Role of Attorney General as titular head of Jersey’s Honorary Police
Robert MacRae
system of honorary policing is unique. The status of the Attorney General as
titular head of the Honorary Police is one of the functions which attracts
little public attention. This article examines the origin and extent of the
Attorney General’s rights and duties in respect of the Honorary Police
and considers whether the role should continue.
1 The
Attorney General is frequently referred to as the titular head of the Honorary
Police. This is a convenient but loose description of the relationship that has
developed over several centuries between Her Majesty’s Attorney General
and the Honorary Police in each of Jersey’s 12 parishes. The expression
is not to be found in customary law or in statute.
The system of
policing in Jersey—a brief overview
2 It
is beyond the scope of this article to describe in detail the history of the
Honorary Police and the separate development of the States of Jersey Police.
However, in order that a reader unfamiliar with the 13 police forces in Jersey
can properly understand the Attorney General’s role in connection with
the Honorary Police, it is important to sketch briefly a history of policing in
3 Jersey has a long history of honorary
service, concentrated in the parish system. The administrative structure of 12 parishes
was probably established in the 12th century, if not earlier. Despite the small
geographical area of the Island, Jersey developed a strong parish culture. The
role of the parish as the primary unit of social organisation and governance of
Jersey was and remains of importance. The 12 parishes have an internal
structure designed to promote good stewardship with the Connétable at the head, and presiding
over the Parish Assembly which consists of all the electors of the Parish. Ex officio, the Connétables are members of the Jersey legislature, i.e. the States Assembly.
4 Most positions in the administration of
the parish (including all positions in the Honorary Police) are unpaid, and the
office holders are elected by the Parish Assembly, with exception of the Centenier who, if the post is contested,
is elected by the parish as a whole. One needs to be a parishioner
to stand for election for the Honorary Police of a parish, although an officer
can continue to serve if they leave the parish for another after election.
5 The existence of the parish as a separate
entity independent of government is important to the understanding of the
development of the Honorary Police.
6 The Honorary Police have existed since, at
the very least, the 15th century. The authority of officers
is derived from their taking an oath of office before the Royal Court,
subsequent to their election by the parish. Subject to statutory intervention, the authority of an
Honorary Police officer is restricted to their parish.
7 Although the Connétable was for many centuries the principal officer of
the parish and head of the Honorary Police, Connétables
were shorn of their policing functions in 2012. Nonetheless, they retained
their customary law responsibility to supervise the Honorary Police of their parish, but this is a
non-operational responsibility. Among other things they will agree the annual
policing plan with the Chef de Police
and select the Chef de Police from
amongst the Centeniers. They also have a
significant role in dealing with complaints made against a member of the
Honorary Police in their parish.
8 It is the Centeniers, especially the chief Centenier (Chef de Police) of each parish who are
principally responsible for the running of the policing in each parish. Even
prior to the reforms of 2012, the Centeniers
had been described in the 1996 Clothier Report as “the most
important echelon in the Honorary Police since in practice they are the active
heads of the Honorary Police of each Parish”.
9 One popular theory is that the term
“Centenier” derives from
their original responsibility for a hundred families or houses and,
correspondingly, the Vingtenier was responsible for 20 houses or families.
Another theory traces the “Centenier”
to the early period of the French monarchy, under which there were Centeniers (and Dizainiers) who had the right of holding a court or public
assembly, where justice was administered, and where matters which related to
the district were discussed. At any rate by the 16th century
it was clear, according to Philippe Le Geyt, that the Connétable in each parish was—
“secondé d’un Centenier qui fait
le même serment . . . et les mêmes fonctions en
l’absence du Connétable”
[assisted by a Centenier
who took the same oath . . . and carried out the same functions in
the absence of the Connétable.]
The Vingtenier is subordinate to the Centenier and carries out police duties deputed to them.
10 The junior rank is the Constable’s
officer. As the 1996 Clothier Report said “their quality and motivation
lie at the foundations of the Honorary Police. The recruitment of the right
people joining for the right reasons, is vital to the survival of the
11 Constable’s officers, like Vingteniers, will
be given directions by the Centenier
as to their duties.
12 By contrast, paid police have a
relatively recent origin. In 1853 the first Loi
sur la Police Salariée was enacted. Ten paid police officers
appeared on the streets of St Helier. By 1939 there were 50 paid officers.
