Harbours (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Regulations 1992

Jersey R & O 8479


Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961






(Promulgated on the 14th day of November 1992)






The 11th day of November 1992


THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961,1 as amended, have made the following Regulations –

1.             For paragraph (2) of Regulation 24 of the Harbours (Jersey) Regulations 1962,2 as amended3 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Regulations”), there shall be substituted the following paragraphs –

“(2)        No goods of any description shall be allowed to remain on any harbour, without the permission of the Harbour Master, for longer than the period specified in the First Schedule to these Regulations in relation to goods of that description, and, on the expiration of the said period, there shall be charged, subject to paragraph (2A) of this Regulation –

(a)     in respect of vehicles, other than empty trailers, the sum of œ7 per vehicle per day or part thereof (including Sundays and public holidays); and

(b)     in respect of all other goods, the sum of œ11 per day or part thereof (not including Sundays and public holidays) for every ten square metres of space or part thereof occupied by such goods.

(2A)      The Committee may, in exceptional circumstances, reduce the amount of the charge under paragraph (2) of this Regulation.”.

2.             For the First Schedule to the principal Regulations there shall be substituted the following Schedule –



(Regulation 24(2))

Period during which goods may remain on any harbour


Description of goods






Timber, boxwood, bucks and peat


8 days

in bulk cargo.






Containers (empty); trailers


7 days

(empty); flats (empty); and any



other description of device on



which goods are placed or carried.






Asbestos, bricks, glass, hay and


3 days

straw and tiles in bulk cargo;



containers (loaded); wood and



wood products.






Vehicles, other than trailers


1 day







All other goods.


2 days.”.

3.             These Regulations may be cited as the Harbours (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Regulations 1992 and shall come into force forthwith on promulgation.




Greffier of the States.

1        Recueil des Lois, Volume 1961–1962, page 165.

2        No. 4338.

3        Nos 6297, 6844, 7148 and 8311.

Page Last Updated: 21 Jan 2016