Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Jersey) Order 2000

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Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Jersey) Order 2000

Official Consolidated Version

This is an official version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.


Showing the law from 14 June 2024 to Current



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Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Jersey) Order 2000

THE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 62 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956 and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Mary, orders as follows –

Commencement [see endnotes]



1        Application

This Order applies to the roads in the Parish of St. Mary.

2        Interpretation[1]

In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires –

“cab” has the same meaning as it has in the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935;

“char-à-banc” has the same meaning as it has in the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935;

Motor Traffic Law” means the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935;

“road” includes part of a road;

“taxi rank” has the same meaning as it has in the Motor Traffic (Cabs – General) (Jersey) Order 2021.



3        One-way traffic[2]

A vehicle being driven on a road specified in column 1 of Schedule 1 must travel in the direction specified in column 2 unless it is a vehicle specified in column 3.

4        Prohibition of waiting and stopping

(1)     A vehicle must not wait on a road specified in Schedule 2.[3]

(2)     A vehicle must not wait on a road within 10 yards of its junction with another road.[4]

(3)     A vehicle, other than a public service vehicle of the appropriate class, must not stop on a part of a road that is authorised under Article 37 of the Motor Traffic Law as a stand for public service vehicles.[5]

(4)     A vehicle must not wait on a part of a road that has been designated, for the purpose of allowing access to any premises from that part of the road, as a no waiting area.[6]

(5)     In this Article, “waiting” does not include the stopping of a vehicle to set down or pick up passengers.

5        Public service vehicles

(1)     A char-à-banc must not be driven on a road specified in Schedule 3, Part 1.[7]

(2)     A char-à-banc being driven on a road specified in the first and second columns of Part 2 of Schedule 3 must, between its point of entry into the road and its point of departure from the road, follow the direction prescribed in relation to that road in the second column of that Part.[8]

(3)     A char-à-banc must not be stationed on a road.[9]

(4)     A cab must not be stationed on a road.[10]

5A     Duration of parking on certain roads[11]

A vehicle must not be parked on a road specified in Schedule 4 for a total period exceeding 12 hours in any continuous period of 24 hours.



6        Savings

(1)     Article 4 does not apply –

(a)     to a vehicle while it is being used for fire brigade, ambulance, police or other emergency purposes;

(b)     so as to prevent a public service vehicle waiting on a part of a road that is authorized in accordance with Article 37 of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935 as a stand for public service vehicles;

(c)     to a vehicle waiting on a road while a gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle requires access or from which it has emerged is being opened or closed, if it is not reasonably practicable for the vehicle to wait otherwise than on that road while the gate or barrier is being opened or closed;

(d)     to a vehicle on a road on the express direction or with the specific permission of a police officer;

(e)     to a vehicle stopping on a road because the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond the driver’s control; or

(f)      to a vehicle stopping on a road in order to avoid an accident.[12]

(2)     Article 5(1), (2) and (3) does not apply to a char-à-banc driven or stationed on a road with the permission in writing of the Connétable of St. Mary.[13]

(3)     Article 5(1) and (2) does not apply to a char-à-banc driven on a road on the express direction of a police officer.[14]

(4)     Article 5(4) does not apply to the stationing at a taxi rank of a controlled taxi-cab on a taxi rank as defined in the Motor Traffic (Taxi-Cabs - General) (Jersey) Order 2002.[15]

7        Citation

This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Jersey) Order 2000.


Schedule 1[16]

(Article 3)

One-way traffic routes




La Rue de la Vallée

Northbound from a point 90 yards south of its junction with La Route de Ste. Marie.

Pedal cycles

La Rue du Couvent


From the parish boundary to La Rue es Boeufs.


La Rue es Boeufs

From the eastern side of the entrance to the property known as Oakleigh East to the parish boundary.


La Ruette

From its junction with La Rue de Bel Air to a point 46 yards north of its junction with La Rue de la Frontière.


Le Chemin du Câtel (between the entrance to Crabbé Clay Pigeon Shooting Range and the entrance to Grève de Lecq Barracks)

From Crabbé Clay Pigeon Shooting Range to Grève de Lecq Barracks.


Schedule 2[17]

(Article 4(1))

Prohibition of waiting

La Charrière

North side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie, for a distance of 165 yards in an easterly direction).


South side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie to the western corner of the property known as La Rivière).


South side (from the eastern side of its junction with Le Hurel, for a distance of 85 yards in an easterly direction).

