Jersey & Guernsey Law Review – February 2014
The abandonment of the grand principles of Norman
Custom in the law of succession of the Bailiwick of Guernsey
de Vic Carey[1]
The author describes the substantial changes
in the law of succession that have taken place throughout the Bailiwick of
Guernsey since 1945. Little remains of the grand principles of Norman custom.
1 Until the
changes of the revolutionary period culminating in the promulgation of the Code Civil in 1804,
the law of succession in mainland Normandy had developed logically to follow
and respect a number of special features. These included—
1.1 La Masculinité:
the clear preference of males in descending successions to the virtual
exclusion of females and the preference of the father’s side of the
family in ascending and collateral successions.
1.2. L’Aînesse:
the privileges of primogeniture which resulted in the eldest son being
recognised as the principal heir albeit that he was obliged to share with his
brothers part of the inheritance. As a consequence of the way in which elder
sons were preferred in many cases, it was possible to ensure in a society where
land was the main source of wealth that the main part of a deceased’s
estate remained intact so as to avoid subdivision and financial difficulties
resulting from too many members of the same family staying on the land and
trying make a living from ever-diminishing parcels of pasture.
1.3 L’Indivisibilité:
Terrien[2] states “Tout héritage est partable
ou non partable”.[3] The principal non partable héritages comprise
the tenures of the nobles “Fiefs de Haubert”. To
observe true indivisibility, one looks at the succession to the Crown of
England and noble titles thereunder subsisting, such as Dukedoms and other
peerages. Until a recent change in the law relating to succession to the Crown[4]
not only has the principle of indivisibilité survived
but also that of masculinité
where the succession continues to pass to the eldest male heir. Noble
indivisible successions would not feature in a study such as this, were it not
for the fact that it covers tenure in Sark, where indivisibility still exists.
4. The distinction between immeubles
and meubles
and the subdivision of immeubles for
the purposes of succession into propres on the
one hand and acquêts and conquêts on the other.
5. Restricted testamentary capacity: that is to say the severe
restriction that was placed on the Norman’s ability to dispose of his
property by will and the consequent restrictions against lifetime disposals
intended to defeat these prohibitions.
2 This article
seeks to show how the law of succession has developed in the Islands of the
Bailiwick of Guernsey since the separation of the Bailiwicks of Jersey and
Guernsey from mainland Normandy in 1204 and to trace how the grand principles
of the custom of Normandy, as outlined, above have in the last 70 years almost
disappeared. Whilst concentrating on developments in Guernsey (which includes
the Islands of Herm, Jethou and Lihou),
reference has also to be made to Alderney, and Sark (which includes the Island
of Brecqhou), which Islands’ legislatures have
enjoyed for 400 or more a degree of self-determination, which has enabled them
to frame their own laws of succession to suit the requirements of their own
3 Under the laws
of each Bailiwick jurisdiction there remains the clear distinction between immeubles and meubles.
Immeubles comprise land and buildings and certain
interests therein which are classified as immeubles;
the principal of these are usufructs (including douaire and franc veuvage until they were
abolished) and servitudes. Also included as immeubles are rentes, a form of perpetual
annual payment secured on land; hypothèques,
a capital charge secured on land, distinguished from the more frequent form of
security termed a bond or obligation which is classified as personalty in the hands of the creditor; and certain goods
and machinery employed in the exploitation of the land, and some plants and
crops (some only at certain times of the year), the whole as defined in
ordinances of 19 January 1852 and 1 October 1888.[5] The creations of rentes
and hypothèques have fallen into
disuse.[6] Meubles comprise everything
else, including furniture and chattels, animals, money, bonds and other
securities and, most importantly, leasehold interests. This is an important
distinction as the two estates are to be kept separate and, as will be seen, to
this day they are dealt with in different ways on death.
4 The earliest
restatement of the laws of succession as they existed in Guernsey after the Commise is to be found in Terrien
Book VI, as commented on in the Approbation. A summary of the law as it took effect in his day contained in a work of Jurat
Laurent Carey,[7] who held office between 1765 and 1769. This
article takes as its source for explaining the old law the “text
book” for students and indeed practitioners, who had to know something of
the law prior to 1954—a typewritten set of notes prepared by the late
Advocate WH Foote.[8] The effect of this is that the law is generally
stated to be to be as it was in the 19th century before and after it was
reformed by the Loi sur
les successions 1840.[9]
1. Succession to immeubles in the Island of Guernsey
A. Prior to1954
5 Dealing first
with immeubles and succession to what Terrien refers to as partables
(as opposed to indivisibles),
the tenure found in Guernsey and Alderney, the underlying
principle which continues to this day is that Le mort saisit
le vif,
that is, the heir comes into possession of the
property of the deceased at the moment of death without any formality. Indeed
as Laurent Carey points out, the heir can immediately protect his possession by
invoking if necessary the Clameur de Haro. The same principle applies to property left by
will: the devisee takes possession at death, albeit that the will has to be
registered in the Royal Court before the devisee can make title.[10]
6 Starting with
descending inheritance in direct line, in Guernsey, following Normandy, sons
were entitled to claim one twentieth in area of the real property of the
deceased to the exclusion of the daughters and if they did this on land that
was built on it was to be valued as bare land. This must have caused all manner
of difficulties and not surprisingly this right of Vingtième
was abolished in 1840. The greatest problem must have been assessing vingtième alongside the right of the eldest
son to claim his préciput. For more
information on how the provisions as to vingtième
were applied, see Laurent Carey.[11] Although préciput
was abolished in 1954, it is extraordinary how cases still arise where parcels
of real property have remained in possession of a family without the need for a
formal partage and as a result the a claim of
a préciput on behalf an eldest son
still has to be made. The préciput is
the right given to the eldest son before the partage
with his brothers and sisters (by way of birthright
or eldership and without making any compensation to the others) to take a
certain part of his father’s or mother’s estate. Only the eldest
son or, if he has predeceased, his eldest son can take a préciput.