Their operations were confined to St Helier, where much of the population
lived. The States of Jersey Police came into existence in 1960, but it was only on the
implementation of the Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974 that the States of Jersey
Police were empowered to operate across the Island without the consent of the parish
Connétables. The States of
Jersey Police and the Honorary Police have the same power to arrest but the
power of charging (and certain other powers to which I will return) are
reserved to Centeniers.
13 The hybrid model of policing in Jersey,
and in particular the Parish Hall Enquiry has been described as being “very
rare, possibly unique”. Since 1974 the power to
investigate all serious offences has been reserved to the States of Jersey
Police—if a prescribed offence has been committed, an Honorary Police
officer is obliged to request the assistance of the States of Jersey Police.
14 Today, although the Honorary Police
receive training in relation to their powers and duties and, for example, often
carry body-worn cameras, they generally carry out a different function from the
States of Jersey Police. The Honorary Police remain a community based policing
body, serving with the consent of their communities and principally concerned
with the welfare of their parishioners—often dealing with matters which
the States of Jersey Police have neither time nor resources to attend to.
The origin of
the role of Attorney General as titular head of the Honorary Police
15 It is not possible to pinpoint from which
date the Attorney General began to exercise his supervisory role over the
Honorary Police. It may be that the supervisory role arose at the same time as
the emergence of the Honorary Police. On being sworn to office, Connétables and Centeniers undertake to keep the Queen’s
peace; “vous ferez garder la paix de Sa Majesté”. They are sworn in by the
Royal Court and the Attorney General, as a Crown officer, has obligations, as a
Royal prerogative power, to maintain the Queen’s peace. The Attorney
General thus has authority over all criminal prosecutions in the Island and it
is natural that the Attorney General should have a supervisory jurisdiction
over the Honorary Police.
16 Indeed the oath of the Office of
Centeniers includes the words
“vous conformant en ceci aux
instructions de Monsieur le Procureur Général de la Reine”.
17 There
are various references in the First
Report of the Royal Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of the
Criminal Law in the Channel Islands in which they mention the
Attorney General’s powers in relation to the police (at that stage all
the police were Honorary Police). The Report confirms that the police could be
considered officers of the Royal Court and that a Connétable or Centenier would lay a report before the Court
through the Procureur General (the Attorney General).
18 The Report states that after evidence had
been taken from witnesses in a criminal case the Procureur General—
“directs his warrant to the constable of the parish
in which the offence has been committed, directing him to summon a sufficient
number of the officers of the Police of his parish to form an enditement . . . a jury of
thirteen, made up entirely of the Police.”
19 After having been tried by this tribunal
the defendant, if found to be “plutot
coupable qu’innocent” [more guilty than innocent], is entitled
to be tried by the “grande
enquête”. Evidence to this effect was given by Advocate Robert
Pipon Marett, later Attorney General and Bailiff. In his evidence, Advocate
Francois Godfray said—
“the Attorney General, whenever he thinks proper,
may call upon the Constable or Centenier, upon the Attorney General’s
responsibility, to arrest a person and bring him before the Court.”
He went on to say—
“There are many cases in which the Police refusing
to act, or not thinking the person should be arrested, the Attorney General has
told them to do so, and they have arrested him”.
20 It was only in the latter part of the 20th century
that the relationship between the Attorney General and the Honorary Police came
to be set out more formally in statute.
21 Article 3(4) of the Honorary Police
(Jersey) Law 1974 (“the 1974 Law”) provides that the
Attorney General may give such directions as he thinks appropriate to a Centenier who declines to charge any
person. This same law provides, at art 4(3), that “the Honorary Police
shall be under the general supervision of the Attorney General.”
22 This is the clearest statutory
recognition of the Attorney’s role as titular head. The reservation of
powers to a Centenier under art 3(2)
of the 1974 Law is expressly preserved by art 12 of the Criminal Procedure
(Jersey) Law 2018 which otherwise provides that the “prosecution of
criminal proceedings may only be conducted by or on behalf of the Attorney
Principal aspects of the Attorney General’s
role as titular head
23 There
are three principal aspects of the Attorney General’s role:
(a) giving
directions and guidance to the Honorary Police;
(b) involvement
in disciplinary proceedings concerning Honorary Police Officers; and
(c) supervision
of Centeniers
as prosecutors.
24 This third aspect may more properly be
considered as a matter that flows from the Attorney’s role as Chief
Prosecutor, but it is convenient to deal with it here as to do otherwise would
give an incomplete picture of the Attorney General’s role in relation to
the Honorary Police.