La Rue de la Rosière

East side (from its junction with La Verte Rue for a distance of 59 yards in a southerly direction).

East side (from a point 76 yards south of its junction with La Verte Rue to the northern side of the entrance to the housing estate known as Le Jardin de L’Est).

East side (from a point 22 yards south of the southern side of the entrance to the housing estate known as Le Jardin de L’Est to its junction with La Rue des Buttes).

East side (from its junction with La Rue des Buttes to the northern side of the property known as Oakwood).

West side (from its junction with La Verte Rue to its junction with La Rue des Buttes).

West side (from its junction with La Rue des Buttes for a distance of 17 yards to the southern gatepost of the garage of the property known as Bethlehem Methodist Chapel).

West side (from a point 12 yards south of the southern gatepost of the garage of the property known as Bethlehem Methodist Chapel for a distance of 28 yards in a southerly direction).

La Rue de la Vallée

Both sides (from its junction with La Rue des Buttes to the southern end of the premises known as the Dairy Farm).

La Rue de L’Eglise

East side (from its junction with Rue des Buttes to its junction with La Verte Rue).

West side (from its junction with La Rue des Buttes for a distance of 33 yards in a northerly direction).

La Rue des Buttes

North side (from the Rectory gates to a point opposite the Bethlehem Methodist Chapel).

South side (from its junction with La Rue de la Vallée to St. Mary’s Church gates).

La Rue du Rondin

North side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 65 yards in a north-westerly direction).

South side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 20 yards in a north-westerly direction).

South side (from a point 35 yards north-west of its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 35 yards in a north-westerly direction).

La Rue Mahier

East side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 110 yards in a southerly direction).

West side (from its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 10 yards in a southerly direction).

West side (from a point 20 yards south of its junction with Le Mont de Ste. Marie for a distance of 90 yards in a southerly direction).

Le Mont de Ste. Marie

Both sides (from its junctions with La Charrière and La Rue Mahier for a distance of 165 yards in a north-westerly direction).

Both sides (from the Parish boundary for a distance of 245 yards in a south-easterly direction).


Schedule 3


(Article 5(1))

Roads not to be used by chars-à-banc

Les Hougues

Between the Devil’s Hole and Le Mourier Valley.


(Article 5(2))

One-way traffic routes for chars-à-banc

La Charrière

Throughout its length, in a westerly direction.


Schedule 4[18]

(Article 5A)

Duration of parking on certain roads

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3



Restricted length


La Rue de la Rosière (East side)

Between a point 59 yards south of its junction with La Verte Rue to a point 17 yards further south.


La Rue de la Rosière (East side)

Between a point 10 yards south of the southern side of the entrance to the housing estate known as Le Jardin de L’Est to a point 12 yards further south.




Table of Legislation History


Year and No


Road Traffic (Saint Mary) (Jersey) Order 2000


17 July 2000

Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2015


3 September 2015

Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2017


28 February 2017

Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2021


19 February 2021

Road Traffic (St. Mary) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2023


6 December 2023

Table of Renumbered Provisions






spent, omitted from this revised edition


spent, omitted from this revised edition



Table of Endnote References

[1] Article 2                       amended by R&O.114/2023, revised on 14 June 2024 by Law Revision Board item 2024/1

[2] Article 3                       text substituted by R&O.114/2023

[3] Article 4(1)                  substituted by R&O.114/2023

[4] Article 4(2)                  amended by R&O.114/2023

[5] Article 4(3)                  substituted by R&O.114/2023

[6] Article 4(4)                  amended by R&O.114/2023

[7] Article 5(1)                  substituted by R&O.114/2023

[8] Article 5(2)                  amended by R&O.114/2023

[9] Article 5(3)                  amended by R&O.114/2023

[10] Article 5(4)                 amended by R&O.114/2023

[11] Article 5A                   inserted by R&O.26/2017, amended by R&O.114/2023

[12] Article 6(1)                 amended by R&O.114/2023

[13] Article 6(2)                 amended by R&O.114/2023

[14] Article 6(3)                 amended by R&O.114/2023

[15] Article 6(4)                 amended by R&O.114/2023

[16] Schedule 1                  amended by R&O.100/2015, R&O.18/2021. R&O.114/2023

[17] Schedule 2                  amended by R&O.26/2017

[18] Schedule 4                  inserted by R&O.26/2017

Page Last Updated: 10 Dec 2024