Daughters and sons of daughters cannot claim it, so if the deceased did not
leave a son or a son of a son there will be no préciput
and neither will there be a préciput in
ascending or collateral successions. In former times, it was felt very
important to continue a family living in an unbroken line on the same estate,
particularly in the rural areas of the Island. Préciput could not be
claimed on properties within les barrières de la Ville de Saint Pierre
Port.[12] The eldest son would claim
the principal dwelling house and between 14 and 22 perches of land around it,
together with stables and outbuildings, even if on a separate site in cases
where the main enclosure amounted to less than one-third of the whole estate.
Otherwise the préciput cannot extend
beyond a single enclosure. It is the responsibility of the douzeniers (conseillers de la paroisse)
to decide the extent of the property to be included in the award after giving
the opportunity to the eldest son and other heirs to be heard. There
were a number of rules introduced to prevent double preference of eldest sons
where they wished to claim a second préciput
in respect of the estate of a surviving parent—the separate estates of
mothers also being eligible for the claiming of a préciput.
7 In addition to
the right to préciput, the eldest son had other
rights on the real estate of his mother or father—
1. Where the whole estate formed one enclosure,
the eldest son had the right to take the whole enclosure subject to
compensating his co-heirs with its value (less the value of the préciput) in the shares to which they were
2. Where there was more than one enclosure, the
eldest son could only claim one third of the whole estate inclusive of the land
on which the préciput was
claimed. He was entitled to the balance of the enclosure on which the préciput was claimed but after that he was
subject to the decision of the douzeniers as
to which precise parcel of land he was to be awarded from the other enclosures.
8 After the
entitlement of the eldest son had been established, the time had come for the
preparation of a partage, or deed of division, of the rest of
the estate between the eldest son and his co-heirs, and it would be at this
stage that the most junior of the co-heirs would prepare the lots. As sons were
considered senior to daughters, it would generally be for the youngest daughter
to prepare the lots. It was clearly in the interest of the junior to make the
lots as equal as possible because the seniors were going to have the right to
choose in preference to the lot-making junior who, having last choice, would
get left with the lot perceived to have the lowest value. The rule for division
of real estate was that sons got two thirds divided equally between them and
daughters one third divided equally between them. There were two exceptions to
this: if the share of a son exceeded double that of a daughter the son’s
share was reduced to double that of the daughter, and if the daughter’s
share exceeded that of a son, both sons and daughters shared equally.
9 Turning to
collateral successions, as previously stated, there was no préciput.
One starts by distinguishing between propres
on the one hand and acquêts[13] on the
other. The term “propres” means real estate which
the deceased has inherited, that he has acquired by retrait
lignager[14] or that acquired de qui on est héritier présomptif. Acquêts comprise
realty acquired by an individual by purchase or otherwise, that is to say,
not by inheritance.
10 Propres were divided “per stirpes” (by
branches—par souches) in the line
from which the heritage descends. That is to say, if the property was inherited
from the father’s side of the family it went to the father’s heirs
alone, and likewise to the mother’s heirs if inherited from her.
Representation is allowed à l’infini.
Until 1840, males excluded females, but thereafter males shared two thirds
and females one third with similar exceptions for excessive entitlements
outlined in the case of descending successions.
11 Acquêts passed differently. If the
deceased was survived by a brother or sister then representation was allowed
so, to give an example, if there were originally four siblings, of whom two are
deceased, the heirs of the deceased siblings take the share of their parent
between them. In the example, the amount to be shared will depend on whether
the deceased sibling was male or female and, after that, nephews and nieces of
the deceased will share that part which their parent would have inherited, two
thirds to males, one third to females. If, however, all brothers and sisters
predeceased the deceased, the nephews and nieces share per capita as heirs de
leur propre chef, i.e. as next of kin. Again the rules respect the two thirds
entitlement of males and one third of females. The other difference to note is
that once representation is not allowed, the property passed per capita to the
nearest relatives. This would exclude children of a deceased nephew or niece to
the advantage of the surviving nephews and nieces.
