Act 1985 regarding Health Care Agreement with Iceland

Jersey R & O 7408




Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Iceland on health services.


The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the Republic of Iceland;

Desirous of providing residents of the territory of either the two Contracting Parties temporarily in the territory of the other with immediately necessary medical treatment;

Have agreed as follows:


For the purpose of this Agreement:

(a)     “medical treatment” means:

(i)      in relation to Iceland, medical treatment provided under Icelandic social security legislation;

(ii)     in relation to the United Kingdom and to the Isle of Man, treatment by services provided under the National Health Service legislation either by health authorities established under the legislation or by the Isle of Man Health Services Board, as the case may be;

(iii)    in relation to the Island of Jersey, hospital medical and nursing services, including dental, ophthalmic and pharmaceutical services, provided by the Public Health Committee of the States of Jersey;

(iv)    in relation to the Bailiwick of Guernsey, hospital treatment as provided by the Board of Health of the States of Guernsey and under the same conditions as to a resident of that Bailiwick;

(b)     “resident” means:

(i)      in relation to the territory of Iceland, a person who is resident in Iceland and insured under Icelandic social security legislation and holds either a valid Icelandic passport or an insurance entitlement certificate issued in accordance with that legislation;

(ii)     in relation to the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, a person who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man who holds either a valid United Kingdom passport or a National Health Medical Card;

(iii)    in relation to the Island of Jersey, a person who is ordinarily resident in that island who holds a valid United Kingdom passport or an Identity Card issued in accordance with the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law, 1967 or a certificate issued by the social security authority of the States of Jersey;

(iv)    in relation to the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm, Jethou and Sark, a person who is ordinarily resident in one of those islands who holds a valid United Kingdom passport, or proof of insurance issued by the social security authority of the States of Guernsey or other proof of residence;

(c)     “territory” means:

(i)      in relation to Iceland, the territory of the Republic of Iceland;

(ii)     in relation to the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, also the Isle of Man and the Island of Jersey, and the Bailiwick of Guernsey.


1.      A resident of the territory of one Party who is temporarily in the territory of the other and needs immediate medical treatment shall be provided, on the same terms as a resident of that territory, with such medical treatment, including any medicines, as is considered for clinical reasons to be immediately necessary. The authorities of that territory shall bear all costs arising therefrom apart from charges normally paid by residents of that territory.

2.      The provisions of this article do not apply to a resident of the territory of one Party who goes to the other for the specific purpose of obtaining medical treatment under this Agreement unless the person seeking treatment is a member of the crew or passenger on any ship, vessel or aircraft travelling to, leaving from or diverted to one of the territories and the need for urgent treatment has arisen during the voyage or flight.


1.      The authorities responsible for the implementation of this Agreement are:

(a)     in relation to the territory of Iceland, the Ministry of Health and Social Security;

(b)     in relation to the territory of the United Kingdom, the Department of Health and Social Security and the other authorities of the territory responsible for the provision of services as defined in Article 1(a).

2.      These authorities shall send to each other as soon as possible details of any changes in laws or regulations in force in their respective territories which may significantly affect the nature and scope of services provided under this Agreement.

3.      Any disagreement relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultation between these authorities.


This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and shall remain in force until denounced by either Party by giving six months’ notice in writing to the other Party.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.1

Done in duplicate at Reykjavik this 22nd day of September 1982 in the English and Icelandic languages, both texts being equally authoritative.


For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


For the Government of the Republic of Iceland.






1        The United Kingdom signature also has effect in respect of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

Page Last Updated: 17 Jan 2016