Superannuation (New Members) (Jersey) Order 2007
1 Interpretation
In this Order, unless the
context otherwise requires –
“accepted school”
means a school that is an accepted school under the Administration Order;
“added years”
means the period of notional pensionable service that may be granted to a
member on account of –
(a) any
refund or transfer value paid to the Fund under the Administration Order;
(b) any
additional voluntary contributions paid under Article 12 (and related
employer contributions);
(c) augmentation
pursuant to Article 37; and
(d) any
pensionable allowance;
“Administration Order”
means the Teachers’
Superannuation (Administration) (Jersey) Order 2007;
“average salary”
means final pensionable salary, calculated without reference to any pensionable
allowance giving rise to added years of pensionable service under Article 41;
“child” means,
in relation to an individual who is a member, pensioner or deferred pensioner –
(a) any
person who has not attained the age of 16 years and who is a natural
child of that individual, whether or not born of a marriage entered into by
that individual;
(b) any
person who has not attained the age of 16 years and who is a step-child of that individual by virtue of a marriage or
civil partnership entered into by that individual;
(c) any
person who has not attained the age of 16 years and who is legally
adopted by that individual;
(d) any
person who has not attained the age of 16 years and who the
Management Board is satisfied is a proper recipient of a child’s pension
under this Order;
(e) any
person who is a child en ventre sa mère at the date
of that individual’s death who would be within sub-paragraph (a) or
(f) any
person who –
(i) has
attained the age of 16 years (but has not attained the age of
23 years),
(ii) if
the person were to be taken to have not attained the age of 16 years,
would be within sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c), and
(iii) is a
person –
(A) receiving
full-time education in an educational establishment approved by the Management
Board, or
(B) not
receiving full-time education but who the Management Board is satisfied that it
remains appropriate to treat the person as a child for the purposes of this
“deferred pensioner”
means a former member entitled to a pension under Article 20 which has not
yet become payable;
means, in relation to any individual who is a deceased member, deferred
pensioner or pensioner –
(a) any
adult person; or
(b) any
person who is not an adult and is not a child as defined in this Order,
who was, at the time of the
death of the individual or when an election took place under Article 35,
dependent on him or her for the provision of all or most of the ordinary
necessities of life;
“eligible employee”
means a person who is certified to be an eligible employee under Article 6;
representative” means a member of the Management Board who has been
appointed as an employer representative in accordance with Article 3 of
the Administration Order;
“employee” has
the meaning assigned by Article 2;
“employer” has
the meaning assigned by Article 3;
“final pensionable
salary” has the meaning assigned by Article 4;
“full-time employee”
means an employee who is employed for 25 hours or more a week and who is
not a supply teacher;
“Income Tax Law”
means the Income
Tax (Jersey) Law 1961;
“investment manager”
means a person appointed as an investment manager in accordance with the Administration
“Law” means the
Superannuation (Jersey) Law 1979;
“lump sum recipient”
has the meaning assigned by Article 5;
“Management Board”
means the Management Board established in accordance with Article 2 of the
Administration Order;
“member” means
an employee who joins the scheme under Article 7, for so long as the
member remains an employee, and “membership” shall be construed
“normal retiring age”
means 65 years;
“organiser of
teachers” means a person in employment which involves the performance of
duties in connection with the provision of education or services ancillary to
“part-time employee”
means –
(a) any
employee who regularly works for less than 25 hours a week; and
(b) a
supply teacher;
“part-time hours”
means any hours of work per week that are less than 25 hours a week;
allowance” means a payment or allowance which is for the time being
declared under Article 38 to be a pensionable allowance;
“pensionable service”,
in relation to a member, means, subject to Article 8(5), (7) and (9), Article 9(5),
(7) and (9) and Article 45, the member’s last or only period of
continuous service whilst a member of the scheme in accordance with this Order;
means a former member or deferred pensioner receiving a pension under this
“qualifying service”,
in relation to a member, means, subject to Article 8(5), (7) and (9) and Article 9(5),
(7) and (9), the member’s last or only period of continuous service
whilst a member of the scheme in accordance with this Order, together with –
(a) where
the Treasurer has received a payment on the member’s behalf from a
transferring arrangement in accordance with Article 20 of the Administration
Order (whether directly or indirectly) –
(i) if
the transferring arrangement is a policy of a like nature to an annuity or a
personal pension scheme, the added years awarded in respect of that payment, or
(ii) if
the transferring arrangement is not a policy of a like nature to an annuity or
a personal pension scheme, the period of pensionable service under the
transferring arrangement (excluding any notional pensionable service granted by
the transferring arrangement); and
(b) any
period of notional qualifying service awarded under Article 37;
“relations”, in
relation to a member, means –
(a) the
widow, widower or surviving civil partner of the member or any former husband,
wife or civil partner of the member;
(b) any
child or other descendant of the member and the husband, wife, civil partner,
widow, widower or surviving civil partner of any such child or other
(c) the
father or mother (whether natural or adoptive) or other
ancestor of the member and the widow, widower or surviving civil partner of
such father, mother or other ancestor; and
(d) any
brother or sister of the member (whether of the whole blood or the half blood
and whether natural or adoptive) and the widow, widower or surviving civil
partner of any such person,
and for this purpose “child” includes a stepchild, a legally
adopted child and a child to whom in the opinion of the Management Board the
member or other person as appropriate stands, or would but for the
member’s death have stood, in loco parentis;
“salary”, in
relation to a member, means the basic salary or wage of the member
(disregarding overtime payments, other emoluments of a temporary nature and
payments in respect of untaken leave) together with the member’s
pensionable allowances (if any);
“scheme” means
the pension scheme established by this Order;
“service” means
the period of employment with an employer computed in years and complete days;
“spouse” means
a widow or widower;
“supervisor of
teachers” means a person employed in a capacity connected with education
which to a substantial extent involves the supervision or the control of
“supply teacher”
means an employee who is, under a contract under which the first day of
employment is on or after 1st April 2007 and that is terminable without
notice, employed as a teacher temporarily in the place of a regularly employed
“teacher” means
a teacher, a supervisor of teachers, or an organiser of teachers, who is
employed by or on behalf of the States or an accepted school;
means the Treasurer of the States.[1]
2 Meaning
of “employee”
(1) In
this Order, “employee” means a person who is employed by an
employer as a teacher under a contract of employment under which the first day
of the person’s employment is on or after 1st April 2007 and
includes a person who was an employee for the purposes of this Order.
(2) For
the avoidance of doubt, a person remains an employee under paragraph (1)
even if he or she is –
(a) on ordinary leave on full pay, including
leave pending the termination of the teacher’s contract of service;
(b) on sick leave (recorded as sick leave by the
teacher’s employer) if –
(i) he
or she is entitled to at least half-pay (disregarding any reduction or refund
provided for by the terms of the teacher’s employment), and
(ii) has
not been continuously absent on sick leave for more than 12 months;
(c) on special leave on full pay; or
(d) suspended from duty on full pay.
(3) The
proprietor of a school that is an accepted school shall not be an employee for
the purposes of this Order.
3 Meaning
of “employer”
In this Order, “employer”
means –
(a) the
States Employment Board within the meaning of the Employment
of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005, in respect of the States or any administration of the States; and
(b) any
other employer, on behalf of an accepted school, of persons who are teachers,
including a governing body or other body of managers that employs teachers on
behalf of an accepted school.
4 Meaning
of “final pensionable salary”
(1) In
this Order, “final pensionable salary” means, subject to Article 45 –
(a) the
salary received by a member during the best successive 365 days in the
3 years immediately before the day on which the member ceases to be an
employee; or
(b) if
the member has received salary for less than 365 days in the last 3 years,
the total salary received in the last 3 years divided by the numbers of
days for which the member received salary in those years multiplied by 365.
(2) A
member whose salary has, to the satisfaction of the Management Board, been
reduced or discontinued owing to ill-health or injury, shall be taken for the
purposes of this Article to have received the salary which the member would
otherwise have received (but for the reduction or discontinuance) as certified
by the employer.
(3) If
during the 3 years immediately before the day on which the member ceases
to be an employee –
(a) the
member was absent from duty in accordance with Article 10(1); and
(b) contributions
were paid in respect of the member’s absence on the basis of the salary
the member would have received (as determined by the employer),
the salary shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining final
pensionable salary.
(4) If
during the 3 years immediately before the day on which the member ceases
to be an employee –
(a) the
member was absent from duty in accordance with Article 10(1); and
(b) contributions
were not paid in respect of the member’s absence,
the period of absence shall
be disregarded for the purpose of determining final pensionable salary.
(5) If
the period of absence is disregarded under paragraph (4), the 3 years
immediately before the day on which the member ceases to be an employee shall
mean –
(a) the
period from the day the member returned from absence to the day the member
ceases to be an employee; and
(b) the
period immediately before the day on which the member’s absence commenced
which, when added to the period in sub-paragraph (a), equals 3 years,
and the 2 periods in
sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be treated as if they were continuous.
5 Meaning
of “lump sum recipient”
(1) In
this Order, “lump sum recipient”, in relation to a member, means
one or more of a class consisting of –
(a) any
of the member’s relations or dependants;
(b) any
individual or person nominated by the member under paragraph (2); and
(c) the
member’s estate,
who or which is determined
by the Management Board under paragraph (3) to be a recipient of a lump
sum payable on the death of a member.
(2) A
member may by notice in writing to the Management Board request the Management
Board to determine that a person nominated in the notice shall, during the
member’s lifetime, receive the whole or any part of the member’s
(3) The
Management Board may determine that a relation, dependant, individual, person
nominated under paragraph (2) or a member’s estate shall be a
recipient of a lump sum payable on the death of a member.