12 Concluding
with ascending successions, an ascendant heir could only inherit from the last
of his descendants. With acquêts and conquêts,
the father was preferred to the mother and the paternal line to the maternal in
parity of degree. A simple example may be given. If a son dies leaving a mother
but not a father, the mother will inherit as next of kin in
preference to any grandparent. If, however, the mother has predeceased, leaving
grandparents of the deceased, the paternal grandfather will be preferred to the
maternal one and will inherit. It should be noted that this preference for the
paternal line does not exist with propres. As
explained these go back to the line paternal or maternal from which they have
come and this may result the person inheriting not being the actual next of
13 The
rights of heirs or legatees were always subject to enjoyment rights of the
deceased’s surviving spouse. Douaire was the right to enjoy for life one third of the
late husband’s estate, including property he would have inherited in
direct line had he lived. Franc Veuvage was the right of a husband to enjoy the whole
of the deceased wife’s real property until remarriage, provided that
there was a child of the marriage born living. In both cases the widow or
widower has in effect a usufruit[15] over the property of his deceased spouse.
14 So far as
testamentary capacity was concerned, a person who had no descendants could,
following the reforms of 1840, make a will of real estate in favour of
whomsoever he or she chose, subject to the rights of enjoyment of the surviving
spouse already described. No such power was available to those leaving
descendants. Wills of realty executed in Guernsey had to be witnessed by Jurats of the Royal Court, and the rule that such wills
could not also dispose of personalty continued to
15 To summarise
the position pertaining to inheritance of real property in the Island of
Guernsey prior to the enactment of the Law of 1954, many of the Norman
characteristics can be seen to be clearly preserved. L’Aînesse
was still recognised, with the eldest son enjoying the privileges of Préciput. La Masculinité
was still respected, with the double entitlement of male heirs over that of
females in both direct and collateral successions and the preference of the
father’s side in ascending successions of propres
and acquêts where there was parity of
degree. The distinction between propres and
acquêts was still important and disposal
of real property by will remained prohibited for those with descendants.
B. The reforms of
16 The
Inheritance (Guernsey) Law 1954[16] was a remarkably short law which made substantial
reforms. Its brevity is to be compared with the complexity of the travaux préparatoires
which is to be found in the reports submitted prior to no less than four
debates in the States, commencing with a report in January 1940.[17]
17 The Law of
1954 abolished the “droits de préciput,
douaire, franc veuvage and l’aînesse”. The Law went on to provide for a general right
to leave real estate by will subject to the proviso that a person leaving
descendants shall only be able to exercise that right in favour of any one or
more or all of the following—
(a) his surviving spouse;
(b) his descendants;[18]
(c) his illegitimate children and their
(d) his step-children and their descendants; and
(e) the illegitimate children of his
descendants, of his illegitimate children or of his step-children[19]
18 In the event
that one of these devisees predeceased the testator, representation was to be
allowed unless a contrary intention appeared in the will.
19 Douaire and franc veuvage were
replaced by a provision that the surviving spouse should have a life enjoyment
until remarriage of one half of the realty of the deceased.[20] A further important change was the repeal of all
the preferences given to males over females in the Law of 1840.
The twenty-first century
20 In an age
when marriage has become very much an optional precursor to the procreation of
children, fairness requires that illegitimate children, as they are still
rather disparagingly referred to, enjoy the same rights to inherit as a
legitimate sibling. The adherence of the Bailiwick to international conventions
requiring the removal of all forms of discrimination against illegitimate
children resulted in further changes made by the Law Reform (Inheritance and
Miscellaneous Provisions) (Guernsey) Law 2006. The provisions that had been
made in 1979[21] to enable descendant illegitimate children to
share in testate successions, if the testator so provided, were extended to
apply to intestacies of realty and personalty.
21 The Law of
2006 went on to deal with two further matters. First, it tightened up on the
procedure for conveying realty. In the old days when Guernsey was a static
community and ownership of one’s own home was not as common as it is
today, the knowledge of the genealogies of land-owning Guernsey families,
retained in the minds of the advocates and their conveyancing clerks, ensured
sufficient protection for purchasers against subsequently finding that the
heirs who had purported to sell property to them were not those entitled to it.
Unlike estates of personalty, where the personal
representatives had to prove the will or obtain a grant of administration in
the Ecclesiastical Court, nothing was required of heirs of realty before they
appeared in the Conveyancing Court (La Cour des Contrats)[22] to transfer inherited property. Although greater
care has been taken in recent years, it was, on any view, an amazingly slack
system, with increased risks of the true heirs being overlooked following the
influx of new residents of recent years. It is only now that with the
possibility of an illegitimate heir appearing about whom no one knew that the system has had to change. The result is that on
intestacies, heirs, however bona fide
and well respected, cannot expect that their right to convey will be accepted.