25 Each of these aspects of the role will be
considered in turn before treating miscellaneous aspects of the Attorney General’s
function in respect of the Honorary Police.
Giving directions and guidance
26 It has been recognised that it is
important for there to be consistency of practice across the Island. This was
noted by the Howard League for Penal Reform in 2008.
27 It is essential for there to be
reasonable uniformity in practice across the parishes. This has been achieved
by way of directions given by the Attorney General and by way of guidance
issued by the Comité des Chefs de
28 The Comité
des Chefs de Police was established by regulation 8 of the Honorary Police
(Jersey) Regulations 2005 (“the 2005 Regulations”), which were made
under art 4 of the 1974 Law. The role of the Comité is delineated by regulation 8(2) and, inter alia, requires the Comité to coordinate the
provision of advice and guidance to members of the Honorary Police and to promote
consistency in operational practice between the Honorary Police in each parish.
29 Although it does not appear that this
power has ever been exercised, the Attorney General is entitled to “set
aside any decision of the Comité at any time”.
30 The Comité des Chefs de Police, which meets every month, constitutes the day
to day management body of the Honorary Police.
31 The Honorary Police Association was also
established by the 2005 Regulations and is principally concerned with the
welfare of Honorary Police officers. Its statutory objective is to “promote
efficiency in the Honorary Police”. Regulation 4(6) provides that the
“Attorney General may set aside any decision of the Association at any
time.” There is no evidence of that power having been exercised.
32 Various advices and guidance to members
have been issued by the Comité des
Chefs de Police which are outside the scope of this article. The Attorney
General will always consult with the Comité des
Chefs de Police before issuing any guidance to the Honorary Police as a
whole. Occasionally, the nature of the guidance is such that it is appropriate
to consult with all Centeniers, and
very occasionally more widely but the key stakeholders for the purpose of
consultation prior to the Attorney General issuing any guidance affecting the
Honorary Police is the Comité des
Chefs de Police.
33 The directions and guidance issued by the
Attorney General fall into three categories:
(a) guidance
applicable to all officers;
(b) guidance
to Centeniers
(c) guidance/requirements
which arise by virtue of the Attorney General concluding agreements or
arrangements on behalf of the Honorary Police or with the Honorary Police
sometimes pursuant to statute.
Guidance applicable to all officers
34 Examples are as follows:
(a) Conduct of all Honorary Police officers
leading up and during elections for Senators, Deputies, Connétables and
during referendums (August 2016)
(b) Honorary Police—reports of Suspicious
Activity (March 2017)
gives guidance to Honorary Police as to what they should do when receiving a
disclosure of suspicious activity under the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999
or the Terrorism (Jersey) Law 2002.
(c) Directions given to the Honorary Police in
relation to powers and duties outside their home Parish (March 2017)
the circumstances in which Honorary Police can exercise police powers outside
their parish under the 1974 Law as amended. These provisions will soon be
re-enacted and expanded.
(d) Guidance in relation to election of
non-British nationals to the Honorary Police (May 2019)
(e) Guidance given to Honorary Police in
relation to loss and reporting of loss of warrant cards (November 2019)
(f) Guidance on conduct and other matters
(November 2019, replacing September 1997 guidance)
with alcohol, dress, training, parish vehicles and security of documents.
Guidance to Centeniers only
35 The
following guidance has been issued to Centeniers,
principally in respect of their actions in a prosecutorial capacity—whether
making decisions to charge; carrying out Parish Hall enquiries or giving
guidance as to how to exercise their discretion in particular circumstances:
(a) Code on the decision to prosecute (March
code on the decision to prosecute was first published by the Attorney General
in 2000 and gave guidance to Centeniers
on the application of the evidential test and the public interest test, both of
which need to be satisfied prior to a decision to charge. The code was
re-issued in an amended form in March 2016, the Attorney General having
undertaken a review of codes issued in the intervening years by England and
Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Australian
Territories, Canadian Provinces, New Zealand and other relevant jurisdictions.
In fact the amendments to the original code were not substantial—they
were limited to rewriting the sections relating to the relationship between the
victim of the public interest (para 5.7 of the code); young offenders (para
5.8), introduction of the threshold test—charging in special
circumstances where all evidence has yet to be gathered (para 6), accepting
guilty pleas (para 8) and consent to prosecute (para 9).