6 Certification
of eligible employees and pensionable contracts
(1) An
employer may certify to be an eligible employee a person who is –
(a) a
full-time employee who is employed by the employer on a permanent basis;
(b) a
full-time employee who is employed by the employer on a fixed term contract
which is, with the consent of the Minister under paragraph (2), expressed
to be pensionable;
(c) a
part-time employee who is employed by the employer on a permanent basis;
(d) a
part-time employee who is employed by the employer on a fixed term contract
which is, with the consent of the Minister under paragraph (2), expressed
to be pensionable; and
(e) a
person who is employed by the employer as a supply teacher under a contract
which is, with the consent of the Minister under paragraph (2), expressed
to be pensionable.
(2) The
Minister may, on the application of an employer, consent to a class of
contracts to which the employer is or intends to be a party being expressed as
7 Eligibility
and membership
(1) Subject to this Order, a full-time
employee who is an eligible employee shall be a member of the scheme.[2]
(2) Subject
to this Order, a part-time employee who is an eligible employee shall be a
member of the scheme if he or she elects to become a member of the scheme.[3]
(3) A
person who was, but has ceased to be, employed in reckonable service within the
meaning of the Teachers’
Superannuation (Existing Members) (Jersey) Order 1986 and who is an eligible employee shall be a member of the scheme if
he or she elects to become a member of the scheme.
(4) A
person to whom paragraph (3) applies may only elect to become a member of
the scheme before 4 weeks after he or she becomes an eligible employee.
(5) A
person to whom paragraph (2) or (3) applies may elect to become a member
of the scheme by giving notice in writing to the Minister.
(6) An
election for the purposes of paragraph (5) shall be irrevocable.
(7) An
election for the purposes of paragraph (5) by a person shall have effect
from –
(a) the
first day of the month after the month in which the Minister notifies the
person that the election has been received by the Minister; or
(b) an
earlier day approved by the Minister.
8 Application
to former member who again becomes employee
(1) In
this Article –
period” means a period during which a person was a member and was not a
re-admitted member;
member” means a person who was a member of the scheme, but ceased to be
such a member, and who subsequently becomes a member of the scheme again under Article 7.
(2) A
re-admitted member who is entitled to a deferred pension in respect of a
previous period of membership may, by notice in writing to the Management
Board, waive his or her entitlement to the deferred pension.
(3) Paragraph (5)
applies to a member who becomes a re-admitted member if –
(a) he or
she is entitled to a deferred pension in respect of a previous period of
membership and has, under paragraph (2), requested to waive the
entitlement; or
(b) he or
she is not entitled to a deferred pension in respect of the previous period of
membership and has not –
(i) elected
to receive, received, nor is due to receive a refund of his or her
contributions to the scheme under Article 22, or
(ii) had,
under the Administration Order, a transfer value paid in respect of his or her
previous membership of the scheme.[4]
(4) A
member to whom paragraph (5) applies may, by notice in writing to the
Management Board, make a request for the purposes of paragraph (5)(a).
(5) If
a member to whom this paragraph applies makes a request under paragraph (4) –
(a) his
or her pensionable service and qualifying service after the date he or she
becomes a re-admitted member shall be treated as continuous with his or her
respective previous periods of pensionable service and qualifying service; and
(b) any
entitlement to a deferred pension, deferred lump sum, refund of contributions
or transfer value as mentioned in paragraph (3) shall cease in respect of
that member.
(6) If
a person who becomes a re-admitted member received a refund of contributions in
respect of the member’s respective previous periods of membership, he or
she may pay to the Treasurer the net sum refunded to the member.
(7) If
a member, under paragraph (6), pays to the Treasurer the net sum refunded
to the member, the member’s pensionable service and qualifying service
after the date the person becomes a re-admitted member shall be treated as
continuous with the member’s respective previous periods of pensionable
service and qualifying service.
(8) However,
the periods referred to in paragraph (7) that shall be treated as
continuous may be reduced by the Actuary by the amount that the Actuary
determines to be appropriate having regard to the loss of –
(a) tax
deducted when the member received the refund; and
(b) investment
(9) Except
if paragraph (5) or (7) applies to a person, when a person becomes a
re-admitted member (including a person who is a member in respect of whom a
transfer value was paid at the end of the member’s previous period of
pensionable service) –
(a) the
member’s pensionable service and qualifying service under this Order
after the date the person becomes a re-admitted member shall be treated as
entirely separate from the member’s respective previous periods of
pensionable service; and
(b) qualifying
service and any benefits remaining due to the member in respect of the previous
periods of pensionable service and qualifying service shall be unaffected by
the fact that the member has become a re-admitted member.
9 Application
to former teacher who has ceased to be a member of scheme under Teachers’
Superannuation (Existing Members) (Jersey) Order 1986
(1) In
this Article –
“former scheme”
means the scheme established under the Teachers’
Superannuation (Existing Members) (Jersey) Order 1986;
“qualifying service
under the former scheme”, in relation to a member, means the
member’s last or only period of continuous reckonable service whilst a
member of the former scheme, together with –
(a) if
the Treasurer has received a payment on the member’s behalf from a
transferring arrangement in accordance with Article 20 of the Administration
Order (whether directly or indirectly) –
(i) where
the transferring arrangement is a policy of a like nature to an annuity or a
personal pension scheme – the added years awarded in respect of that
payment, or
(ii) where
the transferring arrangement is not a policy of a like nature to an annuity or
a personal pension scheme – the period of reckonable service under
the transferring arrangement (excluding any notional reckonable service or
pensionable service granted by the transferring arrangement); and
(b) any amount of added years that is added under paragraph (2);
service”, in relation to a member, means the person’s reckonable
service as determined under the former scheme;
member” means a person –
(a) who
was, but has ceased to be, employed in reckonable service;
(b) who
is, after 1st April 2007, a full-time employee or a part-time employee;
(c) who
becomes a member under Article 7.
(2) If
the Treasurer receives a payment on the member’s behalf from a
transferring arrangement in accordance with Article 20 of the Administration
Order, the Management Board, on the advice of the Actuary, shall, having regard
to the amount of the payment, decide the number of added years of pensionable
service that are to be added to the number of years of qualifying service under
the former scheme for the purposes of the definition of “qualifying service
under the former scheme” in paragraph (1).
(3) Paragraph (5)
applies to a transferring member if –
(a) neither
the member nor any other person has received a benefit under the former scheme
in respect of the member;
(b) he or
she has not elected to receive, is not receiving, or is not entitled to
receive, in respect of the previous period of membership of the former scheme,
a refund of his or her contributions under the former scheme; and
(c) he or
she has not had a transfer value paid in respect of him or her under the former
scheme or the Administration Order.
(4) A
member to whom paragraph (5) applies may, by notice in writing to the
Management Board, make a request for the purposes of paragraph (5)(a).
(5) If
a member to whom this paragraph applies makes a request under paragraph (4) –
(a) his
or her previous periods of reckonable service shall be treated as pensionable
service under this Order;
(b) he or
she shall have his or her pensionable service and qualifying service after the
date on which he or she becomes a transferring member treated as continuous
with his or her respective previous periods of pensionable service (as
determined in accordance with sub-paragraph (a)) and qualifying service
under the former scheme; and
(c) any
entitlement in respect of that member under the former scheme shall cease.
(6) If
a transferring member received under the former scheme a refund of
contributions in respect of the member’s respective previous periods of
membership of the former scheme, he or she may pay to the Treasurer the net sum
refunded to the member.
(7) If
a member, under paragraph (6), pays to the Treasurer the net sum refunded
to the member under the former scheme –
(a) his
or her previous periods of reckonable service shall be treated as pensionable
service under this Order; and
(b) his
or her pensionable service and qualifying service after the date on which he or
she becomes a transferring member shall, subject to paragraph (8), be
treated as continuous with his or her respective previous periods of pensionable
service (as determined in accordance with sub-paragraph (a)) and
qualifying service under the former scheme.
(8) However,
the period referred to in paragraph (7) that shall be treated as
continuous may be reduced by the Actuary by the amount that the Actuary
determines to be appropriate having regard to the loss of –
(a) tax
deducted when the member received the refund; and
(b) investment
(9) Except
if paragraph (5) or (7) applies to a person, when a person becomes a
transferring member (including a person in respect of whom a transfer value was
paid at the end of the member’s previous period of reckonable service) –
(a) the
member’s pensionable service and qualifying service under this Order
after the date the person becomes a transferring member shall be treated as
entirely separate from the member’s respective previous periods of
reckonable service and qualifying service under the former scheme; and
(b) qualifying
service under the former scheme and any benefits remaining due to the member in
respect of the previous periods of reckonable service shall be unaffected by
the fact that the person has become a transferring member.
10 Effect
of absence on eligibility
(1) If
a member is absent from duty (other than by reason of ill-health or injury)
with the agreement of the employer, the member shall be taken to remain a
member for a period of not more than 2 years, or a greater period that the
Management Board may determine.
(2) Pensionable
service up to and after a member’s period of absence in accordance with paragraph (1)
shall be treated as continuous, but the period of absence shall only count as
pensionable service if –
(a) the
member continues to contribute (on the basis of the salary the member would
otherwise have received, as determined by the employer); or
(b) on
the member’s return to service the member pays, over the period that the
Management Board shall agree, the arrears of contributions.