Instead one of the heirs must first go to court and be appointed as
administrator of the deceased’s realty. Once so appointed the
administrator can give good title to a purchaser but will be liable to account
to any unidentified heirs who may subsequently appear. This means in theory
that he will have to retain the proceeds of sale for six years, although the court
regularly exercises its power to curtail that period.
22 The
consequences of these changes are that parties who were content to let the law
take its course which ensured their realty be shared equally between children
without making a will are now finding themselves advised to see an advocate and
draw up a will disposing of their realty, so as to eliminate doubt and in
particular avoid enquiries as to the existence of other descendants whether or
not born in wedlock.
23 However, it
is no longer technically necessary to employ an advocate to prepare a will as
the rules requiring that wills of realty executed in Guernsey must be witnessed
by Jurats and that realty and personalty
cannot be disposed of in the same instrument were relaxed by the Law of 2006. The
promoting committee observed that a temporary emergency law passed during the
Occupation in 1944 and extended indefinitely in 1955[23] to the effect that wills executed outside Guernsey
were not to be invalidated by the fact that they disposed of both realty and personalty had not given rise to difficulty and it saw no
reason why the law should not be likewise changed for wills executed in
Guernsey. The reason why the law had not given rise to difficulty is that very
few wills executed outside Guernsey have come to be registered and in practice
there will be good reason for continuing to make two wills, particularly where
the testator has descendants, as any devise of realty must made direct to a
descendant whereas bequests of personalty will
initially vest in the executor or administrator.
2. Succession to immeubles in the Island of Alderney
24 Although the
States of Guernsey is empowered to pass legislation relating to the criminal
law of the Bailiwick, the legislatures of Alderney and Sark exclusively may
promote legislation in matters of succession in their own Islands and, accordingly,
none of the laws passed in Guernsey, to which reference has been made, has any
effect in those Islands. The Alderney law relating to
succession to realty and personalty developed
separately in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A Law of 1841 mirrored
the Guernsey Law of 1840. Although reference is made in the preamble to land
holdings being much smaller than Guernsey and the fact that there were few
large farms,[24] Préciput
continued to exist in Alderney, but without any exclusion of urban areas.
25 The Island
was completely evacuated during the Second World War and the occupying power
managed not only to destroy the public records of land ownership at the
Island’s Greffe, but also disturbed much of the
land area with military works so that most boundary marks were lost. Thus a
Land Register had to be established with a specially appointed Commissioner
charged with awarding the land to those who were entitled thereto. Many of the
original owners had not returned, so the law[25] that established the Register introduced a system
whereby the Greffier[26] took possession of land on an intestacy and had
conferred on him powers of administration, transfer to those entitled, or sale
where he had to account to those who were beneficially entitled, including
surviving spouses who were still entitled to rights equivalent to douaire and franc
This can in practice involve administrations lasting many years. Subject
to respect for these rights on intestacy the Law spelt out who were to benefit
from the proceeds of sale—a simplified list abandoning distinctions
between propres and acquêts
and preferences of males. More remarkably the Law went on to provide that a
testator had freedom, subject to the above-mentioned rights of the surviving
spouse, to dispose of realty to whom he wished by will. This was a major
departure from the previous law which had given no testamentary powers in
respect of realty to persons who had left descendants.
3. Succession to immeubles in the Island of Sark
26 Medieval Sark
had manorial and legal regimes similar to those of the other Islands of the
Bailiwick, but these disappear from the record after the epidemic and other
crises of the fourteenth century had taken their toll. It is also possible that
the parcels of land on the Island which would have been partables had been divided up and
encumbered so that they became unprofitable to work and, as a consequence, the
descendants of the original settlers left. Marauders and pirates used the
Island as a haven, much to the discomfort of those who wished to go about their
lawful business in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel. In order to prevent a
repetition of this state of affairs, the Charter given in 1565 by Queen
Elizabeth I to Helier de Carteret[28] to resettle Sark provided that the Island would be
divided into 40 tenements which would remain indivisible (passing to the eldest
male heir) and could not be encumbered.[29] There was to be a further obligation imposed on
every tenant to keep on the tenement a man armed with a musket for the defence
of the Island.[30] That indivisibility is the one thing one sees
preserved in the major reform to the law that came into force at the beginning
of the millennium.[31] The Law has removed the preference of males and
has given power to make wills of realty in favour of one natural person,
although in the case of those leaving descendants only to one of those
descendants. To overcome the perceived injustice of only one person being able
to inherit, a limited power to leave real property by will on trust for sale
was introduced. Detailed rules for intestate succession were codified in a
schedule to the Law and, most important of all, the law provided ahead of all
the other Islands of the Bailiwick that illegitimate children are entitled to inherit
not only by will but also on intestacy. Douaire
and franc veuvage
were abolished although, as in Guernsey, in 1954 the surviving spouse is
entitled to a life enjoyment but then only of one third of the realty of the
27 Cracks
are appearing in the edifice of indivisibility. First the decision in Surcouf v de Carteret,[32] has dispelled to a large extent doubts as to the
validity of long leases of parts of tenements. Divorce became available to
persons of Sark domicile as recently as 2002 and the Law extending the
Matrimonial Causes legislation that had subsisted in Guernsey since 1939 made
special provisions enabling the Court of Matrimonial Causes[33] to direct a party to proceedings to grant a
statutory lease of part of a tenement in favour of his divorced or separated
spouse without dividing the tenement itself.[34] More importantly, the constitution of the Chief
Pleas (Les Chefs Plaids),
the Island’s legislature, has been radically reformed to meet modern
concepts as to representative government.[35] The 40 tenants have lost their automatic right to
membership resulting from their ownership of their tenement, and the
legislature now comprises 28 conseillers elected
by universal suffrage. With the inbuilt powers of the landowners to conserve
the status quo removed, it seems likely that reform will come, including
the provision of machinery to enable borrowing to be secured by way of a charge
against land. The General Purposes Committee of Chief Pleas is currently
investigating this whole matter with a view to further reform.
