Jersey R & O 8243
Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956
THE DEFENCE COMMITTEE, in pursuance of
Articles 33 and 42 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and after consultation with the Connétable
of Saint Martin, hereby orders as follows –
1. In
Article 6 of the Road Traffic (Saint Martin) (Jersey) Order 1989, as amended
(hereinafter referred to as “the principal Order”) paragraph (5)
shall be deleted.
2. Article
7 of the principal Order shall be deleted.
3. In
the Second Schedule to the principal Order –
(a) after
the item “La Grande Route de Rozel” in the first column and the
entries opposite thereto in the second column there shall be inserted the following
item and entries –
Grande Route de St. Martin
West side (from the southern boundary of Les Buttes Stores
to the junction with La Rue de la Mare des Reines
East side (from the junction with
La Rue des Buttes to the junction with La Longue Rue)”;
(b) after
the item “Le Mont Gabard” in the first column and the entry
opposite thereto in the second column there shall be inserted the following
item and entries –
Rond Collas
West side (from the junction with La Rue de la Mare des
Reines to the entrance to Neville Holt Estate)
East side (from the junction with
La Longue Rue to the western boundary of the property known as ‘Glen
4. Part
III of the Fourth Schedule to the principal Order shall be deleted.
5. The
Fifth Schedule to the principal Order shall be deleted.
6. This
Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (Saint Martin) (Amendment No. 4)
(Jersey) Order 1991 and shall come into force on the ninth day of August 1991.
By Order of the Defence Committee,
Greffier of the States.
1st August 1991.