(3) If
the period of absence in accordance with paragraph (1) counts under paragraph (2),
the employer shall –
(a) continue
to contribute to the scheme (on the basis of the member’s salary as
determined under paragraph (2)); or
(b) pay,
over the period that the Management Board shall agree, the arrears of contributions.
(4) If
a member ceases to be a member –
(a) during
a period of absence referred to in paragraph (2); or
(b) before
the member’s full arrears of contributions have been paid under paragraph (3),
the period of absence shall
count as pensionable service for the purpose of calculating any benefits
payable under the scheme only to the extent determined by the Actuary as
appropriate to the contributions that have been paid in respect of the period
of absence.
11 Member’s
(1) A
member shall contribute to the scheme an amount equal to 5% of the
member’s salary.
(2) An
employee may, in accordance with Articles 18 and 19 of the Administration
Order and Article 10(3) of this Order, be required to pay a different
amount to the amount referred to in paragraph (1).
(3) Each
employee shall contribute to the scheme the contributions, determined by the
Management Board on the advice of the Actuary, that are required to be paid in
accordance with a proposal, accepted under Article 18 or 19 of the Administration
Order, to increase the contributions payable by an employee.
(4) The
employer shall deduct from each payment of salary to a member the amount of the
contribution payable by the member to the scheme.
(5) If
a member is employed by the States Employment Board, the States Employment
Board shall, at the time of the payment of salary to the member, remit to the
Treasurer the amount deducted under paragraph (4) in respect of the
(6) If
a member is employed by or on behalf of an accepted school, the employer of the
member shall –
(a) on
30th June in a year, remit to the Treasurer the amount deducted under paragraph (4)
in respect of the member between 1st January and 30th June in that year; and
(b) on
31st December in a year remit to the Treasurer the amount deducted under paragraph (4)
in respect of the member between 1st July and 31st December in that year.
(7) For
the purposes of paragraph (6), the annual salary of a teacher shall be
taken to be payable in 12 equal monthly instalments, and any arrears of salary
due by virtue of any retrospective increase in the teacher’s remuneration
shall be treated as payable in the month in which they fall to be paid.
12 Additional
voluntary contributions[5]
(1) A
member may apply to the Management Board to enter into an arrangement to pay additional voluntary contributions
(“AVCs”) to the fund, in order to be
entitled to such added years as the Management Board, on the advice of the
Actuary, shall decide.
(2) The
payment of AVCs shall be subject to such minimum and
maximum amounts as the Management Board, on the advice of the Actuary, may
determine and shall be calculated on the basis that there must be no actuarial
cost to the fund.
(3) An
application under paragraph (1) must be made in such manner as the
Management Board requires and must specify whether the AVCs
will be by way of –
(a) a single payment
deducted from the member’s annual salary by a specified monthly amount;
(b) a periodic payment of a
fixed percentage, or specified amount of salary deducted from the
member’s monthly salary.
(4) If
at any time, as a result of actuarial advice, any
change occurs or is likely to occur in respect of an amount determined under
paragraph (2), the Management Board shall notify the member accordingly,
in writing.
(5) Subject
to paragraph (2), a member may at any time apply in writing to the
Management Board to –
(a) enter into more AVC arrangements;
(b) vary
or cancel the amount of AVCs deducted under an AVC arrangement.
(6) This
paragraph applies where a member has been paying AVCs
in accordance with Article 12 as it was in force immediately before the
coming into force of the Teachers’ Superannuation (Miscellaneous
Amendments) (Jersey) Order 2016.
(7) Where
paragraph (6) applies –
(a) the
member may continue to pay AVCs in accordance with
Article 12 as it was in force immediately before the coming into force of
the Order referred to in paragraph (6);
(b) subject
to paragraph (2), the member may also enter into an AVC
arrangement; and
(c) if
the member ceases to be an employee before normal retiring age, the number of
years added by virtue of AVCs made by way of
periodical payments under Article 12(3)(b) as it was in force immediately
before the coming into force of the Order referred to in paragraph (6), shall
be reduced so that –
(i) in
the case of a member who commenced paying AVCs on or after
6th December 2013, the number of years added in respect of those contributions
shall be the sum of –
the total amount of added years which the member would have been
entitled to by virtue of the periodical payments had he or she continued to
pay them, and remained in employment up to normal retiring age
the period over which the member paid the periodical payments
the period over which the
member would have paid the periodical payments had he or she remained in
employment and continued to pay them up to normal retiring age;
(ii) in
the case of a member who commenced paying AVCs before
6th December 2013, the number of years added in respect of those
contributions shall be the greater of –
(A) the number
of years calculated in accordance with clause (i),
(B) the number of years
calculated by the Actuary as being the
value of the contributions paid by and in respect of the member that equate to
the value of the additional benefits arising from the reduced added years.
(8) In
this Article, “AVC Arrangement” means an
arrangement under paragraph (1).
13 Contributions
where salary reduced
(1) If –
(a) the
salary of a member is reduced (other than by reason of ill-health or injury);
(b) in
the opinion of the employer the reduction is not due to the wilful fault of the
the member may give notice
in writing to the Management Board that the member wishes to continue to pay
the same amount of contributions as he or she was
paying immediately before the reduction.
(2) The
notice may only be given by the member within 3 months of the date on
which the reduction takes effect.
(3) If
the Management Board receives from a member a notice under paragraph (1)
of a reduction, the member’s salary shall be deemed to be, for the period
for which the salary of the member is reduced, an amount equal to that of the
member’s salary immediately before the reduction.
(4) A
member may, by notice to the Management Board, withdraw a notice given under paragraph (1).
(5) If
the Management Board receives from a member a notice under paragraph (4),
the member’s salary shall, from the date on which the notice is received,
cease to be deemed to be an amount equal to that of the member’s salary
immediately before the reduction.
14 Employer’s
(1) An
employer shall, in relation to a member employed by the employer, contribute to
the scheme an amount equivalent to 10.8% of the salary paid to the member.[6]
(2) An
employer may, in accordance with Articles 18 and 19 of the Administration
Order and Article 13 of this Order, be required to pay a different amount
to the amount referred to in paragraph (1).
(3) Each
employer shall pay to the Treasurer the contributions to the scheme, determined
by the Management Board on the advice of the Actuary –
(a) that
are required to be paid in accordance with a proposal, accepted under Article 18
or 19 of the Administration Order, to increase the contributions payable
by an employer; and
(b) that
an employer is required to pay under Article 17 or 38 of this Order.
(4) If
an employer delays paying into the scheme all or any part of a contribution
mentioned in paragraph (1) or (3), the employer shall pay interest on the
amount of the delayed payment at the rate determined by Management Board on the
advice of the Actuary.
(5) If
a member is employed by the States Employment Board, the States Employment
Board shall, at the time of the payment of salary to the member, pay to the
Treasurer the amount the employer is required under this Order to contribute in
relation to the member in respect of the salary.
(6) If
a member is employed by or on behalf of an accepted school, the employer of the
member shall –
(a) on
30th June in a year, pay to the Treasurer the amount that the employer is
required under this Order to contribute for the period 1st January to 30th June
in that year in relation to the salary of the member during that period; and
(b) on
31st December in a year, pay to the Treasurer the amount that the employer is
required under this Order to contribute for the period 1st July to 31st
December in that year in relation to the salary of the member during that period.
(7) For
the purposes of paragraph (6), the annual salary of a teacher shall be
taken to be payable in 12 equal monthly instalments, and any arrears of salary
due by virtue of any retrospective increase in the teacher’s remuneration
shall be treated as payable in the month in which they fall to be paid.
benefits in relation to
If member retires at or
after normal retiring age
15 Retirement
at or after normal retiring age
(1) A
member shall be entitled to receive a pension under the scheme if he or she
retires from service, or his or her employment as a teacher is terminated, at
or after normal retiring age.
(2) Subject
to paragraph (3), the annual rate of the pension shall be 1/80th of the
member’s average salary for each completed year (and pro rata for
completed days) of the member’s pensionable service.
(3) For
the purposes of making a calculation under paragraph (2) the number of
years of pensionable service of a member (not including any added years) shall
not be more than 45.
If member retires before
normal retiring age
16 Retirement
after 60 years of age but before normal retiring age
(1) This
Article applies to –
(a) a
member who has completed at least 10 years’ pensionable service and
who retires, or has his or her employment terminated, not more than 5 years
before attaining normal retiring age; and
(b) a
member –
(i) who
has not attained the age of 65 years,
(ii) who
is a member with a normal retiring age of 65 years, and
(iii) who
is a person –
(A) who, after
having attained the age of 60 years, retires after completing at least 2
but less than 10 years’ pensionable service and, or
(B) whose
appointment or employment is terminated after he or she has attained the age of
60 years and after he or she has completed at least 2 but less than 10 years’
pensionable service.
(2) A
member to whom this Article applies shall receive a pension under the scheme of
an amount calculated in accordance with Article 15, reduced by 2.4% for
each year (and so in proportion for any part of a year) by which the
member’s age at the time of his or her retirement, or termination of
employment, falls short of normal retiring age.
(3) A
pension payable under paragraph (2) shall be payable –
(a) from
the date of the member’s retirement; or
(b) if
the member’s employment is terminated, from the date the employment of
the member is terminated.
(4) Despite
paragraphs (2) and (3), if a member to whom this Article applies elects to
do so, he or she shall be paid a pension calculated in accordance with Article 15
that is payable from the date the member attains normal retiring age.
(5) A
member may make an election under paragraph (4) by giving notice in
writing to the Management Board at any time before receiving a pension
calculated in accordance with paragraph (2).