4. Succession
to meubles in the Island of Guernsey
28 Guernsey has
continued to maintain the basic rule of the Norman custom that limited the
deceased’s power of testamentary disposition to one third of his meubles if he left a spouse and issue, or one half
if he died leaving only a spouse or issue. Mention is often made of the right
of the pious Norman to leave this disposable part to a suitable part of the
church so as to ensure that prayers would be faithfully offered for the repose
of his soul. As a result the church regularly found that it had an interest in
the timely administration of estates and, if no one was named as executor, the
Bishop appears to have taken it to himself to discharge the duty. This explains
the apparent anomaly of the Ecclesiastical Court in Guernsey sitting on a
weekly basis under the presidency of the Anglican Dean or his délégué to issue grants of
representation to executors and administrators in respect
of personal estate situate within the Bailiwick.[36] The requirement that before personal estate can be
dealt with a grant of representation is required contrasts markedly with the
provisions relating to succession to realty. If a will was not made and the
disposable part was thus not dealt with, the disposable part passed to the
issue if there were issue or, if the spouse alone survived, to the next of kin
of the deceased.
29 The old
Norman rules were modified in the Bailiwick and again it is appropriate to
start in Guernsey with the Loi sur les successions 1840. This introduced a droit d’aînesse for the eldest son to take, after
the widow had claimed her third, one seventh of the “meubles
meublants”,[37] all the family portraits and all silver and other
objects given to his father or his ancestors by public bodies. Unlike the
position with préciput, where
if an eldest son wished to claim a préciput
on the real estate of the second of his parents to die, he had to give credit
in respect of what he had taken on the first, the droit d’aînesse
could be claimed on both the estates of the father and the mother. The next
important point to note is that, unlike succession to realty, females share
equally with males. Married daughters who had been furnished with “Dot”, or a dowry, on
marriage had, if they wished to share in the parent’s succession, to give
credit for the value of the Dot. In descending successions,
representation is allowed. In collateral successions to meubles
the rules are the same as those for acquêts
in collateral line, save that there was, even prior to 1954, no advantage for
males over females, all sharing being equal.
30 Prior to the
passing in Guernsey of the Married Women’s Property Law 1928,[38] the personal property of the wife vested in the
husband unless there had been a marriage contract reserving her separate estate for the enjoyment of herself and her heirs.[39] Consequent to that reform, further legislative
reform enabled a husband to claim a légitime
of one third (or one half if there were no issue) in respect of his
wife’s estate.[40]
31 Whilst the
entitlement of the surviving spouse to receive outright his or her légitime is absolute, the légitime
of all or any of the children may be put in trust by the parent on the basis
that the child will enjoy the whole of the income from his entitlement during
his lifetime. On the child’s death the légitime, so placed in trust, reverts to the
estate of the child and falls to be disposed of according to the child’s
will or in accordance with the rules of intestacy.[41]
5. Succession to meubles in the Island of Alderney
32 The rules as
to testate and intestate succession are similar to Guernsey with two stark differences
resulting from a failure of the Alderney legislature to keep up with changes
that have been made in Guernsey. The first of these was that following the
enactment of the Alderney Land and Property etc. Law 1949 similar provisions
relating to married women’s property were extended to Alderney as had
been included in the Guernsey legislation of 1928. However no equivalent
provision to that contained in the Guernsey Law of 1930[42] was included to enable husbands to be entitled to
a légitime in respect of their
wife’s estate. It is understood that a proposal to fill this apparent
lacuna was brought forward in the States of Alderney, but was rejected! One of
the consequences of this is that if a wife dies intestate in Alderney, her
husband gets nothing, the children get one half of the estate as légitime and the other half as next of kin.
The second is more serious in that there has been no equivalent legislation in
Alderney to provide for the interests of illegitimate persons such as has been enacted in Guernsey in 1979 and 2008[43] or Sark in 1999 and 2007. However this all appears
likely to change in the near future.