(b) Supplementary guidance has been issued to
the Code on the decision to prosecute (April 2016)
supplementary guidance relates to shoplifting, environmental protection (issued
June 2018), and, most importantly, domestic abuse (issued in December 2016).
The latter code is accompanied by an aide-memoire
identifying common abuse scenarios and their equivalent offences under the
Jersey law in order to assist Centeniers
with charging decisions. The definition of “domestic abuse” in the guidance is a wide one and the guidance makes
clear that if the evidential test is passed the public interest will be
generally in favour of prosecution, even if the injury was minor or the parties
reconciled. Disposal at the Parish Hall will rarely be appropriate.
(c) Directions given in relation to possession
of personal amounts of certain controlled drugs (June 2015)
directions replaced previous guidance, issued in 1998, which referred to two
drugs only (cannabis and amphetamine). The directions now cover 20 controlled
drugs, including two class A drugs, and potentially (after consultation with
the Law Officers’ Department) all class B and C drugs. The directions set
out circumstances in which a caution could be administered in preference to a
prosecution. Supplementary guidance was issued in January 2019 to the effect
that in certain circumstances a second caution for possession of controlled
drugs might be administered in preference to the offender being charged to
(d) Direction regarding prosecution of offenders
under the age of 14 years (September 2016)
direction recites that the Parish Hall enquiry has been recognised,
particularly in the case of children and young people, as an excellent way of
diverting the great majority of children away from the Youth Justice System in
a positive and constructive manner. In order to reinforce the diversionary
principle it is directed that in relation to children aged 10 or 11 prosecution
should occur only in the most exceptional of cases and with the consent of the
Attorney General (such consent has not been given since the direction was first
issued in November 2013). In the case of children aged 12 or 13, there is a
presumption against prosecution, which should only take place with the consent
of the Attorney General or of a Crown Advocate or a legal adviser from the Law
Officers’ Department. It is noteworthy that the letter dated November
2015 which accompanied the first set of guidelines provided that the principal
objective of the criminal law in respect of children aged 10 and 11 (the age of
criminal responsibility being 10 years) is to secure the attendance of the
child at the Parish Hall for the purpose of the child being diverted from the
Criminal Justice System, not to participate in it for the purpose of
punishment. The letter also referred to the 2008 report of the Howard League
(to which reference has already been made) in which the authors observed—
“In general terms we
believe the PHE [Parish Hall Enquiry] is an excellent method of dealing with
children and young people in trouble with the law, and clearly has the
potential for diverting the great majority of children away from the Youth
Justice System, in a positive and constructive manner.”
(e) Direction regarding vehicles offences
involving mobile phones, contrary to Article 50 of the Road Traffic (Jersey)
Law 1956 (April 2017)
direction arose out of a concern that too many offenders were being dealt with
at Parish Hall. The direction set out circumstances in which it would no longer
be appropriate for an offender to be dealt for this offence at Parish Hall,
increased the fine for a first and second offence and provided that, even in
the absence of features which would require the case to be charged to attend
court, any offender appearing at the Parish Hall for a third offence within
three years would need to be charged to court.
(f) Supplementary direction in respect of the
conduct of Parish Hall enquiries in relation to allegations of sexual offences
(February 2016)
one case there was a disagreement between the Honorary Police and the States of
Jersey Police as to whether a matter should be charged to court or dealt with
by way of a caution at the Parish Hall. This led to a direction being given to
the effect that no allegation of a sexual offence when the evidential test is
passed should be dealt with other than by way of prosecution, absent the
consent of a Crown Advocate or legal adviser employed by the Law
Officers’ Department.
(g) Direction regarding the conduct of Parish
Hall enquiries (March 2019)
direction replaced directions issued in 1997 and 2008.
It ensures that it is clear that a Parish Hall enquiry is essentially a
prosecution process; that is not appropriate for a Centenier to conduct an enquiry into an alleged offence which they
have investigated; that the enquiries are not held in public and that various
attendees have various rights, e.g.
to be accompanied by a lawyer, and, if aged under 18, to be accompanied by a
parent or guardian with a probation officer invited to attend. The procedure to
be carried out the Parish Hall enquiry is set out in detail, as is the effect
of the attendee admitting the offence.
