Book Review
Dessain and M Wilkins, Jersey Insolvency
and Asset Tracking, Key Haven Publications, 5th ed, 2016, cviii and 583
pages, ISBN 978-1-901614-67-1, £125
1 The law on
insolvency in the Channel Islands has roots in the customary law of Normandy and
has also been influenced by developments in neighbouring France both before and
since the great codifications of the 19th century and refection of the civil
law. More lately, however, corporate law procedures have been imported from
comparable rules in the United Kingdom, leading to the landscape of insolvency
law being a rich and sometimes confusing one. As a “mixed
jurisdiction”, the law in Jersey provides a fascinating insight into the
juxtaposition of rules from different legal families. Providing an
understanding of these areas of law is the function of this work, first
published in 1999, co-authored by Anthony Dessain, senior partner in Bedells
and a prominent Jersey advocate, and Michael Wilkins, for many years the
Viscount of the Royal Court in Jersey and with the assistance of a formidably
qualified team of specialists. The work has seen four editions over the years,
the last (fourth) edition appearing as recently as 2012. The four years that
have elapsed since that edition have seen the issue of a supplement (after only
two years) to reflect the considerable number of changes in the law in Jersey
and now, another two years on, the publication of a fifth edition to
incorporate the further changes that have occurred in areas as diverse as
bankruptcy procedures and trusts, as well as recognition and disclosure orders,
not to mention over a hundred discrete changes in a range of technical matters
including employment law, cross border co-operation, human rights, foreign
taxation, tracing, schemes of arrangement and the introduction of a new
aircraft registry. Added to the regular updating of the statutory framework and
the regular production of case law, this has necessitated considerable
amendment of the text as well as the inclusion of further commentary on key
issues (now numbering 11 all told) further developing themes raised within the
book and forming veritable “mini guides” to the subjects they
2 The work continues to be a tour de
force, covering almost 700 pages. It first covers a brief introduction to
the Jersey legal system and court structure, accompanied by some useful
illustrations and pictures. This section also provides a glimpse into the
sources of Jersey law and issues of validity and capacity. This is followed by
a very detailed chapter on asset recovery and claimants’ rights around
insolvency, including litigation and enforcement issues. This section
incidentally reveals the very different concepts of property in the Island,
largely drawing from the civil law concepts of property and co-ownership
rights, with the differences being pointed out as and where they arise. Asset security
is also dealt with in this section, illustrating the civil law antecedents of
real property security, the mixed heritage of the law relating to tangible
movable security as well as the Island’s own legislation covering
intangible movable security with mention both of the autochthonous development
of the Law of 1983 (a brief text indeed) and its more recent replacement of
2012 building on the work across the Commonwealth of personal property security
legislation. The interaction between foreign and domestic security over
property, especially property located in a jurisdiction other than where it was
created, is also outlined. Collateral issues are also canvassed, including
enforcement, and covering such topics as torts, fraud, constructive trusts,
restitution as well as other causes of action. This section ends by enumerating
the remedies and orders available as well as issues around the specific
enforcement of domestic and foreign judgments and arbitral awards. The text
then moves on to directors’
duties and liabilities under corporate, insolvency and other legislation, as
well as with issues of creditor and shareholder protection, before dealing, in
a separate chapter, with the specific issue of piercing the veil in the context
of the use of corporate bodies, particularly important given the prevalence in
Jersey of financial investments structured using bodies established under
corporate and trust laws, in the context of which piercing the veil issues have
also been raised.
3 Chapter 5 is by far the lengthiest part
of the work encompassing all that might be termed “bankruptcy”,
from winding up procedures under company law to the classic (cessions de biens and its dependent
enforcement procedures as well as remise
de biens) and more modern (désastre) procedures in the law
of insolvency. There is a tremendous amount of detail in this chapter detailing
the functioning of the procedures, relevant provisions underpinning the
articulation of the procedures, the case-law illustrating the court’s
role in interpreting the law governing these procedures, many of which have
only been partially codified in statute and that at an early date, for example
the Laws of 1832 (cession de biens)
and 1839 (remise de biens). Of note
too is the continuing evolution of this jurisprudence, seen in the number of
the cases that proliferate into very recent times, which incidentally also
illustrate the continuing utility of some of the “older”
procedures. Reference is also made to commentary and further information and
guidance on these procedures where available. The insolvency dimension in this
tome is then rounded off with two chapters on cross-border insolvency, including
how Jersey courts have dealt with issues of co-operation and comity, and also
human rights, dealing also with the potential impact of the UNCITRAL Model Law.
A final chapter covers the issue of proper scrutiny of Jersey’s position
as a financial centre, of some concern in recent years with adverse attention
by some international institutions.
4 In summary, the main text, the further
commentary and appendices containing the relevant laws, offer a highly weighty
and considered exposition of everything to do with asset tracking, security and
insolvency in Jersey. It is well written, lucid and articulate, dealing with
matters clearly and with a level of technical detail that is unsurpassed. It
forms a handy compendium to the subjects it covers and has the advantage of being
written by a team with considerable expertise. For these reasons and many more,
the whole work should readily find a place on the shelves of anyone who has
dealings in Jersey and, more widely, for comparative lawyers interested in the
evolution and development of insolvency and asset-security in a legally
fascinating jurisdiction.
Paul J. Omar, of Gray’s Inn,
Barrister, Former Visiting Professor, Institute of Law, Jersey.