6. Succession to meubles in the Island of Sark
33 The law is
similar to Guernsey so far as the rights of spouses and descendants are
concerned. Married women’s property rights and the entitlement of a
husband to a légitime were introduced
in 1975.[45] Section 1 of the Personal Property (Succession)
(Sark) Law 2007 abolished any rule whereby a person for the purposes of
succession to personalty in Sark was distinguished
from a legitimate person on the grounds of his illegitimacy. This mirrors
s 1 of the Guernsey Law of 2006 save that, unlike the Guernsey Law, it
makes no reference to successions to real estate, for the simple reason that
such reforms had been anticipated in the provisions of the 1999 Law. So far as
collateral successions are concerned there is no ascending succession to personalty and there are in respect of collaterals
apparently still preferences afforded to males over females in parity of
degree. These seems strange and non-compliant with the ECHR. The excellent
rules as to inheritance of realty contained in the Schedule to the 1999 Law have
not been adapted for successions to personalty. No
doubt the matter will receive the attention of the Sark legislators in due
7. The end of the Norman tradition: recent reforms
in Guernsey
34 At its
meeting on 27 January 2010, the States approved proposals from the Inheritance
Law Review Committee to enact legislation—
to replace the current system of what the Committee described as forced heirship in Guernsey by testamentary freedom accompanied by
family provision;
under testamentary freedom, an individual
will be able to leave, by will, the whole of his or her immoveable (real) and
moveable (personal) property to such person or persons, and in such
proportions, as he or she chooses;
family provision will be similar to that
which applies in England and Wales (under the Inheritance (Provision for Family
and Dependants) Act, 1975);
wills executed and marriage or other
contracts made before the proposed legislation comes into effect will not be
affected by it, so as to protect people who are unable or unwilling to make a
new will or contract;
to introduce new rules on intestacy, including the abolition of the
distinction between “propres” and “acquêts”;
to abolish the effect of the ruling in the case of In re Davis which prohibits a person creating a testamentary trust
of his or her real property in his or her will if he or she has descendants;
to clarify the order of inheritance where two or more persons have died
in circumstances rendering it uncertain which of them survived the other or
others, along the lines of the Law of Property Act, 1925.
35 These
proposals met with less consideration and debate in the States of Deliberation
than the reforms of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries received in their
time. Apart from vocal opposition from a few doughty advocates who still had
some respect for the Norman tradition, the Projet de Loi implementing these proposals[46]
was nodded through with little opposition or understanding of the real issues
36 These radical
provisions have swept away the system of légitimes enjoyed by
spouses and descendants in successions to meubles and removed the
restrictions on persons leaving descendants who had previously to exercise
their testamentary powers in respect of immeubles
in favour of their surviving spouse or one or more of their descendants. One
can see that, with the rainbow of different familial and social relationships
that exist in society today, testamentary freedom may be regarded as the only
solution that can meet all aspirations. But as always there is the other side,
what is to be done with the old man who after fifty years with the same wife
abandons her and his children and transfers his affections to a younger woman
to whom he wishes to give everything? English law has developed complex
provisions to protect those who have a moral and material claim in these kinds
of circumstances, and the Guernsey law mirrors these, but with less detail. The
potential for injustice and litigation is even greater in Guernsey where there
are no capital taxes on death, with a consequent lack of incentive to divest
oneself of assets prior to death in the same way as in the United Kingdom
8. Conclusions
37 What, if any,
then remains of our Norman heritage in the law of succession in the Bailiwick
of Guernsey?
Masculinité has
gone and rightly so.
Aînesse survived until it was no
longer considered important to keep property in the family and enable one
sibling to succeed to the estate and enjoy the fruits therefrom in a similar
style to his deceased parent. There was a strong agricultural interest in
maintaining viable farms in a small island but that interest appears to have
extended to the larger town estates of the merchant class of the early 19th
century. This is evidenced by the way in which the town boundaries were drawn
to exclude many of the larger town houses.[47]
Indivisibilité is only relevant in Sark
and looks as if after a final burst of life evidenced in the Law of 1999 it
will soon disappear.
Immeubles and meubles
will have less significance if the rules of succession thereto are elided.
There will continue to be a material difference between them when one comes to
consider methods of charging and giving security.
5. The States of Alderney has just issued (May
2014) a consultation paper which can be found on its website setting out the
case for testamentary freedom of both moveable and immoveable property with
similar family provision safeguards to those in Guernsey. Little discussion is
included of the merits of the alternative namely that of retaining the status
quo. It is also proposed to abolish retrait and remove the responsibility of the Greffier for
dealing with intestacies of immoveable property, a duty imposed originally in
1949 when heirs could not always be found and long overdue for reform.
In contemplation of
indivisibility disappearing in Sark, in which event it would seem likely that
Chief Pleas will follow the other Islands in abandoning the restrictions on
testamentary freedom, one will see complete testamentary freedom throughout the
Sir de Vic Carey was the
Bailiff of Guernsey and President of the Guernsey Court of Appeal between 1999
and 2005. After retirement he was appointed a Lieutenant Bailiff and ordinary
judge of the Court of Appeal and held those offices until 2012.
