Cycle Tracks (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2015

Cycle Tracks (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2015

Made                                                                    2nd November 2015

Coming into force                                                16th November 2015

THE MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND TECHNICAL SERVICES, in pursuance of Articles 46 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956[1], and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Helier, orders as follows –

1        Schedule to Cycle Tracks (Jersey) Order 2000 amended

In the table in the Schedule to the Cycle Tracks (Jersey) Order 2000[2] –

(a)     in the row starting “The Promenade” for the words “from Havre des Pas Slipway” there are substituted the words “from 126 yards west of Havre des Pas Slipway”;

(b)     for the row starting “The way from the south-east corner of La Collette Power Station” there are substituted the following rows –


“The way from the south-east corner of La Collette Power Station to the reclamation access road

St. Helier


Both directions

North footway of the reclamation access road, between the way described in the row above and La Route de Veulle

St. Helier


Both directions

East footway of La Route de Veulle, between the reclamation access road and Le Quai aux Marchands

St. Helier


Both directions

West footway of Le Quai aux Marchands, between La Route de Veulle and the entrance to South Pier

St. Helier


Both directions

South footway of Gas Place, between Bath Street and Oxford Road

St. Helier


Both directions

South footway of Oxford Road between Gas Place and L’Avenue et Dolmen du Pré des Lumières

St. Helier


Both directions”.

2        Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Cycle Tracks (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2015 and comes into force 14 days after it is made.

deputy e.j. noel of st. lawrence

Minister for Transport and Technical Services



[1]                                    chapter 25.550

[2]                                    chapter 25.550.02

Page Last Updated: 14 Apr 2016