17 Retirement
before normal retiring age – ill-health
(1) A
member who retires at any time before normal retiring age shall be entitled to
receive a pension under the scheme if –
(a) he or
she has completed 2 or more years’ qualifying service before normal
retiring age; and
(b) his
or her employer is satisfied that the member is incapable of discharging
efficiently the duties of the member’s employment by reason of permanent
ill-health or disability of mind or body.
(2) If
a member becomes entitled to a pension under paragraph (1), the Management
Board may, after –
(a) considering
medical reports on the member; and
(b) consulting
the Actuary,
require the employer to
meet any additional costs that the Actuary may determine to be payable in
relation to the member.
(3) The
pension to which a member becomes entitled under paragraph (1) shall be
payable to the member as from the date of the member’s retirement.
18 Calculation
of amount of pension payable where retirement before normal retiring age –
(1) The
pension to which a member becomes entitled under Article 17 shall be
calculated in accordance with Article 15, as if the person’s period
of pensionable service were the person’s period of pensionable service
increased by the relevant additional period, if any, determined in accordance
with the following table.
Column 1
Column 2
Period of pensionable
service (excluding added years under Article 12 or 41)
Additional period
Not more than 5 years
More than 5 years
but not more than 10 years
A period of the same
length as the period of pensionable service
More than 10 years
but not more than 13⅓ years
The period that increases
the period of pensionable service to 20 years
More than 13⅓ years
6⅔ years
(2) However, paragraph (1) is subject to
this Article and Article 41(8).
(3) The
additional period for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be limited so
that the member’s pensionable service (as increased by the additional
period) is not more than the period of pensionable service which would have
applied if the member had remained in service until normal retiring age.
(4) Paragraph (3)
is subject to Article 41(10) to (13).
(5) If
a member is or has at any time been a part-time employee, the additional period
for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be reduced in accordance with paragraphs (7)
and (8).
(6) The
additional period for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be initially
determined without applying the limit under paragraph (3), as if the
member had always been employed as a full-time employee.
(7) The
additional period for the purposes of paragraph (1) determined under paragraph (5)
shall be reduced –
(a) by
multiplying it by the member’s pensionable service as determined under Article 45
to reflect the member’s employment as a part-time employee; and
(b) by
dividing it by the member’s pensionable service determined as if the
member had always been employed as a full-time employee.
(8) For
the purpose of calculating the reduced additional period under paragraph (7)(b)
there shall be excluded from the member’s pensionable service –
(a) the
additional period under this Article;
(b) any
added years on account of any additional voluntary contributions paid under Article 12
(and any related employer contributions); and
(c) any
pensionable allowance giving rise to added years of service under Article 41.
(9) The
reduced additional period under paragraph (7) shall be limited, in
accordance with paragraph (8), on the basis that –
(a) subject
to Article 41(10) to (13), for the purpose of calculating the period of
pensionable service which would have applied if the member had remained in service
until normal retiring age, the period shall be determined under Article 45;
(b) the
extent (if any) to which the member worked part-time hours immediately before
the date of the member’s retirement shall be treated as remaining
unaltered from the date of the member’s retirement to the date the member
would have attained normal retiring age.
(10) If
a member’s hours worked have, to the satisfaction of the Management
Board, been reduced or discontinued owing to ill-health or injury, the member
shall be deemed for the purpose of paragraph (9) to have worked the hours
which the member would otherwise have worked (but for the reduction or
discontinuance) as certified by the employer.
19 Medical
examination where pension payable due to ill-health, and re‑entry into
service upon ceasing to suffer from ill-health
(1) The
Management Board may require a person receiving a pension by virtue of Article 17
to undergo from time to time medical examinations as
the Management Board thinks fit.
(2) If
a person refuses to undergo an examination after being required to do so under paragraph (1),
the person’s pension, or the part of the pension that the Management
Board may deem appropriate, shall be withheld.
(3) The
member shall, by virtue of this Article, cease to be entitled to receive a
pension if –
(a) as a
result of a medical examination carried out in pursuance of paragraph (1)
the Management Board is advised that the person is able to perform efficiently
duties which are compatible with his or her former employment; and
(b) an
employer offers the person such employment.
(4) The
member who ceases to be entitled to receive a pension in accordance with paragraph (3)
shall cease to receive the pension from the date of his or her re-entering
service or 3 months from the date of the offer of re-employment, whichever
date is the earlier.
(5) If
a person who has ceased to be entitled to receive a pension in accordance with paragraph (3)
re-enters service, the person’s pensionable service up to his or her
period of absence from employment shall be treated as continuous with his or
her pensionable service after he or she re-enters service.
(6) A
person who has ceased to be entitled to receive a pension in accordance with paragraph (3)
who does not re-enter service shall be entitled to a pension under Article 20,
calculated as at the date he or she ceased to be an employee.
to deferred pension, transfer value payment or refund of contributions[7]
20 Entitlement
to deferred pension[8]
(1) Subject
to paragraph (2), a member who ceases to be an employee shall be entitled to a deferred pension calculated in accordance
with Article 15 which, unless paragraph (3) applies, is
payable from the date the member attains normal retiring age.[9]
(2) A
member is not entitled to a deferred pension if that member has otherwise made an election under
Article 21(4) or Article 22(1A).
(3) A
member entitled to a deferred pension may elect to receive that pension up to
5 years before attaining his or her normal retiring age.
(4) A
member shall make an election under paragraph (3) in such form and manner
as the Management Board may specify.
(5) If
a member makes an election under paragraph (3), he or she shall be paid a
pension calculated in accordance with Article 15 reduced by a cost neutral
percentage for each year (and so in proportion for any part of a year) by which
the member’s age at the time when payment of the pension starts, falls
short of the member’s normal retiring age.
(6) In
paragraph (5), “cost neutral percentage” means a percentage
calculated by the Actuary so as to produce an amount
which is not expected to result in additional cost to the Fund or a net
contribution to the Fund.
21 Entitlement
to transfer value payment[10]
(1) Subject
to paragraph (3), a member who ceases to be an employee shall be entitled to a transfer value,
paid in accordance with, and subject to the requirements of, Article 21 of
the Administration Order.[11]
(2) For
the purposes of this Article, a member is not required to complete any period of
qualifying service.
(3) A
member is not entitled to a transfer value payment if that member has otherwise
made an election under Article 20(3) or Article 22(1A).
(4) A
member who wishes a transfer value to be paid, shall make an election in such
form and manner as the Management Board may specify.
22 Entitlement
to refund of contributions[12]
(A1) Subject
to paragraph (AA1), a member who ceases to be an employee after
completing less than 5 years’ qualifying service shall be entitled to
a refund of his or her contributions to the scheme.[13]
(AA1) A
member is not entitled to a refund of his or her contributions
if that member has otherwise made an election under
Article 20(3) or Article 21(4).[14]
(1) If
a member elects to receive a refund of his or her contributions, the member
shall be entitled to receive a sum equal to the aggregate amount determined
under paragraph (2).[15]
(1A) A
member shall elect to receive a refund under this Article in such form and
manner as the Management Board may specify.[16]
(2) The
sum shall be the aggregate of –
(a) the
contributions the member paid to the scheme during the member’s last or
only continuous period of membership of the scheme;
(b) if Article 10
applies to the member and –
(i) the
member did not receive a refund of contributions, and
(ii) a
transfer value was not paid,
in respect of that
member’s membership of the scheme during the period he or she was
absent from duty, the total of that member’s contributions paid during
his or her period of membership of the scheme before being absent from duty;
(c) the
net sum, if any, that member paid to the Treasurer under Article 8(6) or 9(6); and
(d) compound
interest on the contributions.[17]
(3) The
compound interest referred to in paragraph (2)(d) shall be calculated as
follows –
(a) the
calculation shall involve half-yearly rests at 30th
June and 31st December;
(b) the
amounts determined in accordance with paragraph (2)(a) and (b) shall
be sub-divided into amounts of contributions paid in each 6 month
period commencing on the day after each half-yearly rest and ceasing on the day
of the next half-yearly rest;
(c) the
amount (if any) determined in accordance with paragraph (2)(c) shall be
added to the amounts relating to the 6 month period
which includes the date that the Treasurer received the net sum;
(d) the
amounts relating to each 6 month period shall
accrue interest at the rate of 1½% compounded at each half-yearly rest
which falls in the period from the start of the following 6 month period
up to and including the date that the member ceases to be an employee;
(e) if
the member ceases to be an employee on a date other than a half-yearly rest,
the amounts relating to each 6 month period (other
than the 6 month period in which the member ceases to be an employee),
together with compound interest accrued under sub-paragraph (d), shall
accrue further interest calculated as –
(i) 1½%
multiplied by the number of days after the last half-yearly rest prior to the
member ceasing to be an employee, up to and including the date the member
ceased to be an employee (subject to a maximum of 182½ days), and
(ii) the
amount obtained under clause (i) divided by 182½
benefits in relation to DECEASED
If member dies before
normal retiring age
23 Death
of member before normal retiring age
(1) If
a member dies before normal retiring age after completing less than 2 years’
qualifying service the only benefit payable shall be a lump sum payable under Article 27(3).
(2) If
a member dies before normal retiring age after completing 2 or more, but less
than 5, years’ qualifying service, there shall be payable the benefits determined
in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26 and 27(3).
(3) If
a member dies before normal retiring age after completing 5 years’ or more qualifying service, there shall be
payable the benefits determined in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26 and
24 Death
of member before normal retiring age – where spouse or civil partner is
(1) If
a member dies before normal retiring age and is survived by a spouse or civil
partner, a pension shall be payable to the spouse or civil partner.[20]
(2) Subject
to Article 41(10) to (13), the annual rate of the pension payable under paragraph (1)
shall be one half of the pension which the member would have received if the
member had continued in service and had retired at normal retiring age without
making an election under Article 33, 35 or 36.