This article is based on a paper delivered to
a Colloque
held at the Chateau de Cerisy under the patronage of
the University of Caen and the Conseil Général de la Manche
in May 2011 to celebrate the 1100th anniversary of the foundation of Normandy.
[2] Terrien, Commentaires du Droit
Civil tant public que privé observé au pays et Duché de
Normandie Rouen 1574 reprinted (with introduction by Advocate
Gordon Dawes), Barreau de Guernesey 2010. The first codification
of the civil law of Guernsey was based on this work. This is to be found in the
Approbation des lois prepared for the approval
of the Royal Court which was given added authority by being approved by Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth I pursuant to an order in Council of 27 October 1583. See further
Thomas Le Marchant, Remarques et
animadversions sur L’Approbation de Lois, Guernesey
The Succession to the
Crown Act 2013, which provides that females can no longer be displaced in the
line of succession to the Crown by a younger brother born after 28 October
[5] Most legal systems
have had to develop their own jurisprudence as to where the line is to be drawn
between what is an immeuble and what is a meuble. This became a contentious issue as
horticulture developed in the 19th century such that the Ordinance was passed
in 1852 [Recueil
d’Ordonnances Tome III p 231], clarifying
the distinction and providing for certain crops to be treated as meubles with effect from a particular date in each
year, notwithstanding the fact they had not been harvested. Some of these dates
had to be adjusted in 1888 [Recueil d’Ordonnances
Tome IV p 299] with the development of glasshouse
[6] A rente
was primarily created as a balancing payment when deeds of division (partages) were concluded. They were payable in
measures of wheat, the cash equivalent thereof being fixed annually by the
court until 1927 [Loi
ayant rapport à l’abolition
de l’affeurement de rentes
et au taux de paiement des rentes—O en C Vol VIII
p 143] when a permanent fixed cash alternative was prescribed.
This caused hardship in times of inflation. As a consequence the Law of 1954,
promoted at a time when banks were ready to lend more freely, prescribed that
all adjustments under a partage must be
expressed as payable in money. Hypothèques had a period of popularity from after 1950 until
1962 as United Kingdom domiciled individuals could, until the Finance Act of
that year removed the exemption, avoid paying inheritance tax on foreign
realty. A simple and safe way of taking advantage of such a facility was to
lend money to a Channel Island resident secured as a hypothèque which, being classified as an immeuble
under the local law, remained so classified in the eyes of the British Revenue.
[7] Les Institutions, Lois et Coutumes de l’ile de Guernesey
publié par ordre de la Cour Royale 1889.
[8] Notes on the Law of
Inheritance and of Wills of the Island of Guernsey. Advocate Foote,
admitted in 1908, was clearly one of the ablest members of the Bar of his
generation. He was appointed HM Comptroller in 1916 but, as was the custom at
that time, continued in private practice with Advocate Victor Carey (later
Bailiff 1935–1946) until his untimely death in the influenza epidemic of
[9] Ordres en Conseil, vol I p 51. The procedure for
enacting legislation in Guernsey is for the States to approve a Projet de Loi which
is then submitted by the Bailiff as presiding officer on their behalf by way of
petition to the Sovereign in Council. Today these petitions are of a formal
nature, merely reciting the dates of approval of the Projet
and earlier consideration of the topic. The Petition submitting the 1840
Law makes interesting reading. The petitioners state—
“That the Law of
Normandy in all matters of succession and inheritance is still the Law of
Guernsey—That the lapse of ages and the altered state of society may,
without any departure from the principle of that law, be said to necessitate
changes recommended by justice, experience and general consent.”
Reference is then made to petitions from
“the most intelligent inhabitants” and subsequent debate. The
petitioners finish by assuring Her Majesty that the Projet “far from being the
result of agitation, wild innovation, or party zeal was temperately proposed,
maturely discussed and considerately adopted”.
[12] Originally a small
area leading up the cliffs from the harbour but
substantially increased by s 8 of the Law of 1840 to take account of the
expansion of the town in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
[13] Historically,
distinction was made between acquêts, land acquired before
marriage, and conquêts, that acquired after marriage. As
any practical distinction in the treatment of the two disappeared, reference
will be made herein to both as acquêts.
[14] This is the right of
certain relatives of a vendor to claim back land sold to a stranger on
reimbursement of the stranger’s costs of purchase. It has been abolished
in Guernsey. It exists in Alderney, under the Alderney Land and Property Law 1949, although it has not
been used in recent history, and in Sark, where the
customary law still applies, and in respect of which guidance was given by the
Royal Court in Rang v Wakley
(1987). See, generally, S Poirey,
‘Le droit coutumier à l’épreuve du temps.
L’application de la coutume de Normandie dans les îles
anglo-normandes: le retrait lignager’, Revue Historique de Droit
Français et Étranger 75 (1997), 377–414.
