thereto in the second column there shall be inserted the following item and entry –


“La Rue de la Haye

La Rue de la Marc des Reines to Le Rond Collas.”.

2.             This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (Saint Martin) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 1997 and shall come into force on the eighth day of April 1997.

By Order of the Public Services Committee,




Deputy Greffier of the States.

24th March 1997.

1        Recueil des Lois, Tome VIII, pages 618 and 633, and Nos. 7072 and 8077

2        No. 7938.

Page Last Updated: 14 Oct 2015