(h) Directions given in relation to television
licensing and enforcement offences (October2019)
(i) Directions given in relation to the wearing
of seatbelts in certain goods vehicles (March 2019)
Guidance/requirements which arise by virtue of the
Attorney General concluding agreements or arrangements on behalf of the Honorary
Police or with the Honorary Police (sometimes pursuant to statute)
36 Pursuant
to art 21 of the States of Jersey Police Force Law 2012 (“the 2012
Law”) the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police and the Attorney
General (acting on behalf of the Honorary Police) are obliged to make an
agreement for the exchange of information and for the States of Jersey Police
to work in partnership with the Honorary Police. Prior to entering into the
agreement the Attorney General must (and did) consult with Comité de Connétables and the Comité des Chefs de Police.
37 Accordingly, on 20 December 2018 the
Attorney General entered into an agreement with the States of Jersey Police,
having consulted with the Comité
de Connétables and the Comité des
Chefs de Police. The agreement deals with information and intelligence
sharing between the parties and the areas of responsibility and accountability
in operational policing matters. As to the latter, a schedule to the agreement
lists the customary law and statutory offences where the Honorary Police must
request the assistance of the States of Jersey Police. This list of
“scheduled offences” replaces the “prescribed offences”
under art 6 of the now repealed Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974, which required the
Honorary Police, on investigating any prescribed offence, to immediately
request the assistance of the States of Jersey Police.
Discipline—proceedings concerning Honorary
Police officers
38 Prior to the enactment of legislation,
discipline of the Honorary Police was a matter for the Royal Court. The first
statutory intervention on the issue was the Honorary Police (Jersey)
Regulations 1977. Those Regulations
provided, in summary, for complaints to be investigated by the Connétable of the Parish in which
the officer served. The Connétable
was under a duty to inform the Attorney General of the complaint as soon as
possible. The Connétable would report to the Attorney General. The
honorary police officer could be suspended or required to resign by the
Attorney General. An appeal lay to a panel of three Jurats.
39 The position was altered by the Police
(Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 1999 which, read in conjunction with
the Police (Honorary Police) Complaints and Discipline Procedure (Jersey)
Regulations 2000, provides a comprehensive code in relation to the resolution
of complaints made against the Honorary Police in their policing capacity. A
flow chart of the steps to be taken on the receipt of a complaint against a
member of the Honorary Police can be found at the end of this article.
40 The following supplementary points can be
made. The member of the Honorary Police is entitled to not less than 21
days’ notice before a disciplinary hearing; they are entitled to written
notice specifying the conduct which is alleged to constitute an offence against
discipline and the paragraph of the Code in respect of which that offence is
alleged to have been committed; they are entitled to representation at the
hearing; and at the hearing the Attorney General shall review the facts and
decide whether or not the member is guilty of an offence against discipline on
the balance of probabilities. The Attorney General has a range of sanctions
available to him, including dismissal, but any sanctions imposed are subject to
the right of appeal to three Jurats of the Royal Court.
41 In order to ensure that the member
receives a fair hearing, the Attorney General’s functions subsequent to
the investigation carried out by the States of Jersey Police, namely to decide
whether or not a disciplinary charge shall be preferred against the member
under regulation 9 of the 2000 Regulation and the drafting and, if necessary,
presentation of that charge are carried out by the Solicitor General or another
advocate in the Law Officers’ Department.
42 In the context of disciplinary
proceedings it may be preferable for the Attorney General to refuse to accept a
resignation and to proceed to a disciplinary hearing nonetheless in order to
ensure that, if the evidence warrants it, there is a finding of misconduct
against the member in question. Otherwise the member may, after resignation, be
able to apply to re-join the Honorary Police either in the same parish or
another parish without any record of misconduct being retained.
43 It is noteworthy that pursuant to regulation
5 of the 2005 Regulations, only the Attorney General is entitled to accept the
resignation of an Honorary Police Officer. It is the practice of the Attorney
General to consult with the Connétable
and, if appropriate, the Chef de Police
prior to accepting any resignation in order to enquire as to the residual
strength of the Honorary Police in the parish in question and as to whether (in
particular in the case of a Centenier)
the member might be persuaded to change their mind and continue to serve their parish.
