Legal Information Strategy

Legal Information Strategy

(published November 1999 at public launch of JLIB)

  1. The Approach (or the higher level proposition)
    The Board's aim is to create a vision and set the direction for Jersey's Legal Information Systems for the five years from 1999 to 2004. The strategy's implementation will be rapid and project-based in reflection of a rapidly changing world. The strategy will be reviewed and, where necessary, adapted on a continuous basis.

  2. The Vision (what we intend to be and why)
    To see Jersey's legal system being recognised as the global best for a small jurisdiction; that is, as a world leader - best serving the peoples and businesses of, and those who interact with, the Island.

  3. The Spirit (the attitudes supporting the vision)
    To achieve the vision, the approach will be progressive and forward-looking, exploiting emerging technologies. However, this approach will at all times be anchored to an appreciation of how Jersey's legal processes have been refined empirically in the light of the Island's unique historical and social status.

  4. Elements of the Strategy (creating the reality) (back to top)

    • Leading financial centre
      To strengthen continuously Jersey's position as a leading financial centre through refinement and development of the Island's legal processes and infrastructure.

    • Access to justice
      To capitalise on and continuously develop, through the intelligent exploitation of IT, the accessibility of law and legal process to the public.

    • Integrated legal system
      To provide an integrated legal system; that is, one that is co-ordinated, connected and unified and inclusive of the courts, the legal processes, professions and States departments.

  5. The Scope (the parameters of the strategy)

    • Central (the areas to which the strategy can be made to apply); e.g. courts, judges, promulgations
    • Connected (the areas with which the strategy can dovetail); e.g. other government and public agencies, court users, legal profession.
  6. Assumptions (the things upon which the strategy depends) (back to top)

    • the IT/Internet/Telecommunications strategy for Jersey is ambitious and well-supported
    • there will be a major commitment to e-commerce
    • sufficient security, data protection and other privacy measures are in place.
  7. Business Objectives
    Accordingly, the primary business objectives of the strategy are:

    • the enhanced international reputation of Jersey
    • ever-improving access to justice
    • ever-increasing public confidence in the legal system.
      Results being:
    • increased efficiency, leading to reduced costs
    • better productivity, fewer delays and more efficient use of manpower.
  8. Projects (tasks to be undertaken as the strategy unfolds) (back to top)
    Each project will have allocated a champion, manager, milestones, timescales, budget and business objectives. Initial projects to be undertaken concurrently are listed below. Their parallel development is essential and will constitute a critical path leading to a unified whole.

    Leading financial centre (back to top)

    • Short term (0-1 year)
      1. Develop a web site for legal professionals, containing laws, judgments and practice directions.
      2. Assess (through existing or new research) the substantive law and regulation underlying e-commerce.

    • Medium Term (0-3 years)
      3. Introduce and refine systems, processes and regulations underpinning e-commerce.
      4. Develop and implement a States Greffe electronic legislation programme.

    • Long term (0-5 years)
      5. Assess the scope for and, if appropriate, develop Jersey as an international centre and safe harbour for e-commerce dispute resolution.
      6. Assess the scope for and, if appropriate, develop Jersey as an international centre and safe harbour for data protection dispute resolution.

    Access to justice (back to top)

    • Short term (0-1 year)
      7. Consult with the public to solicit ideas on the attainment of excellence, having particular regard to Human Rights aspects.

    • Medium term (0-3 years)
      8. Develop and implement wider legal information systems for on-line public access.
      9. Develop and streamline mediation and dispute resolution systems.

    • Long term (0-5 years)
      10. Analyse the need for, and specify, a preventative legal health programme.

    Integrated legal system (back to top)

    • Short term (0-1 year)
      11. Develop an information map of the legal system and its connected agencies and users.

    • Medium term (0-3 years)
      12. Plan and implement an open legal network to link with the legal profession.
      13. Plan and implement wider links with government departments.
      14. Provide, initially on a pilot basis, video-conferencing facilities for judges of the Royal Court.

Jersey Legal Information Board 1999 (back to top)

Page Last Updated: 07 Aug 2015