(3) For
the purpose of calculating the annual rate of a pension for the purposes of paragraph (2) –
(a) the
member’s salary shall be treated as remaining unaltered from the date of
the member’s death to normal retiring age (subject to Article 4(2),
which shall be deemed to apply);
(b) the
extent (if any) to which the member worked part-time hours immediately before
the date of the member’s death shall be treated as remaining unaltered
from the date of the member’s death to the date the member would have
attained normal retiring age; and
(c) a member
whose hours have, to the satisfaction of the Management Board, been reduced or
discontinued owing to ill-health or injury shall be deemed for the purpose of
sub-paragraph (b) to have worked the hours which the member would
otherwise have worked (but for the reduction or discontinuance) as certified by
the employer.
25 Death
of member before normal retiring age – where no spouse or civil
partner is left but there are dependants left[21]
(1) If
a member dies before normal retiring age and is not survived by a spouse or
civil partner, a pension shall be payable to any person who satisfies the
Management Board that the person is a dependant of that member.[22]
(2) If
there is only one dependant, the annual rate of a pension payable to the
dependant under paragraph (1) shall be a sum equal to a spouse’s or
civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 24.[23]
(3) If
there is more than one dependant, a sum equal to the spouse’s or civil
partner’s pension calculated under Article 24 shall be divided into
2 equal parts and –
(a) the
first part shall be divided equally among the dependants; and
(b) the
second part shall be paid to one or more of the dependants, as the Management
Board thinks fit, in the proportions that the Management Board thinks fit.[24]
(4) The
Management Board may vary the allocation of the second part referred to in paragraph (3)(b).
(5) If
there are more than one dependants and one of them dies, the amount payable to
any other dependant shall be increased accordingly.
26 Death
of member before normal retiring age – where there are children left
(1) Subject
to paragraphs (2) and (3), if a member who dies is survived by –
(a) not
more than 2 children, there shall be payable annually to the spouse or civil
partner of the member in respect of each child, a pension equal to one half of
a spouse’s or civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 24;
(b) more
than 2 children, there shall be payable annually to the spouse or civil
partner of the member in respect of each child, a pension equal to a
spouse’s or civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 24
divided by the number of children.[25]
(2) If
a child in respect of whom a pension is payable under paragraph (1) ceases
to receive a pension or has his or her pension temporarily suspended under paragraph (4)(a),
the amount payable to any other such child shall be increased accordingly.
(3) If the Management Board is satisfied
that a child in respect of whom a pension is payable under paragraph (1)
is in the care of or is being maintained by some person or authority other than
the spouse or civil partner, the Management Board may at its absolute
discretion pay the pension payable under this paragraph to that other person or
authority instead of to the spouse or civil partner.[26]
(4) For
the purposes of paragraph (3) –
(a) if
the child is not for the time being receiving full-time education but the
Management Board, having considered the evidence provided by or on behalf of
the child, is satisfied that the child is expected to resume or receive
full-time education in the future, the Management Board may temporarily suspend
payment of the pension payable in respect of the child;
(b) a
decision made under sub-paragraph (a) may be varied in the light of
further evidence;
(c) if
the Management Board temporarily suspends payment under sub-paragraph (a),
then on resumption of payment the pension shall be subject to any increases
which would have applied had it not been suspended, and the amount payable to
any other child shall be decreased accordingly; and
(d) the
Management Board may from time to time request, in
respect of a child who has attained the age of 16 years, further
evidence regarding the child’s full-time education, and if the evidence
is not supplied or is not in the opinion of the Management Board satisfactory,
the pension payable in respect of the child may be withheld.
(5) If
no pension is being paid under Article 24 or 25, any pension payable under
paragraph (1) shall be doubled.
27 Death
of member before normal retiring age – lump sums
(1) Subject
to paragraph (5), if a member who has completed 5 or more years qualifying
service dies, a lump sum shall be paid to one or more of the lump sum
recipients in the proportions that the Management Board shall determine.
(2) The
amount of the lump sum for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be an
amount equal to twice the annual salary the member was receiving at the date of
the member’s death (subject to Article 4(2), which shall be deemed
to apply).
(3) Subject
to paragraph (5), if a member who has not completed 5 years’
qualifying service dies, a lump sum shall be paid to one or more of the lump
sum recipients in the proportions determined by the Management Board.
(4) The
amount of the lump sum for the purposes of paragraph (3) shall be an
amount equal to 2/5ths of the annual salary the member was receiving at the
date of the member’s death (subject to Article 4(2), which shall be
deemed to apply) for each completed year, and pro rata for completed days, of
qualifying service.
(5) The
Management Board may determine in any particular case that the lump sum payable
to a member under that paragraph shall not be paid or shall only partially be
(6) Subject
to paragraph (7), if, in the period of 12 months immediately before
the member’s death, the member received a pensionable allowance giving
rise to added years under Article 41, annual salary for the purpose of paragraphs (2)
and (4) shall mean the sum of –
(a) the
member’s annual salary excluding that pensionable allowance; and
(b) the
actual amount of that pensionable allowance which the member received in the
period of 12 months immediately before the member’s death.
(7) For
the purposes of paragraph (6) if the Management Board is satisfied that a
member whose annual salary or pensionable allowance has been reduced or
discontinued owing to ill-health or injury the member shall be deemed, for the
purpose of this Article, to have received the salary or allowance which the
member would otherwise have received (but for the reduction or discontinuance)
as certified by the employer.
(8) For
the purposes of paragraph (6), if the member was admitted to the scheme
12 months or less before he or she died, the amount of pensionable
allowance shall be calculated as the annual equivalent of the actual amount of
pensionable allowance which the member received between the date the member was
admitted and the date of the member’s death.
(9) Where
a member to whom paragraph (1) or (3) applies is taken to remain a member
under Article 10(1), the reference in paragraph (2) or (4) to the
annual salary the member was receiving at the date of the member’s death
shall be construed –
(a) if
the member continued to contribute in accordance with Article 10(2),
as the member’s annual salary as determined under Article 10(2); or
(b) if
the member did not so contribute, as the annual salary the member was receiving
immediately before being absent from duty.
If member dies after normal
retiring age
28 Death
of member after normal retiring age but before becoming pensioner, if surviving spouse or surviving
civil partner is left[27]
(1) If –
(a) a
member dies after normal retiring age and before becoming a pensioner; and
(b) the
member is survived by a spouse or civil partner,
a pension shall be payable
to the spouse or surviving civil partner.[28]
(2) The
pension payable under paragraph (1) shall be payable at the annual rate of
one half of the pension that the member would have received if the member had
retired on the day immediately before the member’s death (subject to Article 4(2),
which shall be deemed to apply) without making an election under Article 33,
35 or 36.
29 Death
of member after normal retiring age but before becoming pensioner, where no
spouse or civil partner, but dependants, are left[29]
(1) If –
(a) a
member dies after normal retiring age and before becoming a pensioner; and
(b) the
member is not survived by a spouse or civil partner,
a pension shall be payable
to any person who satisfies the Management Board that the person is a
(2) If
there is only one dependant, the annual rate of a pension payable to the dependant
under paragraph (1) shall be a sum equal to a spouse’s or surviving
civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 28(2).[31]
(3) If
there is more than one dependant, a sum equal to a spouse’s or surviving
civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 28(2) shall be
divided into 2 equal parts and –
(a) the
first part shall be divided equally among the dependants; and
(b) the
second part shall be paid to one or more of the dependants, as the Management
Board thinks fit, in the proportions that the Management Board thinks fit.[32]
(4) The
Management Board may vary the allocation of the second part referred to in paragraph (3)(b).
(5) If
there are more than one dependants and one of them dies, the amount payable to
any other dependant shall be increased accordingly.
(6) A
pension shall be payable to a child or children of the same amount in the same
circumstances (but ignoring the qualification period) as are set out in Article 26.
(7) Subject
to paragraph (9), a lump sum shall be paid to one or more of the lump sum
recipients in the proportions that the Management Board shall determine.
(8) The
lump sum for the purposes of paragraph (7) shall be an amount equal to
twice the annual salary the member was receiving at the date of the
member’s death (subject to Article 4(2), which shall be deemed to
(9) Despite
paragraph (7), the Management Board may determine in any particular case
that the lump sum is paid only partially or not at all.
(10) Subject
to paragraph (11), if in the period of 12 months immediately before
the member’s death the member received a pensionable allowance giving
rise to added years under Article 41, annual salary for the purpose of paragraph (8)
shall mean the sum of –
(a) the
member’s annual salary excluding that pensionable allowance; and
(b) the
actual amount of that pensionable allowance which the member received in the
period of 12 months immediately before the member’s death.
(11) For
the purposes of paragraph (10), a member whose annual salary or
pensionable allowance has, to the satisfaction of the Management Board, been
reduced or discontinued owing to ill-health or injury shall be deemed, for the
purpose of this Article, to have received the salary or allowance which the
member would otherwise have received (but for the reduction or discontinuance)
as certified by the employer.
If pensioner dies
30 Death
of a pensioner – where spouse or surviving civil partner is left[33]
(1) On
the death of a pensioner, benefits shall only be payable as set out in this
Article and Article 31.
(2) If
a pensioner who receives a pension by virtue of Article 15, 16 or 20
dies and is survived by a spouse or civil partner, a pension shall be payable
to the spouse or surviving civil partner.[34]
(3) Paragraph (2)
is subject to Article 41(10) to (13).