Supervision of Centeniers as prosecutors
43 Victim’s
right to review a decision not to prosecute (September 2019)
This published guidance was not directed to Centeniers but
was a matter of which they were notified. The right to review scheme provides
victims of crime (which is widely defined) a three-month period to request a
review of a decision not to prosecute which includes, expressly, a decision to
deal with a matter at a Parish Hall enquiry or a decision not to charge made by
a Centenier. The Attorney
General/reviewing lawyer will set aside the decision if they are satisfied that
it is wrong (not merely if they might have come to a different decision on the
facts). This is consistent with the test that the Attorney General adopted when
considering complaints against Centeniers
prior to the victim’s right to review being published.
44 Code
of conduct for Centeniers acting in their prosecutorial capacity (April
It was appreciated that whilst all Honorary Police
officers were subject to the regulations made under the Police (Complaints and
Discipline) (Jersey) Law 1999 in relation to their policing activities, that
did not extend to the activities of a Centenier
when acting as a prosecutor, whether making a charging decision, conducting a
Parish Hall enquiry or appearing in court. Although those matters would be
subject to the overall supervision of the Attorney General as chief prosecutor,
no code of conduct had been issued in respect of Centeniers acting in their prosecutorial criminal capacity. That
was remedied, after consultation with all Centeniers,
in 2018 by the issue of a Code of Conduct including a disciplinary code and an
investigative process for complaints made against Centeniers in exercising their prosecutorial powers; with a
provision that such a complaint may require a disciplinary hearing before the
Attorney General which may result in a range of sanctions from reprimand to
45 The code may be underpinned by statute if
a new Honorary Police Law, now drafted, is adopted by the States Assembly.
Miscellaneous obligations of the Attorney General
in relation to the Honorary Police
46 Lawyers at the Law Officers’
Department train Centeniers in
respect of matters in the Code on the Decision to Prosecute; bail applications;
prosecuting cases before the Magistrate’s Court; submissions to make when
the Magistrate is determining jurisdiction and other related matters.
47 The Attorney General gave evidence before
the Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel in November 2006 in respect of a review of
Centeniers. He said that one element of the titular headship was the Attorney
General’s moving of conclusions when Honorary Police officers come to be
sworn in before the Royal Court, having been elected in their parishes. The
Attorney General is entitled to say that the particular individual ought or
ought not to be appointed. If a Connétable
is approached by a parishioner who wishes to join the Honorary Police but discloses
that he has criminal convictions then the Connétable will generally
approach the Attorney General prior to the Officer standing for election in
order to ascertain whether or not the Attorney General regards those
convictions as being a bar to election. A conviction for a minor offence a long
time ago would not be a bar. In practice the Attorney General approaches these
matters cautiously and, in the case of doubt, may contact the States of Jersey
Police in order to ascertain what their approach would be to the convictions or
cautions disclosed if they were considering an application to join their ranks.
Consideration of the
Attorney General’s role as titular head
48 From time to time the role of
Attorney General as titular head of the Honorary Police has come under the
49 It has been
clear to the author and previous Attornies General
that the Honorary Police are proud of their association with the Attorney
General as the senior law officer of the Crown and have no objection to his giving
them directions and exercising the disciplinary powers provided by statute. But
does the titular headship conflict with the Attorney General’s other
50 The Attorney
General is an ex officio non-voting
member of the States of Jersey. He may address the States whose members include
the Connétable. But the
Attorney General is a member of the States by virtue of his role as a Law
Officer of the Crown and legal adviser to the Crown and to the Assembly. Accordingly
he is not a member of the Assembly by virtue of his relationship with the
Honorary Police. Accordingly, in substance there is no conflict.
What of the Attorney
General’s Role as Chief Prosecutor?
51 It is
appropriate for a chief prosecutor to be head of a police force? Again in substance
there is no difficulty as the Attorney General does not exercise day to day
management control over the Honorary Police of each parish. That function is
exercised by the Chef de Police.
52 The Attorney
General’s power to oversee charging decisions made by a Centenier is held by virtue of the
Attorney being the Crown’s Chief Prosecutor and not by virtue of the
titular headship.
53 The Attorney
General is well placed to give the Centeniers advice and training. Accordingly in practice the
influence which the Attorney General exerts over the Honorary Police within the
criminal justice system flows principally from his role as Chief Prosecutor
rather than his titular headship.
54 Furthermore, the
Attorney General is also a member of the Royal Court, not merely someone who
has rights of audience.
55 Again, although the
Attorney General is a member of the Royal Court, he does not perform a judicial
function. The Attorney General acts as a litigant in criminal and civil cases
and also as a guardian of the public interest (“partie publique”). When the
Attorney General prosecutes defendants who have been charged by Centeniers or calls honorary police
officers as witnesses, the Attorney General does not act in his capacity as
head of the Honorary Police but as Chief Prosecutor.