[15] The concept of usufruit was well known to Roman and Norman
law. As to how it is regulated in Guernsey and how the responsibilities between
usufruitier and nu proprietaire are divided
see Ordonnance de la Cour Royale 16 janvier 1854 (Recueil des Ordonnances Tome III p 308).
[16] Ordres en Conseil Volume XVI p 10.
[17] The investigation
committee seem to have proposed an unprecedented number of alternatives
including a minority view, which did not find favour
at that time, that there should be no restriction on the right of testamentary
freedom where a person left descendants. It is clear from the report of the
1940 Committee (whose work was interrupted by the Occupation) that there had
been a number of earlier debates on the subject.
[18] In all matters
relating to succession, adopted children are to be treated as the children of
the adopter born in lawful wedlock. See Adoption
(Guernsey) Law 1960 as amended.
[19] Added by s 2 of
the Law of Inheritance (Guernsey) Law
1979 but later repealed by the Law
Reform (Inheritance and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Guernsey) Law 2006.
[20] Or the whole if the
annual value was less than two hundred pounds—a provision extinguished by
inflation. The right shall be exercised on such part of the estate as the
surviving spouse may reasonably select.
[21] See the Law of Inheritance (Guernsey) Law 1979.
[22] All instruments
transferring or hypothecating interests in land have to be passed before the
Royal Court sitting twice weekly as a conveyancing court. Since the days of Sir
William Arnold (1960–1973), the Bailiff has excused himself from
presiding, leaving the conduct of proceedings in the capable hands of a senior Jurat sitting as Lieutenant Bailiff.
[23] The Wills (Temporary
Provisions) (Amendment) (Guernsey) Law 1955 Ordres en Conseil Vol
XV1 p 225.
[24] Agricultural land on
the open Blayes on top of the Island was, when it was
still being cultivated, generally held in small strips with owners claiming a vaindiff (the right to turn a plough) on the adjoining owner’s
[25] Alderney
Land and Property etc. Law 1949 Ordres en conseil Vol XIV
p 67.
[26] Much of the post-war
reforms on Alderney were overseen by officials from
the UK Home Office and a strong English influence is to be detected in the form
of the legislation that was enacted in Alderney in
the post-war period. The old office of Greffier was reincarnated with the
English title of “Clerk of the Court” but happily the States of Alderney reverted to the old title of
“Greffier” when the functions of the office were rearranged in
[28] Seigneur of St Ouen on
the North West corner of Jersey.
[29] There would be no system
for registering charges and obtaining security for indebtedness. Similarly,
long leases were open to challenge on the grounds that they were an encumbrance
that an heir might set aside, but see judgment of the Royal Court in Surcouf v de Carteret.
[30] Dame Sybil Hathaway,
DBE had reason to remind a former tenant of Brecqhou,
who, having found that with advancing years the winters were too harsh, wanted
to move to warmer climes and leave the Island unoccupied, that he must keep a
caretaker on the Island—he was not to rely on the good offices of the Sark constable to go over and see all was in order.
[31] Real Property (Succession) (Sark) Law 1999 as amended.
[33] A division of the
Royal Court.
[34] Matrimonial Causes (Amendment)
(Guernsey) Law 2002, in
particular art 57B.
[35] Reform (Sark) Law 2008.
[36] Similar jurisdictions
existed both in England and in Jersey, but were transferred to the secular
courts from the church courts in 1858 and 1946, respectively. As recently as
1985, the States of Guernsey accepted the recommendation of an investigation committee
that the jurisdiction for non-contentious applications for grants of probate
and representation should remain with the Ecclesiastical Court but that there
should be transferred to the Royal Court responsibility for adjudicating on
contentious matters (see Ecclesiastical
Court (Jurisdiction) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1994).
[37] Meubles
meublants may generally be translated as
“household furniture”, but that would appear to be an
over-generalization. Foote draws attention to the provisions of art 534 of the
French Civil Code and suggests that as providing the best definition.
[38] Loi étendant les droits de la Femme Marie quant à la
propriété Mobilière et Immobilière 1928.
[39] A recent suggestion in
Woods, “All that I have I share with you” (2011) 15 J&G Law Rev
67, at 67 that Guernsey has no ante-nuptial marriage provision thus appears in
doubt and indeed the Island’s divorce law of 1939 provides (art 45) that
the court may adjust marriage contracts etc.
[40] Loi Relative à la portion disponible des Biens Meubles des
Pères et Mères 1930.
[41] Loi supplémentaire à la loi des successions 1889.
[42] Loi Relative à la portion disponible des Biens Meubles des
Pères et Mères 1930.
[43] Law of Inheritance (Guernsey) Law 1979
and Law Reform (Inheritance and
Miscellaneous Provisions) (Guernsey) Law 2006.
[45] Married Women’s Property (Sark) Law 1975 and Successions (Personal Estates of Married Persons) (Sark)
Law 1975.
[47] For example Les Cotils, Castle Carey, Lukis House and the houses on the
upper or western end of the Grange, the Mount (now Government House) Rozel, Montville.