(4) Despite
paragraph (1), no benefit shall be payable under this Article if the
marriage or civil partnership relevant to paragraph (2) commenced after
the member reached normal retiring age.[35]
(5) The
pension referred to in paragraph (2) shall be payable at the annual rate
of one half of the pension which the pensioner would have been receiving if the
pensioner had not –
(a) exchanged
any pension for a lump sum under Article 33;
(b) surrendered
any pension under Article 35; or
(c) adjusted
any pension under Article 36.
(6) If
a pensioner who receives a pension by virtue of Article 17 dies and is
survived by a spouse or civil partner, a pension shall be payable to the spouse
or surviving civil partner.[36]
(7) Paragraph (6)
is subject to Article 41(10) to (13).
(8) Despite
paragraph (6), no benefit shall be payable under this Article if the
marriage or civil partnership relevant to paragraph (6) commenced after
the member reached normal retiring age.[37]
(9) The
pension referred to in paragraph (6) shall be payable at the annual rate
of one half of the pension which the pensioner would have been receiving
if –
(a) the
pensioner had continued in service and had retired at normal retiring age;
(b) the
pensioner’s salary from the date of the pensioner’s actual retirement
to that date remained unaltered (subject to Article 4(2), which shall be
deemed to apply); and
(c) any
election had not been made under Article 33, 35 or 36.
(10) The
amount determined in accordance with paragraph (9) shall be further
increased by the proportion that the pensioner’s pension as increased
under Article 23 of the Administration Order bears to the pension the
pensioner was receiving before the increase.
31 Death
of a pensioner – where no spouse or surviving civil partner is left
but child or dependants are left[38]
(1) If
the pensioner dies and is not survived by a spouse or civil partner, a pension
shall be payable to any person who satisfies the Management Board that he or
she is a dependant of the pensioner.[39]
(2) If
there is only one dependant of a pensioner, the annual rate of a pension
payable to the dependant under paragraph (1) shall be a sum equal to –
(a) if
the pensioner was receiving a pension by virtue of Article 15, 16 or 20,
a spouse’s or surviving civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 30(5);
(b) if
the pensioner was receiving a pension by virtue of Article 17, a
spouse’s or surviving civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 30(9).[40]
(3) If
there is more than one dependant of a pensioner, a sum equal to –
(a) if
the pensioner was receiving a pension by virtue of Article 15, 16 or 20,
a spouse’s or surviving civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 30(5);
(b) if
the pensioner was receiving a pension by virtue of Article 17, a
spouse’s or surviving civil partner’s pension calculated under Article 30(9),
shall be divided into 2
equal parts and –
(i) the
first part shall be divided equally among the dependants; and
(ii) the
second part shall be paid to one or more of the dependants, as the Management
Board thinks fit, in the proportions that the Management Board thinks fit.[41]
(4) The
Management Board may vary the allocation of the second part referred to in paragraph (3)(ii).
(5) If
there are more than one dependants and one of them dies, the amount payable to
any other dependant shall be increased accordingly.
(6) There
shall be payable to a child or children of a deferred pensioner who dies a
pension of the same amount and in the same circumstances as are set out in Article 26.
(7) Despite
paragraph (1), no benefit shall be payable under this Article if, in the
opinion of the Management Board, the dependency contemplated by paragraph (1)
commenced after the member reached normal retiring age.
32 Death
of a deferred pensioner
(1) On
the death of a deferred pensioner, benefits shall be payable as set out in this
(2) If
a deferred pensioner who dies is survived by a spouse or civil partner, a
pension shall be payable to the spouse or civil partner.[42]
(3) The pension referred to
in paragraph (2) shall be payable at the annual rate of half of the
deferred pension to which the deferred pensioner was entitled, including only
the increases made under Article 23 of the Administration Order to the
date of the pensioner’s death.
(4) The
pension referred to in paragraph (2) shall be increased subject to the
provisions of Article 23 of the Administration Order.
(5) If
the deferred pensioner who dies is not survived by a spouse or civil partner, a
pension shall be payable to any person who satisfies the Management Board that
the person is a dependant of the deferred pensioner.[43]
(6) If
there is only one dependant, the annual rate of a pension payable to the
dependant under paragraph (4) shall be a sum equal to a spouse’s or
surviving civil partner’s pension for the purposes of paragraph (2).[44]
(7) If
there is more than one dependant, a sum equal to a spouse’s or surviving
civil partner’s pension calculated for the purposes of paragraph (2)
shall be divided into 2 equal parts and –
(a) the
first part shall be divided equally among the dependants; and
(b) the
second part shall be paid to one or more of the dependants, as the Management
Board thinks fit, in the proportions that the Management Board thinks fit.[45]
(8) The
Management Board may vary the allocation of the second part referred to in paragraph (7)(b).
(9) If
there are more than one dependants and one of them dies, the amount payable to
any other dependant shall be increased accordingly.
(10) There
shall be payable to a child or children of a deferred pensioner who dies a
pension of the same amount and in the same circumstances as are set out in Article 26.
33 Conversion
of pension to lump sum (“commutation”)
(1) A
member or deferred pensioner entitled to a pension under the scheme may within
the 6 months before his or her pension becomes payable elect to exchange up to 30%
of the amount of his or her pension for a lump sum payment.[46]
(2) If
a member or a deferred person makes an election under paragraph (1), when
the pension becomes payable, for each one pound of the pension exchanged the
sum to be paid shall be £13 and 50p.
(3) The
amount of pension already exchanged may not be varied.
34 Exchange
of trivial benefits for lump sum[47]
(1) In accordance with Article 131CE (permitted
commutation – trivial pension) of the Income Tax Law and this
Article, a member or deferred pensioner is permitted to elect to exchange
the whole of the capital value of his or her benefits
accrued under the scheme for a lump sum not exceeding such amounts as are
specified in Article 131CE of that Law.
(2) For the purposes of this Article,
Article 131CE of the Income Tax Law is to be read as if for the words and
phrases set out in column 1 of the following table there were substituted
the words and phrases set out in column 2 of the table –
(3) An exchange under paragraph (1) is not
permitted where the capital value of the member’s or deferred pensioner’s benefits accrued under
the scheme, includes any amount transferred from another scheme, trust or
contract (however called and whether approved under any Article of the Income
Tax Law or under the jurisdiction of a country or territory outside Jersey).
(4) An election under paragraph (1) must be
made in such form and manner as the Management Board specifies.
(5) The calculation of the lump sum payable
under this Article is to be determined by the Management Board after consulting
the Actuary.
(6) Payment of the lump sum –
(a) must in the case of –
(i) a member, be made
on the day after the member ceases to be an employee, or
(ii) a deferred pensioner, be made not
later than 3 months after the date of the election under
paragraph (1);
(b) extinguishes the member’s or deferred member’s
rights to any other benefits under the scheme, as well as the rights of any
person contingently entitled to any benefit payable upon that member’s or
deferred pensioner’s death.
34A [48]
35 Taking
of lesser pension so surviving dependant will receive more pension
(1) A
member or deferred pensioner entitled to a pension under the scheme may elect
to surrender part of his or her pension in exchange for a pension to be paid on
his or her death to a dependant, nominated by him or her, should that dependant
survive him or her.
(2) An
election under paragraph (1) may only be made with the consent of the
Management Board.
(3) An
election under paragraph (1) may only be made within 6 months before the
member or deferred pensioner’s pension becomes payable.
(4) An
election shall be made in the form and manner that the Management Board
(5) The
Actuary shall determine –
(a) the
terms on which a pension shall become payable to a nominated dependant in
accordance with an election under paragraph (1); and
(b) the
appropriate adjustment to the amount and terms applicable to any benefit which
may after the election become payable in respect of the member or deferred
(6) The
terms and appropriate adjustments under paragraph (5) shall be determined
by the Actuary on the basis that there shall be no actuarial cost to the Fund.
(7) The
member or deferred pensioner may be required to provide evidence of his or her
health satisfactory to the Management Board before making the election.
(8) If
the member or deferred pensioner elects to nominate more than one dependant, a
separate part of his or her pension shall be exchanged in respect of each
nominated dependant in accordance with this Article.
(9) Each
election shall take effect only on survival of both the nominated dependant and
the member or deferred pensioner to the date on which the member’s or
deferred pensioner’s reduced pension becomes payable.
(10) The
total amount of pension potentially payable to all the nominated dependants,
when added to any pension contingently payable under Article 30(2) or (6)
or 31(1), shall not be more than the total amount of pension to which the
member or deferred pensioner is entitled after all of the separate surrenders
have taken place but before exchanging any pension for a lump sum under Article 33.
36 Adjustment
where person entitled to old age pension
(1) This
paragraph applies to a member or deferred pensioner entitled to a pension under
the scheme who is also prospectively entitled to an old age pension payable
under the Social
Security (Jersey) Law 1974.
(2) Subject
to paragraph (3), a person to whom paragraph (1) applies may elect to
adjust his or her pension in order to receive –
(a) a
higher pension from the scheme before the date that the old age pension becomes
payable to him or her; and
(b) a
lower pension from the scheme after the date that the old age pension becomes
payable to him or her.
(3) An
election under paragraph (2) may only be made with the consent of the
Management Board.
(4) An
election under paragraph (2) may only be made within 6 months before
the member or deferred pensioner’s pension becomes payable.
