Building Bye-laws (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) 2015

Made                                                                        18th March 2015

Coming into force                                                     19th March 2015

THE MINISTER FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT, in pursuance of Articles 30 and 124 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002[1], orders as follows –

1        Interpretation

In these bye-laws, reference without more to a bye-law by number is a reference to the bye-law of that number in the Building Bye-laws (Jersey) 2007[2].

2        Bye-law 9 amended

(1)     In bye-law 9(1) for the words “the Minister” in each place in which they occur there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

(2)     In bye-law 9(2) –

(a)     at the beginning for the words “The Minister” there shall be substituted the words “The Chief Officer”; and

(b)     the words “to enable the Minister” shall be deleted.

3        Bye-law 10 amended

In bye-law 10(1) for the words “the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

4        Bye-law 11 amended

In bye-law 11 for the words “particulars the Minister reasonably requires” there shall be substituted the words “such particulars as may be reasonably required”.

5        Bye-law 13 amended

(1)     In paragraphs (1), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of bye-law 13 for the words “the Minister” in each place in which they occur there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

(2)     In bye-law 13(2) –

(a)     for the words “unless the Minister directs otherwise,” there shall be substituted the words “unless otherwise directed,”; and

(b)     the words “the Minister” in the second place in which they occur shall be deleted.

(3)     In bye-law 13(4) for the words “The Minister” at the beginning there shall be substituted the words “The Chief Officer”.

6        Bye-law 14 amended

(1)     In bye-law 14(1) the words “to the Minister” and “by the Minister” shall be deleted.

(2)     In bye-law 14(2) for the word “Minister” there shall be substituted the word “decision-maker”.

(3)     At the end of bye-law 14 there shall be added the following paragraph –

“(3)    In this bye-law ‘decision-maker’ has the meaning given by Article 22(3) of the Law.”.

7        Bye-law 15 amended

(1)     In bye-law 15(2) –

(a)     the words “by the Minister” shall be deleted; and

(b)     in sub-paragraph (a) for the words “the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

(2)     In bye-law 15(3) the words “by the Minister” shall be deleted.

(3)     In bye-law 15(4) –

(a)     the words “by the Minister” shall be deleted; and

(b)     in sub-paragraph (a) for the words “the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

8        Bye-law 16 amended

In bye-law 16 for the words “the Minister” in each place in which they occur there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

9        Bye-law 17 amended

(1)     In bye-law 17(1) –

(a)     for the words “The Minister” at the beginning there shall be substituted the words “The Chief Officer”; and

(b)     for the words “as the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “as the Chief Officer”.

(2)     In bye-law 17(3) for the words “the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “the Chief Officer”.

10      Bye-law 17D amended

(1)     In the heading to bye-law 17D the words “to Minister” shall be deleted.

(2)     In bye-law 17D(2) for the words “to the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “to the Chief Officer”.

11      Bye-law 17F amended

In bye-law 17F(3) for the words “to the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “to the Chief Officer”.

12      Bye-law 17G amended

In bye-law 17G(2) for the words “to the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “to the Chief Officer”.

13      Bye-law 17H amended

In bye-law 17H(1) for the words “to the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “to the Chief Officer”.

14      Citation and commencement

These bye-laws may be cited as the Building Bye-laws (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) 2015 and shall come into force on the day after the day on which they are made.

deputy s.g. luce of st. martin

Minister for Planning and Environment


[1]                                    chapter 22.550

[2]                                    chapter 22.550.05

Page Last Updated: 14 Apr 2016