56 The only
theoretical risk of conflict arises out of the disciplinary function, as it
could be said that there is a tension between the Attorney General’s
titular headship of a police force and as the prosecutor. This is resolved by
the fact that all investigations are carried out under the auspices of the
Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police under the supervision of an
independent Crown Officer/other Advocate. Accordingly, independence in the
process is safeguarded, and the Attorney General’s role is limited in
effect to determining the outcome of complaints and considering the appropriate
57 The titular
headship connotes supervisory control and no more. The Parish Hall is
important; the vast majority of offending in Jersey is dealt with in this way. In
2018, 4176 matters were disposed of at Parish Hall. By contrast, well under
1000 cases resulted in proceedings before the Magistrate’s Court or the
Royal Court. It is important that an up-to-date framework for the exercise of a
Centenier’s discretion is
provided by a lawyer working at the heart of the criminal justice system. Sir
Cecil Clothier (whose recommendations were otherwise in large part followed)
suggested a Chief Officer of the Honorary Police should be appointed by the
States and that such a person would probably, but not necessarily, be a Chef de Police. It is unlikely such a
person could carry out satisfactorily the role that the Attorney General
currently undertakes.
58 The question of the
Attorney General’s role was considered by Lord Carswell’s Review of the Roles of the Crown Officers
in 2010.
Carswell’s findings and conclusions in relation to the Attorney’s
role as titular of the Honorary Police are brief and are worth setting out in
“Head of the
Honorary Police
Some respondents questioned the propriety of the Attorney
General holding the position generally described as titular head of the
Honorary Police. The appropriateness of this name has also been questioned,
since the Connétable in each
Parish has responsibility for the Honorary Police in his Parish. There is no
antecedent French title from which it has been translated and one is reduced to
using it in the absence of a better one: the important thing is to understand
clearly what the position involves.
Operational matters concerning the work of the Honorary
Police are generally the province of each Parish, with the unifying influence
of the Comité des Chefs de Police.
The Attorney General may overrule the decision of a Centenier in relation to
charging a person suspected of having committed a criminal offence, but this is
part of his responsibility for prosecutions. He may give instructions to the
Honorary Police in relation to policy matters, but the occasion for doing so appears
to be infrequent. He has the right to decline to recommend confirmation by the
Royal Court of the appointment of a person to the Honorary Police, effectively
vetoing the appointment. The main function of the Attorney General in this
sphere is that of responsibility for disciplinary matters. If a complaint is
made to the Police Complaints Authority and they consider that a disciplinary
offence may have been committed, they will pass on their conclusions to the
Attorney General, who will then cause a disciplinary hearing to be held. If the
tribunal finds that the officer has committed a disciplinary offence, the
Attorney General has to determine what sanction is to be imposed.
Responsibility for disciplinary matters has to lie with
some person or body. It could not be the province of a Police Authority, if one
is constituted, as such bodies ordinarily deal with matters of policy and
resources, not discipline, which is usually the responsibility of the chief
officer of a police force. Although it may be unusual for a law officer, we do
not think that there is any breach of principle in the Attorney General
carrying out this function. We are aware that the Honorary Police themselves
value the connection, but if it is proposed to make another person or body responsible
for discipline this function could readily be transferred.
Recommendation 11:
The Attorney General should continue to act as titular head of the Honorary
Police until an appropriate substitute has been obtained.”
59 The following remarks, almost a decade
later can be made. In fact the volume of guidance and directions given to the
Honorary Police has increased in recent years, possibly as a consequence of
additional complexity in Jersey criminal law and the greater consequent
obligations on prosecutors. On analysis, the only part of the role of Attorney
as titular head which is controversial is the responsibility for disciplinary
matters. That is an issue upon which successive Attornies
General have not had a strong view either way. Nonetheless it is essential that
the other aspects of the Attorney General’s role as titular head continue
in order to ensure that decisions made by Centeniers
are made properly and with the appropriate guidance and training, and that all
officers are aware of their legal responsibilities.
60 The Honorary Police would expect to be
consulted if there were any alterations to current arrangements.
Robert MacRae QC was HM Attorney General for
Jersey between 2015 and 2020. He took up office as Deputy Bailiff of Jersey in
January 2020.