(5) An
election shall be made in the form and manner that the Management Board
(6) An
election under paragraph (2) shall be subject to the following conditions –
(a) the
amounts of pension payable from the scheme before and after the date that the
old age pension becomes payable (taking into account,
amongst other things, increases in accordance with Article 23 of the Administration
Order) shall be determined by the Actuary on the basis of no actuarial cost to
the fund;
(b) the
member or deferred pensioner shall only be able to elect to adjust the pension
which remains after first exchanging any pension for a lump sum under Article 33;
(c) the
lower pension payable with effect from the date that the old age pension
becomes payable shall be increased during the period that the higher pension is
payable in accordance with Article 23 of the Administration Order as if
the lower pension was a deferred pension;
(d) the
difference between the annual rates of the higher and lower pensions (excluding
any increases under Article 23 of the Administration Order) shall not be
more than the maximum possible annual basic rate of old age pension which could
be paid to any individual under the Social
Security (Jersey) Law 1974 at the date of commencement of the higher pension;
(e) the
member or deferred pensioner may, before the adjustment of his or her pension,
be required to provide evidence of health satisfactory to the Management Board.
37 Increase
of pension by employer agreeing to make larger contributions
(1) The
Management Board shall, at the request of the employer, award an augmentation
in respect of an employee or former employee in accordance with this Article.
(2) The
Management Board shall, at the request of the employer, award an augmentation
in respect of a former employee if the Management Board is satisfied that –
(a) the
request is the result of an agreement between the employer and the
employer’s employees; and
(b) the
agreement applies retrospectively, and applies to some or all of the
employer’s former employees.
(3) An
augmentation shall consist of any combination, as determined by the employer,
of –
(a) a
period of notional pensionable service;
(b) a
period of notional qualifying service; or
(c) the
non-application of the reduction mentioned in Article 16(2) or 20(8),
as the case may be.
(4) If
augmentation awarded under this Article is to include a period of notional
qualifying service the employer shall request the augmentation at the time the
benefits arising from the augmentation become payable.
(5) If
augmentation is awarded under this Article, the employer shall pay to the
scheme the additional contributions that the Management Board, after receiving
the advice of the Actuary, determines is equal to the value of the benefits
(6) The
additional contributions shall be paid in full by the time the benefits arising
from the augmentation become payable and may consist of –
(a) a
single cash payment to the scheme;
(b) a
series of cash payments to the scheme over a period; or
(c) a
combination of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b),
as determined by the
Management Board after receiving the advice of the Actuary.
(7) An
augmentation may not be awarded under this Article more than 12 months
after the employee was admitted to the scheme or became a re-admitted member
within the meaning of Article 8.
(8) The
Minister may, in any particular case, extend the period mentioned in paragraph (7).
(9) An
augmentation may not be awarded under this Article in any case where the total
benefits that would result would be more than any limits imposed by the Comptroller
of Revenue.[49]
(10) The
Management Board shall direct the Actuary at least once in any period of
12 months to certify to the Management Board the additional cost to the
scheme of the operation of this Article, calculated as the aggregate of the
additional contributions required under paragraphs (5) and (6).
Pensionable allowances
38 Pensionable
(1) Subject
to this Article, the employer may from time to time declare to be a pensionable
allowance any payment or allowance which is routinely paid to a member in
addition to the member’s basic salary or wage, but is not –
(a) an
overtime payment;
(b) any
emolument of a temporary nature; or
(c) a
payment in respect of untaken leave.
(2) A
declaration under paragraph (1) may only be made with the consent of the
Management Board and the Minister, after the Minister has consulted the
(3) A
declaration under paragraph (1) shall –
(a) define
the payment or allowance which is being declared pensionable;
(b) specify
the date from which it is to be effective;
(c) specify
whether or not the payment or allowance gives rise to added years of
pensionable service under Article 41;
(d) specify
whether or not any payment or allowance, received by a member or former member
before the effective date of the declaration, shall count towards the
computation of benefits payable under this Order; and
(e) subject
to paragraph (5), specify whether or not by virtue of the declaration a
former member shall be entitled to additional payments in respect of benefits
paid before the effective date of the declaration.
(4) Paragraph (5)
applies if in accordance with paragraph (3)(d) the employer’s
declaration under paragraph (1) specifies that the pensionable allowance
received by a member or former member before the effective date of the
declaration shall count towards the computation of benefits payable under this
(5) If
this paragraph applies –
(a) the
Actuary shall determine and advise the Management Board and the Minister of the
sum total for all members and former members of the value of the additional
benefits arising from the pensionable allowance paid before the effective date
of the declaration, including the value of any additional payments under paragraph (3)(e)
in respect of benefits;
(b) additional
employers’ contributions shall be payable and additional contributions
shall also be payable by those members or former members who receive improved
benefits as a result of the declaration;
(c) the
value of the additional contributions under sub-paragraph (b) shall be
equal to the value of the additional benefits arising as determined under sub-paragraph (a);
(d) the
additional contributions payable under sub-paragraph (b) may consist of –
(i) a
single cash payment to the scheme,
(ii) a
series of cash payments to the scheme over a period determined by the Minister,
on the advice of the Actuary, having regard to the additional benefits arising,
(iii) any
combination of payments described in clauses (i)
and (ii) that the Minister may determine in consultation with the employer and
the Management Board; and
(e) the
additional contributions payable under sub-paragraph (b) shall be made
without the need for an amendment to this Order.
(6) The
additional contributions referred to in paragraph (5)(b) shall be payable
by the persons referred to in that paragraph in the proportions that the
Minister, after consulting the employer and the Management Board, and having
regard to the advice of the Actuary, shall decide.
(7) If
by virtue of a declaration under paragraph (1) –
(a) a
former member is entitled to additional payments under paragraph (3)(e) in
respect of benefits;
(b) one
or more of the additional payments are delayed by more than one month after the
dates on which they are due; and
(c) the
delay is not the fault of the former member,
each additional payment
which is so delayed shall be increased with interest at the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Base Rate from the effective date of the
declaration (or from the date on which it was due to be paid, if that date is
later) up to and including the actual date of payment.
(8) Contributions
payable by a member under Article 11 –
(a) if
they are due before the effective date of the declaration of a pensionable
allowance under paragraph (1), shall be based on the member’s salary
excluding that pensionable allowance; and
(b) if
they are due on or after the effective date of the declaration of a pensionable
allowance under paragraph (1), shall be based on the member’s salary
including that pensionable allowance.
(9) Subject
to Article 39, contributions payable by employers under Article 14 –
(a) if
they are due before the effective date of the declaration of a pensionable
allowance under paragraph (1), shall be based on members’ salaries
excluding that pensionable allowance; and
(b) if
they are due on or after the effective date of the declaration of a pensionable
allowance under paragraph (1), shall be based on members’ salaries
including that pensionable allowance.
39 Adjustment
after declaration under Article 38
(1) At
the first review of the scheme carried out in accordance with Article 3(12)
of the Law or Article 16 of the Administration Order on or after the
effective date of a declaration under Article 38(1), the Actuary shall
make a calculation in accordance with paragraph (2).
(2) The
calculation shall be the adjustment (if any) to the employers’
contribution rate that may be required from the date of the review as a result
of the additional benefits arising from the pensionable allowances received by
members or former members on or after the effective date of the declaration.
(3) Any
proposals which the Minister submits to the States for disposing of the
surplus, or as the case may be, for making good the deficiency, shall take into account any adjustment to the employers’
contribution rate under paragraph (2).
(4) If –
(a) the
Management Board and the Minister have not agreed on proposals; or
(b) neither
a surplus nor a deficiency is disclosed,
the adjustment to the
employers’ contribution rate shall, after the further period of 3 months
to which Articles 18(8) and 19(5) of the Administration Order refer
has elapsed, be applied retrospectively from the date of the review without the
need for amendments to this Order.
40 Revocation
of pensionable allowance
(1) The
employer may revoke a declaration of a pensionable allowance under Article 38
by giving the Management Board and the Minister at least 6 months’
notice of the employer’s intention to do so.
(2) If
the Management Board receives notice of the intention to revoke a pensionable
allowance under paragraph (1) it shall determine a method of dealing
equitably with members’ past service
entitlements in respect of the pensionable allowance received before the
proposed date of revocation.
(3) The
Management Board shall make its determination under paragraph (2) in
consultation with the employer and the Minister and having regard to the advice
of the Actuary.
(4) If
the pensionable allowance gives rise to added years of pensionable service
under Article 41, the method to which paragraph (2) of this Article
refers may involve, amongst other things, the cancellation of part or all of
the added years of pensionable service credited under Article 41.
(5) If
the pensionable allowance does not give rise to added years of pensionable
service under Article 41, the method to which paragraph (2) of this
Article refers may involve, amongst other things, the provision of an
appropriate number of added years of pensionable service.
(6) The
number of added years of pensionable service determined under paragraph (5)
shall be deemed to be added years credited under Article 41 for the
purposes of this Order.
(7) The
effective date of revocation of a declaration of a pensionable allowance shall
be –
(a) 9 months
after the employer gives notice; or
(b) 3 months
after the Management Board has determined the method of dealing with members’ past service entitlements,
whichever is later.
41 Added
years in respect of a pensionable allowance
(1) If
a member or former member has received a pensionable allowance giving rise to
added years of pensionable service under this Article, the number of the added
years to be credited to the member shall be determined in accordance with this
(2) If
the employer has declared that the pensionable allowance received by the
individual concerned before the effective date of the declaration shall count
towards the computation of benefits, the number of added years of pensionable
service in respect of the period before the effective date shall be determined
by the employer.
(3) The
employer shall make his or her determination under paragraph (2), with the
consent of the Minister after the employer has consulted the Management Board
and the Actuary.
(4) For
each calendar year during which the individual concerned is a member, the
number of added years of pensionable service for the purposes of paragraph (2)
shall be determined in accordance with the formula
, where –
(a) “A”
is the number of days during the year when the individual was a member (excluding
any days before the effective date of the declaration and, if it has been
revoked, after the effective date of its revocation);
(b) “B”
is the total pensionable allowance giving rise to added years which was
received by the member during the year (excluding the pensionable allowance
received before the effective date of the declaration and, if it has been
revoked, after the effective date of its revocation); and
(c) subject
to paragraph (7), “C” is the total salary received by the
member during the year (excluding B and excluding any salary received before
the effective date of the declaration and, if it has been revoked, after the
effective date of its revocation).
(5) The
number of added years of pensionable service for the purposes of paragraph (2)
shall exclude the calendar years before the effective date of the declaration
and, if the declaration has been revoked, shall exclude the calendar years
after the effective date of revocation of the declaration.
(6) At
the time the member ceases to be a member of the scheme, the total number of
added years of pensionable service to be credited to the individual shall be
the sum of –
(a) the
added years determined under paragraph (4)(a); and
(b) the
added years determined in respect of each calendar year under paragraph (4)(b).
(7) In
the case of a member who was a part-time employee at any time during the year,
C shall be subject to an adjustment, determined by the Actuary after consulting
the employer, having regard, amongst other things, to the proportion of
full-time hours worked by the member.
(8) If –
(a) pensionable
service is to be enhanced under Article 18; and
(b) the
individual received, in the year immediately before the date on which the
individual ceased to be a member of the scheme, a pensionable allowance giving
rise to added years of pensionable service under this Article,
a further period of added
years shall be calculated in accordance with the formula in paragraph (9).
(9) The
formula shall be A x B, where –
(a) “A”
is the number of added years of pensionable service credited under this Article
in respect of the year immediately before the date the individual ceased to be
a member of the scheme; and
(b) “B”
is the relevant additional period in the Table in Article 18,
and, for the individual
concerned, the period so calculated shall be added to the relevant additional
period in that Table for the purpose of determining the enhancement of
pensionable service.
(10) If –
(a) there
is to be calculated under Article 18(3) or (9), 24(2) or 30(2) or (6) a
pension or period of pensionable service which would have applied to an
individual if the individual had continued in service until normal retiring
age; and
(b) the
individual had received, in the year immediately before the date the individual
ceased to be a member of the scheme, a pensionable allowance giving rise to
added years of pensionable service under this Article,
an assumption shall be made
in accordance with paragraph (11) for the purpose of the calculation.
(11) For
the purposes of paragraph (10), it shall be assumed that the number of
added years of pensionable service credited under this Article in respect of
the year immediately before the date on which the individual ceased to be a
member of the scheme would also have been credited in respect of each year
after the individual ceased to be a member, up to and including the date of the
individual’s normal retiring age.
(12) For
the purposes of paragraph (11), the credit in respect of a part year shall
count proportionately.
(13) A
member whose pensionable allowance or salary has, to the satisfaction of the
Management Board, been reduced or discontinued because of ill-health or injury
shall be deemed for the purpose of calculating added years under this Article
to have received the allowance or salary which the member would otherwise have
received (but for the reduction or discontinuance) as certified by the
Voluntary early retirement
42 Voluntary
early retirement
(1) The Minister, or an
employer with the consent of the Minister, may offer voluntary early retirement
to any member of the scheme.
(2) To be eligible for
voluntary early retirement a member shall –
(a) be
at least 55 years of age (unless the Minister in view of the special
circumstances of a particular case agrees to the inclusion of a member who is
under 55 years but at least 50 years of age);
(b) not
be eligible to retire and receive an immediate payment of a pension under any
Article of the scheme;
(c) have
volunteered to retire –
(i) in
consequence of the abolition of the member’s office,
(ii) in
order directly or indirectly to make possible the continued employment of
another member of staff whose office is to be abolished, or
(iii) in
the interests of efficiency, the Minister or the employer having certified that
the retirement is desirable for that purpose; and
(d) be
eligible for a deferred pension under Article 20.
(3) A member who takes
voluntary early retirement under this Article shall be entitled to receive a
benefit in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(4) A member who takes
voluntary early retirement under this Article shall –
(a) on
leaving employment on the agreed date; and
(b) until
the date on which a deferred pension becomes payable, or the date of the member’s
death if earlier,
receive from the fund a payment in accordance with paragraph (5).
(5) The annual rate of a
payment to which paragraph (4) relates shall be an amount that is equal to
the amount of the annual pension entitlement calculated under Article 22
as increased –
(a) to
take account of any additional credit for pensionable service granted by the
employer when agreeing that the member shall take voluntary early retirement;
(b) year
by year in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the Administration
Order as if it were a pension in payment.
(6) When a member to whom
this Article applies reaches the age at which the deferred pension becomes
payable –
(a) Articles 20,
33, 35 and 36 shall apply; and
(b) the
annual pension entitlement shall be increased to take account of any additional
credit for pensionable service granted by the employer and shall be increased
year by year in accordance with Article 23 of the Administration Order, as
mentioned in paragraph (5).
(7) If a deferred pensioner
to whom this Article applies dies before the date on which the deferred pension
becomes payable, Article 32 shall apply, the annual pension entitlement
being increased to take account of any additional credit for pensionable
service granted by the employer as mentioned in paragraph (5).
43 Certification
by Actuary of cost of voluntary retirement
(1) The Actuary shall once
a year certify to the Management Board the additional cost to the scheme of the
operation of Article 42.
(2) The Actuary shall
calculate the additional cost to the scheme of the operation of Article 42
as the difference between –
(a) the
value of the actual benefits granted in respect of each member to whom this
Article applies; and
(b) the
value of the accrued liabilities in respect of that member.
(3) The calculation shall
be on the basis that the member, if the member survived, would have retired on
pension at the age of 61.5 years or the member’s normal retiring age
(whichever is the lesser age).
(4) The calculation shall –
(a) ignore
any additional credit for pensionable service granted by the employer as
mentioned in Article 42(6)(b); and
(b) take into account, amongst other things, projected increases
in the member’s salary up to the date of retirement (or earlier death)
and pensionable service completed at the date of leaving service.
(5) The Management Board
shall notify an employer of the whole of the additional cost certified by the
Actuary in accordance with this Article in relation to a member who was an
employee of the employer.
(6) An employer shall, on
notification by the Management Board under paragraph (5), pay into the
fund the whole of the additional cost certified by the Actuary in accordance
with this Article.
Other matters
44 Bankruptcy
and non-assignment of benefits
(1) If a member becomes en désastre or bankrupt
or does or attempts to do any act or thing not permitted by this Order, whereby
the member during the member’s lifetime, or the member’s personal
representatives after the member’s death, shall be divested of the
member’s interest, or any part of the member’s interest, in the
benefits of the scheme, paragraph (2) applies.
(2) If this paragraph
applies –
(a) all
rights and benefits defined by this Order in respect of the member shall vest
in the Management Board; and
(b) all
amounts which would otherwise be due to the member shall be applied for the
benefit of the member and the member’s dependants.
(3) No payment under paragraph (2)
by the Management Board shall be made directly or indirectly to or for the
benefit of any assignee.
45 Part-time
(1) Despite any other
provision of this Order, in the case of a member who is or has at any time been
a part-time employee, the final pensionable salary, average salary and
pensionable service of the employee shall be determined by the Actuary after
consulting the employer.
(2) In making
a determination under paragraph (1), the Actuary shall have regard
to, amongst other things –
(a) the
contributions paid by and in respect of the member;
(b) the
salary paid to the member whilst a part-time employee; and
(c) the
proportion of full-time hours worked by the member.
46 Persons
incapable of acting
(1) This
paragraph applies to a person –
(a) who
is a member, deferred pensioner or pensioner to whom a benefit is payable under
this Order by virtue of his or her participation in the scheme; and
(b) who
is, in the opinion of the Management Board, suffering from any physical or
other incapacity rendering him or her unable to manage his or her affairs or to
give a proper receipt of a benefit.
(2) If
paragraph (1) applies to a person, the Management Board may, for the
purpose of enabling to be applied for the person’s benefit the benefit
payable to the person, pay the benefit, at the Management Board’s
discretion, to any of the person’s relatives or dependants or to any
(3) If
a person or institution receives a benefit under paragraph (2) the
Management Board shall be completely discharged for the benefit paid and shall
be under no liability to see to the application of the benefit.
47 Production
of evidence and information
(1) A
member shall be bound to produce the evidence and information, satisfactory to
the Management Board, relating to age, marriage, civil partnership, health or
otherwise that it may require for the purposes of the scheme.[50]
(2) The
Management Board may make –
(a) membership
of the scheme; and
(b) the
payment of benefit under the scheme to any person,
conditional upon production
by that person of the evidence or information that the Management Board may
reasonably require.
(3) If
any sum is payable to an executor or administrator there shall first be
produced to the Management Board proof that the person is the executor or
(4) If
there is no executor or administrator, and any sums payable by the Management
Board to an executor or administrator are not more than a total of £5,000
(or a higher amount that the Minister for Treasury and Resources may, by
instrument in writing, direct) the Management Board may pay the sum to the
person whom it is satisfied is entitled to be the executor or administrator.
(5) A
receipt given by a person to whom a sum of money is paid under paragraph (4)
shall be a valid discharge as though it had been given by the executor or
48 Citation
This Order may be cited as the Teachers’ Superannuation (New
Members) (Jersey) Order 2007.